Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wandering Souls ❯ Chance Meetings ( Chapter 9 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Ch 8 Chance Meeting
In the busy afternoon, no one paid much attention to the teenager running to some unknown destination. The few who did pay attention, merely thought that he was just another ruffian, up to no good. None suspected that Reizo was another scout in the gang war that has been rumored to have started between old rivals. None of the passerby's would have guess that Reizo had vital information concerning the location of seven missing members of Menboku Yaiba.
Glancing over his shoulder, Reizo still was not convinced that there were no rival forces following him. Quite often his caution borders on paranoia, however, that trait makes him an ideal street contact. While many of the gangs have approached him for information, Reizo is quite picky of whom he encounters. By the nature of the business, a contact has two choices about his 'contactees'.
One, he can be an 'open' contact. He (or she) can do business with any of the street gangs for the right price. This allows a contact a large base of business and grants him a measure of protection. A good contact is valued, even if he is also giving information to a rival gang. Such a contact is unlikely to get killed---as long as he continues to get the valued information. Once they run out of information though, they are fair game. Another drawback is morals. One can not hold high morals when dealing with gangs that participates in gang rapes (such as the Supaida no Yoru) or in brutal and often murderous muggings (such as the Aka Doragon).
The second choice is to be a 'private' contact. He or she decides to contact one gang. With a private contact, such work is done with even greater secrecy than an open contact. After all, a private contact is quite literally a spy for his gang. As such, they have only the protection of that one gang. If his status as an informant is learned, other gangs are quick to make him a walking target. Although the risk is high, many contacts do prefer to be privates; that way they can afford to deal with gangs that have similar interests and morals (or a lack thereof) as he. That is what has Reizo acting even more paranoid than usual. As a private contact to one specific gang that is in a gang war, one cannot afford to be trusting. Reizo had ran trough the business center of town, he knew that it's a good area to loose trails in the crowd. Now he ran through the oldest abandoned area in town. He slowed down at the old courthouse, looking for any trace that he was followed as he panted. It took five minutes of creeping through the building before he was satisfied that he wasn't followed. Reizo then proceeded to another of the abandoned buildings when he heard a familiar laugh. With a quick scan, he soon saw his boss over across the lot. Reizo noticed the four with him. They were suspicious characters, the only one he knew by name used to be the biggest and only true rival his boss ever had. Shortly after the punk had a near death experience, the two became friendly. Then the other three came along.
"Hey Boss!" Reizo called out before he got too close, catching their attention. He waited until his employer walked away from the other four and motioned him to continue. "We got trouble! Those butt wipes suspect we're on the move and are going to move out. If you want to hit them, we have to move up the attack to tonight!"
`````````````````A short time earlier`````````````````````````````````````
Three shadowed figures watched as a fourth placed two fingers of each hand to his temples. The others were more familiar with the 'physical' aspect of spirit energies. As such, they were --perturbed-- when this teammate displayed this side of his psychic abilities. Spirit energies, either reiki or youki,usually manifests in some noticeable manner; a visible blast of rei energy, wind, fire, or even a physical weapon that's being manipulated would show signs of the energy infusing it. Unlike spirit awareness, also called true psychic powers, or psionics, which there are almost no actual physical clues to the energies. Only secondary clues give away that spirit awareness, such as a table moving by itself. Or a person touching his forehead maymean that he's using telepathy or mentally scanning the area, or it could mean that person has a headache. A person may say that this invisible person just gave them some information; it could be a ghost, or it could be that the person is a mental patient. With spirit awareness, it's hard to recognize it if you don't have it. And the stronger the awareness the more elusive it is.
"What was that?" One of them asked, as he looked around. "I feel like someone's watching us. Damn it! I can't figure out where it's coming from!"
"Yes, it seems that it's all around us. As if it is everywhere, yet in no specific location." Another spoke, sending a glance over at his shorter ally.
With a swift tug at his headband, he looked around the area. In less than a minute, he located the source of the peculiar sensations. All three eyes stared at the fourth member of this eccentric group. "It's Kuwabara, that is what gotten you all nervous, Yusuke." One could hear the smirk when Hiei spoke.
Yusuke sent an incredulous look to the only human of the team. "No way! How could he cause this--this--shit, I can't even describe it!" He shuddered as he tried to think of a way to describe what is being felt, sense by all present.
