Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ When Death Knocks ❯ Visitors ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The blurred rays of the sun stung my eyes as I woke up. Vivid memories of the previous hours flooded my mind. Instantly, sweat started to drizzle down my face.
What the hell?!
Damn, it hurts to turn my head, but I do. And there she is, slumping over the bedside table and her face in her arms. Her hair's still in a ponytail, but still pretty damn messy.
Hn, baka onna.
Then, the door is rammed open. Loudly. I think I nearly get a heart-attack from the suddenness.
“Oi! Wakey, wakey Hiei!” came Yusuke's annoyed voice. Wonder why.
“What, you moronic half-breed?” I ask harshly.
“Just came to ─ hey? Izzat…Botan?!!” he sounds as if he's never seen her before. He trots over to her sleeping form and pokes her.
“Nnh.” She whines. He pokes her again. “Mmm…nnh, Hiei…”
I swear on my mother's grave that my face is redder than Kurama's hair.
Two, very annoying I might add, voices are laughing like hyenas; there's a stifled laugh farther away, too. The two audible laughs are Yusuke and the baka oaf, the muffled one is Kurama biting his thumb.
Surprisingly, Botan's still sleeping peacefully, and her head's facing me. She's smiling.
“Botan's got the hots for the shrimp! Ha, ha!” Kuwabara taunts between laughs. Yusuke starts to soon join in while Kurama's chuckle grows in to laughter.
How much I wish I could set them all on fire.
After their laughter and teasing caused by Botan's random murmurs of my name, Yusuke picks her up bridle-style and carries her small frame to a couch in the room. She cuddles up to his chest on the way, saying “Warm.”
Somehow those actions of Yusuke both carrying her AND smiling at her when she moves to him make my blood boil.
“Grrrr.” I growl and hold it until the detective has his hands off Botan. Then Yusuke looks back at me, and something sparks in his brown eyes as he grins. That makes me raise an eyebrow in pure confusion.
Then, in slow motion, he leans down to Botan's face and touches his nose to hers with his eyes closed. Before I have time to hold my emotions back, I'm registering my upper-body shooting up and me shouting,
Then I have to endure shooting pain and ripping stitches.
“Oww. Kuso.” I curse, seeing red start to rise from my bandages. Shit. Next thing I know, Kurama's scolding me like a mother while changing my bandages with Yusuke, who, infact, didn't kiss Botan, and Kuwabara laughing in the background.
Botan's still sleeping. She's actually snoring, too.
“And no matter what, Hiei, you DON'T make anymore sudden and harsh movements! Understand?”
“Hn. Yes, mother.”
“Hiei, I'm not trying to act like a parent, I just want you to take it easy for a while.”
“How long's “a while,” eh?”
“A week or six. Now, lay back down and I'll move the bed up.”
“Hn. Baka kitsune.” Kurama only smiles and props my bed up. There's an awkward silence now; it's that way because the bakas stopped laughing suddenly.
“So, Hiei, how far along are you and Botan?” Yusuke asks nonchalantly. I'd kill him if I had the freaking strength to. He sees that.
“Don't try your luck with me, detective.”
“Awright, don't tell us! But by the way her hair's all messed up and how she called me “Hiei” when she clung onto me, I'd say you two did something last night.”
At least he's trying to play his part as Sherlock Holmes.
Thankfully, Kurama whacked him on the head with a rolled-up magazine.
“No prob.”
“Owww…Kurama!” Yusuke whined. Kurama smiled and apologized. Yusuke received a lecture though.
“Well, now that Urameshi's mentioned it,” Kuwabara said almost thoughtfully, “the shrimp's hair is all messed up, and he's been really protective of Botan, and he won't stop starin' at her, and Botan's pretty dang worn-out…”
I glared at him, then nodded to Kurama.
He got the message. So did the oaf.
Then there was silence again.
Gomen, did I say silence?!
“Didn't know the onna could snore so loudly.” I mused. With every rise of her chest, her mouth made a wide “O,” and with every fall it thinned a little. Great. I can't take my eyes off her lips.
Then, a hand waves in front of me continuously.
“Yo, shrimp!” Kuwabara chanted over and over again. My hand shot out and grabbed his wrist tightly.
I guess I made too much of a “sudden and harsh” movement because white bandages turned to red.
“Dammit.” I cursed and let go of the baka's wrist to tend to my arm.
Kurama held up his multi-page weapon as a warning to Kuwabara while semi-glaring at him.
