Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Trouble a Green Uniform can Cause ❯ What Problems a Green Uniform can Cause ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
What Trouble a Green Uniform Can Cause
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho nor any of its characters.

'I can't be bothered.' A green clad young man thought as he slipped out of school. 'Things are more boring than ever.' The young man, named Yusuke Urameshi, left the school grounds. He just had to get away. No doubt Keiko would be chasing after him the moment that she realised that he had bunked school again, so he had to find a place where she wouldn't think of looking. He was so deep in thought that he barely noticed the black blur that was following him. Almost.

Hiei had been watching Yusuke the whole day, watched him as he woke, dressed and left for school. Yusuke had always held his fascination, something that had partly repulsed him before, but since Yusuke's demon side awoke it justified Hiei's attraction towards the half-breed, one like himself. He quickly overtook the Toushin, landing in his tree, having a feeling that Yusuke would stop below his tree. He settled down to await Yusuke's arrival, closing his eyes, pretending that he was sleeping.

Yusuke paused, certain that he felt Hiei's youki following him, but as quickly as he felt it, it had past. Yusuke knew that someone or something, stalked him if you would describe it as that, was constantly watching him. However although he was being stalked, it felt… comfortable. He didn't feel as though the presence was malicious, in fact it felt almost… loving. He then carried on, finally stopping under a tree, sitting in the shade, not noticing that a certain fire apparition was lying on the branch above him. Well He didn't notice him until Hiei spoke. "I thought you were supposed to be in school." The apparition said as he opened an eye. "Yet you are here, under my tree. Care to tell me why you have bothered me on such a hot, bothersome day?"

Yusuke looked up into the crimson eyes of the half Koorime. "Well, hello to you too, Hiei." Yusuke said as he closed his eyes. "Yes, I should be in that hellhole, but I really can't be bothered. I hate that place and my teachers hate me in return. Anyway, was it Keiko who employed you to keep an eye, or three, on me?" Hiei's eyes widened. "I just realised that I recognised the feelings I was getting the moment that you made your presence known to me. You have been trailing me for quite some time, my little half-breed friend." Yusuke's chocolate eyes met Hiei's crimson gaze. "Care to tell me…" Yusuke started before he heard a familiar voice shouting his name. Hiei recognised it too and a moment later he had Yusuke on the same branch that he was on, pressing against the ex Reikai Tantei, they were so close that they were breathing the same air. Then Hiei jumped out of the tree. He had his Detective where he wanted him, and now had to get rid of the competition.

"What is the matter, Keiko? Have you lost Yusuke?" Hiei asked in his patronising tone of voice, refraining from looking up to check on Yusuke. "I thought that he was supposed to be in that thing that you call 'school'" Hiei said then laughed. "Then again, why should he go? It isn't as though he will always be here, is it?" Hiei knew that his attitude would soon begin to grate on Keiko. "A human education will not help him when he returns to his real home, there only the strongest survive. All the rest comes in time, something that Yusuke will never be short of." He could see the anger in Keiko's eyes and he knew that he hit a nerve. "Give up on trying to make him conform to your values. He is part demon, part Toushin, and as such will never fit in. He will always be an outsider as long as he remains here. Do you really want to force him into a life just to have him leave in a few years anyway? He needs to be with those that understands him, and knows what he needs to be happy."

Keiko saw red with Hiei's statements. "It isn't like you care about him or anything, is it?" Suddenly she saw a strange look in Hiei's eyes that made her pause. There was something about the look that she had seen before and it suddenly hit her. She had seen a similar look in Yusuke's eyes when he looked at her before he became involved with the Reikai, before he met Hiei and Kurama. Was it possible that Hiei did care for Yusuke, and possibly as more than a friend? Without asking the apparition, Keiko headed back towards the school. If Yusuke wanted to be a bum, who was she to stop him? Not even looking in Hiei's direction she left, leaving Hiei to return to Yusuke, who was still perched on the branch.

The apparition returned to his previous position, before Yusuke joined him up on the branch. "You know, Yusuke, you look very good in green." The apparition said, testing the waters for a further confession, he didn't want to tell Yusuke his true feelings if he was going to laugh in the apparition's face. Yusuke didn't pull away in revulsion, which Hiei had expected, if anything he relaxed more. Hiei moved a little closer. "Although I am not sure if it is the colour or that I know what your body is like below it." Hiei's fingers moved to the top button of Yusuke's uniform, and with a flick of his finger, the first button opened, revealing some more flesh than had been shown.

