Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to Insanity High ❯ New ningen ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

So here it is. This is making me really nervous cause I don't know how this story is gonna turn out but I said I'd write it and so I shall!! Forward we go!!!!


Prince Koenma was waiting patiently in his office for Hiei to arrive. He had a special case for the fire demon, and while he probably wasn't gonna like it, he was the only one available for doing it.

Hiei walked in just then and had his customary scowl on his face. He stood in front of Koenma's desk, waiting to be told why he'd been summoned. Koenma cleared his throat and started, "I need you for a special assignment, Hiei, and while you're not going to like it, you're the only one who can do it. A demon has escaped into Ningenkai and possessed a human. We don't know exactly who the human is, and since the demon isn't using his powers at all, we have no way of tracking him down. We do have an idea of where he is however, so I need you to be on a stakeout of sorts and try to find him without arousing any attention."

Hiei snorted, "Sounds easy enough."

Koenma shifted in his chair. "Yes, well, the only thing we know is that he is hiding in someone who either works or attends Seika High School."


"So you're going to have to go there…as a student."

- - -

Since Hiei was about to become a member of human society, it was decided that he should dress like one, so Kurama was given the Reikai credit card (it would make sense for them to have one, ne?) and given the task of taking him shopping.

They were walking down a street full of clothing stores, and for some reason, everyone who passed the pair was giving them a wide berth. Maybe it was because Hiei was fuming. Literally.

"This is ridiculous!! I refuse to associate with all those stupid ningens. It's degrading! I can't believe that baka toddler would give me such a stupid assignment!" and while he yelled this, steam started to steadily rise from him, as if he was about to burst into flames at any moment. (which he was, but hey, who would really guess that?)

Kurama, nervous from all the stares they were getting, tried to calm him down. "It's only for a little while Hiei. And it's not like you actually have to associate with anybody. Just watch them, that's all."

"It's still ridiculus." he huffed.

Kurama sighed, and pulled Hiei into the next store. He was browsing for anything that Hiei might wear. For such an anti-social person, he sure was picky about what he would wear. `Thank God Seika's uniforms are black. I don't think we could get him into anything else.' He mused.

Hiei was just silently following behind Kurama. He refused to look for himself, but wanted to make sure Kurama didn't pick out anything stupid. Kurama would pick something up and Hiei would either answer with some smart remark or not at all. His lack of response would indicate that he approved of the choice.

Unsurprisingly, most of the stuff they ended up getting was black and baggy. Some of it had chains and various other punkish accessories. One thing Hiei actually seemed pleased with was a black T-shirt that said "Go fuck yourself" in white across the front. Kurama just silently shook his head.

After that little excursion, they headed back to Kurama's house for a few "human lessons" so Hiei wouldn't end up killing someone.

"Ok, your headband will probably be against the dress code, so tell them you got into an accident and it's a bandage or something along those lines. Next, try not to start any fights or anything. If someone insults you or pisses you off, just ignore them. Also, try to be somewhat respectful to the teachers and administrators. And I'm sorry Hiei, but you can't have your sword with you when anyone's around." Hiei started to protest but Kurama interrupted him. "It's too suspicious. No one carries around swords. You'll have to make due without it."

Hiei glared but didn't object.

- - -

The Reikai had setup a small, temporary apartment for Hiei. It was close to the school and was not too far from Kurama's house so if he needed any help, it would be easy to get. It wouldn't make sense for him to stay with Kurama with them going to different schools, so Kurama helped him bring all the clothes they had bought over.

It was a very bare apartment with only the basics, but it was of good quality and had a nice amount of space. The entry room was large and had a couch and TV, the kitchen had a bar/counter that separated the two, and a hallway led to the back of the apartment where there was a bedroom with a queen size bed and a bathroom with both a tub and shower.

Hiei threw all his new clothes into the closet and went to look in the fridge. He was pretty familiar with all the appliances from being at Kurama's house so often. The only thing he didn't like was that accursed microwave. He could never tell how long something was suppose to be in there and always ended up either burning or undercooking it. Koenma had stocked him up on food, and left a take out menu of all the nearby places with a stack of cash. `At least I won't go hungry' he thought sarcastically. Kurama came in and grabbed a soda. "This is a pretty nice set-up." he commented. Hiei just grunted in response. The two then sat in silence for a few seconds, thinking about what Hiei was about to do. "This is gonna be a disaster." the little demon stately blandly. Kurama gave his friend a look of sympathy and took another sip.

- - -

Hiei was mentally cursing the human race. He didn't understand this stupid insistence that they all go to school, but then to start it so blasted early in the morning made him seriously doubt that any of them had a shred of intelligence. As he walked into the building, he noticed that most of the kids looked as tired as he felt, although there were a few perky ones. He was almost glad Kurama made him leave his katana behind because otherwise he might have felt the need to kill those happy people and then Koenma would get all upset and he didn't feel like dealing with that.

