Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What If... ❯ Realisation of the truth ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
What if…
Chapter six

My daughter turned seven today, Hooray!
That makes me happy!!!
And all her little guests (4 Boys and 3 Girls between 4 and 8 years!) have slowly driven me insane today!!!

Realisation of the truth

When she awoke again, she was alone.
As it seems, her silent companion had left her during the night and morning after. Keiko pondered on whom that could have been; a white scarf that lay near her pillow determined her suspicious.


Suddenly the teen felt somehow light headed, he must have stayed the entire night and had helped her with her fever.
The next days flow by in a rush of school, work and confusing dreams at night.
He had not come back to her again.

A day later she found out through Botan why, the three where on their way to Kubikuri Island to fight there.
Botan told Shizuru and her not freely, she even tried to scout away from the two angry females, but it doesn’t help her in the end.

So the next approaching day found the teen back in a hotel room with a ferry girl and Shizuru as companion. Keiko had just finish to take her things a way when she suddenly spotted the four men going to their first fight. Koenma had told them that he would take them with him this day. And so Keiko and the others go downstairs to the lobby and went with him to the stadium.

Everything after was a haze for Keiko.

Later when the teen lay in her bed and was alone in her room with her thoughts, she tried to think about what she saw in the arena.
She had a hard time to accept it all, especially what she had felt when Yusuke and Hiei were messed up like they were and then, Kuramas and Kuwabara`s wound first.

She had seen Hiei turn away from the stadium afterwards.
He had seen them in the arena, when he fought with the other fire demon.
His arm the brunette mused must hurt very much! Burned up like the arm of him looked to her! Suddenly she got out of her bed and went after some minutes down to the lobby to ask the man behind the bar there where the group resided and then Keiko went to the elevator to find the demon and Yusuke.

Some minutes later she found out through Kurama that Hiei wasn’t in his room and that Yusuke slept.
Keiko sight against the closed door and turned around to go back to her own room, when she suddenly saw the demon standing behind her light frame.
Squealing in surprise, she jumped startled upwards a little;

“Hiei! You have startled me!”

But whatever she had wanted to say next was suddenly silenced from the look the yokai gave her; she was fuming after she identified it as an amused smirk!

`He has done it on purpose!!`

Again before she even could mutter out any angry jell or curse, the demon startled her again.
He suddenly crouched to his hunches with a painful expression written in his face.
Clutching his burnt arm meanwhile he tried his hardest not to cry out aloud.

All Keiko could do, was to kneel down in front of the pain-filled demon and to cradle his trembling form in her arms and to hold him.
Suddenly the girl felt glad that his dragon had eaten the other yokai! But it had cost Hiei a lot more as everyone thought.

“I have a salve in my room that can help you with the burns.”

But he only shook slightly his head and told her while burying his face deeper in the hollow between her neck and shoulder, that it would not help him because the burns where not made with normal flames.

Meanwhile the demon tried to distract himself from his pain with her, him calming, scent.
It actually worked more as he thought it would. The simple fact of her being near to him and holding him, was more comforting to the short demon then as anything else at these moments.

The pain not faded away from it or subsided, but she gave him a strange strength with simply being there for him and him only in the moment.

He had overheard the short conversation from her and Kurama heard her asking after Yusuke and himself. And Hiei had seen the despair afterwards in her face when the kit had closed the door. Hiei knew she must feel more as only confused at the moment.
But he was it too and that was all what mattered for him for the moment and that she was holding him.

His other hand fisted itself into her shirt in the attempt to hold her there.
He had long given it up to try to denial his attachment to the girl, his mind came to the conclusion in the night when he saw her suddenly falling down to the bathroom floor, weakened from her high fever.

The emotions that had run through his system in that moment when he saw her falling had brought the demon out of his constant state of denial in an instant.
Fear, simple fear had surged through him at that moment and he had cached her head only a mere centimetre away from the ground

And after his paralysed mind took in how hot her body felt and identified her changed scent as illness. He had brought her back to her bed and stayed the entire night to make sure that she was ok.

Cradled with her into his lap and holding her light frame as near as possible to his own.

He had spent the entire night with only looking down at her face and done nothing other as to wipe her sweet from her frond head from time to time or to stroke lightly through her soft and slightly damp tresses.

His mind was completely blank.

