Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ We'll Never Know... ❯ Hiei's Secret ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

We'll Never Know… Chapter Six: Hiei's Secret

What a day! Hiei thought to himself, and he was actually smiling! Though no one could see it, it was too dark. He stared into the starry sky, thinking about Kurama. He did not know this, but Kurama was thinking about him as well. Kurama could not sleep. He wanted to be beside Hiei. He wanted to cuddle him until he fell asleep. But, Hiei was up above, and Kurama could not do anything about Hiei. He also wondered why Hiei would not go swimming. He was just beginning to fall asleep, thinking about all the reasons why Hiei might not swim, when all of a sudden he was awoken by a tapping on his shoulder. Kurama opened his eyes, and turned over to see Hiei! Kurama was very surprised.

"And what might you want?" Kurama teased.

"Get your swimming trunks on." Was his reply. Kurama could not tell what Hiei was thinking. Would Hiei only go swimming with one person? Did Hiei want a romantic atmosphere? Was Hiei being a hentai? He could not tell anything, but the look in Hiei's eyes made Kurama obey him. Kurama quickly pulled them on. When he was ready, Hiei was also in his swimming trunks. Hiei took his hand, and made Kurama run down to the beach with him. Kurama now thought it was either Hiei wanted the romantic atmosphere or was being a hentai. Hiei then stopped before he touched the water. "I have a question…" Hiei said.

"Anything…" Kurama purred, wading slowly and sexily in the water.

"How do you swim?" Kurama fell over into the water, and came up laughing.

And all this time I thought he wanted to be just with me, on the beach with the moonlight… He really wanted to learn how to swim! And that was the reason he would not come earlier! Kurama began to put the pieces together. "Well, it really isn't that easy to teach, Hiei. I don't know where to begin. I guess we can start by having to get in the water." Hiei nodded, and stepped in. Only his feet were in the water. "Come here." Kurama said, and he walked up to Hiei, and Hiei walked closer to him. Kurama held him close, and began to take him deeper into the water. He then set Hiei down. Now Hiei's whole body was under, except his head and neck. "Well, you use your arms and legs to stay above the water so you don't drown. You just keep moving them, up and down and to the side, but not to fast, because you will ware yourself out. Move slowly, you will float better." Hiei did as commanded, and tried to understand Kurama's instructions. After many failed attempts, Kurama began to get tired. "Why don't we call it a night, all right Hiei?"

"No. I couldn't swim with you yesterday," Hiei began (and it was about 2:00 AM, so that's why Hiei said yesterday), "And I wanted to. I saw you having so much fun, and I didn't want to splash, but I wanted to be with you." This flattered Kurama, but he really was getting tired, and if you swam while you were tired, you could drown, very easily.

"Please Hiei." Kurama pleaded. Hiei shook his head, and Kurama sighed. He kept trying with Hiei, but nothing seemed to work. Kurama then began to feel really dizzy, and he couldn't keep his eyes open. He just stood there. He heard Hiei splashing around, but he wasn't really paying attention. The next thing he knew, he was coughing up water, and was back on land, and in Hiei's arms. "What happened?" Kurama asked.

"Apparently you fell asleep. I had to save you." Hiei said. Kurama smiled.

"Apparently you succeeded in learning how to swim." Kurama told him. He then closed his eyes. Kurama was awake, but he could not keep his eyes open. Hiei carried him back to the others. Hiei sat down on Kurama's sleeping bag. He lay Kurama down, and he cuddled up next to him. Kurama smiled, and then fell asleep.

Short, short, short, short, short, I know. This chapter was intentionally short, and besides it is 11:16 PM, and I am starting to get tired (you can't blame me, I was up until 12:30 AM last night and woke up at 7:00 AM). And I thought it was a perfect ending place for a chapter. Yeah, this story is about halfway done, and if not just a teeny tiny bit more than half way. Sorry for no Jin and Touya in that one… I am not in a very Jin and Touya mood right now. My eyes are closed right now, actually. I can type with my eyes closed, which I am very thankful for. But I will have to open them to shut down the computer when I get off. I don't want to open my eyes! Arg! I opened them… The light is killing me… Darn light. Anyway, has anyone ever seen Devil Hunter Yohko? I just saw it three weeks ago, and it's really good. I think the other title for it is like Monoto Yohko. That probably isn't right. Well, I am going to bed. Bye-Chu… Good night *practically falls asleep* I tired