Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to Wonderland ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Notes: I decided to give a try at another of my fanfics I had on my list, seeing as I am an Alice in Wonderland fan. I just always loved the thought of the story—a girl falling into her own vivid world whenever she dreams.
I had concocted a few crazy images about it before that are within my DA gallery. You can have a peek at them if you desire. :3
Sorry if there is slight or major OOCness in this—but it is the YYH characters acting through the Alice in Wonderland ones.
Description: A girl falls into a wonderland full of adventure, growing within the confines of this dreamy world to experience hope, despair, love, and what is up is down and what is down is up. (NC-17) (Jin x OC)
Disclaimer: Yu Yu Hakusho was created by Yoshihiro Togashi, and the brilliant characters and world of Wonderland belong to Lewis Carroll and NOT ME! All other original characters created by me are copywrite to me and are to remain so.
Musical Inspiration: “Your Body is a Wonderland” - John Mayer
“Moonlight Shadow” - Groove Coverage
“In My Dreams” - Groove Coverage
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Her eyes fluttered open quickly at the sudden dream she had just encountered. In the room merely lit by candlelight, the ten-year-old child turned to the window near her bed to stare out into the moonlight she could just see over the pouring rain.
She could hear the commotion downstairs, involving a late night tea of some kind within their elegant house. Aware that her father was probably awake, the young girl got to her bare feet and walked quietly down the steps towards the living room.
Pulling a cigar from his mouth, Bernard Little continued talking about the latest happenings within London to his group of poker buddies that evening. Amidst the conversation, he caught sight of his daughter walking by the archway into the living room. “Holly,” Bernard called in attempts to stop his daughter.
He raised his hands to his group, apologetically departing from their company to make it towards his wandering daughter, who appeared to be heading for the kitchen. “Holly,” he called one more time, with a light chuckle in his voice. “What on earth are you doing up at this hour?”
Holly had pulled a cup from the towering cabinets into her hand. “I had that funny dream again, and I thought something to drink might help.” She showed her father the empty, green cup in her hands.
Bernard shook his gelled, brown hair before reaching down to scoop up his daughter into his arms. “How about we have ice-cream before bed—our little secret, eh?”
A smile graced Holly's lips as she nodded feverishly at his request. She knew her father always had unique ways of going about curing any nightmare she may have.
Back within her canopy bed, Holly began to eat the chocolate syrup drizzled vanilla ice-cream her father had put together for her and himself. “I don't know if mother would allow this.”
“Your mother finds weird and silly behavior normal,” Bernard Little said with a smirk at remembering his wife, who currently slept peacefully within their bedroom. “As she always says, whatever is forwards should be backwards and always will within her world.”
“So, dinner for breakfast, snacks for brunch, and breakfast for dinner,” Holly said in order to recite her mother's rules.
“And ice-cream to cure the perfect nightmare,” Bernard felt need to add as well, waving his spoon slightly before eating the delight. “So what was this nightmare all about?”
Holly rolled her shoulders, as she kept her long, stringy brown hair out of her way. “There was a woman in red…she always was yelling, and there card men, and a cat that would disappear with a big grin,” Holly explained, as she found herself resting back upon her covers.
Bernard couldn't help but smile at everything she was trying to tell him. “You're starting to sound like your mother.” He moved the covers up under the chin of his daughter once their dessert for the night was finished. “She would talk about this Wonderland of hers when we first started dating.”
“Was she ever afraid of it?” Holly asked, feeling a bit relaxed under her father's touch to her head.
“No, no,” Bernard answered his daughter, as he leaned against the empty space on the bed. “She was actually quite fascinated with it.” He grabbed onto Holly's wrist gently with a reassuring squeeze. “Don't worry too much about that nightmare, my dear. Just remember that dreams cannot hurt you.”
“Thanks, daddy,” Holly yawned, hoping that she could sleep peacefully this time.
Bernard made sure his daughter was asleep before pulling the empty bowl from her and blowing out the candle near her bed that was helping illuminate the room for the time being. “Goodnight, Holly, and sleep well.” With that said, he left the bedroom to attend to his guests downstairs.