"It's as if there are countless eyes watching us, yet it is one entity." Kurama spoke as he kept his attention on Kuwabara. "Hiei, are you saying that this is Kuwabara-kun's reikan that we are sensing?"
Hiei glances at Kurama then resumed watching Kuwabara using his Jagan eye. "Genkai first told Yusuke, then us, that Kuwabara has an immense reikan. It's actually greater than Genkai's." Pausing for a moment as Yusuke sputtered, Hiei smirked. "It's true 'detective'. Genkai's own words were "Kuwabara has an unparalleled reikan". The difference between them is that the hag has years of experience to tame hers, while the clown here is untamed, his reikan is like a forest fire, out of control most of the time. His best control over it is to suppress it so that others take little notice of it. He can hide his reikan as well as a strong demon can hide its youkai." Closing his eyes, Hiei replaces his headband.
As Yusuke and Kurama looked towards Kuwabara, they noticed that he was no longer standing still but moving quickly to a corner in the abandoned lot. With a quick motion, Kuwabara grabbed something from under the steps. "I don't believe this!" He cried in dismay. "Botan! Tell Koenma to get his facts straight!"
The others ran over curiously. Botan appeared and drifted down on her oar to see what was the matter. All four peered at what Kuwabara held with one hand.
"What the hell? You mean thisis the vicious demon Koenma said that couldn't wait until morning!" While yelling, Yusuke began to poke a finger at the demon.
Even Kurama had a difficult time believing it. "Do you mean that the elusive demon that has killed a score of ningens is this?"
"This is the demon that is so difficult to catch that Kuwabara had to use the full extent of his reikan?" Hiei's annoyance was greater than ever before. "You mean to tell me that this is the demon that evaded my Jagan eye!"
"This guy's smaller that the perp that possessed that thug in the beginning!" Yusuke was quite annoyed that that he was called out of a nice cozy bed at two in the morning to catch a 'vicious' demon that turns out to be barely three inches tall. Wagging a finger that the nagging detective, Botan began to lecture him on his duties."Really Yusuke,you so need to get your priorities straightened out! And you all should know that size is not a sign of power." Producing a cage, Botan went over to Kuwabara so he could put the speedy demon inside. "Take this guy..."
"I'd rather not." Yusuke's mumbling briefly interrupted Botan.
Expecting this sort of comment, she ignored him. "His size and speed are two reasons he's been difficult to capture. Another is his ability to posses people. He may be small but he's responsible for killing twenty-six ningens."
This time she was interrupted by Yusuke's yelp of pain and Kuwabara's laughter. "Ha ha ha! Serves you right, Urameshi! You shouldn't have poked it for so long. You were begging to get bit! Ha ha ha!"
Yusuke pulled back a fist, ready to pound Kuwabara when a voice called attention to a newcomer. "Hey Boss!" Botan quickly hid the cage , since the ningen had already seen her, there was no point in pulling that trick where the living couldn't see her. She would have to wait to leave.
Kurama and Hiei looked for the tale-tale image of a katana with the kanji writing for honor on it's blade, the emblem that is the symbol for the Menboku Yaiba. However, this new comer did not have the symbol nor the blue and white colors associated with that gang. However, it seems that he is part of Kuwabara's gang, since their tall teammate walked straight over to the newcomer. Kurama's eyes shone with interest. "We were talking earlier about how we don't know how many are in Kuwabara-kun's gang, Hiei. Just as I suspected, this is a spy for him."
'Hn." Just Kurama had done, Hiei also listened in on as the unknown youth told Kuwabara that they need to move up an attack.
Yusuke watched as Kuwabara talked to Reizo off to the side. "Ya know, I was actually surprised that Kuwabara came with us tonight." Yusuke rubbed the back of his head as Kurama raised an eyebrow, asking for him to elaborate. "Well, he's been really busy with this gang war. Okubo, Sawamura and Kirishima ..." Yusuke voice faltered as their faces drifted to the surface of his memory. It disturbed him when he learned of their deaths. "Those guys were really close, looking up to Kuwabara. I sometimes think that the only reason that I became his friend was the fact that he couldn't talk to them about our adventures as Spirit Detectives. They knew he had some reikan, some psychic powers, but not how big it is. And they knew nothing about his reiki."
