Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Who's Shuichi? ❯ chapter 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Damn these chapters take its toll! But here…is chapter 15! And I still haven't been baisically told what Youko is actually like…..so soz if he's OCC K?

Disclaimers:- Um…no….it's obvious that I don't own YYH


under a lover's sky
Gonna be with you
And no one's gonna be around
if you think that you won't fall
Well just wait untill
'til the sun goes down

Underneath the starlight, starlight
There's a magical feeling so right
It will steal your heart tonight

You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know, but you know
That you can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
But you know, but you know
That you can't fight the moonlight
You can't fight it...
It's gonna get to your heart

There's no escaping love
Once a gentle breeze
weaves it's spell upon you heart
No matter what you think
It won't be too long
'til your in my arms

Underneath the starlight, starlight
We'll be lost in the rythm so right
*feel it steal your heart tonight

You can't fight it...
No matter what you do
the night is gonna get to you

don't try your never gonna win

Underneath the starlight, starlight
There's a magical feeling so right
It will steal your heart tonight

{Chorus x2}
It's gonna get to your heart

Leanne Rimes's 'Can't fight the moonlight'


A/N: I've just found out on some nature site (whilst looking for the latin name for a fox) that a baby fox is actually called a 'whelp' and all this time I used to think it was a 'Kit'. It's amazing what researching for phobias and animal names can bring….

Here's chapter 15!


"Ningen lady? Miss Asako? Are you awake?"

Groaning in pain (again) I tried to prise my right eye open (considering that now my left eye is blacked up by the deadly shelf of doom!) eh? Ningen? Oh wait, that means human according to Botan…..ack!

Bolting up from the huge pile of swaddling that was smothered with (I presume) my own blood, I quickly came to realise that I wasn't in familiar territory.

#grumbles# Can't I go somewhere without bleeding?? Y'know, be mark-free??

At this rate you can play tic-tac-toe on my back because it's scratched to bits!

"Miss Asako? Can you hear me? Say something or I'll presume you're brain-dead and have you fried in a very large frying pan…."

"NO! uh…no please….who are you anyway?" I croaked, blinking at a very dwarfish female autumn kitsune - she could be no more than 8 years old at least!

"My name is Umi, a whelp no less and Master Youko's little helper. He sent me to check up on you to see if the chant was a success. Obviously you're suffering from side-effects such as you might be on the emotional side …."

I was that dumbstruck by her forwardness when it came to knowledge (considering that most kiddies in my neighbourhood can barely spell the word 'knife' let alone this), that I had forgotten all about the fact that I had suddenly gone numb.

"h-huh? What chant? "

Umi laid back against the grey stone walls that caged me in, twitching her sensitive maroon ears to the sounds of a feast that was taking place downstairs. Could I be the main course?

She piped up in a 'matter-of-fact' tone.

"Quite simple really, because of the perplexed spell that our leader has preformed precisely, he was able to separate and sustain your spirit from your body.

This way your brain that inhibits your body won't cloud what your heart feels - which lives inside you now, as a spirit. Although you may think to yourself with your mind, how you act, speak and feel accordingly will heavily depend on the condition of your heart."

"So….does that mean I'm dead right?"

"No, not quite, we prefer to use the word 'comatosed in a dream-like state' or 'twilighted' to be specific."

I made a grab for the sheet so I could create a make-shift shabby dress.

"So…Umi, why the separation? I mean, he could of just summoned 'me' here or kidnapped me or…."

Umi Scampered importantly towards the door, gripping my hand as if I was some sort of a rag doll- only that her face seemed to show only spite.

"Straight forward kidnapping isn't his style, besides; as he said last time….he wants your honest answer. Now if you don't mind, I am here to escort you around areas in which you are only certified to go." She snapped at me whilst hurrying me along the corridors, yanking the manacles that she had clamped around my wrist before we left.

For a youngster she sure does have a temper! It's worse than Mrs Hirugashi after a pop quiz! And that's before I even start on the dam paper! (As you can see, I don't bother with the quiz till it's too late #sweatdrops#)

Walking down the corridors behind a 4ft fox demoness, I began to wonder if I would ever get put back into my body. I mean, sure the whole castle is nicely decorated with stolen paintings and trainer demons that had their bones used as toothpicks by larger, and more grotesque creatures (There were a few handsome ones but then again, you could of mistaken some of them as girls).