However, as Holly slept, she found herself standing in a very heavy mist. She recognized it as to where she was standing before she forced herself to wake. Something had been calling her to a location, and the last thing Holly could remember before waking up was that the disappearing cat, with a rather eerie grin, had told her the `hatter' wanted to see Holly.
All Holly could see was mist, however, the further on she went. She wasn't sure where this hatter could possibly be, until the mist began to slowly part and there stood a perfect, white fence about a two-story house.
Holly opened the front gate to see a bunch of red rose bushes lining the fence as well as a few other unique looking flowers. She was mindful of them, as she made it further into the front yard to find a rather long table lined with many chairs and several different teapots. Holly made it over towards the table to find nobody there, though the sign clearly showed that a hatter and hare lived within the area.
“Hello?” Holly called, as she walked about the awkwardly shaped house. She found herself going behind the house to see more of the flowers. The further on she walked, the louder a soft humming she could hear soon became. “Hello, is someone here?”
Right as she asked, she found herself suddenly drenched by water. “Hey!” Holly exclaimed, shaking the water off of her nightgown she was wearing.
Hearing the strange voice, a redhead with soft, lavender colored floppy, rabbit ears peered around the forest of roses and flowers. “Oh! I am sorry!” He apologized, as he pushed his way past the flora to get to Holly.
Holly looked up at the towering redhead to see he was wearing a violet colored coat, with a white undershirt and light blue pants, which matched his bowtie color. She couldn't help but note that his coordination of clothing was rather bizarre.
“I wasn't expecting company, so you startled me!” The hare said in his defense.
“I was told by the grinning cat that some hatter was here who wanted to see me,” Holly said in return.
“He is here and there,” the hare answered, ushering Holly out of the backyard and back to the front. “My name is Kurama, by the way.” Kurama could feel the dampness in Holly's hair, prompting him to wring it out a bit.
“I am Holly,” she said in return, flinching a bit from him roughly messing with her hair. “Ouch, you're going to pull my hair out!”
“My apologizes,” said Kurama, as he helped her into the colorful house. “Why don't we get you something new to wear and get you…dry.”
The inside of the house made little sense to Holly. Everything was a different color, and the upstairs looked as though it were upside down. She found herself sitting upon a white and black striped sofa, near the blue wall. “Your home doesn't make any sense,” said the 10-year-old.
“Or is it that you don't make any sense?” Came another voice within the house. “Everything in this non-sensible world makes the most sense.”
Holly looked around, confused. “That—that doesn't make any sense.” She looked around, trying to find the source of the voice, knowing it hadn't come from Kurama. When she brought her sight to the right of the room, she found another redhead, with wild hair and even wilder hat sitting beside her. Holly couldn't help but jump slightly. “Who are you?”
Taking off the large, green hat, the toothy male grinned. “My name is Jin, and I see you've met Kurama.” Here, he couldn't help but note the soaking wet attire Holly was shivering within.
“I am sorry, but my garden is taller than her,” Kurama pointed out, as he excused himself from the scene to find something else for her to wear.
“I guess the Cheshire cat directed you in this direction?” Jin asked, as he took off his orange coat to put around Holly. “We haven't had any visitors in some time. Not since the last one.” He brought the large coat closer to the front of Holly in hopes of keeping her warmer.
“This place doesn't make any sense to me,” said Holly, as she moved a bit away from the crazy hatter. “It scares me a bit.”
Jin shrugged slightly, as if it weren't shocking news. “Whatever doesn't make sense to others, frightens them. So,” he began, pointing at her, “what you need to do is make sense of it, and then your fear will be gone.”
Holly found the hatter being a lot more welcoming than she expected he would. She offered a brief smile to his words to express her thanks.
Kurama finally resurfaced with a rather baggy shirt he figured would suffice as her nightgown replacement. “Well, this should do for now.” He showed the long sleeved, violet shirt. “I had a spare in my room.”
