Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ When Death Knocks ❯ Morir ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Morir.” I say, head cast down and away from my kitsune friend. Kurama started making choking sounds that sounded like he was trying to say something but couldn't.
The chair was shoved back with a deep force, obviously.
“Hiei! Y-y-you surely don't mean that, right?!” he shouted. I looked up at him. Good thing he knows Spanish.
Morir means, “to die” in Spanish. I picked up some from Kuwabara, who's been taking Spanish lessons for years now. I tagged along (secretly, of course) once `cause he brought Yukina with him.
“Isn't that the meaning of suicide?” I ask. It's obvious, isn't it?
“Y-yes, but, I-I-I…” he can't find the words.
Botan murmurs something along the lines of, “I want pretty, pretty ice-cream.”
Kurama pulls back his chair and sits back down. He rubs his eyes tiredly.
¿Por que?” Why?
Porque.” Because.
¿Por que nosotros hablando en español?” Why are we talking in Spanish?
“I dunno.” He laughs. I guess you can always find happiness in the air of melancholy.
“Now, why do you want to die, my good friend?” Kurama asks when the air comes back. “Good friend,” huh? I wouldn't say that. Nope, not at all.
“I have nothing else to do now in my life. Yukina's happy, she's healthy, and she's better off without me. Yusuke hasn't let the “half-demon” thing go to his head, Kuwabara…forget him, and the ningens haven't made you go too soft.” I reply. Kurama continues to stare.
“What about Koenma?” he asks.
“I don't give a damn about him.”
He cracks a smile for a moment.
Kurama and I look at Botan. “You drugged her pretty damn good, fox-boy.” I comment. Kurama nods.
“Yes, well, what about─” he says and reaches for my bandana. Before I can smack his hand away or jerk my head around, I'm blind.
Damn fox.
“Hm, Jagan eye's pretty bad, huh?” Kurama mutters. I growl. “Hiei, I can't believe you called on the dragon!” he exclaims.
“Hn.” I mutter. Hell, I was desparate!!
Then, footsteps go further away from me. I can't see where Kurama's going because my third eye's weak and tired still.
“Scoot over a bit, Hiei.” Kurama orders me. Don't know why, but I do. Then the bed lowers a bit. Then, I can see; Kurama moved my bandana back to cover the Jagan.
“What was tha-” I start and look down at the being next to me.
She's sleeping. Her chest's bobbing up-and-down with every inhale and exhale. She turns to me, and cuddles into my side.
“What about Botan?” Kurama asks. I just stare at the Grim Reaper. I knew she'd take me to Hell when I died, and when she would, I'd whisper in her ear a secret. A secret that only I know. She mumbles something:
“Hi…ei…warm…” I…I can't help but stroke her hair like I would a cat. I actually like cats; they're interesting and remind me somewhat of Botan…
I blush lightly, remembering Kurama's presence. “Well what?” I ask.
“What about Botan?” he asks. I look down at her still nuzzling her face into my side.
“…I had something planned for her after my death.” I say. Kurama cocks an eyebrow.
“Don't stick your nose into this, fox.” I warn. He holds his hands up at chest-level in defense.
“Hiei, she's got feelings for you. Can't say if it's Hate or Love, but she does.” Kurama tells me.
“It's Love, dumbass.
“Kurama, are the idiots outside?”
“No. I sent them home.”
“Good, `cause I want you to tell me what this emotion is.” He looks at me weirdly.
“Describe it.” he says.
“Whenever I'm around her, I feel like it's only me and her. She makes everyone disappear. And when she's next to me, my stomach drops, my heart races, and I get…nervous! But, I always push her away when I can hold her, embrace her, feel her in my arms. Sometimes, I just stare at her eyes getting so lost until mine travel to her lips.
“Kurama, I always want to kiss her! I always want to hold her! What is this? What's taking over me?” I end with a raised voice. Kurama smiles.
“Love, Hiei. Love is what you're feeling.” he says with a smile still.
“Whatever makes you realize what you've gotta live for and not die.” I look at him as if he's just lied.
Because I'm sure the “lucky” lady feels the same way.” he continued. Don't Hiei. Don't look…
“Botan, eh?”
I'm sleeping. Dreaming about nothing. The cold air wisps around me like an icy blanket.
I better not be dieing right now.
I'm cold, yet warm at the same time. I'm in love with the light though I am the dark. The angel holds onto me while, I, the demon, holds her in my arms. Light will always come over the darkness; that's the moral I've tried to always prove wrong.
But it's right. Hikari always, and eventually, overcomes Yami. Though not in strength, as I was taught was the only damn thing that mattered. For,
There are some things worth more than power and riches. Though the darkness rarely realizes it, it's always there. You just need the light to find it.
Ai. Love.
Ever since I saw my twin sister, the light has tried to over-power me, doing everything it can.
