Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ We'll Never Know... ❯ Chapter Nine Arrives! ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

We'll Never Know… Chapter Nine: Chapter Nine Arrives!

"So, how exactly do we go?" Hiei asked. "I got the stupid location."

"Right, shouldn't you know? Just get us all there!" Koenma yelled at the small youkai. Hiei closed the two eyes he was born with, and his Jagan eye opened wider. There was a large, continues rumbling sound that resembled thunder. Sparks of Hiei's black energy formed a circle around the group, and they seemed to be surrounded in a large black bubble. Suddenly, Hiei relaxed. He opened his two eyes and his Jagan eye relaxed along with his body. It kept glowing however.

"All we do now is wait." Hiei said. The small area seemed to be filled with darkness and nothing seemed good about it.

"Hiei-san…" Yukina said quietly. Hiei turned to look at his younger sister. "Pardon my asking, but what are we exactly in and what are we waiting for?" She asked quietly. Hiei gave her a warm smile.

"We are being transported to the dimension Koenma asked me to go to. This place is my energy, and it's getting us there." He said tenderly. She nodded.

"It's just that it is so cold…" Yukina said. "Of course, I don't mind it seeing as I am a Koorime, but it feels rather dark and gloomy… I am sorry, and thank you for helping us." She smiled at him.

"I am sorry about the atmosphere, there is nothing I can do about that." Hiei told her. He turned away from her, only to be greeted by Kuwabara.

"Hey, shrimp! You are so rude to everyone except for my girlfriend. If you like her too, well I can't ask you to stay away from her but please just… Well know that she's mine, okay?" Kuwabara pleaded.

"Hn. And why would you be concerned about a stupid thing like that, you fool?" Hiei sneered, "If I am so rude to everyone, why do you think someone as sweet as Yukina would have any interest in me of all people?" Kuwabara looked at the ground, and then looked back into the eyes of his rival teammate.

"Because she talks about you all the time, and you're so nice to her and I am getting worried that maybe you two are in some kind of a relation." Kuwabara said. Hiei nearly laughed out loud, that was the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard!

"Baka! Your foolishness will get you nowhere. If you must know, I have no interest in Yukina, but I seriously advise you to stay away from her. Besides, I already have someone." Hiei could not believe at what just came out of his mouth. Kuwabara snickered.

"You mean Kurama, don't ya?" Kuwabara let out a high pitch laugh, and Yusuke who was coming over to join the conversation rammed Kuwabara in the ribs. "OW! Urameshi, what was that for?!" He shrilled.

"I like a good joke and all, but this is no time to be laughing. Hiei! How long is this gonna take?" Yusuke turned his desperate eyes from Kuwabara to Hiei.

"Not to much longer. The only reason it's taking longer is because I haven't been to this place before and nothing similar to it." Hiei responded. Yusuke nodded. Yusuke began to walk away to Koenma, maybe for some details concerning Shinboku, that evil bastard that stole Keiko from him... He will pay. As he was about to open his mouth to say something, there was a huge clashing noise and the black bubble disappeared. They were in some sort of a shady castle, with walls that were painted black, purple, and blue. Normally a rather cool combination, but this was rather eerie. They all began to walk (or fly in Jin's case) down the dark halls. Suddenly, a young girl appeared. She had big, caring brown eyes that seemed to light up her face. She had brown, shiny hair with golden streaks that went a little past her shoulders. She wore a red kimono with a golden belt.

"Welcome to the castle of Shinboku!" The girl cheered happily. Yusuke fell over.

"What the hell?! Welcome?!? Do you think we want to be here? That stupid guy forced us here to rescue my girl friend!" Yusuke shouted. The little girl took a few steps back in fear.

"I-I'm sorry! Umm, my name is Mekoni, and I am the guide to this place. I mean, I guide people to Shinboku-sama!" Mekoni said and trembled as Yusuke came closer. She let out a scream, and began to run away. Yusuke followed after her, and she was pretty darn fast for a little girl!

"Yeah, you better be scared!" Yusuke yelled.

"Wait!" Kurama called after his raging friend, "I don't think this is wise! She could be leading us into a trap!" Kurama caught up with Yusuke.

"So what?" Yusuke yelled, and kept running despite Kurama's words. They followed Mekoni down long hallways and past rooms filled with lots of dark youkai energy. Soon, the girl ran into a room after all the twists and turns she had taken and avoided many of the other rooms they had past. As soon as she entered, there was another scream and her body was lit with the same electric blue light that had surrounded Keiko.