“At least let her get dry!” Jin pointed out, as he took the shirt from Kurama. Looking at his hat, he reached into it and pulled out a towel like a magic trick. “Here, this shall do.” Taking the towel, he used it in replace of the coat Kurama had on to dry Holly from the water she was `welcomed' with.
“The grinning cat said you wanted to see me,” Holly tried to express from the towel being used to dry her hair. “What did you need me for?”
Before either one could answer, the crooked grandfather clock chimed the hour.
“Well,” Jin said, turning his focus back to Holly, “the reason I asked for your attendance here is because it is now tea time.”
“But it is a weird time for tea,” said Holly, noticing that the time was three o'clock.
“Every time is tea time,” Kurama felt need to point out, as he removed her wet gown from her body. He took the shirt of his and helped Holly into it. She looked as though she was being eaten by the fabric, considering how big it was on her.
Holly could hardly make it to the end of the sleeves with her tiny hands. “This shirt is too big,” she lightly complained.
“Then, I will just have to carry you,” Jin said, picking her up into his arms.
She held tightly onto the hatter's neck, resting against his shoulder. Holly felt secure, as though she were about her father. She almost felt like closing her eyes and drifting back to the real, sensible world, but she fought the urge, as the two redheads took her outside to the table she saw previously.
Helping her to the first seat, Jin made sure she was comfortable before taking his own at the end of the long table. “Care for some tea, Holly?” He asked, grabbing a nearby teapot to hold over her empty cup.
“You kept your tea outside?” Holly found that a bit awkward, as she accepted the offer.
“Only for a while,” answered Kurama, as he peeked through a few of the teapots to see what tea was in where. He couldn't help but shake the nearest, pink pot to see if there was anything special within it. “The sun helps make it taste flavorful.”
Holly tasted the tea carefully to find that it was of a different flavor. “It does taste good,” she admitted. “You have tea about the same time my mother does.”
“Your mother is a brilliant woman,” complimented Jin. “What is her name?”
“Alice Little,” Holly answered. As soon as the name escaped her lips, the two redheads seemed to go quiet. “What is the matter?”
Kurama seemed to struggle to find the words, but he was failing. He raised his brow at Jin, as if urging him to find something to say.
“Umm, well,” Jin stammered, “I think the White Queen might be interested in you.”
“The White Queen?” Holly was confused and a bit worried. She remembered the last one was in red and white attire. “This isn't the one I ran into on my way here, is it? She was a horrid person with red hearts…”
“Oh, my, no!” Kurama interjected, waving the thought away. “That would be the evil Queen of Hearts—sister of the White Queen. Don't ever consider her way again. She is a horrid person.”
“Quite,” said Jin, tapping his fingers upon the cup he had. “However, it would be wise that you see the White Queen. I am sure she'll find herself quite interested in you.”
“I don't know who she is,” Holly said, bringing the cup to her mouth with both her hands around the large cup. She was finding the cup within her hands to be growing, almost, bigger. “What's wrong with my cup…?”
“Oh dear!” Jin gasped, reaching over to grab Holly's shrinking body. He didn't want to lose her within the giant fabric. “Sorry about that. Sometimes things in Wonderland tend to mess with the body more so than the mind.”
Holly was finding herself sitting perfectly in Jin's palm, confused. “What are you talking about? Why am I so small?” She struggled to keep the mess of clothing around her body.
Taking scissors, Jin cut some of the shirt so Holly could keep it for part of an outfit. “The tea must have had a little magic in it,” he stressed, as he placed Holly down on the table. “I am sure Kurama can think of a perfect gown to make for you at this size.”
Kurama's fingers tapped upon the table, as he tried to think of a design for her. “I know!” Taking what was left of the shirt, he began to cut and sew together a perfect dress for the small girl. “Every little girl wants to be a princess, eh? Well, how about a dress for the princess' travel to the Queen's palace?”
Holly found herself within a lacy, purple colored dress. She was also escorted to the rim of the hatter's large, green hat. “I don't know about seeing a Queen. I've never seen a Queen before…” All she could think about is the incident with the Red Queen earlier.
