Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why? ❯ House arrest ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]





Complete and utter darkness.






That is where I am.


That is what I am.


I hear nothing.


Smell nothing.


Feel nothing.


Taste nothing.


See nothing.


My senses are dead.


Mymind is dead.


My body is dead.


Yet I am alive.


My heart and lungs are alive.




Two minutes between each breath.


One minute between each heart beat.


My blood flow is basicly at a stand still.


Blackness is what I see and am.


I know nothing.


I know no one.


My brain is dead.


No memories…


No nothing.


Just blackness.


Is my point clear?




Darkness is who and what I am.


My name?


I couldn't tell you.


How long I've been like this?


I've lost all track of time.


But than I don't need time.


I am darkness.






What was that?


The teeniest of all sounds.


There it is again.


So small I have no idea what it is.


It was louder this time.


Gradually it was getting louder.


"Hiei. No…Hiei."



My name?




"Hiei don't leave me."




She's crying.


"Please come back to me."


Do I know her?




What is her name?






My mate.


My brain started working again. Everything came back to me. My body came back to life. I was no longer darkness.

I was Hiei Jaganshi.


My eyes opened. I was in my room in Mukuro' s castle. Everything was the way I left it I don't know how long ago.

I could tell that Yusuke and the others were in the other room. Probably to give Resse some time alone with me.


Resse was lying next to me, with her arms around my neck, and the side of her face was pressed closely to mine. She had stopped talking to me, and was just crying in my ear.


I put my arm around her, and she looked up at me.

"Hiei I-"

"Sssh. It's ok. I'm here, and I not going anywhere. Ever." I said wiping the tears from her face.


"Yes." She kissed my lightly on the lips and I almost died.

"I've missed you." I said.

"I missed you too. Why did you have to go and almost get yourself killed?"

"I was helping Mukuro. I wasn't trying to get killed. I was trying to get my mind off of you, but it didn't work. This is your fault."

"My fault?!"

"Yes if hadn't taken so long to get your plan moving I wouldn't have been here helping Mukuro."

"Whatever. If you hadn't of betrayed Koenma you wouldn't be stuck in the Makai. Which means I wouldn't have to have made up a plan, and we could be together. You should be apologizing to me." She said lying her head on my chest.


We were quiet for awhile before I asked what her brilliant plan was.


"you were supposed to go to Koenma's, so I could activate the Lover's desire. If I said that I wanted us to be able to be together no matter what nothing Koenma can do will be able to stop you from leaving the Makai, but…"

"I messed it up. When can you use it again?"

"In four years, and Koenma knows what we'd be doing if we went back."

"We can't wait four years anyway. Looks like the only thing left to do is kill Koenma."

"Exactly. The others would love to help us. Renee and Yusuke are already talking about killing him."

"What did he say to them?"

"He said he's doing this, because he hates you for stealing his girlfriend."

"He knows about that?"

"He isn't supposed to?"

"It doesn't matter."


"I said it-"

"I said talk." We glared at each other for ten minutes straight then she got up and started to walk away.

"Fine. I'm leaving."

I tried to let her go, but for some reason I couldn't. I didn't want her to leave. I just got her back.


"Hm?" she half turned to look at me with both lips tucked in. The look in her eyes made me very hot. Especially in my lower regions. She looked very sexy.

"Come back here and I'll tell you." Once I had her in my arms again I started my story. "Me and Koenma were courting the same women, but didn't know it. I found out, and…"


`````````````````````````Flash Back`````````````````````````````

"You're creeping on him with me?" Hiei asked a girl with long brown hair and matching eyes. She had the kinda curves women would die for.

"Yes, but I'm going to leave him, so we can be together."

"I'm not going to be with you anymore. How do I know you won't cheat on me?"

"It's different."


"I would never cheat on you."


"I love you."

"But at one time you must have loved him too."

"It's different. Trust me."

" You say you want my trust, and told me you would leave him. How am I to know you won't do it to me? You're tellin' me its different, but what the hell is different? If you cheated on him you'll do it to me. You're creepin' on him for me, but you say just trust me. How am I to know you won't do it to me?"

"I can't explain it, but I won't ever do that to you."

"I just don't want to get caught up in drama, so you and I can't be." With that Hiei walked away from her forever,


``````````````````````End Flash Back````````````````````````````



"What was her name?" Resse asked.

