Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Where it all began ❯ The Begining ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the Yu Yu Hakusho characters, I am only using the characters in my story. I do not wish to gain anything from this story except reviews.
It was the early hours of the morning when Shuuichi Minamino finally finished his homework. He was home alone because his mother, step-father and step-brother had gone to visit relatives for the week. Taking advantage of this he would stay up and finish his homework without having anyone telling him to go to bed because it was late. He had also noticed that for the last few days Hiei had been watching him from the tree outside his window. Even now Hiei was masking his energy, Kurama always knew he was there. Usually the fire demon would come in or tap on the window to make his presence know, but the last couple of days he has done nothing but watch the fox as he did his homework. This made Kurama suspicious that there was something wrong with the half-koorime and he was going to do whatever it takes to find out. After all, Kurama was in love with Hiei and it upset him to know that there was something wrong.
Since Hiei has started sitting outside the foxes window he started feeling things…, noticing things he had never felt or noticed before.
The first night of sitting and watching Kurama was a total fluke, he didn't know why but he just wanted to watch the fox that night. So that's exactly what he did. While watching he noticed how truly beautiful the being in front of him was. The feminine features yet masculine in a way that let you know he is a man. Those big emerald eyes that tell you exactly what the fox wants you to know but not revealing anything else. The way he walks with his perfect posture but still at the same time relaxed. His beautiful long red hair that was always perfect. There was nothing flawed about this being.
At first these thoughts disturbed Hiei greatly. It was his best friend he was thinking of after all. His best friend and nothing more. The more he tried to resist these thoughts, the more they came to him. After the second night of just staring at the fox and admiring his beauty, the fire demon started thinking about this more deeply. Not only was this fox beautiful right down to the core, he was also smart, intelligent, courageous, strong, caring, thoughtful and so much more.
It was now the fourth night and those once disturbing thoughts were now comforting and all Hiei could think about. He had finally come to the conclusion that he had fallen for his best friend. Fallen for the fox…. His fox.
Kurama had finally had enough. As he walked over and unlatched the window Hiei was shocked to realise that he had been discovered. Not knowing what to do or say Hiei just sat there staring into the foxes eyes. Kurama decided he would control of the situation. “In… now”. Hiei did as he was told and climbed through the window and stood in the far corner of the room. “There's something bothering you, now spill.” As usual the only response Kurama was lucky to get was a simple “hn”. “Fine, while you ponder over that im going to go down stairs and get something to eat. Feel free to follow.”, and with that Kurama headed down the stairs. Slowly and quietly Hiei followed.
Once in the kitchen and headed for the freezer. “What is that thing?” Hiei asked with a confused expression. Living most of his life in Makai and not having much experience with ningen contraptions Hiei naturally had no idea what a fridge or freezer were. As Kurama explained to Hiei what a freezer was he got out two bowls, a couple of spoons and some ice cream. After he had filled the small bowls with ice cream and put the container back into the freezer Kurama handed Hiei one of the bowls and started on his own. After a few mouthfuls of ice cream Kurama looked up, only too see Hiei who had not yet touched his, with a very disorientated look on his face. “It's called ice cream Hiei. It's a dessert in ningenkai. You eat it.” With a still cautious look on his face, the fire demon placed a small spoonful of the ice cream into his mouth. Discovering that he quite enjoyed this so called `ice cream' he went back for some more. Only a much larger spoonful this time. Kurama smiled at this. “So you like it then?” as usual the reply was a simple “hn” but seeing the greedy look on Hiei's face made it worthwhile.
After Kurama finished up the last of his dessert he placed the bowl lightly into the sink. “Ill do the dishes later” he said to himself. He turned around and leaned against the bench as he watched Hiei eat his second helping of ice cream. Hiei noticed the fox was watching him and decided it was time to have some fun.
Kurama noticed that Hiei wasn't shoving the ice cream down in massive mouthfuls anymore. Instead he was getting little spoonfuls, licking every last bit of ice cream off the spoon before going back for more. Each time he was getting slower and slower it was almost sensual, like he was teasing the fox. But why, why would Hiei be teasing him. It was certainly not the fire demons usual behaviour and there is no reason for Hiei to be doing it. Unless… No there was no way. Hiei didn't have the same feelings, did he?
If it was Hiei's objective was to make Kurama extremely horny, it was working. Holding onto the bench was the only thing that was stoping Kurama from leaping over and devouring that sensual being that was standing before him.
When Hiei had finished the rest of his treat he followed Kurama's example and put the bowl in the sink. After that he turned at sat on the bench next to the fox. “So Hiei, are you going to tell me what is bothering you, or what?” Kurama asked, turning to face the fire demon. “Hn, I don't really know how to say what it is that is wrong.” Kurama was surprised that this response. It had been the most Hiei had said since he came into the kitchen and it confirmed that there was something wrong. “Think about it for a minute while I go get a drink” and with that, Kurama walked over and got a glass of water. When the glass was empty and in the sink with the rest of the dishes, he walked back over to face the small demon sitting on his bench. “Feel like sharing yet?” Kurama said with a questioning look in his eyes. “I can't stop thinking about someone, there all I have been thinking about and I don't know what to do… I was hoping, you could help me”. And with that Kurama's heart sank. “What type of feelings do you have for this person?” the fox said trying hard not to let the disappointment show in his expression. “Im not quit sure yet… it's confusing”. “Yes it can be sometimes, do you think you might love them?” Kurama asked, trying to find out more. There was know response to this question. Not even a simple `hn'. With that silence it was confirmed that Hiei was in love with this person. “Have you told them about your feelings?” “Well no, if I had done that I wouldn't be asking you for help would I. Hn, stupid fox.” “Oh so you want me to help you find a way to tell them? Well for that my friend your going to have to tell me who it is so we can determine a good way to tell them so we will no there reactions”.
