Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Werewolf Moon ❯ Sweet Greetings ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter two: "Sweet Greetings."
"Are you hurt?"
"Does that question have a point? OF COURSE I'M HURT! OW!"
"Ah heh. Just checking."
I couldn't see at first. It took me few seconds to bring my eyes into focus. There was this person crouched down over me. He had a fox like figure and long, shimmering red hair, emereld green eyes and was wearing a purple jumpsuit.....Wait a second.......Is it A girl or a boy?
"Hey, um dude. Before I ask what happened...OW! Do you mind if l ask if your a boy or a girl. I don't mean to be rude but I can't quite place you. No offense what so ever meant." I said through my pain.
"None taken, But I am, indeed a boy."
He heald his right hand out and pulled me up, I took it and was able to stand up.
"Yeah, I kinda thought you were, Now that that's settled.....Uh what's up with old hairy there? I mean the dude almost like totally ran me over."
"His name's Danny. He obviously got angry when you told him you wouldn't ride, So he tried to run you over."
"Very discriptive man."
"Yes I know."
"Anyaways,I got that much. The thing is I....I SAW THE LIGHT MAN! I KNEW I WAS A GONER! So....How is it i'm still here?"
"Heh. Let's just say you were lucky that I was passing by. Otherwise you would have been splatered onto the pavement."
"Uhhhnnnn." I blinked. "Are you always this vauge?"
He smiled and chukled. "Yes I suppose so."
I chukled a little bit as well. But suddently Kurama retained his composure and gave me a sturn look. "You might wanta rest for a minute..you-"
I then intupted him.
"Okay, So you saved me.......I...... i'm afraid I don't know what to say."
He sighed.
"You needn't say anything more then A simple thank you." Kurama said, odveiously conveinced he wasn't going to finish his sentence.
"You needn't say? That's funny. Okay well thanks then. What's you name?"
"Shuichi Minamino. It's a pleasure to meet you.

"O_O Sue.......Sue........Suesie?"
Shiuichi chukled again.
"Ahahahah. No, Shuichi."
"Oooooooh. Shuichi......You're.....Japanese."
"THAT IS SOOOOO COOOOOL!!!!!!!!" I bowed. "Konnichiwa Shuuichi-san, My name is Karen-san, but you can call me Karen-chan! =^.^="
That's funny too....Um I'm Karen, Nice to meet you."
"Karen.....That name means pure."
"Yeah. I know. I looked it up in a name dictionary......Uhh what does yours mean?"
"One who seeks revenge."
".......Ewwwkayyy....Hah hah hah.*Blink*Blink*...Very funny...."
"No i'm serious."
"Suuure... Dahh.....Uh.....Uh...Ahhhh....Owww....Uhhh...Akkk."
"Are you okay?"
"My.....my head....."
I put my right hand on top of my scalp for a second. Then I looked at it and it was covered in blood.
"Whaaa. What happened?"
"Hmm.....I thought the bleeding had stopped. But obviously it hasn't. Here." He pulled a roll of bandages out of his pocket. "I'm going to wrap this around your head. We should get you home as soon as possable." (Dude, like where did he get the bandadges?)
He started to rap it around my head. It hurt far worse then it probably looked. It felt as if three foot needles were being shoved all at once into my head. "I know it hurts. But just bare with me for A moment." He picked me up over his shoulder and asked me "Where do you live?" I told him it was only about a block from here. I fainted shortly after I haven't the slightest clue what happened afterward, Up untill the point I woke up later in my living room.
"She should be fine. I studied the wound, There wasn't any serious damage. Time should heal."
Mom: "Thank you Kurama. Is there anything we can do to make it up to you? Anything at all?"
"No. I'll be okay. To help restore life is most rewarding on it's own."
Dad: "Well at least stay for tonight and get some rest. I insist."
"Fine. But I must say how lucky she is. Most girls would have, Without a dout, died within that hour. But yet when she awakened it was as if it hadn't fazed her at all. Karen has amazing stamina. But I can't take all the credit. If it wasn't for Lusandra's father, I would have never located you and your house." {Of course if I needed I could have felt out your energies}.
They talked back and forth for A while. I couldn't hear at first. Everything just sounded like a bunch of "An nunnunun" and "Blurrr Blah Blah blah." But eventully my ears came into focus along with my eyes. But then the question hit me. How did he help? He never said what happened exactly. All he said was "Let's just say if it wasn't for me you would have been splatered onto the pavement." Did he mean that he nursed me back to health after I was hit? Did he push me out of the way of the truck? Was he a passenger who turned the truck at the last second? Or what? I wanted to ask so bad, But my head still hurt like a wreaking ball had struck it. I tried for a long time and I finally, After all that time, found the courage to speak up. (What A strange question to ponder.)
"Oww.....Uh. Hey....Ehh...Kurama....."
