Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What If... ❯ What If... ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
What if…
What if the meeting between Hiei and Keiko had gone another way as it did into the series?
What would have happened then?
Well, this is my version of it.
Read and enjoy, Suryallee.

Chapter one
Temperament of a young woman

The dark clothed demon had seen enough, he flitted away to an unknown place when his observing of the spirit detective had ended.
It was set; he would use the girlfriend of the boy to bait the detective to his hideout. Simply use her to make him bring the artefacts with him.
She was, he thinks the best bait he could find in such a short time. Only simply a ningen female he could use for his own wants.
What could this girl do, bah? Nothing!
This Yukimura girl was only one of these simple ningen women. She was just good enough to entertain him as his first human turned demon slave.
The ningen would do just well as that!

Hiei flitted away to the spot he knew she would come across on her way back home.

Keiko Yukimura was silently fuming with anger.
Her childhood friend Yusuke did not tell her the entire true, and she was sure of that.
Still, why?
Who was this strange bubbling woman with the blue hair that was with him?
This Botan woman, Yusuke seemed to like her now and not her any longer.
Keiko sight out, this brought her nothing. She wished she could kick Yusukes ass! Just for once. To remind him that she was there, but c’mon he would not even see her now since he knew this new strange woman.
Suddenly Keiko shouted out loudly; “Dammit” right in the middle of the street.

Everybody who was living here into the houses around went immediately to their windows to look who cursed outside on the street so loudly.
The few people who were walking turned surprised around to watch Keiko cursing loudly out another stream of very interesting curses about Yusuke that woman Botan.
Even a small childlike figure all in black clothes under a night lamp arched a fine brow. After he heard her colourful cursing about the stupidity of the detective.
He could not stop himself to let out a chuckle at that. Her curses could make a demon proud to know, she was really entertaining when she was that angry.
Hiei had not known that the ningen knew such interesting curses or that she would even curse like that. He silently chuckled again; it was quite amusing to watch the fuming female. Hiei thought a moment about the possibility to watch her when she got the detective in her hands. However, dismissed the thought quickly, he needed the items.

Nevertheless, with all the people looking at her he could not strike as he had planned, now he needed a new plan.

Now it was a jagonshi who was cursing; only Hiei did it much quietly.
Females, the brought nothing as trouble with them Hiei thought.

The youth stopped her verbal assault after she got a little down from her anger.
She got a red face when she got aware how many people had watched her with interest, how embarrassing!
She swears that Yusuke would pay for that.
Fuming, Keiko went home. Never aware that a small, childlike figure follows her hidden deep in the shadows around her path back home.

After she got home, Keiko went straight to her room. The young woman began again to curse about Yusuke. Her father downstairs only shakes his head, he knew the fiery temper of his daughter all to well.
Keiko throws everything into her reach around for some minutes. After her anger subsided a little bit slowly, Keiko stripped down in her room and went to the bath right the next room.

Outside her bedroom window tried a demon his hardest not to laugh at the scene he just watched, she really was entertaining, that was sure
Her temper even matched his. Hiei laughed quietly and took amused in that her family seem to avoid the fiery young woman right now. Watching the ningen when she smashed her interior into pieces was more as fun. Then she suddenly stopped and began to strip; Hiei watched her doing so with interest into his red eyes.
Not that he had any interest into ningen females, he even had mostly none into females of his own kind, but something drove him so.
She stopped at her underwear and took a towel and went to the next room to take a bath he mused.
The short demon let her do so, but Hiei was quietly thinking about this slip of a young woman called Keiko.

She was a surprise.
Her temper was really bad. However, who was he to say something about other peoples tempers, he had a foul temper himself.
It was entertaining for Hiei to watch her, and she killed his time with it effectively.
He silently mused over the question if she would fear him like the others. Something inside the short demon wanted to see her fear. Suddenly his body vanished from his watching spot, Hiei had a new plan.

Meanwhile, Keiko tried to come down from her anger and changed into her sleep clothes.
She wanted nothing other as to forget Yusuke and this, this Botan woman for now.
Nevertheless, when she entered her room again, an arm came out of nowhere. A shadowed person catches her suddenly with a hard and bruising grip around her waist. Only to drag her fast in her room and before Keiko knew what happened to her; the young woman found her senses back; pressed against the wall of her room from a short figure with

Three eyes?!?

The unknown person was shorter as Keiko. He holds her effectively still in his grip, one hand over her mouth.
First Keiko was afraid from the sudden event. But when the young woman saw him suddenly smirk, she lost every fear and her anger came back with full force.
Only, this time it was directed to the stranger who holds her in this bruising grip!
Keiko did the first thing of which she could think; she bit as hard as she could right into the skin of his hand.
Simultaneously the girl kicked out with her knee to hit his lower body parts.

Hiei had wanted to scare her.
He wanted to see how she looked in fear and after it; he had planned to hit her with the sword.
Hiei had not given up his plan to bait the detective with her to him.
At first she did exactly what Hiei had planned. Just when he smirked to scare her a little more, the young woman did something he had never thought she would do;
Keiko bites him !!!
Yet before he could get over his first shook, not that it had really hurt him; she hit her knee right into where it does hurt him the most.
For some short moments, the short demon saw stars,
Hiei panted; that had hurt!

Keiko used his short distraction from her and tried to sneak away from the dangerous strange man, but to her surprise he did not let her go!
On arm hold firmly in place, meanwhile the other holds his wounded lower body parts.
After some seconds he took his red-eyed gaze with a glare back to the fuming female in his grip, she saw it into his strange eyes; he was pissed!

However, she was it too, so; two angry gazes tried to stare each other down for some minutes, suddenly the strange man/boy/whatever began to chuckle quietly.

“So, you have no fears, hm? Do you have the slightest idea who I am? Or what I am?”

His voice was deep and smooth and sounded cold.
It was no emotion into this voice only a questioning undertone.
But that was not important for Keiko, right now all what the young woman wanted was to get away from the strange man and/or to hit him hard enough to lose his hold on her.
Strangely, Keiko never thought about to cry for help.
She only hissed at him and then tried to wiggle one hand free to hit the stranger; the girl was fare beyond her normal calm self.
First Yusuke and now this guy!
That was one too many so she only spat out;

“Get your fucking hands of me, so I can hit your head in you, you little maniac waits when I get my hands on you!
What are you thinking you are doing in my room?
Stop to give me these nerving smirks!
Ohhh just waits, let me get my hands on you, you little freak!”

Hiei could not believe his fine hearing when his prisoner suddenly began to call him not very enjoyable names.
More so, the human girl even dared to throw treats at him!
First the yokai wanted only to kill her for calling him a Maniac, not to mention that she insulted his high simultaneously!
Yet after some second’s Hiei could only laugh quietly, and instead of hitting or to kill her, Hiei began to smirk even more as before. Right into the face of the fuming female in his grip!
He could not help it; he loved to tease the fiery ningen and to see her practically glow with anger when he did just that!
That got Hiei not very much later a trashing ningen in his grip who tried her hardest to get one hand free to hit him. Meanwhile Keiko cursed violently at him.
He made sure that she could not use her knees against him again.

The demon was amused to no end; who had thought that a simple ningen female could be that entertaining!
Suddenly his senses told him that her parents started to worry about her not normally behave momentously, they wondered what she did there, upstairs.
His reaction came promptly; with a whispered sorry Hiei hit her hard enough at her head that she lost her senses and got her in his arms; both where faster away as a blink of an eye.
