Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ When you Lie Next to Me ❯ When you Lie Next to Me ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
When you Lie Next to Me
a songfic by:Tori Singer

Disclaimers:All characters from YYH don't belong to me. The song "When you Lie next to Me" belongs to it's respective owners. Get it? Got it? Done.

Warnings: This fic contains yaoi, meaning male/male love. Don't like? Feel free to use the handy dandy BACK button on your browser and go read some same old same old Male/Female smut.And one more warning: You steala my fic I breaka your face. Understand?

Feedback: Please? Flames welcome. Anything welcome actually.
=...= lyrics.
'...' thoughts
"..." speaking
One-shot Songfic:

We see our favorite kitsune sitting at his desk, doing piles of homework. He looks to be concentrating very hard. We see a shadow hunched on the windowsill, watching Kurama intensely. The fire demon closed his blood red eyes and shook his head slowly. 'That fox has been working too hard lately. It's gotten so bad, he won't acknowledge me hardly.' The koorime sighed. Then, his eyes brightened. He cast a meaningful glance toward his lover, then stood up. He walked slowly until he was directly behind Kurama. The fox started when a hand was planted firmly but gently on his shoulder. He swirled around in his chair to find his demon lover looking at him with worried eyes. Then Hiei said something that caused Kurama's eyes to widen. 'Am I really obsessed with my work that much?' Before he could say any more, Hiei wrapped him in a tight embrace. Kurama sighed contently and closed his eyes. He returned the hug and asked his lover if he wanted to talk about it. "hn" That was a yes.

=Maybe, tonight, we could close the door and lock ourselves inside. Take time to feel.
I don't wanna miss the chance to be so real.
The days all fly away and I forget the truth.
Everything that matters is in this room.

We see Hiei and Kurama lounging on the fox's bed. They seemed to be discussing something very intensively. Kurama looked to be protesting to whatever Hiei had to say. 'I have not been negleting Hiei have I?' Then it hit Kurama like a train. 'I HAVE been putting work ahead of my beloved. I'd forgotten how much he means to me.' Now tearyeyed, the redhead lunged forward and pulled the koorime to him, tears streaming down his cheeks. His lips can be seen moving, forming one phrase, "I'm sorry."

=When you lie next to me, breathin' the air I breathe.
We don't have to speak.
And just be.
Our love's a precious thing.
Don't wanna waste a day.
Or one more minute
Without you in it.
Life is so sweet, when you lie next to me.

We see Kurma laying on top of Hiei, caressing his cheek with his knuckles. When he breathed out, his lover would breathe in. Neither said a word, just gazed lovingly at one another. Hiei leaned toward the kitsune's face and whispered, "I love you fox." Kurama's eyes teared up and a smile broke out on his face. We see him lowering his mouth to the koorime's ear. "I love you too Hiei." The two lovers looked deep in the other's eyes, searching for answers to questions of the mind.

=My heart, is yours.
But every part of me still wants to give you more.
More time to love.
Cause you never know when life will leave us.
I wanna take in all the beauty here.
Let the world around us just, disappear.

Hiei is stroking his lover's red tresses, pushing back the strands falling across Kurama's pale face. Hiei seen emerald pools staring at him, full of love and adoration. Kurama snuggled closer to the demon and draped his arm around his waist. When he glanced up, he seen the ruby eyes take on an unmistakable pain. Kurama reached up and turned Hiei's face toward his. Kurama seems to be asking him what was wrong. Hiei glances back down at his lover then replies, "I may die one day soon, working with Mukuro, it's bound to happen." The kitsune sullened up almost immediantly. He understood what his lover was saying. So instead of answering, he tilted Hiei's chin, and kissed him passiontately.

=When you lie next to me.
Breathin' the air I breathe.
We don't have to speak.
And just be.
Our love's a precious thing.
Don't wanna waste a day.
Or one more minute
Without you in it.
Life is so sweet.
When you lie next to me.

Kurama starts to kiss his lover more desperately. Berating himself for not doing this sooner. 'Hiei could be called away at anytime and be killed. And I'm spending all my time with work instead of my beloved. I don't deserve him.' Before long, tears were streaming down his face, but he didn't swipe them away, he let them fall, a reminder to his insolence. Hiei was returning the kiss eagerly, missing the touch of his fox while he was caught up in all his ningen work. He pulled back a bit when he felt the tears on the kitsune's cheeks. He reached up to wipe them away, when his lover stopped him. "No Hiei, leave them, but please don't leave me." The desperate tone in the fox's voice made the fire demon shudder as a warm feeling crept into his chest. He wrapped his arms around his koi. He slowly settled them down under the blankets. Kurama tucked his face in the crook of Hiei's neck. He draped his arms across Hiei's chest. Hiei placed an arm around the kitsune's shoulders, snuggling in the covers. They layed like that, breathing as one. Each of the heads were filled with thoughts of the other, on guessing how much time they really had together. Kurama decided to banish these thoughts. He turned to Hiei and whispered,"I love you koibito, I don't know how long we'll be with oneanother, but lets make good use of the time we do have." With that, he pressed his lips to Hiei's as the fire demon started undoing Kurama's top. Tears flowed freely as they embraced onanother, content on just laying next to each other.

ending chorus:
=When you lie next to me.
Breathing the air I breathe.
We don't have to speak.
And just be.
Our love's a precious thing.
Don't wanna waste a day.
Or one more minute
Without you in it.
Life, is so sweet.
When you lie next to me.


Author's notes: I thought it was pretty good I guess.... What do you all think? I'd really like to know. I don't know why I wrote this, but inspiration just hit me like a baseball to the forehead. I thought this song really reflects on Hiei and Kurama's fictional relationship, cause we all know they're just really good friends in the show. *pouts