Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ When Lightning Strikes ❯ Innocent Looking ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When Lightening Strikes

By CowBrand

CowBrand: Hi guys this is my first attempt at a FanFic so be gentle cuz it might not be very good.

Hiei: Correction. It won't be good.


Hiei: Ow! You baka!

CowBrand: Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!![runs]

Hiei: GET BACK HERE!!!!!!!!

Kurama: Now now calm down…

CowBrand: [From miles away] THE DISCLAIMER THE DISCLAIMER!!

Kurama: Oh yes. Unfortunately CowBrand does not own Yu Yu Hakusho.

Hiei: And she never will [smirk]

>CowBrand: I heard that!

Hiei: Why do you have such a stupid name anyway?

CowBrand: Don't ask me, ask Mog =/

Mog: Iunno, sounds cool ^^

CowBrand: Moving on!



[My comments]

*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*ON WITH THE SHOW!*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*

Chapter One-Innocent Looking

+*+*+[Koenma's P.O.V]+*+*+

Ningen Name: Takara Matsushita

Kitsune Name: Youko Hisa

Species: Ikazuchi Kitsune With 5 Tails

Class: A-Class

Age: Ningen-17 Kitsune-964 Years Old.

Hair Colour: N-Black K-Violet with 2 yellow streaks at front

Eye Colour: N-Brown K-Midnight Blue

Height: N-5"6' K-5"9

Whereabouts: Student at Sarayashiki Jr/High School

Family: Mother, Suki, Ningen. Father, Toshiro, Ningen. Brother, Ichiro, Ningen.

Add. Info: Potentially poses a threat to ningen's.

Created the Tomoshibi Kagi. This is a dangerous object that has the power to allow any kind of demon into the ningenkai.

I looked at the information, then at the girl in the photo, which was attached to the file. Shaking my head, I thought, `How can someone so innocent looking, be so dangerous?' "Koenma-sama, I believe you wanted to see me?" I glanced up and smiled at the constantly cheerful ferry girl standing by the door. "Yes Botan-chan, I need you to contact Yusuke and the rest of the Rekai-Tentai, I have a new, important mission for them". I noticed Botan-chan`s uneasiness at my request, "Is everything ok?" She mumbled something and looked up at me, "Hai, Koenma-sama, it's just, I don't think Yusuke will appreciate the new mission considering he has just recovered from the last one." I pondered this for about a second, "I DON'T CARE IF HE DOESN'T APPRECIATE IT, I AM IN CHARGE AND I AM ASKING HIM TO COME. SO GO GET HIM AND THE OTHERS!" I huffed before collapsing back into my seat and adjusting my hat. "Gomen, gomen Koenma-sama, I will fetch them." I sighed, exhausted from the previous outburst, "Arigatou Botan-chan."

+*+*+Botan's P.O.V+*+*+

`Oh dear, Yusuke isn't going to take this very well, I suppose it must be important though, or else Koenma-sama wouldn't have shouted at me.' A single tear escaped my eye and slid down my cheek. `I know it's silly really, but he didn't have to scream at me.' I wiped away the tear, let out a groan of annoyance and made my way to Yusuke's home.

"Yusukeeeee!" I giggled as something began to move under a mass of pillows and covers. "Mfhmph, I'm trying to sleep." Feeling brave, I tugged at the blanket until it came off, revealing a very angry, very messy-haired 15-year-old boy. "Koenma needs to see you," I whispered. "WHAT? WHY DOES HE NEED TO SEE ME! I`M NOT, REPEAT NOT, GOING ON ANOTHER MISSION FOR PACIFIER-BREATH FOR AT LEAST ANOTHER MONTH!" I cowered as he fumed at me, "Heh, um well you don't have much choice, Koenma insists you see him, this mission is very important," I replied and then began dragging Yusuke out of bed and pushing him into the bathroom. "Find the others as well, he wants to see all of you." I hopped onto my oar and zoomed off back to the Rekai.

+*+*+Yusuke's P.O.V+*+*+

`Stupid baby, I just got off a frikkin' mission and already he's given me another one. I'd like to see him do what I do every week instead of just sitting in his chair shuffling papers about.' I finished showering and changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before setting off to find the guys, I figured I'd eat when I got back or grab something at Kurama's.

"URAMESHIIIIII!!!" `One down, two to go.'

"Ah Kuwabara, just the man I wanted to see, Koenma has called for me, well, you, Hiei and Kurama as well." I noted the smug look on his face and prepared myself for some words of wisdom, "Of course Koenma wouldn't call for just you, he clearly knows that without me, you and the other two would fail immediately." I stared at him for a second before turning round and walking in the direction of Kurama's house. "URAMESHI! WAIT FOR ME!"

Kurama greeted us and I found Hiei already there, in the kitchen, stuffing his face with ice-cream or what he called `sweet-snow'. "Enjoying yourself there shorty?" He glared at me, "Hn". I went back into the living room and sat down, "Well I guess you know I'm here because Koenma wants to see us so I guess we should go, if Hiei can part himself from his new friend that is."

+*+*+Koenma's P.O.V+*+*+

I chuckled to myself as an angered Yusuke came in rubbing a large bump on his head, which was obviously courtesy of Hiei who was smirking. "Hurry it up pacifier breath, I'm hungry and pissed off." `Stupid nickname, I'll get him back one day' I thought to myself. "Well there have been reports of a threatening demon in the area, believed to be, `Youko Hisa'. I heard Kurama gasp, "Do you know her?" He shook his head, "I don't know her personally, but I have heard about her. She was once very ruthless, I heard someone mention that she created the Tomoshibi Kagi but unfortunately died." I stared at him for a moment, "Hm, well it's been said she, like you Kurama, transferred her soul to that of a ningen and she is planning to use the Tomoshibi Kagi soon. I have her file here with a ningen photograph of her, if any of you see this girl I want you to do whatever you can to bring her here." I took out the file and unclipped the photograph, passing it to Yusuke. I was definitely not expecting his response,



CowBrand: o_O A `cliffie' heh. Gomen that she wasn't in this story but don't you fret, [shakes finger] she'll be in the next one.

Hiei: You're writing another one? May I ask why?

Because...I want to?

Hiei: What's the point in writing a story that no one wants to read?

[SLAP]CowBrand: [cries] Don't be so CRUEL [glare]

Hiei: Hn, weak.

T.Koenma: Hiei, leave this sweet girl alone.

CowBrand: [blush] HA Hiei smells Hiei smells [glomps T.Koenma]

Hiei: Baka you're gonna pay.

CowBrand: Meep! R and R, Arigatou! Sayonara ^_^


Meep nearly forgot to do these o_o

Arigatou: Thank you

Baka: Idiot

Gomen: Sorry

Hisa: long lasting

Ikazuchi: Thunder

Kagi: key

Ningen: Human

Ningenkai: Human world

Owari: the end

Reikai: Spirit-World

Takara: Treasure

Tomoshibi: Light