Later Hiei thought about his unusual behave and found out that he did not want something other to hold her like this as himself!
In that moment he gave it up completely and instead began to think over the possibilities of his just newfound fact. And what that would bring him into the near future.

That the girl was that attracted to the detective was something that drove him slowly over the edge of his sanity
The yokai knew that the boy was his enemy in this without to know it.
And as long she made no final decision. both of them hung in the air.
Hiei also knew that Keiko was not fully grown up and not more as a woman child now, but she was near to the age to turn fully into a woman and inside her mind she was much older as she was it in years.

In the now and here, the short yokai needed her simply near to him. Her presence wrapped the short demon into a comforting blanked of calm and peace; Hiei needed just this right now.
When he had his body back under his control, the yokai startled the teen with his sudden movement of standing again and he let her help him up from the floor.

Hiei knew he needed help from the Kitzune if he wanted to keep his arm and so he knocked at the door and waited impatiently for the kit to open it.
Meanwhile, Hiei let not go of her hand he had gripped when he stands up, what startled the brunette beside him slightly.

After a short glare at the arched brow from the fox, the demon stepped into the room with her and let himself fall down on his bed in his room.
Never Hiei let go of her hand.

He could practically hear the thoughts of the kit run amok in his try to put the things together, but Hiei did not care about him or the detective for the moment. To his surprise the other demon said nothing and only bent to his knees to tend his injury for now, completely dismissing that his roommate holds the possible girlfriend of his team captain the entire time possessively near to himself.

When the fox human began to work, all Hiei could do to stop himself from crying out aloud was to burry his face into the body of Keiko who was now sitting beside him on the bed
His entire nerve system was screaming of pain, but the demon was used to this state. He was in pain before in his live
He could hear them two talks over his head; that she had found him only seconds before and had tried to help him. That he told her he needed another treatment as normal and that Keiko was worried about him.
It made him proud how smart Keiko avoided it to tell Kurama everything that happened outside the door.
The now evident confusion from the fox amused Hiei to no end but the sudden sorrow the Kitsune gave of in his scent, worried him beyond words.

Hiei knew he has risked it to lose his arm but had hoped he could heal it in time.
Now he wasn’t so sure any longer if he would lose it or not.
There was no way for the demon he could heal himself without having enough youki and the rest he had Hiei needed to survive this fucking tournament!

The only source for youki that would work in this short time span Hiei knew of was definitely out of reach.
He would not sink that low and try to eat human flesh!

She would never forgive him that!

But if not, the demon thought, he would be surely losing his right arm and then he was as good as death!
Hiei heard her asking Kurama what he had before he loses his awareness and everything went black.

Keiko could not believe it that Hiei was about to lose his arm!
Even as Kurama told her since Hiei was a yokai it would grow back in a few years, she knew that would be his death.
She heard the fox demon mumbling about a way Hiei would hopefully not choose and asked him curios what he meant with that statement.

But the red head only denied her to tell and went finally in his bed.
Later the girl sneaked out of their rooms and back into her own. In her mind silently wondering why he wanted her not to know.

Keiko made up her mind and went to the room of the fifth member of the team, the masked fighter.
She didn’t know exactly why she thought this one would probably tell her what she wanted to know, but she had the feeling the masked fighter could and would.
When she found the right room, Keiko noticed how late it was and was just about to turn and come back later when the door suddenly opened and she was greeted from the one in question itself.
So she got her guts together and steps in the room.

After an hour later you could see the girl sitting in her bed and think.
Keiko had been told that demons could regenerate from eating human flesh alone in hours. And that the most demons eat humans because that gave their youki a sudden and strong boost and made them stronger.
After all, they where apparitions in a human shape and not humans, like humans they could look on the outside like one but they stayed demons inside.
It shocked the teen beyond words what the masked one all told her about yokai but she went over it fast.
But it needed the girl to near the early hours of the following day to make up her mind and decide what was to do.

Only half an hour later Kurama was woken from the Yukimura girl the second time this night/morning.

She stands outside of his and Hiei's frond door, white as a wall and a loose bandage around her left arm, which was bloody and smelled after her blood.

Concerned and now seriously worried about Keiko, he took her inside the room fast to look after her injury. He even considered waking the deity to heal her but Keiko took his communicator simply out of his hand with her healthy one and gave the curios fox demon instead a bottle in his hands.

