Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Who's Shuichi? ❯ Is mina in a football riot or the Makai?... It's Kinda hard to tell ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimers: _ don't own Yu Yu Hakusho! #Replays the message over and over and over again #

A/N: Here's chapter 11! And You won't see Yoko just yet….maybe next chapter heh heh heh heh '^-^'

[blah] = change of scene

# blah# = an action


I linger in the doorway
Of alarm clock screaming
Monsters calling my name
Let me stay
Where the wind will whisper to me
Where the raindrops
As they're falling tell a story


In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me

Don't say I'm out of touch
With this rampant chaos- your reality
I know well what lies beyond my sleeping refuge
The nightmare I built my own world to escape


Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming
Cannot cease for the fear of silent nights
Oh how I long for the deep sleep dreaming
The goddess of imaginary light

Evanescence: - Imaginary


*head's in a daze* nuhhh...where the fuck am I? I heaved myself up from the damp, smouldering heap of gathered fallen leaves and looked up at the thunderous red sky with huge cracks that gaped was soon followed by a low, booming sound in which it eerily shook the ground.

I can't remember how I got here; let alone the last - well, maybe apart from the colour of gold…wait! Where's Kurama?

Sifting past the disfigured trees I kept calling out his name, the smell of rotting bodies were too strong, so strong that I kept covering my mouth to stop myself from hurling.

In the distance was a cryptic city, I admit that I was shitting myself because I kept feeling that I was being watched - Y'know when you watch an animal documentary and you see a lion stalking it's prey and you can't help but scream at the dopey gazelle : 'Start running you stupid git! It's right behind you!'

Where did these claw marks come from? A few gashes to my sides and hips were weeping blood and man do they sting! The nail marks on my hips looked embedded as if something tried to anchor itself onto me, possessively even. # shakes her head #

Slowly but surely I snuck into the city. Glancing around you would have said that the building structure was that of ancient…more like something you would see in early Victorian times when they had cobble foot paths and grimy alleyways that Jack-the-ripper would be so comfortable in.

Suddenly it hit me like a two-tonne truck! Thousands and thousands of demons were swarming here, a lot killing lesser demons and a few actually trading. It reminded me of going to a football match with my mother and after the game there would be a violent riot in which it was a classic game of 'dodge the punches and weapons'.

"psst!" Hissed a decaying swamp beast from behind a few ale barrels.

"Huh? Me?" Idiotically turning around; to see if it was talking to anyone else besides me.

"Yessss you! Is it that time of the year for a kitsune such as you yesss?"

Woah, WOAH! Back up! I definitely ain't no demon! I have no tail, no fangs, no magical properties, nope! Nada! Nothing! Zilch!

It yanked my hair roughly inhaled deeply. Ewwww I'm getting bog slime on my dress….

"Wh-what are you doing?? Get off!!" I tried to pull away. Man this thing is strong! (Not to mention its bad breath)

Out of the blue it hissed in fear! Angrily even!

"You smell of him! But he's dead! I'm sure of it!!!" It lifted it's three-fingered, boggy hand up at me to take a swipe. "No matter, I'll just have a Ningen for an appetiser!"

Frozen to the spot my legs gave way, not realising the stomach-turning feeling of being pulled into a black hole…..

[Back at the temple]

"Aha! I've managed to pull her soul out of the Makai. So it should be returning to its body quite soon!"

Botan chirped as Kuwabara and Kurama looked on, watching her try and retrieve my soul. My mother chain smoking outside whilst Keiko and Lady Genkai explained (rather I should say lied) that I had suddenly fallen unconscious after eating one of Kuwabara's specially prepared rice cookies.

One eye opened. Then the other.

"Huuuuuuueughhhhhhh!" And there goes my lunch - all over both Kurama and Kuwabara.

"And that's her way of saying 'don't quit the day-job' dolt…." Yusuke smirked cockily before bursting with laughter"

Kuwabara got stressed out.

"Shut up Urameshi! I made those with tenderness and love that a profession chef would have!"

"Hn. And that's what made her sick. Idiot"

"You wanna piece of me shorty??"

"Hiei and Kuwabara if you want fist it out then fuck off outside; this isn't the best place to be squabbling over badly made food"

"Yes Genkai"


"Mina! Oh thank goodness you're awake!" My mum came charging in, knocking over my fave stereo and letting it smash into tiny pieces. Great.

When the others had left the room, my mother carefully pulled back the cotton blankets to wash me over. She nearly drowned me when she washed my hair!

"Sweetheart you're bleeding! Stay still whilst I'll get some antiseptic and bandages from lady Genkai ok?"

I just nodded out of exhaustion and waited for half an hour till she got back. Gritting my teeth as she poured the spiteful liquid onto my ravaged skin (well, it was full of claw marks and god knows what - maybe I need to have a rabies shot…ack! I might have RABIES!!! AHHHHH!!! )

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!! MUM IT STINGS!!!!" I was trying desperately not to both rip mine and her hair out. Mum had to slap my legs three times harshly so that I would let go of her.

"Hold still! MINA!! Stop jolting and jumping about!! There's one more gash I need to get to and you're not helping me!!"


She rolled me over to my side as she started on a deep claw mark, her brown eyes filled with concern seeing that I was wincing in agony. Mum pulled her blonde hair back into a ponytail.

"You were attacked weren't you?"

I groaned in confusion. "Huh?"

"You were attacked by something weren't you? And don't bullshit me"

"Mum even if I was I can't remember….I don't remember anything"

Hearing her soft sobbing, I tried to cuddle up to her, telling her that I was fine and I was coming home soon when the wounds had healed up. All she could say is that she was sorry and was worried over the fact that she thought she was gonna lose me.

Me?? Pff - heck the devil wouldn't take me in fear I'd take over! # Laughs #

Botan & Keiko entered the room after my mum left. We had a laugh about Kuwabara's cooking and how we'd hate to see what Yusuke's 'food' would be like.

"It's getting late now Mina and most of us have homes to go to. We'll see you tomorrow ok? Try not to get up and move - and don't even think of starting on the fags again ok! Other wise I'll have to come over and kill you!!"

"Yipe! Yes Keiko! Jeeze! You're worse than my mum….."

Rolling my eyes, I turned over towards window where a blood-stained note was.

#badum….. badum….badum…...#

'Look outside…I'm waiting……can't wait to dig my claws into you again……The longer you keep me waiting the more I want you…'

I'm scared….too scared to scream.


I've gotta do chapter 12 now! I wanna know what happens next too! # Anime falls# ^_~;;