Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Where the Shadows Dwell ❯ ichihatshu no hana ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 3 : Ichihatshu no hana
Once again the birds awake from, what they thought a silent spring.
Yukina was singing, sitting in Koenma's garden, that was behind the Reikai palace. A bird flew over to her and landed on her shoulder as she continued to sing. It has been about a month since Hiei got back and she was happy that her brother was going to be fine. When she found out that Hiei was her brother, she was shocked. She always thought of him as an older brother and now that she found out that he was, she was even happier. Now she didn't need to search for her brother and she could stay with Genkai-sensai.
Kuwabara was happy that Yukina was safe, he was around all of the time, she didn't mind, but sometimes she would want to be by herself or with Hiei. Everyone was back to normal; Kuwabara-annoying, Yusuke-loud, Kurama-trying to keep the peace, and Hiei-on his own.
The bird sang with Yukina as she picked a few flowers from the plants that started to grow once spring started. It was a beautiful day even though it had a few mid-morning showers. I guess the flowers needed all of the help they could get. That was life, and she was going to give her brother all the help that she could give, after all, she had three-hundred years to catch up on.
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It's been almost a year now and life has gotten almost back to normal. But Hiei has been acting duller than usual. He's been coming and going for weeks at a time, and it was driving Yusuke crazy. It finally drove him over the edge and he went ballistic.
"What's your problem!" Yusuke yelled. The group had been walking toward their mission, and he just snapped, he was sick of Hiei just appearing out of no where.
"hn..?" Hiei was quite confused at his companion's outburst.
"grrrr..What's with you and your 'hudini' act! I'm sick of you being there one minute and 'poof' your gone again!"Yusuke screamed at him, letting out his frustration.
"ch'...baka nigen"Hiei muttered preparing to pull a 'hudini', as Yusuke so properly named it.
"What was that shrimp"that did it, Hiei was now totally pissed. He didn't like it when the oaf called him a shrimp, let alone an anoyying Spirit Detective. But, he knew a better way to piss him off. He started to slow down until he was walking in pace with Yusuke. When he turned to face him he said a loud "poof" and disappeared. Then he appeared again, after a few seconds, he uttered one final "hn" and was no longer in site.
"What's with him?"Kurama said to himself, confused with this little 'fight', he and Yusuke had. Hn. He was confused alot lately. with one final shake of his head, he followed after the two who were alittle ways ahead.
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Hiei hopped from tree to tree, sighing when he was farther than the others. 'Screech....' Hiei's eye's shot open at the sound, but nothing else seemed to be startled by it.
'Heart as cold as winter day, eyes as dark as night
longing for the darkness fair, hiding from the light'
"That song"Hiei muttered, he knew it.
'lurking were the shadows dwell, under cherry tree's
go, return to hell, while the worthy shall run free'
Oh, he hated that song, the koorimes sang it right before they threw him off the cliff.
'waves like from the ocean shore, tiny grains of sand
the frightful memories before, darkness of the land'
The song was singing itself within his mind. He couldn't get rid of it.
'going in the lion's den, never coming out
not knowing who's foe or friend, like rain falling in a drought'
That had to be it, nothing else seems to be hearing it.
'climbing up a mountain, never make a sound
breaking through the concrete, never coming down'
He was getting a painful headace, and it wouln't seem to go away, not even with the help of his jagan eye. Hiei fell to the ground clutching his head. He didn't want to hear that now. Not ever. He tried to block it out, but the noise wouldn't go away. During this time he relived tons of terrible memories. The time he was thrown of the cliffs, beaten and abused by said 'parental character'; which apparently rescued him from certain death. He felt no remorse for killing half of the clan. Or finding out he had a long lost twin. Well that explains how a half-koorime bastard can't even an ounce of ice, only the molten hot fire that he can produce in a blink of an eye. He found his twin, yet couldn't find any ounce of respect for himself to tell her.
Also the pain of fighting, the tiredness of using the 'Kokayaro' dragon of the darkness flame, or the ancient fist of the immortal flame. In the comatose state where, if your enemy isn't dead, you'd be momentarily.
The sudden weakness.
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