Kurama: "Oh hello there. It seems you are awake. Tell me....Does your head still hurt? I didn't know if you would make it or not."
"Hah hah.....Very....ow...funny."
Mom: "Honey you are okay! Now you need to thank this young man. For if it wasn't for his heroic act of bravery, You wouldn't be here right now."
"Yeah. Um that's what I wanted to ask. How is it that you saved me? Did you push me out of the trucks path. Were you a passenger who turned the truck? Did you nurse me back to health after I was hit? Or what?"
"Hmmm....Well uh.......Hard to say.....Umm........."What can I say? I can't tell her the truth...... Can I?"
******************************Flashback******************* ******************
"WHAT??? YOU.....Your holding the truck back? Just what are you?"
"Appearances can be deceiving Danny. I thought even you would know that."
He then trusts his hand through the front and pulls out some wires. The truck then supposenly stops running. After that he jumped through
the front window, Into the cocpit. He then punched Danny square in the face, breaking his nose. Kurama then flew out the window and glass went everywere. "It would be best for this event to be left forgotten......As for you....."
He turns his head in my direction and walks out back onto the hood. "I'm afraid you shouldn't be allowed to remember either."
He then leaped and delived a gruleing kick upsided my head. The impact sends me flying. I flew into a telephone pole. I fell flat on my face, blood gushed out of my head, and pain leaped about.
He then turned, and gave me a holding glare, Half concerned for the girls safety. He then starts to walk off, then stopped once something hit him. "Wait.....The girl.....She seems to have more of a spirit then I thought. When she wakes up she will without a doubt, still remember the previous event. She may be worth something some day, Maybe do something stupendous for her kind. Perhaps, save the world; Defeat A dispicable villin. Who knows? Killing her would be utterly pointless indeed. I guess i'll just have to spare her and hit her again. But how can I do that without killing her?" He thought about it for a minute when the odvious hit him. "Heh heh heh. Who am I trying to kid? A simple thump to the forehead would surffice." He then picked me up by the hair and thumped me in the forehead. I awoke brifely when the pain struck."Ah hah.......Ohhh........"
"Hmmm". He then drops me on the ground and smiles. "She will wake shortly and when she does, The death of Danny will not be remembered."
***********************Endflashback******************** *
"Hmm.....Well if you must know I was aquaintances with the driver. All I had to do was simply stand in front of the vehicle. He had nothing really aginst me so he stoped the truck.
However, He was terribly drunk so when he got out he assaulted you. He was strong so I was powerless to stop him at first. I had dived in to try and stop him but he tossed me aside and knocked me out temporarily. He had done beat you bloody by the time I was able to awaken and stop his rampage. Lucky for you I had my first aid kit with me and was able to help stop the bleeding a little."
"Funny....That's not how I remembered it...."
"................Umm.....Well like I said he was strong so when he knocked you out you kinda lost some of your brain cells. Inother words, It's another type of amnesia. Just not as serious." (Well....Is he being truthful? I can't tell!)
"But how do you beat him? I thought you said he was stronger then you."
"Not quite. The only reason he knocked me out for that short time was because........I think lt would be best for me to leave that part out for now?"
".............I........I suppose I could tell you later if you absolutely insist.......*Sigh* But anywho I had taken a varaity of self defense class's. So I did indeed have the upper hand. It was actully a simple tast to bring him down. All I had to do was hit him in the neck hard enough. He'll be out for a while yet."
"Thank you so much." I said, almost in tears.
He smiled. "As i've said
+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+ /+/+/+/+/+/
Hiei: "Okay what's with the pink coloring? Isn't the story annoying enoph as it is?"
Bakarosedragon: "Don't like it? Well touph frolicing telletubies!"
"Really Hiei i'd think you could use better discriptions then that."
"What? Alright then. Foolish, ignerent, assanine, insane, babish. It's all A bunch of dedorasticlino...."
"Wha? dedorasticlino? "
Kurama: "Really Hiei is such languge needed?"
"Kurama i'm discribing the Telletubies, of course it's needed!"
Bakarosedragon: "Um Kurama what's dedorasticlino?
Kurama: "Hiei you tell her. After all your the one who brought it up."
"Heck no. Your the intellagent one."
Me: "Come on what's it mean?"
"............You wanta know?"
"Well here's A youkai dictonary, look it up." *Hands me A diconary with A frighting symbol on the front, looks up word and gasps*
Me: "HUH??? Doohhhhyyyyy....Ohh....*Blomp*Faints on the ground*
Hiei: "Maybe she'll stay down there and be quiet the rest of the fic....." *Springs back up off the floor*Hiei jumps back*
Kurama and Hiei fall over anime style.
Hiei: "That's it! I'm killing you after the fic!"
Bakarosedragon: "You do and i'll have Barney kill you in my next one."
"..........Your lucky i'm such a nice person."
"....Eeeeeyeah.....Whatever! READ AND REVEIW PLEASE!!!"