Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ When good electronics go bad! ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
When good electronics go bad!

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho


Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Yusuke opened his tired eyes to the morning light and to the sound of that damn annoying alarm clock. Today it decided to wake him up at 6am even though he didn't set it the previous night.

"Damn you! That's the last time you wake me up!" Yusuke shouted at his alarm clock. He was about to hit the annoying thing when it jumped off the night stand and started hopping away.

"Run run run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!" sang the clock followed by maniacal laughter. Yusuke just stood there for a moment with a weird expression on his face, then just shrugged it off and went into the kitchen for some breakfast.

Yusuke sat down at the table with a bowl of frosted flakes. Once he took his first bite he shouted "WOW! THEY REALLY ARE GREAT!" and continued to eat the whole bowl. Once he was finished he decided to go outside...

"Shoes shoes shiny shoes I like shoes shiny shiny la de da da" Kurama sang quietly to himself while walking down the street looking at his shoes.

"Hello Kurama" Yusuke said spotting Kurama walking outside his house.

"Wha? Oh, Hey Yusuke...Wait, what are YOU doing up at 6am?!"

"My possessed alarm clock woke me up."

"Did you hit it with a stick and say "NO! Bad alarm clock! I’ll hit you with a stick!”"?

"umm..... no....."

"Oh well you should try it, I have the same problem with my toaster"

"Really? Does it think its the gingerbread man like my alarm clock?"

"Yes, actually"

"Stupid electronic things...So what are you doing out here at 6am?

"I’m going to the library"

"Li-brar-y? What’s a library?" Yusuke asked genuinely confused.

"It’s a place with tons of books! I know that and I‘m not even from this world," Said a girl with blue hair flying down on an oar to meet the two spirit detectives.

"Books? What’s a books?"

"Hey Botan" Kurama said.

"Hi Kurama!"

"Another mission?"

"How'd you know?"

"Lucky guess, what is it this time?"

"Oh the usual, a crazed demon has escaped from the demon world and is trying to take over the human world. Nothing you guys can’t handle. I have the tape from Koenma right here," Botan said waving the videotape in front of them. "But first we have to get Kuwabara and Hiei...How about you guys go get Hiei and I'll go get Kuwabara and we’ll meet back here ok bye!" Botan said that last part fast trying to fly away.

"Oh no you don’t" Yusuke said grabbing the end of her oar. "How about WE go get Kuwabara and YOU get Hiei?

"But Hiei scares me! And he’s probably still asleep and I am NOT waking him up! Last time I did that he almost killed me!"

"No, we got him last time. It‘s your turn," said Kurama.

"Yeah and you can find him faster. You can fly. We can‘t," said Yusuke.

"Fine I’ll get him..." Botan said reluctantly flying away.

10 minutes later Kurama, Kuwabara, and Yusuke were waiting for Botan to come back.

“Geez, what’s taking Botan so long?” asked Yusuke.

“Do you think Hiei killed her?” asked Kuwabara.

“Kuwabara, Hiei would never even think about killing Botan…ok, well he might think about it but he would never actually do it”

“I think that if Botan told anyone Hiei’s little secret then he would kill her” said Yusuke.

“Yeah then he defiantly would kill her,” agreed Kurama.

“Huh? What secret?” asked Kuwabara.

“Oh nothing ^_^”

“Hey I think that’s them,” said Yusuke pointing at a figure moving towards them in the sky. As it got closer to them they realized it wasn’t Botan or Hiei. IT WAS YUSUKE’S ALARM CLOCK COMING BACK FOR REVENGE!!!!!! All three of them starting screaming and running around in circles.

“Hey, wait…that’s not your alarm clock it really is Hiei and Botan,”

“Hey, your right! Thanks Kurama I was getting scared there for a second”

Upon closer observation they realized it really was Kurama’s toaster in disguise! The 3 people resumed running around in circles”

Yusuke woke up from his dream with a start. “That’s the last time I eat Enchiladas before I go to bed,” Yusuke mumbled and fell back to sleep. But Yusuke didn’t notice something weird about his alarm clock. His alarm clock wasn’t there! Left on his night stand in place of the clock was a ticking time bomb set to detonate in 16 minutes…
The End! Unless you want me to continue it… I left room for a sequel ^_^ Review Please.