Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What the... ❯ the saga begins!!! ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

NR: lets play 20 questiones.

Rieko: Ok.

NR: Ok

Rieko: Can I `play' with your imp? (see another case of chapter black)

NR: No!! She's mine. If sharing is caring, then I don't care!!

Rieko: No! Mine you baka!

NR: Who are you calling a baka, you moron?

Rieko: Kuwabaka… er… Kuwabara. He he he.

NR: better make sure who you're calling a baka or you might be missing something… like your head

Rieko: O.O; Ok

NR: anything else?

Rieko: uh… yeah. Yusuke, wear are your pants?!?!

Yusuke: what? * looks down at his boxers covered with teli tubbies* Nooo! Hiei, you stole my pants when I wasn't looking!

Hiei: * laughing like a hyena* that's a good look for you detective!! * gags on laugh*

Yusuke: you… SPIRIT GUN!!

Hiei: O.O ahhhhhhh!!!!

NR: * nhamot runs in with kenel* I get his katana!!

Hiei: No you don't * runs away from Num- Nut… er… Nhamot *

NR: * turns around and shoves Rieko into the carrier instead* stay!!

Rieko: * pulling on shirt collar* no collar remember? * trys to break out, fails* hu??

NR: * laughs * reinforced steel with rei. That kennels my territory and you can't get out unless I'm unconscious

Rieko: darn it!! * gets hit by something* Ouch!! Yusuke!!

Yusuke: sorry… couldn't help it!! * tries to keep a straight face, fails*

Rieko: if I weren't working for Koenma I would've…

NR: but you're not getting out of there. You're going to the `cellar' instead of kuwabaka :k

Rieko: O.O; Nooo!! Yukina!!

NR: wait!! I forgot to tell you, Rieko… Yukina's been drugged so she's going to be asleep for a while…

Rieko: NO!! Kuroune!! Wait, I'm calling Kuroune? AHHHHH!!

Hiei: you did what to my sister???

Kuroune: where's `ta beer?? Kitsune! Gimme ma beer!!

NR: there's a… um… perfectly good reason… for this…??

Hiei: start running * chases after Nhamot*

Nr: * running* they can't use her against youuuuuu

Rieko: sure we can, wait!! Kurama!!

NR: * runs by rieko's kennel and picks it up while running* dang you're heavy!!! *.*

Rieko: what did you expect?? A pie??

Kuroune: Pie?? I like pie!!

NR: shut up!! * runs down to the beach and onto the pier and stops* whahahahaha

Rieko: NOOOOOO!!

NR: I wonder if wolves like water…

Hiei: * appears out of nowhere* I KNOW cats don't *pushes Nhamot in*

NR: Noooo!! If I'm going down, you're coming with me!

Rieko: darnit Hiei get me outta here!!

NR: you are staying with me!!! * holds kennel tightly as she goes down and water leaks in*

Rieko: NO!! Yusuke, Kurama help!!!!

NR: * using kennel as a floatation device* I wanna live!!!

Rieko: I don't feel so good…

Kurama: * running to the water* I'll save you Rieko!!!

Rieko: my hero!! Wait! Did I just say that??

NR: * more water spills into the kennel* I'll drown you before he gets here!!

Rieko: -.- not again… hurry you baka youkai!!

Kurama: Rieko?? You've really hurt my feelings… it's like you cut my hair off…

Rieko: O.O I'll forget you said that… uh… HELP!!

NR: hiei, I'll give you 50 gallons of sweet snow, and the antidote to the drugs… and I won't kiss you!!!

Hiei: O.O; right… this is coming from the real psycho of the gang. I'll ponder that and get back to you.

NR: Kurama, go back to shore. let us drown… we deserve to die

Rieko: you'll drown. I found Pringles and beer so I'm ok

NR: hey?!?! You're not going to share??

Rieko: Nope my beer?

NR: no! I want Pringles!!

Rieko: my Pringles!! I'm the survivor!!

NR: * lets go of the kennel and it starts to sink* have fun with the fishies!!! * grabs kurama and swims back to shore*

Rieko: Nooooo!!!! My bishie!! Uh, did I just say that?? Damn!... oh yeah… gulp!

NR: fairwell Rieko…

Rieko: I'm gonna die! Wait Kuroune! I got beer!!

Kuroune: what? Beer beer beer!! I'm coming Rieko!!! * starts running, trips*

Rieko: no you stupid bat!! Get you winged butt over here and save me!!!

Kuroune: I tripped?? Not enough beer!!! Must… find… more… * walks around in circles*

Rieko: No you baka!!! Save …me… I'm gonna die

Kuroune: * passing out* ohhh…

Rieko: * starts writing will…* I leave my fridge to Hiei…

Kuwabara: ummm… what do we do now?

Rieko: …I leave my garden to Yukina…

NR: let's eat sweet snow while we watch her die!!

Rieko: … I leave my torture chamber to Shizuru…

Hiei: ok!!

Rieko: … I leave my wine cellar to Kuroune…

NR: * pulls out shot gun* hurry up and die already!!

Rieko: … I leave my deserted island to Genki…

NR: * shoots kennel snarling* I said die!!! (This is very important for the next chapter )

Rieko: … I leave my homework to Yusuke…

NR: * throws sake bottle into kennel* here… to ease your passing. Have fun!!

Rieko: … I leave my cats to kuwabara… * looks at sake bottle*

NR: why aren't you drinking it? I thought you liked it.

Rieko: I do. Just not when I'm about to die… again. Oh yeah… I leave my secret shampoo and spa to Kurama…

NR: 1 swallow? Surely that won't kill you…

Rieko: Not funny. … and I leave my books to kayko.

NR: what about me? I'm here too…

Rieko: oh yeah… I leave num-nut… er… I mean Nhamot a pringle.

NR: a pringle?? yahhhh

Rieko: just one you baka!!

NR: I'm not a baka, baka!!! Yahhhhh!! * doing a little dance* I got a pringle, I got a pringle! I got a pringle hey hey hey hey (a/n: classic little rascals' moment)

Rieko: * eyeroll* er… scratch that…

NR: * gasp* here's to you rieko! * raises a glass to her*

Rieko: I ate your pringle baka!!

NR: neway, here's to you Rieko…

Rieko: kill me.

NR: One last drink!!!

Rieko: fine!! One drink.

NR: yeah!!

Rieko: why not? * takes a shot* this tastes funny…

NR: woohoo!! Succenal coline rules the world!!!

Rieko: O.o can I die now?

NR: yah

Rieko: yay * drowns*

To be continued…