Humans have made him soft. Too soft.
Yusuke teased Kuwabara for a while and we all had a good laugh. Well, I chuckled a bit.
“Ha, ha, ha! Yeah, well now,” Yusuke said and quit laughing, turning to me. Then his hands slammed on the arm rests each-side of me and he peered dangerously into my eyes.
“Hiei's gonna explain why he did this again.” Cold was his PO'd tone.
“What do I hafto explain, detective?” I asked calmly.
“Why you tried to commit suicide…AGAIN!!” he shouted in my face.
Put the mask back on, Hiei.
I glared.
“Stop that, Hiei!! We were FUCKIN' WORRIED SICK, DAMMIT!!” he screamed.
Botan stirred.
“…Hn.” I replied.
Don't drop the mask.
By the look in Yusuke's eyes, I said the wrong thing, too. Whoops.
As he was about to start a cursing-spree, Kurama put a hand on his shoulder.
“Yusuke, may I talk to Hiei?” he asked. Yusuke sent one last glare and walked next to Kuwabara. “Alone.” Then the two ningens left.
How many sleeping pills did Botan freaking take?!
The door closed, and Kurama sat down in the chair next to me. He rested his chin on the back of his propped-up right hand, which settled on top of his also-propped-up left hand. I couldn't look into his eyes.
Somehow, right now, the emerald color scares me.
“Hiei.” I turn my head to face him.
I calmly look at Botan. Kurama does too.
“Don't worry `bout her.”
I looked at him.
“I slipped some sleeping roots in her water after she dragged your half-dead carcass to my house.” Kurama told me harshly. Maybe these humans haven't softened him up too much, after all.
“Do you know how far she struggled to save you?”
“…” My mask's falling.
“You sure? She says you fought back and yelled at her the whole way.”
“…” I did?
“She, our Botan, dragged you, Hiei, 50 miles. Hear that? FIFTY. DAMN. MILES.
My mouth opens and closes like a fish. 1) Kurama cursed, 2)He raised his voice, 3)…..Botan….
“Yes, Botan. She did all that while you screamed bloody-mureder at her. She's even got a bruise on ─”
SHUT UP, DAMMIT!!! I scream at the fuckin' top of my damn-ass lungs. “JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP, KURAMA!!!”
Kurama remains calm; his expression never changed. Mine did, though. I was pissed! At who?
My own fucking self.
As I had screamed, I bared my fangs and glared as blood-thirsty as I possibly could. Then the mask came back, and I turned my head to face my knees.
How can I look at him? I just told him to “shut the fuck up.” He's my best friend, for Enma's sake!!
No, I'm not looking.
No, Kurama, no ─ wait. That wasn't his voice…
“Hiei? Are you alive? HIEI!! Hiei! Speak to me! PLEASE!!” then painful crying and bawling followed. I spin my head to the sound. It's coming from my left, where Kurama is.
He's holding up a tape recorder and the screaming and crying and bawling's still playing.
“Hiei, this is Botan. I thought you'd like to hear what she said when she found you.” Kurama said. Then, there was a new voice, shouting and screaming:
That's…that's…that's my voice! What's even worse, I'm still yelling curses, death-threats, and calling Botan horrible names! Botan's crying, asking me, “At least stop hitting me, Hiei” ever so softly.
I was…hurting her? I was doing so many sinister, satanic, awful things to her! I called her names, I punched her, I did everything (besides rape) to her!! She was crying so painfully hard…
Yet she still endured 50 miles for me.
The fucking Forbidden Child.
What kind of idiot does that? I know.
My baka onna, Botan. Her. Only her.
Kurama ended the tape. “You see?” he said.
“Y-y-yes.” I stuttered. How did I forget all that? What kind of fool am I?
Kurama slipped the recorder on the table and some…er, headphones (that's those things you put on your ears, right?) next to it. He told me that I could listen to it anytime.
Damn fox.
“Now that we're off the “Botan” subject, which I only brought up for your amusement, I'd like to, just, talk. Kay?” Kurama offers. I think his statements over.
My…amusement?! God-dammit, that was torture! I think Kurama just happens to know that.
“So, Hiei…” Kurama confronted. I spare his no glance. “What exactly did you want from this? Your suicide attempts, I mean.” What is he, a shrink?!
I glanced and him. His eyes bore into me.
I take a deep breath…
When Death Knocks -- Ch.1 -- Visitors