Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Words Cannot Say ❯ A Night Out ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Yuske stood outside Aeka's high school waiting for Kurama to show up sometime soon. It took awhile but sure enough, the redheaded high school student was soon spotted coming towards the school gates. “Hey, Kurama,” Yuske began calmly, with his back against the wall and his foot as well with his hands in his pockets.
“Hi, Yuske, what brings you here?” Kurama laughed softly seeing him standing there. “Your sister is just as stubborn as you are so you should know she's not here.”
“I know that, fox boy,” Yuske remarked, pushing himself off of the wall. “I was just wondering if you knew anybody by the name of Jiro.”
Kurama placed his hand on his hip thinking with his bag flung over his shoulder for a moment. “There are so many people by that name, Yuske that I know of so you're going to have to be more specific. Care to explain who he is and why he interests you?”
Seeing that more students were passing by that knew nothing of the demon world, Yuske nodded off to the side so that nobody would hear them. Kurama followed so he could hear Yuske out. “Last night a guy named Jiro came to see Aeka. He was the same guy that Aeka described to me that appeared outside our apartment building with another guy friend of his.”
Kurama smiled softly with his brows creased in a bit of a calm laughing expression, “Your sister is going to have dates, Yuske. What is the matter with a guy coming over to speak with her?”
“What makes me suspicious-” Yuske said through his teeth, “-is that the guys randomly show up on the day you sense demonic energies and they start asking for Aeka…you know, the girl you claim you felt them around.”
Kurama's smile turned into a serious frown as he asked, “What did this Jiro look like?”
“Bout your size, same red hair except it was shaggy; he had blue eyes and looked pretty strong…not to mention he had an odd Irish—er—Scottish type accent.”
“Was there any abnormal features you saw on him?” Kurama pried.
“I didn't see anything abnormal on him. But that night when he left, there was something about him that urked me…”
“You left your sister with him that night, didn't you?” Kurama pried. “Isn't Aeka still okay?”
Yuske rubbed the back of his neck with a frown on his face. “Yes, she was but that's beyond the point, Kurama! What if those demons are just trying to get on her good side before they decide to destroy her? The last thing I want to find is my sister dead at home.”

Kurama hummed a bit, thinking about Yuske's predicament. “We don't know for certain they are demons yet, Yuske. But just to be on the safe side, I will check out of school and hunt down Aeka so I can keep an eye on her. I bet this Jiro person will show back up for her and I will be there to make sure she is okay.”
“Thanks, Kurama,” Yuske waved, walking towards his middle school. “I will be at school today if you need me.”
Kurama could only laugh to himself at Yuske's grumbling as he walked off to his least favorite place in the world. Hurrying into his high school, Kurama hoped to think of a good excuse as to why he needed to leave so he could make sure those hanging around Aeka were not of the demonic race.
Aeka was still at home helping her mother through her hangover that she had gained thanks to the partying she did the last night. “Sweetheart, can you go grab me something to drink, please?” Atsuko asked with her hands.
Yes, mother, Aeka signed, getting to her feet and hurrying to the kitchen. I guess serving my mother is better than being at school, Aeka thought pouring orange juice into a glass cup since it was the only thing they really had. Seeing that made Aeka frown a bit to herself, Hmmm, I guess I need to go to the store soon.
Once she handed it over to her, Atsuko's eyes glanced over at the door when she heard the doorbell ring though Aeka could not. “Can you get the door for me, Aeka?”
Aeka nodded with a bit of a grumble, hurrying over to the door. Upon opening it, there stood Jin and his friend, Touya waiting for her. Jin waved at Aeka while Touya stood behind his rather tall partner looking as though he really didn't want to be there. “Hi, Aeka. I've come back and dragged Totoya with me,” He said with his big cheesy grin of his.
Welcome back, Jiro and hi Totoya, Aeka signed, looking at the guy behind the tall redhead.
Atsuko appeared beside her daughter, holding her head, “Who are you guys?” She asked sounding groggy, leaning in the doorway behind her daughter.
“Hi, Mrs. Urameshi,” Touya said, pushing his way past Jin since he knew his partner couldn't handle such introductions. “We—well, Jiro knows your daughter and we were just coming over to speak with her.”
“Ah,” Atsuko said, looking down at her daughter who didn't know what to say in all of this. “I didn't know you had friends, Aeka,” She signed and said aloud when she ran her fingers through Aeka's long hair.
Yeah, they live in the apartment complexes over there, Aeka explained pointing across the street.
“Well, how convenient! Come in!” Atsuko waved the two inside of the house, opening her hand to theirs or at least to the best of her ability with the double she was seeing. “I'm Atsuko Urameshi and you can call me whatever you feel like.”
“I'm Jiro and this is my friend Totoya,” Jin lied, taking the woman's hand and shaking it even if she missed his hand by about a mile.
“Ah…” Atsuko smiled not wishing to be rude by asking what their last names were. “Well, welcome to my home and my son hopefully listened to me and went to school today unlike my daughter who's here but at least she is taking care of me if anything.”