Yusuke stiffened when the button was opened, but moaned when a small tongue flicked over the skin. He didn't know what had gotten into Hiei, but he loved it. He felt a second button give way, then a third. By now most of the skin of his chest and abdomen was bared to Hiei's view, which pleased the fire apparition no end. Just before Hiei could untie the last button and remove the jacket, Yusuke pushed him back. "Not here, Hiei." Yusuke said, trying to think. "You wouldn't want me to get any splinters now, would you?" Hiei had to give Yusuke that point. It didn't take long for Hiei to decide where they would go to finish this off.

"You make a good point, Detective." Hiei said as he pulled back. He needed Yusuke to feel at home for everything that he had planned. He needed Yusuke to love him like he wanted. "So why don't we go back to yours, Yusuke?" Hiei asked. "That way you won't get splinters from my tree embedded in your skin." He said, seeing Yusuke's eyes light up, his smile widened. "What are we waiting for?" He asked as he jumped from the tree, Yusuke quickly following Hiei. He knew that he shouldn't feel for Hiei what he was, but it didn't stop him, his desire ran deeper than that. When Hiei was there, nothing else seemed to matter in Yusuke's world.

It took them a few minutes to get from the park to Yusuke's home. Hiei grinned as Yusuke let him in, kicking his shoes off and placing them in the cupboard at the side, Hiei doing the same after a bit of encouragement. "Well, Detective, where now?" Hiei asked as he looked in the first room, following Yusuke as he walked through the house, heading towards his bedroom. Entering the room, Yusuke pulled off his jacket and lay on the bed, inviting Hiei to join him. The apparition was more than happy to do just that. Hiei took his time to look Yusuke over, his beloved detective looked simply divine. However Yusuke's chest and abdomen still attracted Hiei like a candle to a moth. Hiei lapped at the skin, teasing the skin slightly cleansing it of the sweat that coated it.

Then Yusuke heard Kurama call for him, causing Hiei to start and growl deep in his throat. Seeing how Hiei was distressed, Yusuke left the bed to see what Kurama wanted. "Ahh, Yusuke, I am glad that I caught you. I have been looking for Hiei, have you seen him?" The kitsune asked. However before Yusuke could answer, Kurama continued. "I ask because Hiei is coming into heat, and he has set his eyes on you. I fear that you will get a visit from him soon. However I strongly…" Kurama stopped when he heard a growl from the door of Yusuke's room and saw Hiei staring directly at him. "Oh, I see that he has already caught up with you." He looked between the pair. "Yusuke, don't share…"

"Kurama, I can deal with the consequences of my actions. You need not fear that." Yusuke said as he walked back towards his room, a low seductive call, combined with a sweet scent, drew him back towards the apparition, a look of superiority on Hiei's face told Kurama that he wouldn't let the hanyou go, not that he had him in his grasp. "Don't worry about us, all Hiei needs is a place to stay until this passes, yeah?" Kurama nodded but opened his mouth. "Hiei will get what he needs to get over his heat." Kurama sighed, knowing that Yusuke didn't understand and, perhaps, didn't want to. He could only watch as the ex Reikai Tantei went back into the room with the apparition. All Kurama could do was leave.

Yusuke found himself pushed onto the bed with Hiei kneeling over his body, before Hiei leaned down, catching Yusuke's lips in a gentle kiss. He was burning for the love that was only given by the touch of a lover, by the need that could only be quenched in the heat of passion. The only person that would do Hiei was Yusuke, and now that the throws of his heat had caught up with him, there was no way that he could let Yusuke go. Yusuke could see the desire in Hiei's eyes, and felt his own longing surface. That Hiei wanted such an encounter was fortunate to say the least. Neither of them needed to go through the difficult process of approaching the other about their desires.

Yusuke removed Hiei's cloak and scarf, throwing them onto the floor to join his jacket. Hiei's upper torso was finally revealed to his eyes and Yusuke rolled them both over, pinning Hiei below him, Hiei accepting Yusuke's dominance for the moment. Yusuke could feel Hiei's erection press into his belly, making sure that Hiei had all Yusuke's attention. Hiei then pulled Yusuke down, pressing their bodies together fully. "All I need to get over my heat is you." Hiei then proceeded to wrap his legs around Yusuke's waist, grinding his erection against that of the taller Toushin. "I need you, only you. I want you to make me yours, Yusuke." Hiei's claws cut into Yusuke's back.

