Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ When Love Strikes Hard ❯ Chapter II: Realizations ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: When Love Strikes Hard

Author: yaoi_luver_16

Disclaimer: I don't own it. But I wish I owned Hiei n.n!

Rating: PG-13 at first R-NC-17 in later chapters

Content: Nothing much, there will be hentai but later on, and some incidences you could probably consider gory

Coupling: Hiei/Yue (OC)

A/N: Next chap! AT the moment I don't fell like explaining this... My best friend and I just got into this huge argument a few days back and he just called saying that he didn't want to speak to me until he figured out weather or not he still wanted me to be his friend. I've got a question for the people who actually read these blasted things. If your best friend constantly and continually complained to you about everything for over two years and about a topic you definitely didn't want to hear about would or wouldn't you blow them off (Especially if you were PMSing, for the female readers)? Review and tell me. You answer will help me determine weather or not I was being a total bitch that day or not. Because to this very minute I still don't think I was being too cruel.

Chapter II: Realizations

Yue couldn't help but panic as she didn't find Hiei right off. She was starting to worry if she'd ever find him, and it was too late for her to go back and search for Kurama. Her brow furrowed in agitation as she levitated into a tree, figuring that she'd be able to spot Hiei better from a higher perspective. Leaning her petite body against a straining branch she allowed her eyes to survey the surrounding area.

Yue was a young woman at the age of 20 now, yet she didn't look a day past the age of 17. She had long, flowing blue-violet hair and bright, piercing cloud blue eyes. The color blue so light and pale that the iris almost appeared to be nonexistent. She was no taller then Hiei was, in fact, she was at least an inch shorter. She weighed no more then 94 lbs. and had soft creamy skin.

Her height, however small, is an obvious sign of her upbringings. Her grandmother being the notorious psychic Genkai. Genkai gave birth to Yue's mother at an incredibly young age and Yue knew little to nothing about her grandfather, except the fact that he was extremely tall and hade dark hair. Although, the fact that he was tall didn't matter much, as Yue's mother was even smaller then her herself.

The fact that Yue knows little to nothing about the male side in her family carries on to her own father, whom she never met. She had seen pictures of him that her mother tried to hide the fact that she still had. He was a fairly nice height for a man, around 6'1", with dark brown hair, almost black it was so dark. And the one thing that always made Yue smile when she saw the photos was that his eyes were the same as hers, if not lighter. Her mother had almost a light orchid colored hair and when she gave birth to Yue she came with much darker hair, but not by much.

The fact that Yue is a half demon didn't sit well with her mother, as she hadn't realized that her mate was a full-blooded demon until Yue was about to be born. Yue's mother forced her father out of the house only a month before her birth. After Yue was born, she was practically ignored for all she was worth, giving her the coldhearted, sarcastic exterior that she projected.

When she was only three-years-old her mother gave birth to her half brother, yet she was so young at the time she always saw him as something more. He was the only way she survived as a child. At first, he gave her a reason to live by needing to wake up in the mornings to take care of him, and later on, when her aging slowed and her brother appeared to be older then her, one to take care of her like a protective brother should.

As she grew older she realized that she had abilities that no normal human should have. At the age of five her mother dumped her off at Genkai's temple, where the elderly lady gave her a second home and a place where she could express herself in the most destructive of ways. For the next ten years she had trained rigorously, wearing her poor grandmother to the bone in her constant need to become stronger. At one point Genkai decided to have Yue meet her old trainer, whom was still alive only by the means of the spirit orb that Genkai would later pass down to Yusuke. The only reason that Genkai didn't give Yue her own spirit orb was because she herself was living on borrowed time and might, very well, not have more time on this earth if she gave it away. Yue went through the whole ordeal with the barest of screams and came out alive, yet she couldn't say the same for Genkai's trainer as he died just after the orb left his body and entered her own.

The young half demon's powers consisted of all Chinese elemental attacks, earth (like Kurama's plant stuff), air (flight A.K.A. levitation), water, ice, fire, and lightening. She had a few healing powers, but only strong enough for small wounds, she had a great deal of strength for a female half demon, yet she relied more on her powers and speed then her strength. She could wield her spirit energy like Kuuabara, yet she would either use her choice from a bow and arrow or hand daggers, and even then she would only use the energy as thus if she were low on it.

Yue couldn't help but growl darkly as Hiei still hadn't passed by. She tugged down her black tank top as the wind blew it up slightly, revealing her firm abs. The shirt was no more then an extra small piece of black cloth with an orchid Japanese character for woman on it. She wore extremely loose fitting gray gi pants that tied in the front. She wore no shoes, complaining that they restricted her movement and speed. She tucked her hair behind her ear as she saw a dark obtuse shape zipping by on the dense forest floor.

`Gottcha!' She thought to herself, her eyes narrowing with devilish intent as the little fire youkai stopped right beneath her. `YATTA!' She cheered mentally as she jumped from the tree, landing roughly on the fire youkai and grinning maliciously. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" She screeched, leaning down over the demon to interrogate him face to face.


`Where is she.' Hiei thought, almost frantically.

After the entire bathing incident, Hiei had become a lot more protective of Yue...not that he'd let anyone else know that. She may be a demanding, bitchy onna but he seemed to be drawn to her. She had stood by his side in the vault even though she didn't want a part in the raid. Oh, she complained about it, but she went along any way, just to make sure they would come out safe...well Hiei and Kurama any way. And now that he had run off without her, he felt as if he betrayed her.

He stopped for a moment to see if he could fell her spirit energy only to be squashed by the very being he had been searching for. He heaved forward with the sudden exertion of weight and fell flat on his face, practically eating the ground beneath him. Then the screeching came and he only wished he had the strength to cover his ears.

"You left me!" The onna shouted in hurt aggravation. "How could you?" She asked, hurt overcoming her voice more this time as she stepped off and knelt in front of him.

Hiei lifted himself up on his hands and knees, jerking up his head to argue to the girl's face, only to realize that they were only mere inches apart. Either of them gasped out in shock and scrambled apart until there was a good distance between them, blushes covering both of their cheeks as they refused to look at one another. It took Hiei a moment to catch his breath and calm his pounding heart before he got to his feet and motioned for Yue to follow, no words coming between the two as they exited the forest together to carry on with the mission intended, even without Kurama or the big lummox.

Yatta= hurray or yippy

A/N: Okay that's Yue's background. What do you think? Review please. JA!