Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to Insanity High ❯ Movie Night Mania ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Me: [staring blankly at computer] I need some inspiration for this chapter. [grabs cardboard box out of closet, covers it with shroud and candles, then places little dolls of some great fanfic authors on it and starts bowing down and praying.] Oh please fanfic-gods, help me to write a good chapter so I am not killed by rabid fans.

[Kurama and Hiei walk in]

Hiei: O.o What are you doing?

Me: Praying for inspiration. Want to help? [starry eyes]

Hiei: No way in the seven hells. You think I want you to continue with this story? [grumble grumble] If you could call it that…

Me: You should! Think of all those fan girls who want your hot bod!

Hiei: O.O

Kurama: [inspecting a doll] What are these?

Me: They're my fanfic-gods. Do not displease them or they shall curse me with the dreaded writer's block. Do you want to help me pray Kurama?

Kurama: Uhhh… [thinking of way to change subject] Well, why are you praying to them?

Me: [blink] Huh?

Kurama: There are many other religious practices. You could present offerings, or cannibals believe that by eating a person's remains you gain their strength or powers.

Me + Hiei: O_O

Me: [stares at dolls for a minute then snatches one off the alter and ferociously bites into the head]

Hiei + Kurama: O.O

Kurama: Are sure that's good for you? [staring at stuffing spilling out of my mouth]

Hiei: ~_~ It's no worse than when she ate Kuwabaka's homework.

Me: [thru mouthful of stuffing] I don' ohn Ew Ew `Ahgoosho

Chapter 4

Movie Night Mania

"So what do you guys want to do?" Risika asked as they strolled down the sidewalk towards downtown.

"I don't care." Kurama shrugged. But at least he responded, unlike Hiei, who was walking along with his hands shoved in his pockets and ignoring everything.

Risika skipped ahead, stopped, turned around, skipped back to them, and then skipped off again. Once she'd done this about ten times, Hiei grabbed her when she came back, "You wanted to do something! Now let's do something or I'm going home!"

"Okay. What do you want to do?"

"Ugh. I don't care. Kurama doesn't care. Just pick something so we can get it over with." he demanded. Risika stared blankly for a minute. Finally her eyes lit up. "Why don't we go to a movie?" Neither objected, so she skipped off, leading them to the theater. Once there, they walked up to the booth to buy their tickets only to discover the next show did not start for another half hour. "That's okay. We can go to the arcade across the street till it starts." (No one wanted to sit in the theater)

The arcade was packed full of teenagers. Hiei hated being around so many ningens at once and Kurama was wary of the girls there who were eyeing him like they'd just spotted new prey. Thankfully, Risika was so frightening, that no one dared to approach them. She had found a DDR machine and had been holding a tournament. However, since anyone refused to play with her after she started playing not only on her pad, but on her opponent's, she was pretty much just jumping all over the platform by herself.

Suddenly a voice rang out from the crowd. "Hey Kurama!" Kurama looked over and saw Yusuke and Kuwabara heading towards them. Hiei groaned, and Risika was totally oblivious as she tried to hit the complicated maneuvers with both her feet and hands. As the boys drew near, Yusuke could be heard arguing with Kuwabara (big surprise). `See, I told you it was him! No one else has hair that color." Yusuke gloated.

"Well, I didn't think it would be him. He never goes out. He's always studying or something." Kuwabara argued.

"That's the problem, oaf. You were thinking." Hiei jabbed when they had finally arrived.

Kuwabara was so surprised by his presence he didn't even acknowledge the insult. "Hey! What's shorty doing here?"

"I'm on assignment." He replied dryly.

Yusuke looked surprised. "Really? Why didn't Koenma say anything about it?" And so Hiei explained his mission to them all, but I'm too lazy to write it down. When he finally concluded, the two boys were snickering. "You must be having a blast Hiei," Yusuke commented sarcastically, "considering how much you love to be around humans." Hiei just "hn'd" and then their attention was drawn to shouting from behind them. "No! No! When the screen says so!!" They turned around to see a group of kids gathered on the DDR stand. Risika had apparently assembled them and assigned them each a block to step on. "We must beat it! Anyone who misses again shall be taken out and beaten!" All the kids looked terrified of the prospect but were also too scared to run away.

"Whoa, who's the psycho chick?" Yusuke asked.

Risika glanced over at them. "Huh?" She bounced over and stared at Yusuke and Kuwabara. She stared and stared and stared some more. And after an eternity which was only about a minute and a half, she turned to Kurama. "Who's them?" she asked, pointing.

"This is Yusuke Urameshi and Kazuma Kuwabara. They attend Sarayashiki High. They're friends of ours. Guys, this is Risika Karew." he explained. Risika then turned to Hiei, looking surprised. "You have friends?" she teased. Hiei growled at her and sent Yusuke and Kuwabara, who were once again snickering, a smoldering look. The boys stopped and tried to regain their composure. Yusuke changed the subject. "So what are you guys doing here?"