Jin got to his feet, grabbing a nearby cane to twirl about, as he made his way outside of the fenced in area. He and Holly waved goodbye to the hare, who desired to stay behind to watch the house. “I am sure you'll like her,” Jin said, as he continued about the misty looking atmosphere. “She is a kind person.”
Holly made note that the trees were soon coming into view and were lined with a blue hue from the moonlight. “I remember coming through here before.” She could hear something moving within the dark forest, making her a bit nervous considering her size. Holly was afraid that she'd be eaten by some creature.
His blue eyes shifted up to the rim of his hat he could just see. “I don't blame the woods scaring you a bit. It doesn't look very appeasing during the night. Just remember that things can only hurt you if you let it do so,” Jin advised, as he dug the end of the cane into the ground upon coming to a halt.
Jin smirked a bit. “I know you're there.” Jabbing the butt of the cane into the ground again, a gust of wind blew forwards to cause several leaves to scatter.
The wind seemed to force the grinning cat creature to materialize. The cat's light-blue coat was almost hard to see given the darkness surrounding Wonderland. The aqua markings, however, made it a bit easier to pinpoint the Cheshire cat. The cat hissed like a normal, startled housecat.
“No need to be so demanding,” spoke the cat, as he floated towards the two. Holly watched with surprise as the normal looking housecat transformed into a man with cat ears, tail, and legs. His narrow, piercing sky-blue eyes matched the color of his short, hair, while his four aquatic bangs matched his markings.
Holly made note of the fishnet shirt he had on, as well as a black, Celtic cross about his neck. He wore black gloves as well as a gray cloth, which was kept in place by a metal belt of some kind, that hung in front of him at knees length and at the back as well. Holly nearly felt her heart drop when she noted the many layers of teeth grinning at her.
“I see she made it to your house in one piece.” He tilted his head in confusion, however. “Wasn't she…taller before?” The Cheshire cat couldn't resist picking her up to get a better look.
“Well, the tea saw fit to shrink her,” Jin admitted with a gesture of his hands. He could sense the fright within Holly, and the redhead couldn't help but chuckle. “This is Touya. He is our Cheshire cat of Wonderland.” A smirk continued to hook onto Jin's mouth. “Don't worry, he won't eat you.”
Touya put Holly back upon Jin's hat before backing away on his large, padded, cat feet. His big, fluffy tail swished from side to side. The longer Holly stared at his tail, the more she could have sworn that it was steadily disappearing. The tail was gradually vanishing, leaving behind the aquatic rings on it before they as well started to unravel like a present ribbon.
“I will see you all later then.” Touya bowed gracefully at that point, and soon all that could be seen was the wide grin upon his face, before it disappeared like the rest of his body.
“Such a strange cat…” Holly's voice trailed off, as the hatter continued on his way through the woods.
“You have cats where you live?” Jin inquired, as he began to spin the cane about like a baton.
“Yes, but not like that one.” She looked behind the width of the hat to see if the Cheshire cat was lurking nearby still. Holly couldn't deny that the cat still put her on edge. “They don't talk, and they don't disappear like that.”
Jin shook his head, as he managed to make it through the forest and into an open field. “Such a boring world you must come from.”
Before Holly could retaliate, her words stopped midway from her mouth at seeing a large, white castle in the distance. “Is that the White Queen's castle?”
“Apparently,” said the hatter. “She lives quite the ways away, but the walk is worth it.”
“She seems to live quite far.” Her hands gripped onto the rim of the rather large, green hat. “Why do you want me to see the White Queen? What could she possibly do for me?”
Jin couldn't help but hide his toothy grin under the hat he wore. “I am sure she'll find you to be quite interesting.”
The two continued throughout Wonderland until finding their way to the white, marble crafted castle. Jin wandered down the road before him, lined with cherry blossom trees on either side of the road. The castle just seemed to get bigger the closer they got to it—more so for Holly, given her case.
Holly squinted her eyes through the sudden fog overtaking the scene. The large, double doors had opened to reveal a figure in a very sparkling, flowing gown, which was sleeveless. The woman stepped forwards, keeping the gown out of the way of her feet. Her hair was white, just like everything else, and it was tied back into a bun.