Confuse about her behave the Kitsune looked back and fort between her and the dark bottle several times before he finally got in what was inside the bottle.
Kuramas eyes widened at this realisation.
But before he could utter a word out, Keiko shook her head and told him silently that he knew as well as she that he needed it to make a salve out of it that would help Hiei heal faster.

Both where fully aware that they never could tell this Koenma without to get in serious troubles and so he only nodded after a while and took her gift to his side to tend her deep wound on her left arm.
Keiko was smart enough to make the wound in a place nobody could see it, and so she went finally back to her room to get her the much needed sleep.

Hiei awoke the next day from the missing feeling of pain and more as that only; the fire demon felt better as he thought he would!
Then his nose cached the underlying scent from the slave on his wounded arm and his eyes tripled in size.
It took him one questioning look at the fox to know he was right.
With a hard voice he said;


One hour later Hiei appeared with the others in the ring; surprising everyone in the stadium with his healthy look and his surprisingly strong youki.
Including the demi god who tried to find out what was going on, but neither, Kurama nor Hiei told a single soul what happened to the demon last night.

Only Keiko who sat in the stadium besides Shizuru knew, but she told also nothing and so it stayed their secret.

After the fights of her friends where over and they had defeated the doctor’s team and the team of the Shinobi sect, Keiko wandered alone around a little to distract her from her thoughts and worries.
Her left arm hurt the teen but she showed it not to the others.
She was sure that Hiei would be angry when he found out but she couldn’t help herself; she wanted to help. And the only way for her to be useful was to spend a little of her blood and give that Kurama.

After she saw the female yokai Ruka trapping Hiei and the masked fighter in her force shield she felt rather mad, she wanted nothing other as to kill something.
And when the brunette saw the leader of the fighting team against her friends cheat them their way through the fight, Keiko simply wanted him hurt.

Luckily Kazuma San did her the favour unknowingly and throws him into the audience!

Suddenly the teen was startled from a sudden rush of air.
It swapped Keiko from her feet and brought her very fast to an unknown place.
She could not even voice out her protest or a surprised sound; he was to fast!
When Keiko found her ability back to open her eyes and speak, she found herself back in Hiei's arms and near the ocean. The demon looked not very happy!

Gulping the human female tried to get down to her feet and away from his angry gaze but failed because the yokai holds her only tighter to his body.
The confused girl noted that his grip on her was somehow possessive and after she stopped her struggle and looked back into his face and angry eyes, she saw a flicker of something she couldn’t place in his red deeps.

The almond eyes of the demon gave nothing away as only anger for the next minutes, but before Keiko could even tell him why she did it, she was suddenly silenced with something she had not expected from him.

Hiei kissed her!

And it wasn’t a nice or sweet one the teen suddenly got.
His kiss was bruising and demanding but nothing near to sweet!
His fangs nipped painfully on her bottom lip when she refused to let him deepen the kiss. Her startled cry got him the desired effect to slip his hot tongue into her mouth and soon the demon’s one entangled hers into a battle of dominance.

After a low growl from him and another bite she gave it up to resist him and to try to get his tongue out of her mouth again, soon after that his kiss turned suddenly to a more passionate one. His wet appendage slide alluring against hers and coxed her tongue slowly and seductively into a deeper kiss, he dominated fully.
Keiko found herself suddenly back enjoying this!
She lost any coherent thought for a while.

Suddenly he stopped to kiss her like no tomorrow and leaned back slightly until their noses touched each others.

“Do That Never Ever Again!”

Hiei spoke right into her face with angry burning eyes in a low-toned voice, which shakes slightly from his barely restrained anger.
Both were panting and tried to regain their normal speed of breathing.
But again, before she could even answer him, Hiei took his opportunity and kissed her again.

But this time his kiss wasn’t hard or bruising.
This time the short demon put his longing for her into the kiss and licked instead of biting her again seductively over her closed lips.
Silently begging her to let him into the sweet mouth of her again!

His need to feel her went high wire inside of the trembling yokai, and he wanted nothing other as to kiss the beautiful girl in his arms senselessly!
To lose himself into another of this mind blowing kisses, he just experienced before.
And to his delight she finally let him in with a surprised gasp.