Yusuke was forced to disentangle Hiei's legs from around his waist, making the apparition whine until Yusuke stroked Hiei's erection through the fabric, his other hand working on Hiei's belts. Yusuke was happy that Hiei had chosen to wear only two and not five that he had worn in the past. Once the two belts had been released and pulled free, Yusuke then worked Hiei's pants off, desiring to see his friend fully naked before doing anything else, and Hiei started to beg for any action. Yusuke smiled at the apparition. "My, you really are needy aren't you?" Yusuke said with a laugh, however it didn't stop Yusuke from taking his time to tease Hiei and kiss down his body, licking and nipping the skin and underlying muscle. His aim was the hard flesh that was now pressing against the base of his neck. Yusuke had never had such an experience before, and knew that Hiei would be able to tell. He had seen movies about such relationships, but he had never thought that he'd ever have the chance to try out anything that he saw.

Hiei could feel Yusuke's uncertainty flood the room, like a spoken fear, a fear that had to be soothed. 'Please, Yusuke.' Was all Hiei had to say before Yusuke decided that he had to do this for both his and Hiei's sanity. Before he tried, he had a better look and what he would be attempting to 'devour'. From sight alone he could tell that Hiei was larger than he was, and the thought was a little daunting, but it fuelled his determination. He had to prove that he was up to the task. Hiei could see determination in Yusuke's eyes mere moments before he felt a hot mouth take the head of his penis into its heat, making Hiei whimper, and dig his claws into the bed to stop himself from pushing Yusuke's head down and choking the Toushin. Especially since the Toushin was trying so hard to please him, and he was beginning to enjoy it, but with that enjoyment came a price. Every minute that passed took away some of his self-control, and Hiei knew that if Yusuke didn't hurry, Hiei's body would rethink the choking situation.

"Yusuke, please hurry." Hiei said begging the Toushin. "Before my body does something my mind will regret." Taking the hint, along with a few mental suggestions sent by Hiei and Yusuke soon had the apparition writhing in rapture, and shortly later he could feel the length in his mouth pulsing and felt streams of Hiei's seed hit the back of his throat. He tried to swallow it all, but it ended up choking him, so to solve that problem Yusuke had to allow some to leave the corners of his mouth. Yusuke let the length slip from his mouth, and quickly Hiei was on him, licking up the traces of his semen from the corners of Yusuke's mouth and then kissed him deeply, tasting his essence mixed with Yusuke's own taste. However this wasn't enough, Hiei worked on Yusuke's pants, eventually freeing Yusuke's erection from them. Hiei smirked, this was what he wanted and needed. Using Yusuke's position, Hiei started preparing himself, needed to feel Yusuke's cock up his ass, and soon.

Hiei couldn't wait any longer, and needed Yusuke NOW. He moved to press his back against Yusuke's chest as he guided Yusuke's cock to his ass and pressed down against it, needing to be filled by the other. He never even felt the pain as Yusuke's length slipped past the opening into his depths. He loved the feelings that the penetration of his body caused. The feeling of being filled, of the desire that caused it to be so, and also of the control he had of the situation. However he hadn't expected Yusuke to take his own initiative. Yusuke's arms encircled Hiei's body, his hands stroking up and down Hiei's chest before focusing on Hiei's nipples, pinching and rubbing the nubs as Hiei continued to find his pleasure in the Toushin's embrace.
Suddenly Yusuke grabbed Hiei, and lifted him off of his body completely, already missing the tight heat that had encircled him before, and he desperately wanted it around him again. He turned Hiei, so that their chests were rubbing against the other's and pressed Hiei back down on his length roughly. The uncharacteristic roughness of the Toushin making Hiei moan in pleasure especially since Yusuke's cock pressed against Hiei's prostate. "Oh, yes, Yusuke. I've wanted this, I've wanted you, for so very long." Hiei whispered as he hugged his love. "I never want you to leave my side. Now lay me on the bed and fuck the living daylights out of me!"