We stopped at a cross junction, each one looking more elaborately darker than the other. Umi twisted her head towards me; clearly she hates me because after all, demons hate humans.

"You are forbidden to go into the left wing of the castle; Master Youko prefers to keep that place 'privet'. Those who have gone down there have never come back. To your right is the path that will lead you into the gardens, harem, kitchens and main entrance - this might be way out of your comprehension but I suggest that you only go down there with either me, or Master Youko.

Finally, straight ahead you'll find the main hall, bathrooms, dormitories, dining hall and everything else. Any questions?"

"Yeah, when can I go home?"

"I don't know and personally I don't care. My main concern is that my lord's wishes are to be fulfilled. Any other questions?"

"Um, no, no thank you."

Well I didn't want to piss her off even more, how old is she really anyways? Though I did ask her afterwards if she could take me into the gardens - only to find that she had disappeared! Jeeze, they tell you to keep close to them and they wonder off! Hmmm…I'm gonna try and find my way to the garden without having an escort to guide me there….

Carefully making my way towards my destination, I noticed from a distance that fights to the death frequently broke out a lot amongst weaker/stronger demons of all shapes and sizes. There was this midget who won against a giant beast, but then he died because another demon attacked him from behind. The death methods ended up near enough the same - a free lunch.


Another thing that caught my eye was how some parts of this castle were beautifully decorated - mainly in silvers, purple and black. Tattered drapes hung from wall to wall and the shattered stained glass windows that once had figurines were now only just submitting enough coloured light, to illuminate the rooms.

To be honest, I'm beginning to miss my friends and family. I do hope Botan finds a way to bring me back because I can't help but feel as if I'm being watched, like when I was eleven, my mum used to tell me that she'll know if I didn't do my homework; because 'demons' were watching my every move.

My mum is weird.

#gasps# Wow….just look at this garden! Well, actually it's like some sort of massive greenhouse y'know? Like the one in London where they have this massive museum but it's mainly plants….where do I start? The titanic trees that unfurl delicate white roses or the rockery that has gushing water irrigating these weird, spindly purple plants. Tropical….just tropical.

"Like what you see?"

That voice….

"w-who's there?"

The voice that makes my mouth dry and my body shake in fear……

"Guess… it'll be more fun that way…."

I can feel it, my phobia rising to the surface. No matter how many times I've tried to suppress it, it keeps coming back for more…and he knows it.

"Y-your t-t-that Yoko I met at the temple a-aren't you? You never gave me your n-name…."

Jeeze I'm going all shy over something I can't see! He could be someone else…maybe a Youkai that wants to eat me….or worse….

I heard a light hearted chuckle coming from behind me before I felt strong arms wrap around my quivering torso possessively. Eyes wide open in shock; I began to break out in cold sweats.

"Correct. I see you haven't quite got over that Vulphobia of yours Miss Asako. I'm not that frightening to you am I? I apologise but I can't help the way I am."

"N-no, I don't find you frightening at all um… In fact, I-I find you quite beautiful. But I'm sorry to say this….but there's someone else who has stole my heart…"

Dam! I never knew I could be so…..fragile? I mean, I'm letting this Yoko invading my personal space and it's not even phasing that I told him that I liked someone else…#cough#Kurama#cough#

I could hear the low, soft purring that this Youkai was making as he playfully nuzzled the crook of my neck - clearly he seems to enjoy feeding off of my nervousness.

Mid-June….he smelled of mid-June when all the flowers were in full bloom and the humid grasslands by the river were at its peak. But he also had that familiar scent…as if I've hugged him just recently and the odour is still lingering in my sinuses.

Light fingertips tip-toed hungrily towards my shoulder blade as once again, he tried to make me see his way was right. I only wanted to look at the garden, not be groped and messed up emotionally!

And the stupidest part is that he was being gentleman like about this!

"You'll end up being my mate either way or another, I'm afraid Miss Asako, you are in a no-win situation. It would be wise to stay here and get the worse over and done with…rather than going home and have me hunting you down. Not that I mind, considering I love the thrill of the chase…."

"I'd rather go home to my friends and family than stay here - at least I know I won't be eaten…"

Suddenly, I slumped to the floor, falling into void of unconsciousness. Did I just….get my wish? I dunno, but I can hear familiar voices, two of them really stuck out….Botan's and….Kuwabara's??.

