Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Has Changed ❯ Chapter 2: Try To Get In ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
KS: Well, ummmmmm..... Hope you enjoy!!!! R&R!!!


What Has Changed
PG 13 (mostly for violence and Kori's anger issues)
Summary: When Kurama's attacked by a demon, it sends him flying back almost twenty years in the past (in his mind) and right into his true form: Yoko Kurama. Finding Kori, an old friend and partner, could help him, but harm her. How could she ever explain what has changed?


Chapter 2: Try To Get In

"Yoko. There are no people named Kori or Kuronue here, but nice joke," Kuwabara stated.

Yoko only let out a growl. If they even touched Kori, he would kill them. Kuronue and Kori could both handle themselves, but Kori was prone to go after someone or lose her temper. He had to be more worried about her. Well, that and he loved her. But she didn't have to know that. "Where is Kori?" he repeated.

Koenma pointed outside the door and everyone left, except for Botan and Yuking who stayed in the room.

"Okay," Yusuke stated. "What is wrong with him and who is this Kori guy? I know Kuronue was his partner."

"So was Kori, and he happens to be a she," Hiei replied.

"That has to be at least sixteen years ago," Koenma muttered. "His mind was probably pushed back farther than that because he was talking as if they had just been together."

"Well, we have to make him remember," Yusuke stated.

"Yeah, but how?" Kuwabara asked.

"Kori," Koenma stated, after a few seconds. They all looked up at him, questioning. "He needs to be taken through the last years and only she can do that. Then we can take it from there. Something should jog his memory back."


They had convinced Yoko that they had meant no harm and were going to take him back home. Of course, he didn't entirley trust them but it seemed better than staying in that room.

"Is this the place?" Koenma asked.

Yoko only nodded. It hadn't changed a bit, except for the plants, flowers, and trees that were growing with surprising rate, even now. And it wasn't because of him, it was all Kori's youkai seeping through the nature life around the area.

'Why are you doing this, Kori?' Yoko asked silently. 'I can feel your wearinessfrom here. You're draining your energy. But why? Why isn't Kuro stopping you?'

Koenma knocked on the door. "Go away!" came a voice. It was Kori's, Yoko could tell, but it didn't sound like the stubborn, hot tempered kitsune he had been friends with.

"My name is Koenma, the Prince of Reikai, and I-"


"That's her," Yoko muttered.

"Listen, Kori-" Koenma continued.


'Attitude and all,' he thought to himself.

"Kori, can you listen-" The vine smacked against Koenma. He took a step back.

"I'll give you a warning- get the fuckin' hell away from here or I'll kill you!" she snapped.

"How are we supposed to get inside if she won't open up the door and she's threatening us?" Kuwabara asked.

"Couldn't we just tear through the plant life?" Yusuke suggested

"No. With the amount of youkai she is putting into them, new ones would sprout up as soon as they were destroyed," Yoko stated. "And they would come back twice as strong and agessive. Giving you a slow, painful death."

Kuwabara, Yusuke, and Koenma laughed slightly. Then stopped. "You are joking, right?" Kuwabara asked.

"No." Yoko walked up towards the door and knocked.


"Kori!" Yoko inturrupted. "Open the damn door, now!"

It went silent for a few minutes and then all the vines seemed to dissappear. All the youkai dissapeared from the outside, and they could feel how different it was.


"Yes, Kori. It's me, who else would it be?"

The door opened hesitantly and out peeked two blue eyes.

"How is that possible?"