Aeka couldn't help but roll her eyes at what she saw her mother saying before pouring herself some water to drink.
“I met him last night, Mrs. Urameshi,” Jiro said with a big smile. “Cool wind surrounds that boy-” Touya elbowed Jin in the shoulder with a frown on his face making Jin change his choice of words. “Nice kid, he seems.”
Atsuko laughed at what this stranger had to say about her son. “Obviously you didn't get to know him that well. Yuske is a rowdy boy—but he is my son.”
Jin turned around to see Aeka standing there still shaking her head at everything her mother said. Obviously from the look on her face, she wanted to get out and spare the two from really getting to know her mother. “Is it alright if we steal your daughter for the day or do you need her?” Jin asked out of the blue.
Atsuko took awhile to respond since she was still hung-over and things weren't exactly processing well. “Sure,” She finally replied, waving her hand. “Just don't let her be late getting home please.”
“We'll keep a close eye on her,” Touya assured, as Jin herded Aeka out the door once she put her water glass away. “Nice meeting you.”
Aeka turned around looking Jin in the eyes with an odd expression. What was that about? She signed.
“We thought you wanted to get out of there, so that was why I asked,” Jin answered honestly walking towards the stairs. “If you don't wish to come with us to have fun, I can understand.”
Aeka looked over at Touya who was about to follow after him. Tapping on his shoulder, she asked, Does he always smile that cheesy?
Touya laughed nervously rubbing the back of his head, “He can be…odd—childlike—I would go with childlike.”
“Are you guys coming or not?” Jin asked, trying to make them stop talking about him.
Kurama ran as fast as he could down to Yuske's apartment building pushing his way past the people that were in his way since he was in a hurry and ran up the stairs and down to his room number, knocking on the door quickly.
Atsuko opened the door and was surprised to see another young man standing there. “Okay, don't tell me…you're here for Aeka,” She laughed miserably. “Where does she find all these guys? Is she sleeping with all of them?”
Kurama laughed nervously as he held up one finger. “Um, Mrs. Urameshi? I am here for Aeka but don't worry—I haven't touched your daughter like that or vise versa. In all honesty I think she would rather punch me.”
“She's not here,” Atsuko answered, leaning against the doorway exhaustedly. “She left with Jiro and Totoya to go somewhere.”
Oh boy, Kurama thought, rubbing his arm. “Okay. Thank you for your time, Mrs. Urameshi.” Turning from the soon shut door, Kurama sighed heavily wondering what he was going to do now since the demon energies were suppressed.
“I've been looking up and down these streets and found an excellent place to have some fun at,” Jin said, holding Aeka's hand since he didn't want her to get separated from them while Touya walked on the other side of him.
Fun? Aeka questioned with her hand. What town were you in?
Jin laughed, pointing to a place that had music booming so loud you could have heard it from miles away. “From where I come from, it's rare to get a good time at such a place though they are abundant. I have just been busy—working out most my life that I can hardly find the time,” he said with a clearing of his throat since he didn't want to mention his Shinobi training.
Aeka stopped dead in her tracks once she recognized what it was. A bar?? But—I am too young for-
Jin grabbed her moving hands and looked quickly over at Touya who was crossing his arms in disapproval at the sight before them and what he planned on doing to a young girl. “Hey—you maybe too young to drink but that doesn't mean you can't come in, sit down and eat, right?”
Jin stood there waiting for Touya's disappointed look to vanish and it eventually did but that to irritation. “Don't let his exterior fool you, Aeka,” Touya said, continuing to keep his eyes on his partner. “Jiro has been known to hit the drinks hard…a bit too hard sometimes.”
“Some Irishmen are like that!” He joked at the short ice master who was already heading into the bar. Jin bit his lower lip trying not to smile knowing it would be inappropriate but he couldn't help it as he watched Touya walk on inside. Looking back down at Aeka who was gazing up at him in a questionable manor, he said, “I was only eighteen when I had my first drink. Wanna try one when Touya's not looking?”
Aeka smirked, looking off to the side for a second before looking back up at Jin and signing, Yes. Being that her mother downed the stuff frequently and did just fine give or take, what could it have hurt?
Jin nodded, guiding her inside by her hand, “Alright then. I'll keep an eye on things. Don't worry about it.”
Aeka walked into the bar with the tall wind master pushing the people aside so they could get through. Jin was soon able to spot Touya guarding some seats he managed to find and was waving for the others to join him. He dragged Aeka over to the middle seat so he could watch over her right while Touya watched her left.
Jin tapped her shoulder to get her attention. “Be grateful that right now you're deaf.”
Why, she asked with a soft laugh.
“It's very loud in here and my sensitive ears are dying,” He answered honestly trying to fix it so his poor ears would be spared.
Touya leaned backward out of Aeka's sight and asked, “Are you excited?”