"Ecstasy Jones."

"That's sexy. No wonder you fell for her."


"Do you still love her?"

Her expression and voice were emotionless, so I couldn't tell how she was going to take my answer. I knew the answer to her question before she asked.

"Hiei do you still love her?"

"I love you. My feelings for her don't matter."

"Tell me. I won't get mad."

"That's what you say now."

"Oh so you got jokes now, Huh?"

"I learned from you."

"Yea, and you also learned how to get around a subject. Do you still love Ms. Ecstasy Jones?"

"Why do you want to Know?"

"Curious. Tell me."


"See that wasn't so hard was it?"

"What's the real reason for asking me that?"


"Don't lie."

"I needed ta know just in case she ever comes lookin for you again."

"You don't trust me?"

"I do trust you. Its her I don't trust."

"Hn." I couldn't help but smile, and to my pleasure she smiled back and kissed me on the cheek.



"Wasn't there a hole in your stomach a couple of minutes ago?"

"Isn't it still there?"

"No. Man you heal fast. That's crazy."

"Well now that I'm healed we can have some fun."

"What kinda fun?" I could tell she was a little suspicious.

I didn't answer I just rolled of so that I was on top of her, and kissed her passionately.

"Oh that kinda fun." She said as I kissed her along her jaw.

"You wanna play?"


I captured her mouth with mine once again. She split her lips and let my tongue explore her mouth. Which I did thoroughly. I made sure to memorize every nock and cranny.

While my tongue was exploring her mouth my hands were exploring the rest of her. I ran my hands over her breast, stomach, between her thighs. My hands found their way to her belt and quickly undid the buckle. Next was pant's button then-

"Hey Resse-" Yusuke walked in. "Sorry was I interrupting?"

"Yes you are. Leave." I growled.

"Wait. Yusuke what did you want?" Resse asked.

"Koenma sent you a message."

"Ok, I'm coming. Hiei up. We'll finish this later."

"Later isn't soon enough." I said.

"You've been around me way to much." She laughed "Come on."


Resse's POV

We walked into the throne room where everyone was waiting.

"I see you've recovered, Hiei." Mukuro looking Hiei over. Her expression was emotionless, but her eyes held a bit of relief.

Normally I would have cut a bitch for looking at my man, but I knew she was only checking to see if he was really alright.

"Hn." Was his reply.

"We still need to work on your manners I see." Mukuro responded.


"Where's Koenma's message?" I asked.

"Watch." Omari's fine ass said turning to a huge screen that I just now noticed.

Koenma appeared on the screen.

"Resse I am fed up with you and the others trying to get me to vanquish Hiei's sentence. It's not going to happen! None of you are allowed to come anywhere near my office. In fact none of are allowed to leave Mukuro's castle. Hiei has the exception of course. He can not enter her castle once he leaves it. Tata!"

"Arrrrrgh! Who does he think he is?! No one puts me under house arrest!" I was pissed.

"Actually he can. He's ruler of spirit world." Botan said.

"Botan, don't get hurt. He can't do this. We can just leave. There's no way he can keep us here. He can't keep Hiei out either." I said.

"Actually he can. If he's doing what I think he's doing you physically won't be able to leave, and Hiei won't be able to come back in. Don't hurt me. I'm just letting you know." Botan said.

"Let's test it out then." Luna suggested.

"Fine. Let's go." I said.

I tried to walk out the front door, but walked into a barrier. Mukuro and Omari tried next, and got the same results.

"Koenma will die! I can't rule if I'm stuck in here! I have a meeting to attend tomorrow!" I don't know who was more vexed me or Mukuro.

"I have to get home to my kid!" Renee said.

"So do I!" Luna said.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked.

"I-" Before Hiei could finish his sentence he was pulled out of the door. By who I don't know. He tried to get back in, but couldn't.

"Koenma you are about to find out why no one messes with me and my gurls." I growled.


A/N: Hey sorry for taking so long. Hope you enjoyed it. Holla!