"Well done." They heard a cold voice say. A man with shoulder length silver hair and electric blue eyes came out from one of the shadows casted by a tall statue that seemed to glow with the same evil that lurked deep in this mans eyes.

"Who the hell are you?" Hiei spat. This man seemed to have very low power. Hiei reached to his side attempting to pull out his katana, but then realized this sad truth- he was still in his swimming trunks. "Damn it to hell!" Hiei screamed. Kuwabara started laughing despite the situation.

"You were getting all riled up too, weren't ya shrimp? Maybe next time you won't call my Rei-ken a weapon with no artistic taste, seeing as I can make it at any time, any where!" And with that, Kuwabara made his sword of spirit energy, his infamous Rei-ken.

"How can you laugh when your doom is looking right at you?" Shinboku sneered, "You should be begging for mercy." He took a few steps closer to the group in bathing suits. "None of you look very prepared for battle. That was a big mistake for you all."

"You know?" Yusuke said, "I think you should be the one begging for mercy. What did you do to Keiko, and what about that other girl who led us here?" Yusuke folded his arms waiting for an answer.

"That girl you spoke of, Keiko was it? She is watching us but will not appear to you until I am dead. And if I kill all of you, which I probably will, she will become mine. And she will follow you to Reikai soon enough, to your satisfaction, I assume. You won't be separated for long." He laughed a bitter laugh, followed by his next comment. "And that girl you saw is my slave, I took her long ago. She has done all of my bidding against her will, for she knows that if she doesn't I will kill her right away. I already killed her family, she used to live in Ningenkai."

"You bastard!" Yusuke called, and threw a punch at the wicked man. He merely laughed as he dodged it like Yusuke was nothing more than a mere human who knew nothing of fighting. Yusuke threw another punch, and he got away from this one as easy as he did the first one. "You'll never beat me alone." He bragged.

"Excuse me, sir?" Yukina spoke up taking a few steps towards Shinboku. Shinboku looked at the young and gorgeous Koorime.

"My, aren't you lovely, what can I do for you?" He grinned evilly.

"Actually, I was wondering why you must keep the little girl Mekoni in pain like that, she sounds like she is being burned to death, and I don't feel very comfortable listening to her scream. If she has been loyal to you, shouldn't you stop? It just doesn't seem right." Yukina told him. Kuwabara beamed at his wonderful Yukina. She was so smart! But, she had just put herself in danger! Shinboku was walking up to her and grabbed her shoulder.

"Such a kind girl, you really are… AAH!" Yusuke had just hit him clear in the head, and he fell to the ground landing on Yukina's feet. Kuwabara began to cheer for Yusuke and Hiei ran to Shinboku at lightning speed and kicked his face away from Yukina.

"Get you're slimy body away from her." Hiei yelled and he continued to beat him away from Yukina. Kuwabara then started cheering for Hiei.

"Apparently that guy wasn't all he was cut out to be." Koenma sighed. Botan laughed.

"Apparently he has a thing for pretty girls such as our Yukina here..." Botan giggled. "Good one, Yukina! Without that comment of yours, Yusuke may still be just throwing punches and not landing them!" Yukina looked at her with confused eyes.

"But I was just asking!" Yukina said quickly. Botan put a finger to her lips.

"Shh!" She winked, "Ignore those miner details." Kurama walked over to Hiei who had just stopped kicking Shinboku who was bleeding very heavily out of his nose, mouth, and other places on his face. He was a good twenty feet away from Yukina.

"Hiei, she is lucky to have a brother like you, she really is." Kurama said.

"Hn. Any brother would do that for a sister, no matter how heartless they are I should say." Hiei said. "Hn." Hiei folded his arms and scowled at Shinboku. Kurama sighed.

"Not always, I am afraid, not always. There are brothers out there who are horrible to their sisters. I am glad you are not one of them, I wouldn't want to see Yukina be hurt in any way at all." Hiei shrugged. Kurama put his arms around Hiei, and pulled him close to him. "And since this is over, I want to thank you…" Kurama pressed his lips against Hiei's and they begin to kiss each other passionately, arms around one another. Yusuke from where he was standing was smiling at the two demons. He was half amused and half relieved. Hiei needed someone like Kurama, and he knew it!

"Well, let's go." Yusuke said.