"We were actually going to see a movie," Kurama then checked his watch, "but it looks like it's too late now." Risika looked crestfallen and Hiei gave out a relieved little sigh.

Suddenly, Yusuke's eyes lit up. "We were just heading over to Kuwabara's to watch a movie. The girls are coming, too. Why don't you guys come with us?" Hiei glared daggers at him but Risika latched onto his arm. "Really?!?" she squealed. Surprised by the girl now grasping his arm, Yusuke just nodded. "Yay!!" she yelled, then hugged him and nuzzled his shoulder. Yusuke was dumbstruck and Kuwabara's eyes were bugging out of his head. Hiei growled again and ripped Risika off Yusuke. Yusuke's eyes glazed over look for a second, but when it faded, he looked at Hiei and smirked. "Jealous?" he taunted. Hiei growled once again. Risika looked at him disdainfully. "You're so articulate." She said sarcastically. This time Kurama was the one to snicker.

- - -

The boys were walking along with Risika skipping ahead. "Brilliant idea detective," Hiei commented scathingly, "She doesn't know that we work for Spirit World. If anyone lets anything slip, Koenma will have our heads."

Yusuke waved the reproach away. "Don't worry about it. We can tell everyone not to say anything. And it's not like there's gonna be a lot of talking anyway. We'll be watching the movie." He reassured him.

Risika was waiting for them outside Kuwabara's apartment building (He had told her which one it was). "Can we go up now?" she inquired. "Uh, sure." Kuwabara responded warily. This weird girl was making him nervous. Once they got up to his apartment, he paused before opening the door. "What's the hold up, baka? Let us in already." Kuwabara signed and opened the door, feeling like he was letting in trouble.

Risika bounded into the room. She stared at the three surprised faces looking at her. The boys came in after her. One girl with sea-foam green hair looked up with surprise. "Oh, Hiei, I'm so happy to see you! You too Kurama!" She came over and gave them both a hug. Hiei just stood there awkwardly, looking at the carpet. Risika's eyes narrowed. Then the girl turned around to face her and Risika was startled. Her eyes were the exact same color as Hiei's. Risika opened her mouth to say something, but Yusuke interrupted.

"This is Risika." he informed everyone, "She goes to Seika High with Hiei. Because that's where Hiei goes. Cause he's in a nice, normal school like he should be at his age." Hiei stared at Yusuke with disbelief and disgust while Kurama just held his head in his hands. Yusuke glanced at the two, confused. "What?" Hiei just shook his head in response.

A girl with blue hair jumped forward at his point. "Of course! You're one of Hiei's new friends! I'm Botan. This is Keiko," she said, pulling the girl with short, brown hair forward, "She goes to Sarayashiki with Yusuke. And this is Yukina." She said, indicating the girl who had hugged Hiei before.

"Ya know, you look awfully familiar." Risika said to Yukina, trying to place where she'd seen her. Hiei jumped in at this point. "You've never met her before. Can we just watch the stupid movie now?"

"Movie? Who said anything about a movie?" Risika asked confusedly.

"You did! When you dragged us over here!"

Risika patted his arm lightly and chuckled. "You're so silly Hiei. We're going out of course." She told him matter-of-factly.

"Going out where?" Kurama questioned.

"Going out to party, naturally." Risika told him nonchalantly.

"We can't do that! We're too young!" Keiko protested, taken aback.

"Nonsense. There's plenty for us young whippersnappers to do!" Risika said readily.

"She sounds like Genkai." Yusuke whispered to Kuwabara, who nodded in response.

"We're not going anywhere! We came over here to watch a stupid movie and that's what were gonna do! You can't just barge in and order everyone around!" Hiei yelled.

Risika ignored him. "Hey, I've got an idea! Let's go see that movie that me and Kurama were gonna see earlier this afternoon. Another showing is probably starting soon."

"Hiei was there too." Kurama muttered.

"That sounds fun!" Botan agreed enthusiastically. Hiei glared at her murderously. Risika just smirked in response.

"How does that look not scare her?" Yusuke whispered to Kurama, in an awed voice.

"I have no idea." Kurama answered back.

- - -

The whole group was trudging along, back towards the theater, when Risika stopped abruptly.

"What now?" Hiei snapped.

"Look." She said, pointing across the street. There was Mr. Nanba, coming out of a skeezy looking shop.

"Who's that?" Kurama asked curiously.

"That's the de-…-spised teacher I was telling you about." Hiei covered.

"Oh…did you need to talk to him about something?" Kurama suggested subtlety.

"Yeah, so you guys go ahead and I'll catch up." Hiei said even more subtlety.

"Hiei, if you're gonna follow him, you'd better get started because he's getting away." Risika said, cutting through the bullshit. Hiei didn't even throw back a witty response. "You stay here. Kurama, keep an eye on her." And then he flitted off.