“Happy,” Jin answered pushing back as well, fixing his cap since his elfin ears were wiggling underneath them. “The cap may have helped block out the loud music and hollering a bit but it's gonna take more than that to keep me from taren my ears off!”
Aeka tugged on Jin's shirt. Is something wrong?

Jin laughed, raising his hands at chest level. “No, I am alright, Aeka. Anyways, we came for some fun, did we not?” Jin raised his hand up in the air, “Excuse me, bar tender!”
Touya rested his head in his hand, trying his hardest to pretend he didn't know Jin suddenly even if it was hard given the two really stuck out. He hasn't had a drink yet and already he has gone crazy.
Jin looked at Aeka wondering what would be alright for someone of her stature. If anything he really wanted to see her drunk to get her to lighten up and have a good time for once so he eventually made his decision, “Get me Nihonshu and two Shochus.”
Touya looked over at Jin as if he were crazy knowing that the double drink he ordered had a high alcoholic content. “You are planning on drinking TWO Shochus?”
“No,” Jin answered with a laugh, “One of them is for you while the Nihonshu is for Aeka.”
Touya narrowed his eyes at Jin showing how angry he was at his choice. “Are you crazy?!” He asked loudly, knowing Aeka wouldn't understand unless she looked at him which she wasn't.
“What?” He asked, playfully knowing exactly what the problem was. “Live a little, Totoya!”
Touya sighed, leaning back in his chair, looking up at the ceiling, If he gets out of control, Aeka's doomed…and so am I!
It was getting late. Close to ten and Touya was pretty much the only sober one at the time. Aeka was okay at the time just a little tipsy but not as bad as the wind master who needed the support of Touya and Aeka at the time to walk out of the bar.
Will he be okay? Aeka signed to Touya real quick laughing at how much more goofy he was acting.
“Tomorrow I doubt he will be getting to his feet,” Touya answered honestly trying to keep Jin standing.
“Wow!” Jin said aloud, shaking his head, trying to stay focused regardless of the double he was now seeing. “Okay! I think I am feeling better now!”
Aeka placed the back of her hand on her forehead, as she looked up at the double Jin. Are you sure, She tried her hardest to sign.
Continuing to laugh, Jin nodded, freeing himself from Touya and Aeka's support as he staggered on ahead with them struggling to keep up with the drunken redhead. Touya shook his head, looking over at Aeka. She was pretty bad herself and he knew he had better get her home especially if she was to make curfew and be in a safe place with the state she was now in. To get her attention, he placed his hand on her shoulder lightly. “We better get you home.” Aeka nodded, about to follow after Jin but Touya stopped her by not releasing her shoulder. “And—it's best your mother doesn't see him like this.”
Aeka nodded before stopping a moment to grab onto her stomach and threaten to vomit since the alcohol her body was not used to was about to come up.
Seeing this, Touya was quick to grab onto her long hair that touched her knees so it wouldn't get within her tresses. The young teen finally doing so, Touya couldn't help but shake his head and sigh a bit before rubbing her back. “I knew you shouldn't have had more than one,” he said mostly to himself.
Touya stopped Jin from trying to wonder up towards Aeka's apartment with the state he was in. “Sorry you have to see him like this,” Touya apologized with his hands trying to keep a good grip on Jin's arm.
Its okay, Aeka said with a quick smile watching Jin wave stupidly. I actually had a great time regardless of the throwing up. Good bye Jiro and Totoya.
Touya shook Aeka's hand while Jin, absent mindedly, ignored her extended hand and just wrapped his arms around her. Aeka stood there with her arms at her sides now wondering what the hell he thought he was doing with a bright blush across his face. She so badly wanted to punch him hard across the face but another part rejected the idea and just stood there, letting him do it. Well, at least until an angered Touya pulled him off by the back of his shirt.
“Will you control yourself??” Touya asked angrily through his teeth.
“Sorry,” Jin laughed, leaning on his partner before turning around, jumping on the railing before Touya pulled him down by his pants careful not to yank those off but if that was what it took to get him down, so be it.
Touya sighed, shaking his head as he looked over at Aeka. “We will see you tomorrow, Aeka. Right now I need to take him home and work on some sort of miracle hangover cure for the coming morning. If you ever need one, I will come over and give it to you.”
Alright, Totoya, Aeka giggled watching the two, waving her hand. I'll see you when Jiro is not so drunk or suffering through a massive hangover. Bye!
Touya dragged Jin to the other side of the street, shaking his head still. “I feel like I am baby-sitting two little kids!”
“Lighten—up, Touya,” Jin said with one of his cheesy grins stumbling over each world.
Touya pressed his finger to his own mouth demanding in his expression for Jin to be quiet. “If you say that name one more time, you will blow it for the both of us! You are so absent minded when you are sober…it's worse when you are drunk!”
With that said, Touya dragged Jin to their apartment room by his belt while a curious Kurama had himself perched above Aeka's apartment building complex roof eavesdropping in on Jin and Touya's conversation, making him weary of these two newcomers.