Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Life Brings ❯ Mace ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

DISCLAIMER: I don't own YYH or any of the characters. But for those ficlets who contain my original character Mai (see `With Every Drop of Blood' and `Fire Dancer')—I do own her.
a/n: I'm just going to give you all a little sampler of all the ideas I couldn't fit into my other stories. Some of these may be AU, some may not, and some might even contain Mai—it's all a surprise!
I'm going to try and make sure that these stories run no longer than 600 words or less (if I really have to, I'll stretch the word count, but only if it's necessary)
What Life Brings
Mai opened her bedroom door with a sigh. She tossed her backpack onto her desk without even flipping on a light and leaned up against the doorframe heavily. Spending her entire day running errands and coming back to an empty home was not what she called gratitude.
“That's just like them too,” she mumbled as she rolled her shoulders. The least Yusuke and Kuwabara could have done was go with her and carry the stupid bags…but noooo they had `business' to take care of. The only business they had to do was fix that hole in the bathroom wall (see flashback in chapter 19 of WEDoB).
She sighed again and reached to flip on the light switch. The guardian frowned however when none of the lights came on.
“Weird…the power must be out…”
Suddenly, she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end and her eyes bolted quickly around the darkened room. Was…was someone there? She hadn't seen any shoes or any traces of anybody inside the house when she had come in; but there wasn't any other way into Genkai's temple.
But just to be sure, Mai felt her way around her desk until her hand clasped around a small aerosol can. A slender finger sat ready on top of the button as she took a few wary step into the room. She couldn't hear anything but her heavy breathing, but her senses told her that something wasn't right.
Even though it was already dark within the room, she closed her eyes to clear her mind. Silence enveloped her and it became so quiet that she was able to hear the crickets chirping outside her window.
It was only until her senses clicked that she swiftly whirled around and held up the spray can. With her fear taking over, she screamed, “Get out!!” and let her finger push down on the button.
Almost immediately there was a crashing sound as the intruder backed into her desk, sending her books and anything else crashing to the ground, “BAKA ONNA!”
The lights suddenly flickered on around her, “Hm, I guess the power is working again—“ she turned to face the stranger only to feel the blood drain from her face, “H-Hiei!?”
The apparition was clutching his eyes desperately, “What the hell is wrong with you!?” he demanded without being able to make eye-contact, “It was bad enough those bastards forced me through the window, and now I'm being sprayed with poison gas!” Without using his eyes (though, he was probably using his Jagan), he snatched the aerosol can from her hands and tossed it furiously out the window. Mai was about to protest until she heard a curious thud from where the can had fallen.
“Hey, I wonder what this is…” came Kuwabara's voice as he picked it up. After a pause there was a hissing sound coming from below, “AH! IT BURNS! JUST LIKE MY LOVE FOR YUKINA!!” he cried frantically.
“Kuwabara you moron,” Yusuke muttered next and then shouted to them through Kazuma's moans of pain, “Come on already Mai! Koenma has another demon he wants us to get rid of!”
The apparition snorted, “And of course I was dragged into this useless mission with them,” he growled as he blinked a few times and removed his hands from his face. To the guardian, he almost looked shaken by the experience.
“Personally, I would have rather faced your spirit gun any day than that death spray.”