With a side-ways glance, Hiei addressed Yusuke. "You joked about Kuwabara agreeing to this mission because Koenma said that he was necessary. Tell me, what is Kuwabara's real reason for diverting his attention while his group are still at war? Do you even know?"
Yusuke opened his mouth to answer but Kuwabara interrupted him. "I would hope that Urameshi can figure that one out, Hiei." The others looked around to where the other guy went. "Reizo is gone, so it's okay Botan. You don't have to hide that cage. Now would be a good time to leave and deliver that pesky demon to Reikai. While you're there, tell Koenma that I won't be available for the rest of the night." As Botan summoned her oar with a chirpy 'Right!', Kuwabara changed his mind. "On second thought, tell him that I'll be busy for the next few days."
As Botan disappeared, Kuwabara faced the others. "Well, my base is in the area. None of you have been by since we cleaned it up. Come on, I'll explain there."
"Hey, why can't you talk here?" Yusuke asked in a somewhat casual tone, before whining. "I really want to go back to sleep!"
"I need to get my people ready, Urameshi. In case you didn't eavesdrop like Hiei and Kurama, that contact just let me know that I have to move up my attack before the losers move." Kuwabara saw that Yusuke looked at Kurama for a sign that what was said is true. "If you really want to know why I'm still going on missions while my gang is fighting in a gang war, then follow me. I'll talk after I reveal the news that Reizo just told me to my gang. They're already filtering in and waiting. " He didn't need to hear the nearly silent shuffle of feet, or look over his shoulder to see that they were indeed following him as he went into the building.
In the weeks that have passed since the disastrous attack on their headquarters. the Menboku Yaiba have repaired it quickly. To all passerby's the building looks solid enough, all the dark windows have been replaced. They would not guess that two rival gangs raided it not even a month ago. A raid that ended with ten hostages taken, and twelve others seriously wounded. Since then, four have died under this roof due to those injuries. So far they know that at least three of the hostages have been killed.
"How about the other seven?" " Are they still alive?" " Are they being tortured or starved?"
These types of questions have been plaguing the Menboku Yaiba this entire time. In the past two days since their leader found the location of where they are being held, there has been a flurry of activity. Maps of the building and surrounding area had to be found, to find the best places for a quick entrance and exit. Supplies were gathered, for the actual fight and for the wounded that sure happen. Plans were made, evaluated for effectiveness, scraped and redone. No one wanted any chances left to fate as they attempted to rescue their friends. "You guys wait here." The three other members of the Team Urameshi watched as Kuwabara walked to a balcony. Below they could see members of the Menboku Yaiba coming in. It was if someone had told everyone that there was an impromptu meeting. "But how did they know there was a sudden meeting? He never left our side and it's been only ten minutes since Kuwabara learned the news himself!" Yusuke wondered as he watched Kuwabara address his gang. Looking over the crowd, they saw that their numbers were greater than they once thought. There were about forty to fifty people down on the floor, waiting for Kuwabara to speak of why they were called. And more continued to come in.
"I was contacted and told that the Aka Doragon are planning on moving out of the old butcher shop they've been using to hold our captive teammates in the morning." Kuwabara paused for the cries of dismay to stop. "We've put too much time planning for this building, we will notwait until they are moved again. We may not have all the supplies that I wanted but we still the advantage of knowing the battlefield. If they move the hostages, we loose that. That is why the attack is going to happen tonight. Everyone knows where to be, what to do, so get ready. WE MOVE OUT IN ONE HOUR!"
As Kuwabara turned to face the three detectives, Hiei regarded him. "Do you realize that your enemy would be expecting this attack? You will not have the element of surprise."
He stayed quiet for a few moments as they walked to a cabinet and chairs that were on the far left of the balcony. "The element of surprise is only good if I know where to attack. So that was lost once they decided to leave the current spot. I do have the advantage of knowing the terrain where they are currently are. I would loose that second advantage if they are moved. Before you or Kurama ask, yes, I realize that this could be a set up. It's a risk that I will have to take. It took nearly a month to find out where my men are. I won't wait for another chance, it may not come." Kuwabara offered drinks to them as they sat down. Well Kuwabara and Kurama sat, Hiei leaned against the wall. Yusuke leaned over the railing avidly watching the Menboku Yaiba prepare. Both Hiei and Kurama were watching as well, they were being a bit more discrete though. "The reason that I still go on some of the missions is to keep in contact. If I am still working for Koenma, then I can still get information about this gang war from Koenma. Remember, the favor I called in was that I want all info on this war. If I am still helping out on the team, then I still am in an good standing with Koenma. Does that clear things up?"