- - -

Hiei had been trailing Nanba for over an hour. He had gone to a bookstore, out to eat, and was now shopping again. "What the hell is this guy looking for?" Hiei grumbled. He would almost rather be back with Risika and the others. "No, no I wouldn't," he hurriedly countered, "I don't want to be around that psycho." He then went after Nanba, who was on the move again. Hiei decided he was never gonna get any good information if he sat back and did nothing, so when Nanba went into the next shop, Hiei followed him inside. He made sure Nanba didn't see him but stayed close enough to hear any conversation.

Hiei looked around the shop they had entered. It was very musty and dark. It was no more than 20 ft. across but went back a long way. There were shelves along the wall filled with exotic trinkets. The long rows running down the middle of the store were brimming with books. Nanba didn't pause at any of these and instead headed directly to the rear of the room. Hiei followed and hid himself behind a case containing a variety of animal skulls. `Must be an occult store,' Hiei thought to himself. Nanba walked up to the register and rang a little bell sitting on the counter.

"I'm comin'," a raspy voice said from the back. A haggard old man stepped out from behind a curtain covering a doorway behind the counter. "Whaddya want?" he snapped.

"The Talisman of Nesearth." Nanba snapped back.

"Ain't got it." The old man stated and started to walk back behind the curtain. "Yes you do old man!" Nanba shouted, "Three shops have told me you're the only one who has it. Now cough it up!"

"You don't look like you got the cash for it."

Nanba slapped a stack of money on the counter. "I do."

The old man snatched up the money. "We always try to please our valued customers." He wheezed, with a crooked smile. He disappeared in the back for a second and came back holding a plain, shoebox sized container which he handed to Nanba. "Come again."

Nanba turned without a word and walked out. Hiei followed, but since Nanba had obviously got what he wanted, he simply headed home. Hiei watched him for a few more minutes, decided he wasn't gong anywhere else, and headed back to the movie theater.

- - -

The group was waiting outside for him. He hadn't even stopped walking before Risika assaulted him. "Where'd you go?!? You missed the whole movie!!! We've been waiting forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever!!!!" She huffed. Hiei looked over at Kurama.

"Ten minutes." The fox translated.

Hiei ignored Risika's rant and patted her on the head. "You stayed here. Good girl." She snapped at his hand.

"Only against her will. Botan caught her trying to climb out of the window in the bathroom. She's apparently very attached to you." Kurama told him, smiling. Risika kicked him in the shin.


"I knew she was trouble." Kuwabara declared. Risika rounded on him. "What did you say, carrot top?!?" Yusuke, who had been standing next to the big, dumb, idiot, stepped aside. (He learns quick, huh? ^_^)

"I knew you were trouble," Kuwabara continued, unaware of the danger his was in, "I could tell at the arcade when you were harassing all those kids. And then when Hiei gave you that death glare and you did nothing. I mean, you'd have to be insane to not be scared of Shorty."

"So you're scared of me Kuwabaka?" Hiei taunted.

"That's not what I said, you little jerk!"

"Well, you said you either have to be scared of me or insane. So which one is it?"

"Don't worry about it Hiei," Risika cut in. "The only thing he's gonna be is dead." She threatened, cracking her knuckles.

"I don't fight girls." Kuwabara stated with his nose in the air.

"I usually don't either, but this time I'll make an exception."

"Hey! What's that suppose to mean?"

"Figure it out, ahou."

"You better stop callin' me names or else…"

"Or else what? You'll fight me?"


"Then what are you gonna do?"

"I won't hit you, but I can defend myself. And I'm bigger than you, so all I have to do is hold you down."

"So you're smarter than you look. But I guess you'd have to be. No one can actually be as stupid as you look."

"I'm tellin' you, you'd better stop!"

"Or what? What are you gonna do?"

"I already told you!"

"Who said I was gonna fight you?"

"You did!"

"That was then, this is now."

"So what are you gonna do?"

Risika smiled evilly and said one thing, "I know where you live." Then she turned and took off down the street.

Kuwabara was dumbstruck for a second. Then his face paled and he took off after her. The whole gang, who had been watching the argument like a tennis match, now turned to each other. No one said anything for a moment. Then Yusuke turned to Hiei.



"You should marry her."

This earned Yusuke a fresh lump on the head and everyone else a sweatdrop.

Wowzers. Sorry I haven't updated in so long. School has made me crazy busy. I had a Halloween story I was working on, but I didn't get to finish it, so I'll have to save it for next year. This chapter wasn't even very long or particularly great, but I figured I should post something. Anyway, PLEASE review. Your comments give me the fuel and inspiration I need to write….and it also makes me happy! ^_^ Anyway, I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween and that you enjoyed this loooooooooooong awaited chapter!