The White Queen's eyes seemed to widen for a moment at the sight of Holly before looking at Jin. “Umm, welcome, the both of you.” There seemed to be nervousness in her voice. “Hatter, it is always a pleasure. This must be the new child I've heard about from the Cheshire cat.” She opened her gloved hands to accept Holly within them. “Maybe we should get you back to your normal size—that is, unless you want to sleep upon a pin cushion.”
“Can you do that?” Holly asked, standing upon the Queen's hand like she was Thumbalina.
“What is done can be undone,” explained the Queen, waving Jin to follow. “Do you know where you've found yourself, young girl?” Asked the kind Queen, as she continued down the hallway.
Holly couldn't help but notice that most of the guards looked like white chess pieces. “I've heard it called…Wonderland.” She looked up at the Queen. “My mother would speak of this place to me. She told me the impossible is possible in Wonderland.”
A bright smile could be seen on the coal, black lips of the Queen. “So, your mother has traveled here.” She turned the right corner and made it into a room with many different potions, bubbling from within their glasses. “I guess your family is destined to continue slipping into the sensible world of Wonderland.”
Holly couldn't help but find the word `sensible' next to `Wonderland' was worth a chuckle.
The Queen placed Holly down on the wooden table, lined with different colored liquids to start working on something that would return the young girl to her normal size. She didn't bother telling Holly everything that was going into the concoction, as the Queen scooted the large, wooden bowl over towards Holly once she was finished. “I was taught how to make this before, so I am sure I got all the ingredients right—at least, I think so.”
The dream cannot hurt me, Holly reminded herself, as she started to drink from the bowl. As soon as she did so, she started to slowly grow back to normal size.
With the small dress ripping apart from Holly growing in size, Jin quickly removed his orange jacket to place upon her for the time being. “I figured Holly might be best suited under your care, my Queen,” said Jin finally, keeping his hands upon the girl's shoulders.
“She may,” agreed the White Queen. “The fact that she has found her way here sure is promising.” The Queen guided Holly out of the room they were within and back down the towering hallway. “It has been a short and, probably, uneventful day for you.”
Holly looked up at the White Queen with a raise of her brow. She found her to be expressing something opposite to what was expected.
“Sleeping might help you,” the Queen continued, as she made it to a bedroom Holly could use within the palace.
The white canopy bed was almost as big, if not bigger, than the other back at her house. There were flowing curtains all around the bed. Holly watched as they danced about in the calm wind, which blew from the balcony. There was a white rocking horse near the equally white vanity and dresser.
“It is like everything is covered in snow here,” said Holly, as she made her way towards the bed.
“White can be a delightful color,” said the White Queen, as she made her way over towards the dresser to pull out a nightgown for the visitor to wear. She found it to be a perfect fit, as she helped Holly within the gown
Holly couldn't help but notice something familiar within the woman's eyes. They were warm and welcoming. Even if she spoke strangely, there was still something very inviting about the blue orbs.
“Get to bed,” the woman whispered between them, helping her upon the canopy's sheets. “The sun may rise soon or it may not. Either way, it is best to be prepared.” She tucked Holly in with a tender smile. “Sleep well.”
Holly watched the fair Queen pull from the bedside and head out the door. The hatter was still standing there, prompting Holly to beckon him over.
“Jin,” she called. “Can you stay with me?”
Jin headed over towards the canopy bed to sit upon the empty space beside the young girl. He removed his hat and placed it down upon the nightstand. “Wonderland doesn't still frighten you, does it?”
“It is all kinds of crazy,” she answered quietly between them. “My mother would talk about Wonderland, like it was a wonderful place full of magic and things you've never seen.” She began to fidget with the blankets that almost swallowed her small frame. “It all seems very…frightening.”
“Maybe you're not used to it,” expressed Jin, placing his hand upon her brown hair. “You just have to grow into Wonderland, and let Wonderland grow into you.” He pressed his finger gently upon her chest where her heart was.
Holly didn't know whether to agree or disagree, as she closed her eyes in hopes of waking back into the sensible, logic driven world she was used to.