In a short time, there were three standing on a balcony as the fourth led one force out on the streets. They watched as the gang members filed out. In the throng, they saw that there more than just teenagers in the gang. There were some that looked in their twenties. In the the second, smaller group that stayed behind, there were some young kids ranging from pre-adolescence to as young as three babies in diapers. Most were busy in preparing bandages for when the others return. There was two eight or nine year olds helping a teenager with the said babies. A young, sturdy looking man watched over four toddlers. As he turned around they saw why this man wasn't part of the attack force. His right leg was missing.
"Kuwabara's gang is bigger and better established than I thought." Kurama mused as he took in the facts that pointed out that this wasn't some small-time organization. "For this gang to have various age groups and to find a niche for the disabled members, this is a long time organization."
"So you noticed that too,fox." Hiei stood still as his eyes wandered over the activity below. "What I want to know is how the hell did Kuwabara become the leader of it."
"I talked to Kuwabara two days ago. He confirmed that he was raised by this gang, well more like the previous leader, Akima by name, raised him. It seems that Akima also groomed him for the leadership."
Yusuke yawned as he settled down on the couch. "It's an old gang all right. The Menboku Yaiba and Aka Doragon were first organized fifty years ago. It's the Supaida no Yoru that are seen as newcomers. They been around for only ten years."
Before they could ask Yusuke any questions, a light snoring could be heard coming from the couch.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------AN= I know that 'contactee' is not word, it's how Reizo refers to the people he does his business with. Since he's the contact, the ones that meet with him are the contactees.
"This guy's smaller that the perp that possessed that thug in the beginning!"- Yusuke is referring to the first case he stumbled on, he caught the oh about 6 inch tall demon before Botan could give hime the case.
The scene with the tiny demon was loosely inspired by a scene from Buffy:the Vampire Slayer TV series. There was one episode where the Scooby gang was trying to stop a demon from opening a portal to the mortal world. They failed in that, it got through, however as one of the gang held the tiny demon in a hand, Giles and Willow (i think) looked in the book that described it, under the picture it said= Actual size XD
In the busy afternoon, no one paid much attention to the teenager running to some unknown destination. The few who did pay attention, merely thought that he was just another ruffian, up to no good. None suspected that Reizo was another scout in the gang war that has been rumored to have started between old rivals. None of the passerby's would have guess that Reizo had vital information concerning the location of seven missing members of Menboku Yaiba.
Glancing over his shoulder, Reizo still was not convinced that there were no rival forces following him. Quite often his caution borders on paranoia, however, that trait makes him an ideal street contact. While many of the gangs have approached him for information, Reizo is quite picky of whom he encounters. By the nature of the business, a contact has two choices about his 'contactees'.
One, he can be an 'open' contact. He (or she) can do business with any of the street gangs for the right price. This allows a contact a large base of business and grants him a measure of protection. A good contact is valued, even if he is also giving information to a rival gang. Such a contact is unlikely to get killed---as long as he continues to get the valued information. Once they run out of information though, they are fair game. Another drawback is morals. One can not hold high morals when dealing with gangs that participates in gang rapes (such as the Supaida no Yoru) or in brutal and often murderous muggings (such as the Aka Doragon).
The second choice is to be a 'private' contact. He or she decides to contact one gang. With a private contact, such work is done with even greater secrecy than an open contact. After all, a private contact is quite literally a spy for his gang. As such, they have only the protection of that one gang. If his status as an informant is learned, other gangs are quick to make him a walking target. Although the risk is high, many contacts do prefer to be privates; that way they can afford to deal with gangs that have similar interests and morals (or a lack thereof) as he. That is what has Reizo acting even more paranoid than usual. As a private contact to one specific gang that is in a gang war, one cannot afford to be trusting. Reizo had ran trough the business center of town, he knew that it's a good area to loose trails in the crowd. Now he ran through the oldest abandoned area in town. He slowed down at the old courthouse, looking for any trace that he was followed as he panted. It took five minutes of creeping through the building before he was satisfied that he wasn't followed. Reizo then proceeded to another of the abandoned buildings when he heard a familiar laugh. With a quick scan, he soon saw his boss over across the lot. Reizo noticed the four with him. They were suspicious characters, the only one he knew by name used to be the biggest and only true rival his boss ever had. Shortly after the punk had a near death experience, the two became friendly. Then the other three came along.