"Wait Urameshi!" Jin said through all the cheering and chatter amongst the rest, "Didn't the big guy say that until he was dead your girl friend wouldn't return and she was watchin' the whole damn thing? Shouldn' ya kill him before we leave and go partying?"

"Yeah, I think we should." Yusuke said, and walked over to the unconscious fighter. "Who wants to do the honors, anyone?" Yusuke looked around the room. No one said a word. "Fine, I guess we'll wait till the oaf wakes up and then we'll threaten." Yusuke tossed him down and sat in a corner and closed his eyes thinking he was going to take a little nap while he waited. Koenma was having a conversation about this whole thing with Botan, meanwhile.

"Yusuke obviously got his powers back, a normal punch could not have hurt Shinboku even slightly." Koenma explained to Botan who was back to her usual spunky self.

"Yes, I know! That's our boy, being back to his old Keiko-loving self!" She cheered, and began to laugh again.

"Wait everyone!" Yukina cried, looking at Mekoni who was still surrounded in the mysterious power, "She is still like this! We can't be happy just yet; she must be suffering in there! How would you feel?" She asked, a tear sliding down her cheek and hitting the stone floor and rolling off somewhere else.

"I am sure that she will be released when Shinboku releases her or dies himself." Botan said trying to cheer Yukina up. Yukina nodded. Shinboku then began to stir, and sat up, finding a very angry Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei, and Kurama all on different sides of him. In two of the gaps between the four Reikai Tantai members were Jin and Touya, also ready to attack at any moment. Off a little into the distance was Koenma, Botan, and Yukina just waiting to see what would happen next, not being able to do much else.

"Okay, Shin whatever," Yusuke started giving him one of his death glares, "I am going to give you a choice. Release the girl over there and give me back Keiko, or we'll kill you. Oh yes, and if and when you give back Keiko and release the girl, you will go with Koenma and Botan over there back to Reikai and uh… Do whatever bastards like you do when they get there."

"Be sent to the Reikai court and be sent to jail, of course!" Botan suddenly said. She hit herself in the head. She was always saying stuff that just came out of her mouth not even meaning for it to…

"Yeah, right." Yusuke said, staring at the bubblehead that was across the room from him. "What she said. And then death is always an option as well."

"Don't be so sure I will choose any of the following, Urameshi-san!" Shinboku yelled. Suddenly, the six people around him had the same electric blue light all around them, but it didn't hurt one bit! But they could not move at all. They were trapped. "I am going to look into her mind and see what is most important to you, and then maybe I'll do away with it, if you know what I mean. Or you could surrender and become one of my guards, similar to what that brat over there is." He of course meant Mekoni. "I will do Urameshi first, seeing as you are the leader of this pathetic group." In a matter of moments, Yusuke's mind went blank. He didn't think anything. It was like he didn't have a mind or a soul, just a body… But then it all came back to him. "That girl I stole from you is the most important thing. So is a woman who appears to be your mother. And so is that ruler of Reikai over there? That's strange."

"Stop blabbing everything to everyone!" Yusuke screamed. Shinboku didn't listen.

"Of course so is this retard here, the tall one with the carrot head." Shinboku smirked at Kuwabara.

"Who are you calling a carrot head?!" Kuwabara screamed. "At least I am not a psycho head!" He retorted. Hiei grinned evilly.

"Are you so sure about that?" Hiei asked maintaining his wicked look.

"Shut up, shrimp!" Kuwabara yelled, "When I'm free from this I'm gonna get you!"

"This is taking to long." Shinboku said. "I am just going to go through each and everyone of you quickly. Next is the carrot head." Kuwabara began to scream again, but his 'speech' was interrupted when his mind, like Yusuke's, went completely blank. "That pretty Koorime girl over there stands high above anyone else. Then you have a sister, Urameshi-san here, and this runt and the he-she." The he-she comment came up in an up roar. "If you don't shut up about the stupid he-she, then I'll kill him right here!" That shut everyone up, including Hiei who never took orders. "I will skip him since you listened, and I will go to this runt."

"Does this hurt?" Kurama said before he could do anything to Hiei.

"Two things: One, I am not using it on you so why ask, and two it's never been used on me before so I wouldn't know." Shinboku said, and was about to do the same thing to Hiei as Yusuke and Kuwabara, but he changed his mind. "I will make sure it hurts, just for you!" He laughed at Kurama who was immediately as cold as stone. Normally not a thing Kurama would do as we all know, but none of them could even move (not even their hair) and their spirit energy was obviously caught too. There was nothing any of them could do but wait. Shinboku put his hand through Hiei's electric blue power force and Hiei screamed some words, specifically 'a' word, that to this day 'this word' would never forget, no matter how much time went by.