Following Hiei's request, Yusuke pressed the smaller apparition into the bed. He never knew how much his and Hiei's feelings were similar until that moment. Nature was calling on him to make sure that Hiei was well and truly taken, that he had sown his seed within Hiei's welcoming depths. He could only follow his instincts and pound into the depths faster as he felt his climax fast approaching, giving a hoarse cry as he released stream after stream of semen into the canal, tightened by Hiei's own release, which coated them both. Yusuke rolled off of Hiei to lie beside him. He had never felt so good, so right. However Hiei had other ideas for the Toushin. His need was now paramount and Yusuke was soon going to find out how much.

Without warning, Hiei pushed into Yusuke, bringing a yelp from the Toushin. Soothing the pain was the last thing on Hiei's mind. He needed release and needed to claim the one below him, the one that he wanted, needed and loved. He knew that the penetration had caused some damage, but it was unavoidable. Every time Yusuke moved the wrong way, Hiei growled and bared his teeth, making sure that Yusuke remained under his thumb. It wasn't long before he had Yusuke writhing in pleasure. The Toushin, having finally accepted the other youkai's dominance, was finally allowing him to enjoy the experience.

Yusuke relaxing was all that Hiei was waiting for, and he started to increase his pace, loving the velvet depths and how they constricted around him. The pleasure he was getting from the union was unbelievable. It felt too good to be real, and yet it felt too good to be a dream. It was a dream come true, the gods must have liked him a lot before they granted him his dearest wish. He could feel his climax fast approaching, and knew of only one way to sate his desires. He moved to secure Yusuke's shoulder, and as he felt his body quiver he leaned over and bit deeply into the flesh, feeling the Toushin tense, and it wasn't through pain. The bite itself was a symbol of a bond uncompleted, and Yusuke knew that Hiei intended on it to be completed the very moment that Yusuke regained the energy.

Hiei licked the bite, even Yusuke's blood was sweet. His saliva, enriched by his youki, was already working on the bite, refusing the flesh to heal properly. Instead it would scar and Hiei's scent would linger there, his youki sticking to the wound like a tattoo. Hiei smirked as he placed a tender kiss on the wound. At the moment it was at its most tender, and any gentle touch was pleasurable, especially if it was caused by the one that made the mark in the first place. Pulling back, Hiei saw that Yusuke was sleeping, no doubt allowing the bond to form as it should. The first part of the bond enabled the demon who initiated the bond to find their 'intended' wherever they may be. Once the marking was returned there was an unbreakable bond, even through death. He had his detective and now he couldn't escape.

Leaving Yusuke for the moment, Hiei decided that he needed a shower to freshen up. He knew that Yusuke would be out for the count for a few hours as his body and soul accepted the bond. However he never expected to see what he had once he left the shower and entered Yusuke's room once again. There was the damned fox, and he had the nerve to touch his intended, the hand a little too close to his mark. Letting out a growl Hiei approached the bed, intending on getting Kurama away from his intended mate. The fox, seeing the danger that he was in, backed away… towards the window. Hiei following, before the apparition lunged at the kitsune, however the fox managed to leap through the window, Hiei close on his tail… tails really, considering that Kurama had managed a mid-air transformation into his fox form. All the while, Kurama was sure that he heard the music that Koenma had decided to use for when Yusuke fought.

After Hiei was sure that Kurama had been chased off, meaning that he had run Kurama half way across the city, he made his way back to Yusuke. The moment that he entered, he saw that Yusuke was no longer on the bed and Hiei frantically looked around the room before he remembered about the mating mark, and concentrated on finding the youki that was still in the wound. However what was strange was that he felt it behind him, even when he turned around in a full circle. However a moment later and he found out the reason why he felt that way. Yusuke had been behind him, and made his presence known to the apparition by pressing against him, the apparition melting into his embrace. “You were bad, leaving me alone like that.” Yusuke said as his hands stroked over Hiei’s clothed form, hands tugging at the hem of the shirt. “Anything could have happened to me.” He pulled the shirt over Hiei’s head. “I think you deserve punishment, don’t you?”

A moment later and Yusuke had Hiei naked and over his lap, like a naughty child. Yusuke could only imagine the look in Hiei’s eyes, but he had to keep his word on ‘punishing’ the apparition. He was back in his uniform, which only seemed to heighten the eroticism for the fire apparition. As a child he had never been spanked, and he didn’t know why the Detective held him as such until the first slap rung out when Yusuke’s hand hit Hiei’s ass. Yusuke got a yelp of surprise from the apparition and grinned as he repeated the actions on Hiei, hearing the yelps turn to whimpers and then moans as the spanking caused pleasurable sensations in his ass. However Hiei had no idea what Yusuke had planned for him. Slaps were becoming less frequent and caresses more so as Yusuke started to feel Hiei’s body respond to the touches. He felt Hiei shiver and knew that now would be the only time that he would get away with this unless Hiei liked it.