"Hey Boss!" Reizo called out before he got too close, catching their attention. He waited until his employer walked away from the other four and motioned him to continue. "We got trouble! Those butt wipes suspect we're on the move and are going to move out. If you want to hit them, we have to move up the attack to tonight!"
`````````````````A short time earlier`````````````````````````````````````
Three shadowed figures watched as a fourth placed two fingers of each hand to his temples. The others were more familiar with the 'physical' aspect of spirit energies. As such, they were --perturbed-- when this teammate displayed this side of his psychic abilities. Spirit energies, either reiki or youki,usually manifests in some noticeable manner; a visible blast of rei energy, wind, fire, or even a physical weapon that's being manipulated would show signs of the energy infusing it. Unlike spirit awareness, also called true psychic powers, or psionics, which there are almost no actual physical clues to the energies. Only secondary clues give away that spirit awareness, such as a table moving by itself. Or a person touching his forehead maymean that he's using telepathy or mentally scanning the area, or it could mean that person has a headache. A person may say that this invisible person just gave them some information; it could be a ghost, or it could be that the person is a mental patient. With spirit awareness, it's hard to recognize it if you don't have it. And the stronger the awareness the more elusive it is.
"What was that?" One of them asked, as he looked around. "I feel like someone's watching us. Damn it! I can't figure out where it's coming from!"
"Yes, it seems that it's all around us. As if it is everywhere, yet in no specific location." Another spoke, sending a glance over at his shorter ally.
With a swift tug at his headband, he looked around the area. In less than a minute, he located the source of the peculiar sensations. All three eyes stared at the fourth member of this eccentric group. "It's Kuwabara, that is what gotten you all nervous, Yusuke." One could hear the smirk when Hiei spoke.
Yusuke sent an incredulous look to the only human of the team. "No way! How could he cause this--this--shit, I can't even describe it!" He shuddered as he tried to think of a way to describe what is being felt, sense by all present.
"It's as if there are countless eyes watching us, yet it is one entity." Kurama spoke as he kept his attention on Kuwabara. "Hiei, are you saying that this is Kuwabara-kun's reikan that we are sensing?"
Hiei glances at Kurama then resumed watching Kuwabara using his Jagan eye. "Genkai first told Yusuke, then us, that Kuwabara has an immense reikan. It's actually greater than Genkai's." Pausing for a moment as Yusuke sputtered, Hiei smirked. "It's true 'detective'. Genkai's own words were "Kuwabara has an unparalleled reikan". The difference between them is that the hag has years of experience to tame hers, while the clown here is untamed, his reikan is like a forest fire, out of control most of the time. His best control over it is to suppress it so that others take little notice of it. He can hide his reikan as well as a strong demon can hide its youkai." Closing his eyes, Hiei replaces his headband.
As Yusuke and Kurama looked towards Kuwabara, they noticed that he was no longer standing still but moving quickly to a corner in the abandoned lot. With a quick motion, Kuwabara grabbed something from under the steps. "I don't believe this!" He cried in dismay. "Botan! Tell Koenma to get his facts straight!"
The others ran over curiously. Botan appeared and drifted down on her oar to see what was the matter. All four peered at what Kuwabara held with one hand.
"What the hell? You mean thisis the vicious demon Koenma said that couldn't wait until morning!" While yelling, Yusuke began to poke a finger at the demon.
Even Kurama had a difficult time believing it. "Do you mean that the elusive demon that has killed a score of ningens is this?"
"This is the demon that is so difficult to catch that Kuwabara had to use the full extent of his reikan?" Hiei's annoyance was greater than ever before. "You mean to tell me that this is the demon that evaded my Jagan eye!"
"This guy's smaller that the perp that possessed that thug in the beginning!" Yusuke was quite annoyed that that he was called out of a nice cozy bed at two in the morning to catch a 'vicious' demon that turns out to be barely three inches tall. Wagging a finger that the nagging detective, Botan began to lecture him on his duties."Really Yusuke,you so need to get your priorities straightened out! And you all should know that size is not a sign of power." Producing a cage, Botan went over to Kuwabara so he could put the speedy demon inside. "Take this guy..."
