Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Who's Shuichi? ❯ 31 ( Chapter 30 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

May 8th (last/ 2nd year)


Good news! I’ll be able to see you very, VERY soon! I’m taking my sister and Tiny with me (though he’s scared to go ‘cause of Youko Kurama) I’ve also heard that Yusuke should be back next year since you’ve told me about him leaving for a while.

Are you getting married?? Did he promise you that?? Wow, I’m bridesmaid! Dibs on the chicken and bacon sandwiches! Yum! Another great news is that I’ll be going to the same Uni as you guys (only a year above of course) - I made sure of that but I’m gonna have to find a part-time job at some factory for while too.

Know anyone that owns a factory? Or even works there?

Hey, I’ve also been told that Hiei’s got someone else now in the Makai - wonder who it is...I just hope Kurama remembers me. He sent me some gifts for my 18th birthday. Really cute too! A dozen red and white roses followed by a card. I’m quite touched buy it all!

Are you going to phone me to tell me where Narumi and I can stay? I know mum will have a place but the spare room isn’t finished yet she said - she’s going to text me to let me know.

Dad’s missing; my step mother’s gone nuts and has took off - leaving me, Narumi and Tiny to fend for ourselves.


Well, see you soon!

Mina xxxx

June 14th


You two can stay at my place, you know? The Ramen café ? I’m sure you know where it is by now, and the address is in your note book (I just hope you haven’t used it for firewood yet).

Yes! Yusuke promised to marry me when he comes back and yes, you can be bridesmaid - just don’t go and do something stupid like trip up on the red carpet whilst bringing in the wedding cake.

I’m glad you can make it to our Uni - I’ll show you around the day you start - is that ok?
I heard that you were going to send Narumi to Meiou High - is that right? I know she’s clever for her age but I thought you were going to send her to Sarayashiki Jr High?
Oh dear, that means we’ll have to shop for uniforms!

I’ve got to go now, I’m writing an essay and it has to be done by tomorrow.

Speak to you soon.

Keiko xxx


A/N: Right! Now to write In the flesh!

Summery:- 2 years have passed and Mina’s back! Along with her half-sister and Pet fox/Yoko called Tiny; Chaos is sure to follow this Human....
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