He walked into the office and told a lady with blonde hair and way too much red lipstick who he was. "Ah, yes. Mr. Jaganshi, was it? Well, here's your schedule and your locker number and combination. If you have any trouble, one of the students can help you out, but I'm sure you'll be fine. All schools are the same right?" she gave him a fake smile and turned away. Hiei's hand twitched towards his katana, but unfortunately it wasn't there. It was a really good thing he didn't have it. He doubted half the school would be alive by the end of the day if he did.

He looked at the slip of paper Lipstick had given him. Kurama had shown him his schedule and explained what everything was, but he had no idea where he was going. He looked around aimlessly for a few minutes until a shrill bell rang in his ear and all the kids started to rush off in different directions. Another bell rang and the hallway was pretty much clear. Hiei noticed numbers above the doors and figured he would just have to follow them till he found the first one listed on his sheet. When he finally found it, 20 minutes had already passed. He opened the door and 30 pairs of eyes turned to look at him. He absolutely hated the attention but couldn't stop them, so he ignored it and headed toward what he guessed was the teacher. He handed him the slip of paper and the man looked it over. "Well, since you're new, I'd like to inform you that class started half an hour ago, so if you would like to join us at that time tomorrow, I'd appreciate it." He sneered. Hiei gritted his teeth but didn't say anything. "Take that seat in the back. Next to the girl SLEEPING!" he shouted the last part, obviously trying to wake his dormant student up, but to no avail. He walked towards the back, trying to ignore the fact that the whole class was still staring at him. He sat down and looked out the window so he wouldn't have to meet any of their eyes. The teacher started talking and when he looked back, all eyes were up front, although a couple would dart back to him every once in a while. He looked over at the girl next to him. She was still sleeping. She had very dark brown hair that almost looked black. It was curly and erratic, but looked strangely fitting for some reason. She had a very small physique which would imply that she was younger, but her curves proved otherwise. She was wearing the school skirt and shirt, but the tie around her neck was undone and so were the first few buttons of the shirt. She had on a heavy hooded jacket and huge black combat boots that were also undone. Her mouth was hanging open and a little trail of drool was starting to come out of her mouth. Hiei snickered at that and her eyes popped open. They were green but seemed to have streaks of yellow around her pupils. He was startled at her quick awakening.

"Who're you?" she questioned without raising her head.

"The new kid." He answered evasively.

"Oh." And she closed her eyes and went back to sleep. Hiei couldn't even begin to fathom what was wrong with this girl, but choose not to worry about it and went back to staring out the window.

- - -

The rest of the morning went about in the same manner. Hiei found all of his classes, although it took longer to find some than others, and most of the teachers were just as nasty as the first, although there was one woman teacher who was waaaay to cheery in Hiei's opinion. But with English teachers it's either one end of the spectrum or the other so it was probably better that way. Several kids tried to approach Hiei but he blew them off, and by lunch it was rumored that he was kicked out of his old school for stabbing someone with a knitting needle. Hiei was getting really tired of all the stares and was considering using his Jagan to make them all look away. He grabbed the tray of food he was given, and headed off into the most vacant looking corner of the cafeteria. There was a space in the back that was totally empty except for the girl who had been sleeping earlier. She had her head on the table and looked to be asleep again. Hiei walked over, figuring if she was, he wouldn't have to talk to her. He paused in front of her, and without evening looking up she said, "You can sit here if you want." Hiei hesitated but sat down. She just continued to sit there silently with her eyes closed. This seemed good to Hiei, so he started to eat.

"What kinda name is Hiei Jaganshi?" she asked after a few minutes, again not moving when she asked.

"Mine." He swallowed another mouthful of noodles.

"Oh. Did you really stab someone with a knitting needle?"

"Why do you wanna know?"

"You just don't seem like the knitting type to me."

Hiei's eyebrows shot up at that. "Aren't you more curious about the stabbing part?"


"Why not?"

"Because you look like the stabbing type."

"Well then what does it matter what it was with?"

"I guess it doesn't. I was just curious. But we don't have a knitting club here so you'll have to find something else next time." She then sat up, "Why do you have that bandana on?"

"I got into an accident."

"What kind?"

"A knitting one."

She smirked and didn't ask again. They just sat there silently eating or staring out the window. At one point the girl grabbed Hiei's schedule and compared it with hers. "We have almost all the same classes. Except you have art 5th period and I have photo. Why don't you put all those books in your locker?" She pointed to the stack of books Hiei had collected from the various classes he'd had so far. He shrugged. "Don't you know where your locker is?" He shrugged again. "Hmm. Well, I guess I could show you. I need to get my camera form mine anyway. Come on, let's go." Hiei stared at her retreating form for a minute, shrugged once again, and then sprinted to catch up. He walked silently beside her for a minute till he realized he didn't know her name.

"What's your name anyway?"

"Risika Karew."


That didn't go so bad. Okay so, the plot isn't really in gear yet, but it will be soon, so remember, patience is a virtue and good things come to those who wait!! Hmmm, maybe that's why my life sucks so much…