Hiei shook his head at this. He did not want the fox to know that he was the one he had feelings for. Kurama sighed and turned to the table behind him “well then I can't help you”. With a flash Hiei vanished from the bench and appeared sitting on the table in front of Kurama, so close that there noses were almost touching. “Fox” Hiei breathed softly, but loud enough for Kurama to hear. “My fox…”, and with that Hiei wrapped his legs around the fox.
“Hiei” Kurama attempted to say but the sound was muffled but the feel of soft lifts brushing against his own. He kissed back willingly, yet softly as not to force the small demon. Hiei deepened the kiss and started massaging the foxes tongue with his own. Both demons wrapping there arms around each other. Kurama's arms around Hiei's waist and Hiei's arms loosely around the fox's neck.
When the kiss was finally broken they both looked at each other, panting, trying to read the expression in the others eyes. “Is this what you want?” asked Kurama, somewhat breathless from the passionate kiss they had both just experienced. “Would I be here if it wasn't?” Hiei replied as he leaned in for another kiss. Kurama complied and kissed Hiei back, with more passion than the first.
Without breaking the kiss Kurama pushed Hiei back onto the table, at the same time lying on top of him. They could now feel there hard arousals rubbing against each other. Kurama was a little startled at how big the small demons sex felt against his body but after the initial shock he smiled through the kiss, thinking of all the things he could do with it. As they sat up a bit Kurama started pulling off Hiei's cloak, scarf and tank top, breaking the kiss to pull off the various pieces of clothing. Staring down at the shirtless demon Kurama began to realise just how extremely sexy was. Running his hands over that hot, tight, firm, muscular body, Kurama began tracing the outline of Hiei's jaw with his tongue. Working his way to the half-koorime's ear he began licking, nipping and sucking the earlobe. Hearing a gasp from Hiei, he smiled and continued to work his way down, tracing kisses along his neck and collar bone.
Upon reaching Hiei's nipple he began playing with it with his tongue and teeth, feeling them harden. This turned the fox on. “FOX”, Hiei gasped as he put his hands in Kurama's hair. The fox took this as a sign that Hiei wanted it and he wanted it now. Final reaching his final destination he began unbuckling all four of the small demons belts. Kurama never understood why he wore so many but couldn't really care because he was making fast work of them. Luckily Kurama was the greatest thief ever known in Makai so it was easy for him so get through them. Removing Hiei's pants was a challenge but it was well worth it. Kurama grabbed Hiei's shaft with his right hand and was massaging his torso with his left. Slowly the fox started pumping up and down increasing the pace steadily. Hiei was now screaming for release but Kurama had other ideas. Just as the fire demon was about to come Kurama clasped the bottom of his shaft tightly to prevent it. Hiei was not happy.
“What the fuck, Stupid FOX” Hiei began to say but was cut off when a wave of pleasure washed over his body. The fox had stopped his release, yes, but know had taken him into his mouth and it was well worth it. He began licking the tip of Hiei's arousal and slowly started pumping the bottom with his hand. Without warning Kurama took Hiei whole and the fire demon screamed for release once again. Suddenly the fox stopped pleasuring his fire demon with his mouth and moved away.
Hiei had no idea what was happening. Had he offended the fox? He didn't think he had. “Kurama?” but sure enough within seconds the fox was back on top of him again and kissing him passionately this time they were both naked. Obviously Hiei hadn't done something wrong, but with the way the fox was kissing he must have done something very right. Suddenly Hiei felt a gel like substance enter his opening, as well as a finger. Startled the fire demon tensed up. “Its okay Hiei, you can trust me. If you want to stop at any time just let me know.” With a sarcastic look Hiei replied “Just shut up and fuck me already, pfft, Stupid fox.” Another finger joined the first and began moving around and stretching Hiei's tight opening. The two fingers were joined by a third. Shortly after the third had been added, all the fingers were removed and replaced by something much bigger. The fox's sex.
Kurama began thrusting slowly in and out of the small demon, trying to cause him as little discomfort as possible. After the first few thrusts Hiei seemed to be in no more discomfort. “Harder… Faster… FOX MORE!” the demon was yelling. Kurama was happy to oblige. So the fox started thrashing into the fire demon harder and faster as requested. Kurama started focusing more on his own release. Shoving into Hiei at different paces and in different angles he finally hit Hiei's prostate and came simultaneously. Both demons were blinded by there pleasure and Kurama collapsed on top of Hiei, but in a way that wasn't squashing him. From not letting his fire demon come before it made the prolonged release ten times more intense for him. They both just lay there for about half an hour before Kurama got off of his lover.
As Kurama got up and walked over to the sink for some water Hiei sat up and positioned himself on the edge of the table where he had been before he had claimed his fox. When Kurama came back over Hiei wrapped his arms around the fox's neck and kissed him lightly. “I think I love ya fox.” Kurama beamed at hearing this. Especially hearing it come from Hiei. “I love you too Hiei” Kurama responded. It was the happiest moment of his life. “Fox… My fox. Sounds good to me.” Pulling his fox onto the table again and flipping them over so he was on top straddling Kurama, Hiei bent down and passionately kissed him. “Wanna go again?” Hiei asked cheekily, and they spent the rest of the night in heat and passion.