"I'd rather not." Yusuke's mumbling briefly interrupted Botan.
Expecting this sort of comment, she ignored him. "His size and speed are two reasons he's been difficult to capture. Another is his ability to posses people. He may be small but he's responsible for killing twenty-six ningens."
This time she was interrupted by Yusuke's yelp of pain and Kuwabara's laughter. "Ha ha ha! Serves you right, Urameshi! You shouldn't have poked it for so long. You were begging to get bit! Ha ha ha!"
Yusuke pulled back a fist, ready to pound Kuwabara when a voice called attention to a newcomer. "Hey Boss!" Botan quickly hid the cage , since the ningen had already seen her, there was no point in pulling that trick where the living couldn't see her. She would have to wait to leave.
Kurama and Hiei looked for the tale-tale image of a katana with the kanji writing for honor on it's blade, the emblem that is the symbol for the Menboku Yaiba. However, this new comer did not have the symbol nor the blue and white colors associated with that gang. However, it seems that he is part of Kuwabara's gang, since their tall teammate walked straight over to the newcomer. Kurama's eyes shone with interest. "We were talking earlier about how we don't know how many are in Kuwabara-kun's gang, Hiei. Just as I suspected, this is a spy for him."
'Hn." Just Kurama had done, Hiei also listened in on as the unknown youth told Kuwabara that they need to move up an attack.
Yusuke watched as Kuwabara talked to Reizo off to the side. "Ya know, I was actually surprised that Kuwabara came with us tonight." Yusuke rubbed the back of his head as Kurama raised an eyebrow, asking for him to elaborate. "Well, he's been really busy with this gang war. Okubo, Sawamura and Kirishima ..." Yusuke voice faltered as their faces drifted to the surface of his memory. It disturbed him when he learned of their deaths. "Those guys were really close, looking up to Kuwabara. I sometimes think that the only reason that I became his friend was the fact that he couldn't talk to them about our adventures as Spirit Detectives. They knew he had some reikan, some psychic powers, but not how big it is. And they knew nothing about his reiki."
With a side-ways glance, Hiei addressed Yusuke. "You joked about Kuwabara agreeing to this mission because Koenma said that he was necessary. Tell me, what is Kuwabara's real reason for diverting his attention while his group are still at war? Do you even know?"
Yusuke opened his mouth to answer but Kuwabara interrupted him. "I would hope that Urameshi can figure that one out, Hiei." The others looked around to where the other guy went. "Reizo is gone, so it's okay Botan. You don't have to hide that cage. Now would be a good time to leave and deliver that pesky demon to Reikai. While you're there, tell Koenma that I won't be available for the rest of the night." As Botan summoned her oar with a chirpy 'Right!', Kuwabara changed his mind. "On second thought, tell him that I'll be busy for the next few days."
As Botan disappeared, Kuwabara faced the others. "Well, my base is in the area. None of you have been by since we cleaned it up. Come on, I'll explain there."
"Hey, why can't you talk here?" Yusuke asked in a somewhat casual tone, before whining. "I really want to go back to sleep!"
"I need to get my people ready, Urameshi. In case you didn't eavesdrop like Hiei and Kurama, that contact just let me know that I have to move up my attack before the losers move." Kuwabara saw that Yusuke looked at Kurama for a sign that what was said is true. "If you really want to know why I'm still going on missions while my gang is fighting in a gang war, then follow me. I'll talk after I reveal the news that Reizo just told me to my gang. They're already filtering in and waiting. " He didn't need to hear the nearly silent shuffle of feet, or look over his shoulder to see that they were indeed following him as he went into the building.
In the weeks that have passed since the disastrous attack on their headquarters. the Menboku Yaiba have repaired it quickly. To all passerby's the building looks solid enough, all the dark windows have been replaced. They would not guess that two rival gangs raided it not even a month ago. A raid that ended with ten hostages taken, and twelve others seriously wounded. Since then, four have died under this roof due to those injuries. So far they know that at least three of the hostages have been killed.
"How about the other seven?" " Are they still alive?" " Are they being tortured or starved?"
