Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Life Brings ❯ Cake ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

DISCLAIMER: I don't own YYH or any of the characters. But for those ficlets who contain my original character Mai (see `With Every Drop of Blood' and `Fire Dancer')—I do own her.
a/n: I'm just going to give you all a little sampler of all the ideas I couldn't fit into my other stories. Some of these may be AU, some may not, and some might even contain Mai—it's all a surprise!
I'm going to try and make sure that these stories run no longer than 600 words or less (if I really have to, I'll stretch the word count, but only if it's necessary)
Yusuke looked up suspiciously from his plate at the girl in front of him. Her head rested absently along the palm of her hand as she gazed out the window at the people passing by.
Around them, the small café buzzed cheerfully, but the detective continued to watch Mai. She seemed deep in thought and almost oblivious to what was going on around them. Maybe she was wondering where the others were? He had to admit that even Kuwabara was running late…
He swallowed hard on the piece of cake he was eating…but…but maybe she was thinking about…a-about him…
The detective gulped…
But…about what? He wondered nervously and popped another forkful of the cake into his mouth. With her, you never knew what she was thinking—
And it drove him crazy!!
What if she was thinking about why he and Kuwabara hadn't fixed that hole in the bathroom wall—?
Wait a minute…
He did fix the hole in the wall! And without Kuwabara's help!
So what could she—?
Urameshi's heart sank suddenly…
She…she might be thinking about him and Keiko…he swallowed hard; right now, she could be slowly building up her hatred for him because of that time at the Dark Tournament…
But he didn't mean it that way! It was involuntary; it just happened! She couldn't possibly be mad at him because of something like that, could she? Plus, she should've known by now that he never thinks anything through—!
Unexpectedly, the guardian sighed. She turned her head back towards her own plate and cut off a piece of her cake.
Yusuke watched her munch on it slowly. After she had swallowed, Mai rested her head on the back of her hand and turned her attention towards the detective…
Crap, here it comes…he thought dismally and instinctively braced himself against an assault.
“Have you ever noticed that you're name sounds a lot like `mousse cake'?” she wondered.
He blinked, what the hell?
“I just noticed that…” she continued normally. Mai paused a moment and smiled, “It's kind of funny.”
Urameshi blinked again, “That's what you've been thinking about all this time?” he wondered miraculously and could only stare at her.
She nodded; “Yup...” she stopped and eyed him curiously, “Why? What did you think I was thinking about?”
Yusuke jumped guiltily and glanced out the window, mumbling something incoherently under his breath. He paused before he finally answered, “Nothing…”
But as the guardian went back to her dessert, he frowned in her direction…
“You really think it sounds like `mousse cake'?”