Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ We Are Together ❯ We Are Together ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

We Are Together by Otaku Hoshi

He stares at me

I stare at him

He loves me

And I love him

I'm with him

And he's with me

Through the day

Through the night

Good days and bad

Lonely nights or with one another

We are together

Just him and me

Just me and him

We are one forevermore

We are not the same as we once were

I am him and he is me

We can go anywhere in the galaxy

Where ever he is

Where ever I am

We are together

People may look and stare

Some may even glare

But no matter what the love that we share

Cannot be denied

I stare at the moon on this dark night

He is beside me, looking quite bright

He wants me and I want him

We are together