Hiei moaned happily as Yusuke’s hand slapped his ass. He was a big S&M fan, and he had wondered how Yusuke found that out unless… “Yusuke, how long have you known?” Hiei asked. Only one person knew about his fetish was a certain fox, the same fox that he had chased out of the house not that long ago. Yusuke pushed Hiei face down on the bed, quickly removing himself from the uniform once more and pushed into the depths that was still stretched enough for him not to cause any pain to him.

“Not long, my apparition.” He said as he started a rigorous pace, in Hiei’s depths, an animalistic instinct born into all demons. He remembered what Kurama had whispered in his ear while Hiei was in the shower. That there was a week window in every decade that a fire apparition could be impregnated by his chosen mate, a week that he could be taken and a child would be born of their union. Not a long time for something life changing to happen. This was one of Hiei’s weeks, and Yusuke was privileged to be the one in Hiei’s arms, and in his arms forever. “Kurama told me all about your fantasies.” He then removed himself to turn Hiei around before pressing back into the depths once more. “I know what you want, Hiei, and I am more than happy to give you that desire, as long as you know that I love you, and always will.”

Hiei could only stare at the detective, speechless. Did Yusuke just willingly agree to belong to Hiei without a fuss? Something must be wrong; but that thought was driven out of his mind by the quick pace that Yusuke set up to drive the apparition insane. Not that Hiei cared; he was getting closer and closer to having Yusuke for his very own. His cycle was nearing its end and he never thought that the encounter he would have with Yusuke would end so pleasant for him.

It took all of Yusuke’s willpower not to explode in the apparition’s depths when he saw the burning look of desire in his eyes, having to content himself with pausing for a moment, to make sure that he wouldn’t spoil the moment. His apparition was writhing on the bed, and that moment was his undoing. He needed Hiei now and he couldn't... wouldn't take no for an answer. He wanted his apparition happy, and his completion. He also knew that he could have both at the same instant, one single bite, a bite that would complete the bond and bring forth the rich blood the colour of Hiei's own eyes. A bite that would bring them both a lot of satisfaction. A bite that he wanted to give that very moment. Leaning over Hiei, Yusuke stared into his eyes conveying the message that he didn't wish to voice, and with that Yusuke licked the shoulder before biting into the flesh, the thick crimson blood flowed from the wound, into his mouth. It left a burning after taste, but what did he expect, Hiei was a fire apparition after all. The blood was thick, and once you got past the burning sensation, it had a pleasant taste. Something that was easilly addictive, and Yusuke had to force himself not to reopen the scaring wound for another taste. He now understood the Toushin facination with blood, but not with flesh. His new mate's enflamed his desire, and he knew that he would never bear to see another causing Hiei's blood to flow.

Hiei moaned as he felt Yusuke's teeth penetrate his flesh, the feeling was absolutely delightful. However the greatest surprise was left to last, as Yusuke changed his form to that of his demon self, stretching Hiei further as he released his seed within his lover's depths. His grip was bone-crushingly tight as he pulled Hiei tight against his body, as he rolled onto his back. His hand found Hiei's neglected, weeping flesh, and he started to alternate between licking the scarring wound and roughly jerking the apparition off, Hiei loving every moment, however he was tired, the bond wanting him to sleep so it could be completed. But he also needed to find the release offered by the Toushin. Yusuke could see that everything was taking its toll on Hiei, and increased his efforts to make the apparition climax before he fell asleep.

All his efforts were rewarded when he heard a strangled cry and Hiei tensing in his arms as his release spurted over their bodies. Finally Hiei could sleep, secure in his mate's arms. Yusuke moved slightly, stretching to the tissues that he had in the drawer next to hus bed and pulled out a few. He knew that Hiei wouldn't thank him for waking up all sticky, even if it meant a shower after. Once done, Yusuke leaned back on the bed, his eyes closing. He had his apparition fom now to the end of time. What was a little sleep to the end of time?