The demon practically ravished her mouth, tasting all he could get from her and relished into the feeling that she gave him with this simple kiss.
Hiei tore only away from this sweet heaven because he needed to breathe and she needed it too.
Afterwards they both starred heavily panting into the eyes of the other, not saying a single word.

Keikos mind was blank.
How was she now supposed to react?

Hiei had kissed her not only one time, no, twice! And the strangest of it was that she had liked him do that to her, especially the last one.
Suddenly feeling guilty she tried to cover her embarrassment behind an angry demeanour, only to be kissed away from him again!

`That’s it ` the teen thought, `he can’t kiss me every time he wants! `

But Hiei ignored her attempts to get out of his grip again and jumped instead suddenly height into a tree next to them two.
There on a high branch, he stopped and sat down with her settled in his lap.

Keiko, never was found of heights in her live, clutched now practically on his tunic like shirt that he was wearing.

The brunette feared heights since she was a child and liked it not one bit to be in a place she could not escape from Hiei any longer.
She glared at the short demon with all her mind and fumed in her anger about this.
But Hiei only smirked at her behave and cradled the slightly resisting teen deeper in his embrace.
A low chuckle escaped him when she finally voiced her frustration out aloud and called him an idiot and cursed him to hell and back.

Oh how much she really hated it when he did that!
But the demon insisted to let her go out of his protecting embrace again and instead Hiei begun only to nuzzle her neck with his nose.
That sent tingling sensations up and down her spine, Keiko shuddered slightly and told him angrily to stop that but the yokai did quite the opposite;

Suddenly she felt him lick and nip gently on her skin there.

This sent only more of these bolds of arousing feelings through her shivering body as before!
Now really scarred of the demon that held her possessively in his arms, Keiko tried to free herself in a weakly attempt once more.

Suddenly she was stopped from his soft purring sound in her attempts.
When she startled looked behind her to look at him she found herself drown into two identical deep pools of blood red eyes that starred into hers intensely. He never stopped his purring sound when Hiei bend down to her shoulder once again and licked over it invitingly once more.

Keiko found that she could not tear her eyes from Hiei's away again.
The silent demon hold her captive with them and his purr seem to lull her effectively deeper into his hold on her.
Somehow he managed with it to ease her fears and anger away from her and soon after she relaxed into his strong grip on her and let herself get lost into his soft caresses.
The teen could not help herself, Hiei's seductive movements on her sensitive skin there in combination with his soothing purr lured her to the short demon in her back and hold her captive.

When she finally began to relax and to sink boneless against his harder frame, he let out a triumphant sounding growl before his purr returned full force; it trumped through her body and leaved her slightly aroused.

His ministrations on her neck and shoulder did nothing to ease the strange effect Hiei had on her with it, instead he heightened her arousing feelings in the moment with them immense.
His movements got more and more seductive and inviting as longer this all went.

Soon Keiko forgot everything else and begun to enjoy the new feelings this all brought her.
His low growls from time to time and his seductive movements with his tongue lips and fangs that scrapped along her skin there from time to time aroused the teen more as before and soon she found herself back whimpering under his assault on her senses.

There Hiei suddenly stopped to her surprise and slightly disappointment.
She flushed beautifully after she realised what she just did, or let him do to her to be more precise.
And blushed brighter if that was possible, after she felt him suddenly press his hips into her backside a little more so she could feel how much this all had aroused him too.
Meanwhile he whispered in her sensitive ear how much he liked her aroused scent.

Keiko was simply flustered and embarrassed beyond words after this!
But the short yokai let her not regain her wits and closed his strong arms around her more then before when he suddenly took of with her securely tugged in his grip and returned her to the hotel with him in no time.
There the yokai brought her to his room and lay down on his bed with her in his arms.

“You need your sleep, last night you have not slept enough. And you are not completely healthy again.
It was idiotic from you to do that, Keiko! Don’t you even dare to do something like that ever again!
Now, go to sleep! ”

His voice leaved her no room for arguments. And his body language spoke clearly of the dangers that would come if she refuses his demands of him.
Keiko leaved it be to try to resist him and closed her eyes in silent defeat. For now she knew it would bring her and him nothing good if Keiko tried to refuse the yokai his wishes and Hiei was right; she was really tired.

So the girl let herself bring to sleep from his newly started purr and was soon fast asleep in Hiei's arms.

Tell me what you thing, it jogged my imagination!