"KURAMA!!!!" Hiei screamed, "GET OUT OF HERE! AND HELP-" But the little fire demon fell unconscious, though his body didn't fall because it wouldn't move. Shinboku let out a laugh so evil it nearly made your own mind go cold and empty, as if he was using his curse on your very soul.

"HIEI!" Kurama shouted, and tears began to come down his cheeks and he wasn't able to wipe them off either. "About how much would that have hurt him?" Kurama was starting to get really serious. Shinboku had not only stolen Keiko from one of his dearest friends, and obviously hurt a perfectly innocent child in ways that Kurama didn't want to think about, but he had just made Hiei do something that Hiei probably never would have done if he had any say. Hiei never would have screamed that even if he meant it, so Shinboku had to have done something to him other than just hurt him. "What exactly did you do?"

"I just used an immense amount of my powers to hurt him, and used the same power I used on the two before him, so it came together. What was most important to him, and the pain. And now it's your turn." Shinboku took the one step it took to reach the red head. "Should I do the same thing to you as I did to the runt? Or maybe should I let you off easy and only do the same thing I did to Urameshi-san and carrot head?" Shinboku asked himself more than anyone else. "I'll let you off easy, I have a perfect plan, and I am almost positive this will work." He looked into Kurama's mind to see what was most important to him. His mother, Shiori, was of course one of them, along with Kuwabara and Yusuke. Even Botan, Keiko, and Yukina! So was Jin and Touya! Kurama sure cares about a lot of people! But over everyone, there was a certain demon that was standing unconscious next to him: Hiei. "Perfect, this will work. I will tell you my plan so you will know what I was doing ahead of time. I am going to let you live for a little longer, but I am going to force you to watch this thing you call a lover die a slow and painful death." Kurama's face went as white a snow, and you could see it through the electric blue light surrounding him. "Oh, but don't worry! I am going to check these two demons first." He walked to Jin and Touya and you just guess what he did. "Ah, both of you are Shinobi! Why didn't you tell me? You both care for each other dearly I see…" He paused as if thinking what to do next. "Yes, that's right, the little runt."

"Don't pick on people smaller than yourself." Jin pouted. Touya nearly laughed out loud. Like what Jin said had any effect on Shinboku of all people… Shinboku turned from Hiei back to Jin.

"Should I kill you first?" Shinboku laughed wickedly.

"No, I didn't say that! I just simply say that you don't do that kind of stuff, and besides you don't pick on defenseless people." Jin said. Did Jin have some sort of plan? They wondered. He seemed to be stalling Shinboku from killing Hiei, meanwhile giving Kurama these looks as if hinting him to do something. Kurama didn't understand. "Like we didn't pick on ya while you was not being able to tell you're own situation before, we were waiting for you to get back up! But wadda ya know, as soon as we let ya have your senses back you do this to us." He glanced at Kurama again. "Kurama, you're hopeless." Jin mumbled under his breath, which made Shinboku even madder.

"What is you're point you red haired freak?!?!" Shinboku screamed at Jin. The light around Jin went out, and he soared into the sky.

"The point is ya can't pick on people smaller than yourself cause they always get around you, like when a human tries to kill a little buggy, they are fast that they are, and if one is even faster than all, they will get away. And, ya can't pick on me either cause I'm the Wind Master, and I can control the air." Jin flew around his trapped friends, yet again glancing at Kurama. Kurama then understood what Jin wanted him to know.

Hey there! It's all typed up! Even though I didn't get as many reviews as I wanted… IS IT REALLY THAT BAD?!?!? I just need a little review saying it's good and update or something *.* But it's not happening!!! Well, I will say that I am not sure whether I am gonna keep waiting or not. If you see it on the site, it means I just put it up. But you know, I am not up for this whole threat thing… I just want people to review freely with comments… I just wish I could get more reviews *sigh* so I am not going to ask for any more of these, but please review this story or any of my others if you haven't just out of kindness! That isn't to much to ask, is it? Though just don't review at all if you don't have ANYTHING nice to say (meaning flames *cough cough* I don't want flames.) So chances are I am going to put it up right now. Hope I didn't disappoint any one with this chapter! Bye-Chu and please read when I update (if I update - KIDDING! Of course I'll update ^_~)