Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Where No Spirit Detective Has Gone Before ❯ Where No Spirit Detective Has Gone Before ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Where No Spirit Detective Has Gone Before...

By: Muzi Suki

Captain Picard had always prided himself on running a very highly functional ship and today was no different. "Ensign Crusher, report." He ordered with ease.

"All systems operating within specified norms sir." Wesley Crusher, an acting ensign reported.

"Good. Sensors picking up anything Data?" Picard asked getting a feel for today's operations.

"Nothing unusual sir." Data answered seamlessly

"Nothing on my sensors either, sir." Worf reported.

"This sounds like a pretty routine mission." Commander Riker said as the Captain sat in the command chair. "Pickup supplies from the Grissom and distribute them to several colonies." Riker shifted in his seat to turn towards the Captain. "Why would they need the Federation's flagship to do this?" Picard turned to his trusted first officer.

"Starfleet Command has received several reports of mysterious raiding of supply ships to those colonies." Picard said rather seriously.

"So they want us to find out who's doing this and get the supplies to the colonies."

"Exactly number one." Picard says as he straightens out his uniform in his character fashion. As they both relax in their chairs Deanna Troi, ships counselor, sits straight up and looks around. "What's wrong Counselor?"

"I felt a strange but familiar presence." She said.

"What do you mean strange and familiar?" Riker asked confused. All of the sudden there was a very high pitch sound and a bright flash.

"Q!" Worf said with as much venom in his voice as he possibly could.

"Hello Mon Capitan!" Q said a he appeared on the bridge of the Enterprise in a Admirals Starfleet uniform yet again.

"What do you want Q?" Picard asked with annoyance and anger in his voice.

"Well I'm not just here for your wonderful company Jean Luc." Q said sarcastically. "The continuum sent me because of my experience with humans. They seem to have caught someone playing with forces they shouldn't." He said with a hint of knowing in his voice.

"Captain, I am reading some unusual anomalies off the port side." Data stated in an urgent voice.

"Visual." Picard said as he kept an even tone despite his annoyance at Q's presence. When the image appeared it looked to Picard like rips in space were about to enter his ship. "Shields up!! Red Alert!!"

"YUSUKE YOU PERV!" The next thing you hear is a loud smack. "You haven't changed in years." Keiko yells at the familiar boy on the ground holding his cheek.

"I wasn't doing anything I swear!" Yusuke said standing back up from the smack Keiko just gave him. He brushes off his usual green uniform.

"Sure Yusuke then why were you grabbing my butt!"

"Well…I…I um…" Yusuke tried to think of an excuse. As he was trying to think of an excuse to give Keiko she disappeared from in front of him in a shimmering green light. "WHAT THE H…!!!" Yusuke yelled as he tried to grab for her. As he realized he couldn't grab her he started looking around for anyone who could have taken her. "There's no way anyone was fast enough to grab her without me seeing and what was that stupid green light?!" After trying to calm himself down and failing, he quickly decided to seek out Genkai. As he was running in the direction of Genkai's temple he saw a familiar blue uniform running in the same direction. He easily caught up to the person and yelled to them. "Where are you running off to Kuwabara?" Yusuke yelled as he ran.

"Urameshi, what are you doing here?" Kuwabara yelled trying to keep up with Yusuke's frenzied pace.

"I asked you first!" Yusuke yelled not stopping.

"I'm heading to Genkai's! Yukina and my sister have gone missing!" Kuwabara screamed back at Yusuke.

"Oh man, this is not good!" Yusuke yelled as he increased his pace to the point that Kuwabara couldn't keep up.

"Why does he always do this?!" Kuwabara said maintaining his pace toward Genkai's temple.

Once he finally got to Genkai's compound he found Genkai trying to calm Yusuke enough to get him to tell her what he came there for. "BUT THEY"VE GOT HER!" Yusuke yelled as he really started to get mad.

"CALM DOWN YOU DIMWIT!" Genkai yelled as she punched Yusuke in the stomach. "Now tell me what's wrong!" Yusuke straightens himself and frantically looks at Genkai.

"I was talking with Keiko and she suddenly just disappeared in a strange green light!!" Yusuke said almost yelling, but not wanting to get punched again.

"Hmm a green light that sounds familiar…" Genkai whispers to herself.

"Wait the same thing happened to Yukina and my sister!" Kuwabara yells.