Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ We'll Never Know... ❯ Why Would Hiei... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

We'll Never Know Chapter One: Why would Hiei…

"Rei-Gan!" Yusuke shouted. It hit a mountain, which collapsed. He had tremendous power since Genkai had given him her spirit orb. The Ankoku Bujutsukai had recently ended. He was thinking about Toguro and his power. Toguro was strong, but not strong enough for Yusuke! Yusuke was so proud of himself. He was too sad over Genkai's death to be before, but since she had come back to life, he was cheerful again. He now had time to praise himself for that fight. He was thinking hard. He wanted to become even stronger, so he could beat any demon that came in his way. "Rei-Gan!" He shouted again. Nothing happened. Oh well, Yusuke thought, I probably just wore out my strength. I did already shoot three shots… Though usually I can shoot up to about five, now. Yusuke headed on home.

Yusuke was just walking, and actually paying attention to where he was going. He crossed fields, and rivers, back to the city. He got there, and kept walking, and he was starting to feel a little tired. Who wouldn't after all that work and walking? He crossed a road, almost home. He all of a sudden heard a BEEP BEEP! Noise from the street. It was a horn, and it blew a lot. He heard the car swerve, and it hit a streetlight. The light fell over, crushing a lot of cars on the road. Yusuke turned, fast, to see what had happened. He saw what he had heard, the car hitting the light, the light on top some cars, and people were getting out of the cars. Some kids, too. Some of the people were crying. Nobody seemed to be hurt. Except for one person. It was a boy, and he had been in the road, it seemed. Not in one of the cars. He was lying there on the street. Yusuke knew that boy. Short, wearing all black, with spiky hair, IT WAS HIEI!!!! Yusuke ran over to him, as did many police officers who had just arrived, with an ambulance. "Oh no…" Yusuke said. He remembered when he had died. Gotten hit by a car. "OH NO!" He shouted again. "DAMMIT! HOW COULD HIEI HAVE GOTTEN HIT BY A CAR?!?!?!" The police shoved Yusuke out of the way.

"He seems to be alive," One of them said. "Just passed out. He probably ran out in the street. Stupid boy. He is lucky is not dead."

Since Yusuke looked so worried, even more than the people around looking to see what had happened, the police officer who had said that said to Yusuke, "Do you know him?"

"Yes," Yusuke replied.

"Alright, tell his parents he is in the hospital."

"I thought you said he was just passed out!" Yusuke yelled.

"He is. But we still need to check for brain damage. But, you please help the other officers getting his body in the ambulance. I need to ask the driver about some things, he seems fine."

The officer went to the driver, as he said he would. Yusuke did not help. He just snuck into the back of the ambulance. He felt a lurch, and he knew that the ambulance had started moving. He felt the vehicle just keep rolling along the roads, and felt a sudden halt, and the sounds of doors opening. He knew that they were now at the hospital. He got out, quickly so nobody noticed him. He followed the doctors to where they were putting Hiei, and watched what they did through the window. Yusuke fell asleep pretty darn soon. Boring watching stupid doctors, that it was.

A few hours later, he was awakened by a scream. It was coming from the room Hiei was in. But, it sounded like Hiei was screaming, not one of the doctors. All right, if the doctors had just hurt Hiei in anyway, Hiei was more than likely to kill them. But it didn't sound like he was… He ran out of the room, saw Yusuke, and ran off. Yusuke ran after him, which was easy. He could keep up with him because Hiei had such short legs! Wait. Yusuke could keep up with Hiei? And it looked like Hiei was running as fast as he could. This wasn't normal. He needed to have a talk with the rest of the gang.

I hope you liked it! This thing takes place in between The Dark Tournament and the Sensui and Itsuki case. Please review! This is my second fanfic. ^_^ My first was Hiei And Kurama's Adventures. Please r and r that one as well!!!!!!!! BYE-CHU!!!