Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Who's Shuichi? ❯ Everything you want ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimers:- do I look like I own YuYu Hakusho? Do money grow on trees?

A/N:- Thanks for the reviews! I feel that someone, out there, actually appreciates my writing so thank you! ^-^

Inspiration for this fic came from the chorus from Vertical Horizon's 'Everything you want' - Which I don't own either.

He's everything you want

He's everything you need
He's everything inside of you
That you wish you could be
He says all the right things
At exactly the right time
But he means nothing to you
And you don't know why

Chapter 8!


Two weeks suspension! Two whole bloody weeks! And the next uh…five or 6 days I'm over here in this temple; cleaning and watching paint dry. The good news is that I've got Botan to keep me company until the others get back (since Genkai is always off somewhere).

I was sweeping the temple grounds since five past six this morning (and it's now nearly ten to nine) when Botan came up to me - being all cheerful and that.

"Hey there Mina! Say, I didn't know that you knew about Yusuke and Kuwabara being in the Reikai Tentai?"

She motioned me to sit down on the temple's wooden steps, seeing that I was still yawing from being rudely woken up by 'someone' tipping freezing cold water over me! *in a not so happy mood*

"uh-huh…Yusuke filled me in on the details on the way here; though to be honest, it's kinda far-fetched in the reality spectrum…"

Her face suddenly became deadly serious, which creeped me out a bit. "So you know about Youkais/demons then and that there's 3 training here -"

"News flash Botan! There are no such things as demons. C'mon, my mother used to tell me stories about them to make me behave when I was five years old! They're nothing more than fairy-tales"

Folding my arms, I began to think about that note. Who wrote it? Even more so, who actually invited me?? I glanced to my left - only to find Botan floating in mid-air on an oar!

"Holy shite! It's Houdini come back from the dead!" I gasped in surprise, nearly spraining my ankle by getting up and tripping over my own two feet.

Botan blinked. "Didn't Yusuke tell you that I'm the messenger of death?"

Now I started to panic "Wha?? Please don't tell me that I'm going to die! I wanna live!!"

"Calm down Mina!" She reassured me that I wasn't going to die. "I just wanted to prove a point that there's not much difference between fantasy and reality, so if you believe me on this; then I'm sure you can believe that there are such things as Youkais"

My cheeks began to blush with embarrassment. "Oh, I see…."

A few hours later, everyone was back here from school. I had finished with my chores and decided that I should watch them train with Keiko. We sat under the tulip tree as she told me that nothing interesting happens now since I've been suspended - well apart from the usual antics that Yusuke creates.

"Dam it! I missed him have a scrap with Togi?! It's the god's will to have me suffer!" I angrily shook my fist into the air when she told me all about it. All the bloody mess, Yusuke mouthing off Mr.Iwamoto at lunchtime *sighs* it brings a tear to my eye….

"Mina watch out!" I suddenly heard a voice come out from out of nowhere….


~An hour later~

*still dazed* nehhhhh….what happened? eh? I'm in my bed! I shot up and let my eyes swivel as they began to scan the room. Stereo - check, my bag - check, Kurama with a 'I'm sorry look' on his face and flowers - cheeeh?

I put my head onto my hands and groaned. "Please don't tell me….you're responsible for this no?"

He nodded and handed the flowers (which happened to be red roses).

"It appears that we've got off the wrong foot from the very beginning…"

My eye widened.

"You're telling me! First the hockey puck, and now…what did you do this time??"

He began to explain, emphasising with the motions of his delicate hands.

"I crashed into you. Hiei's punches can be quite powerful from time to time…."

"And I thought you were one of those people that didn't just 'crash'" I saw him blush a little.

In a way I couldn't really believe that could happen. I've watched him fight! He's graceful, calculative and never loses his footing.

Half-pointing the finger at him, I made an assumption.

"You sent me the e-mail didn't you?"

He fell of f the chair with surprise. "What are you articulating about now??" Kurama recollected himself.

The only expression that appeared on his face was calm, although I did see a hint of blush surfacing on his cheeks again.

"Don't play dumb with me Kurama! You snuck into Keiko's room and invited me over with that e-mail so that you could 'clumsily' batter me to pieces!"

Did I hear him sigh with relief? Maybe it's just my hearing gone out of the window. *sweatdrops*

Kurama quietly laughed, making me get all angry again.

"What are you laughing at?" shooting a glare at him.

"Nothing, nothing…it's just that…."

"Just what?"

"I was worried that you going to say something else that was ridiculous"

That stung. It took me a lot of courage to say that to him. I'm sure he hates me with a passion!

"I'll make a proposition with you" His face edging towards me. *blushing*

"What proposition?"

"I'll take you out for dinner on your birthday tomorrow; on one condition…."

"Kurama stop toying with me and just spit it out dam it!"

I could see it in his eyes, the jade green acid, playfully bubbling up as he leaned in further and further until….

"…That you stop acting like a banshee and act you're age"



And I managed to storm out of my room, leaving him with a huge red handprint on his stunned face.


*sighs* will they ever get along? And how did he know it was her birthday tomorrow? ^^;; R+R please ^^