Then, Light introduced me to her. Darkness wouldn't allow it, so my mask was more efficient.
I've always obeyed Darkness. Light was always the enemy. And it still is.
Light. Bright, annoying light. My hand finds its way to my forehead.
Snoo─ “Uhh…nnh…”
Crap. Kurama didn't put her back on the couch!
Botan rubs her eyes sleepily. She blinks a few times. Then she stares straight ahead…into my eyes.
The upper-bed's been lowered, and somehow she's been moved towards me.
I blink.
She blinks. I blink. She does too.
Blink, blink, blink...
“H-Hiei?” she whispers.
“You're, you're…” she touches my bruised cheek with her finger tips. It sends sweet shivers down my spine.
“I'm what?” I taunt, smirking.
“Hiei, you're…YOU'RE ALIVE!!” Botan screeches and throws her tiny (as in skinny) arms around me. She buries her face into my chest and cries.
“Onna…onna, stop it, onna!” I bark. She looks up at me with teary, puppy-dog eyes. My eyes soften.
I hug her close.
“Stop crying, onna. I'm still here, I'm not gonna leave you, onna. So stop crying.” I whisper in her ear.
“Hiei.” she gasps. Then she relaxes, and lets me hold her. I'll never let go, never.
“Onna, why did you save me?” I whisper. I dare not tell her that I heard her last time we spoke.
“Because, Hiei, I─” Botan can't say it. She's crying too hard. I growl and get her attention.
“Didn't I say,” I say and cup her soft face in my hands, “not to cry?” My thumbs are used to clear the water from her eyes. She just stares; it's hard not to stare back.
Then Botan closes those purple-pink orbs and snuggles up to me. She rests her chin on my shoulder; she has to crane her neck up a little though.
“I'm so happy you're alive, Hiei.” Botan whispers and pushes her small frame and balled fists closer to me.
“Why? Why would be happy that I'm alive and breathing? Why are you so happy that I've not fallen to the darkest pits of cold death? Why, onna? Why?” I ask her softly.
“Because, Hiei!” she protests.
“You shouldn't've done that, onna.”
“Done what?”
I look at her. There's a small bruise on her cheek and a ghost-of-a-black-eye on her right eye. My eyes travel to her arms. Scratches, grazes, and a coupla Band-Aids, too. Her legs are covered with her pants, but I can see faint cuts on her ankles, and there's a long scratch on her neck.
To think, this is all that's visible on her! Also, she's changed and gotten healed.
I can't take it! She's been hurt because of me! I hurt, injured, tormented her! My sweet, annoying onna. How could I just lay here and watch you ignore it all?!
I hug her even tighter, protectively.
“How can you just ignore everything I've done to you? How can you just brush off what I've done, onna? How?”
She puts her forehead to my chest and brings her knees up to her. I stroke her hair.
“Why, onna? You should be yelling at me, screaming at me. Why don't you? I've hurt you so bad, and you've suffered so much because of me. I,” I bury my face in her hair, “I feel like I've just hit Yukina, onna. Please, don't ignore what I've done.”
“No! I'm ignoring it because I luh-” she starts but stops herself.
“You what? You should hate me, onna.”
You went through so much trouble and endured so much pain caused by me! You saved me when I didn't want to be, yet you did anyway…”
“Hiei, I'll always wand to save you. I don't care if you like it or not, I'll always save you.”
“From who, onna?”
“…Yourself.” she says sheepishly. Myself?
“Onna, what do you mean?” I ask. She looks up at me.
“I came looking for you when you didn't come when I blew that whistle that makes you mad. Then I saw the `Dragon of the Darkness Flame' trying to devour you. I kept crying for it to stop, but it paid no mind to my screams. Then I ran up through the flames, and pulled you out.
“ `Don't try to fix me, I'm not broken!' is what you kept yelling. And-and-and…” I knew what the end she couldn't say was. I held her closer.
“Why didn't you let me die?” I ask her.
No answer.
“Why didn't you let the Dragon take my soul away and it be destroyed?”
No reply.
“Why didn't you let me ─”
“BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, HIEI!” Botan shouts while crystal-water tears run down her face.
I smirk. She doesn't see it though.
“I love you so much, Hiei! Why can't you see that I'd die to save you? Why can't you understand that I'd do anything for you? Why?” she cries in my bare chest.
“Onna.” She doesn't reply. “Onna.” Nope.
I sigh.
Botan.” I coo. That gets her attention. I stare into her amethyst eyes gleaming and brimming with saddened tears. I cup her face in my palms once more and brush the tears away.
I kiss her.
I kiss her soft, supple pink lips lightly, gradually pressing slightly harder. Me, the infamous Hiei Jaganshi, has just kissed the most bubbly Grim Reaper, Botan.
When Death Knocks -- Ch.2 -- Morir