"Oh good, we got to her in time. Yusuke go & find Kurama please, Hiei? You come with me to get the rest of her belongings."


"Yeah that's right short-stuff! The great Kuwabara's gonna stay right here and make sure that Mina wakes up in the most peaceful way possible! Hahah hah ah"

"Yeah, she'll wake up, and then get knocked out by your ugly face looming over like a pathetic maimed dog."

"You wanna piece of me!!??"

"Wait, wait…I think I've heard this one before!"

"Shut up!!"

How is anyone supposed to come around peacefully when the two gits keep arguing!!?? Hmnnn, I should have stayed in Makai….

"hnnn…guys? Am I home?" I said, resisting the urge to kick Kuwabaka in the balls. Obviously I wasn't, but I asked just in case it was some illusion that the Yoko has created to make me feel more 'secure'.

"Uh-huh! Heh heh, you've been outs cold for some time! It was a cool thing that Kurama found you in the kitchen and brought you back here…then he disappeared for a bit. Man, seeing you like that was scary and shit! Apparently, you looked as if your soul had been sucked out but enough about that…..who's this Umi?"


Kuwabara's sudden information had me confused. It's too early to ask questions!

"Yeah, me and Botan heard you murmuring in your sleep about wanting to go back home. Then it clicked like a spark plug -"

"Spark plug?? Kuwabara can't you just say summit that's comprehensible??? Ugh, carry on…I think I'm fully coming round"

pff, spark plugs, can't he just say that he suddenly realised??

"Alright, alright! …I'm getting to that….well Botan realised that someone had separated your soul from your body and we have a good idea on who it is…but we need to know who Umi is…"

#blinks# Will they know who the Yoko that's been following me around these past few days is? I'm uneasy to tell them that I'm being stalked - I don't want body guards! I went to sit up but unfortunately, my new wound made me vomit all over Kuwabara's lap.

"Sorry, um, well, Umi was this Young female Kitsune/Yoko that came to me when I was in the Makai…that's all I know really." I told a white lie.

Kuwabara sat back and pretended to think deeply whilst Botan laid me back down & told me to rest for a bit.

"Now you tell me where exactly I am because I need to be somewhere right now, I need to get started on this project - even though I don't know who my partner is…"

Yusuke abruptly burst through the door with a quite concerned Kurama; could he be worrying over me? Nahhhh…he's probably wishing that I was …y'know…dead.

"I found him; he was over Mina's grandfather's house with his mother and Sakura. Yo Mina?"


"Is it true that You're…Vulphobic?"

I froze up.

Kuwabara exclaimed, puzzled even more than ever.

"What the fuck does Vulphobic mean??"

"It means that she's afraid of foxes stupid"

"Shut up Urameshi!"

"Make me carrot-top!"

#Pissed off# they're starting to give me a headache…

I shouted at those two to get out, leaving me with a very concerned Kurama.

It was nice to see him sitting next to me, with a cup of tea in his hand and checking to see if the wounds had healed up.

"The cuts are pretty deep Mina; I suggest you should stay here in my room so I can keep an eye on you."

Finally, I knew where I was….Kurama's room??? In his bed??? Hoo boy #confuzzled#

"What were you doing at that school Kurama? You don't go there do you?"

He nodded and sipped at his tea, smirking at my expense as I was blushing from his question.

"Mmhmm…so what were you doing in the boy's changing room?"

I crossed my arms.

"For your information Kurama, I was trying to find a way out! That stupid teacher left me on my own to defend myself"

"Only because he saw me coming to escort you around"

"Eh?? You mean?"

"Yes, I'm your study partner…."

Damdamdamdam DAM!!! Not only am I gonna stay at his house, but I'll be studying him! And vice-versa! This should be…um interesting….

"Uhhh….what you're girlfriend…Ami?" I almost spat that one out.

Kurama gently laid me back down and told me not to worry; according to him she was ok with all of it. Strange….

"Before you drift off to sleep Mina…."


"Just promise me you won't go into the greenhouse ok?"


He leaned in and lightly kissed my forehead.


He smells of…..Mid-June……


A/N: Ouuu…..is there something developing between them finally? And what's up with the Greenhouse? Find out in chapter 16! Read & Review please