These types of questions have been plaguing the Menboku Yaiba this entire time. In the past two days since their leader found the location of where they are being held, there has been a flurry of activity. Maps of the building and surrounding area had to be found, to find the best places for a quick entrance and exit. Supplies were gathered, for the actual fight and for the wounded that sure happen. Plans were made, evaluated for effectiveness, scraped and redone. No one wanted any chances left to fate as they attempted to rescue their friends. "You guys wait here." The three other members of the Team Urameshi watched as Kuwabara walked to a balcony. Below they could see members of the Menboku Yaiba coming in. It was if someone had told everyone that there was an impromptu meeting. "But how did they know there was a sudden meeting? He never left our side and it's been only ten minutes since Kuwabara learned the news himself!" Yusuke wondered as he watched Kuwabara address his gang. Looking over the crowd, they saw that their numbers were greater than they once thought. There were about forty to fifty people down on the floor, waiting for Kuwabara to speak of why they were called. And more continued to come in.
"I was contacted and told that the Aka Doragon are planning on moving out of the old butcher shop they've been using to hold our captive teammates in the morning." Kuwabara paused for the cries of dismay to stop. "We've put too much time planning for this building, we will notwait until they are moved again. We may not have all the supplies that I wanted but we still the advantage of knowing the battlefield. If they move the hostages, we loose that. That is why the attack is going to happen tonight. Everyone knows where to be, what to do, so get ready. WE MOVE OUT IN ONE HOUR!"
As Kuwabara turned to face the three detectives, Hiei regarded him. "Do you realize that your enemy would be expecting this attack? You will not have the element of surprise."
He stayed quiet for a few moments as they walked to a cabinet and chairs that were on the far left of the balcony. "The element of surprise is only good if I know where to attack. So that was lost once they decided to leave the current spot. I do have the advantage of knowing the terrain where they are currently are. I would loose that second advantage if they are moved. Before you or Kurama ask, yes, I realize that this could be a set up. It's a risk that I will have to take. It took nearly a month to find out where my men are. I won't wait for another chance, it may not come." Kuwabara offered drinks to them as they sat down. Well Kuwabara and Kurama sat, Hiei leaned against the wall. Yusuke leaned over the railing avidly watching the Menboku Yaiba prepare. Both Hiei and Kurama were watching as well, they were being a bit more discrete though. "The reason that I still go on some of the missions is to keep in contact. If I am still working for Koenma, then I can still get information about this gang war from Koenma. Remember, the favor I called in was that I want all info on this war. If I am still helping out on the team, then I still am in an good standing with Koenma. Does that clear things up?"
In a short time, there were three standing on a balcony as the fourth led one force out on the streets. They watched as the gang members filed out. In the throng, they saw that there more than just teenagers in the gang. There were some that looked in their twenties. In the the second, smaller group that stayed behind, there were some young kids ranging from pre-adolescence to as young as three babies in diapers. Most were busy in preparing bandages for when the others return. There was two eight or nine year olds helping a teenager with the said babies. A young, sturdy looking man watched over four toddlers. As he turned around they saw why this man wasn't part of the attack force. His right leg was missing.
"Kuwabara's gang is bigger and better established than I thought." Kurama mused as he took in the facts that pointed out that this wasn't some small-time organization. "For this gang to have various age groups and to find a niche for the disabled members, this is a long time organization."
"So you noticed that too,fox." Hiei stood still as his eyes wandered over the activity below. "What I want to know is how the hell did Kuwabara become the leader of it."
"I talked to Kuwabara two days ago. He confirmed that he was raised by this gang, well more like the previous leader, Akima by name, raised him. It seems that Akima also groomed him for the leadership."
Yusuke yawned as he settled down on the couch. "It's an old gang all right. The Menboku Yaiba and Aka Doragon were first organized fifty years ago. It's the Supaida no Yoru that are seen as newcomers. They been around for only ten years."
Before they could ask Yusuke any questions, a light snoring could be heard coming from the couch.
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"This guy's smaller that the perp that possessed that thug in the beginning!"- Yusuke is referring to the first case he stumbled on, he caught the oh about 6 inch tall demon before Botan could give hime the case.
The scene with the tiny demon was loosely inspired by a scene from Buffy:the Vampire Slayer TV series. There was one episode where the Scooby gang was trying to stop a demon from opening a portal to the mortal world. They failed in that, it got through, however as one of the gang held the tiny demon in a hand, Giles and Willow (i think) looked in the book that described it, under the picture it said= Actual size XD