Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why can't we be friends? ❯ The plan and new allies ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Why can't we be friends?
Chapter 1: The plan and new allies
Author: Agent rookie grl
Rating: R… wait for it
Disclaimer: of course I don't own it, heck I don't even own the rights to half of my characters only the plot, maybe.
“Yusuke I don't think banging your head against the wall will solve anything.” Botan chided trying to cheer up the downtrodden detective.
“Didn't you hear fox boy? We can't beat them, might as well sit back and wait for them to blow up the world.” Yusuke sighed leaning on the wall. Whap! “Ow!” He yelled clutching his head as his teacher Genkai had just smacked him on his gelled up noggin.
“You can't give up just because the odds are against you!” She yelled. “The world is in peril and you just walk away because the answer isn't as simple as before.”
“Yea I heard this speech before.” Yusuke yawned scratching the inside of his right ear.
“Then this time let it sink in your thick skull…” Genkai stopped her bellowing at her student due to a strange sound coming from outside the temple walls. Kurama and Hiei were on edge too because they also heard the noise.
“What?” Kuwabara asked only to have his mouth covered by Botan's hand, she pointed outside where you could clearly see the outline of a person through the paper of the sliding doors.
“I'm not in the mood for peeping toms.” Yusuke growled cracking his knuckles. “Okay come out or I'm coming out!” He shouted making his ultimatum. The figure stopped moving around knowing it was caught.
“Guess my stealth leaves something to be desired.” The figure chuckled from the sound of the voice it was clearly a male. “I couldn't help but overhear your situation, I find it quite amusing because I'm in the middle of it.”
“Who are you?” Botan inquired as Genkai walked towards the doors to open them.
She flung them open to reveal a male; he had creamy peach skin, wise gray eyes, and shaggy black hair that went down his bare back. Botan covered her face from the pink blush flooding it seeing a handsome male, around his late teens, back in the bushes not even wearing a shirt.
“Well quite a welcome.” He smirked slyly. “To answer your question my dear lady my name is Cheiron and I come from a place that was quite gruesome compared to the divine beauty the human plane possesses.” He moaned slightly taking a butterfly in his hands and letting it go.
“And how exactly are you in the middle of this?” Yusuke posed cocking an eyebrow at the strange Cheiron. Everyone's eyes looked like they were about to bug out of their heads as Cheiron came out of the bushes fully showing his body. He had the torso of a man but the rest was of a black horse.
“As you can see I am a centaur of the myths.” Cheiron bowed clacking one of his hoofs.
“Ah I have heard of you,” Kurama acknowledged, “You were one of the only centaurs to have been good instead of vile like the rest of your breed.” Cheiron nodded,
“Indeed and though I am only to have taught youths of the Greek's past I can now take my name to greater heights as I am honored to be of your service if you wish.”
“How much do you know of the Greek gods?” Genkai asked, a vital question to know.
“I know everything of the Gods. I am created of their bosom.” Cheiron answered. “I shall willfully lend my knowledge of the gods to help you save your world from another dark age.”
“Another dark age?” Kurama posed, “as in famine, deaths, and no intellectual evolution for decades?”
“Quite,” Cheiron replied, “ you see me and my other mythical comrades were placed in the darkest depths of the demon world by your King Yama. Our great lord Zeus one day suddenly vanished and then King Yama appeared, actually he was in spirit world for a while but came out after word of Zeus's departure spread.”
“Wasn't Zeus the leader of the Greek gods?” Kurama asked, getting a curt nod from the centaur.
“No one knows why he left or how for that matter, you'd think that the gods would band together and make a search party but no, actually the gods life on Mount Olympus is much like a Soap Opera in your modern world. Affairs, cheat, lie, betrayal, and that was just one day in that happy home. Every one of the gods rejoiced in Zeus's disappearance, but apparently Zeus was quite useful. Soon the world plummeted into an unknown dark age. It was so horrible that it was practically impossible for a person to record it, though wanting to is a question all in itself.”
“How exactly is King Yama an important part of this?” Botan questioned her eyes widening with new knowledge gained.
“Well with the world slowly becoming nothing more than a bleak shadow of it's former self, the gods continued to bicker. Wanting total control was priority number one; the humans came second. It was also quite dreadful for us Greek creatures, I'm not going to go into detail because I care for your constitutions.
Anyway, yes King Yama was able to place the gods in a void of nothingness. They could only watch the world pass by but not interfere with it. After which I think prince Koemna was born but I was trying to survive in a jungle filled with hydras and cerebus so I can't be sure.”
“Couldn't the gods just fight back?” Kuwabara posed just now absorbing the information.
“Could you fight back if one minute your fighting with your wife whither you should overthrow your mother and the next you're in a pitch black room, sort of?” Cheiron told back. “Escaping was a real trick for them, I'm not entirely sure how they managed to pull it but all I know is that I am now in the human world once again and I know it was due to my Greek gods.”
“Why are you going betray your lords?” Hiei sniped, not saying much the entire conversation.
“I am not thinking of it as betrayal, I have seen the horrors of what no Zeus can do to a planet. Without our thunder god I fear it shall happen again and I cannot stand by seeing innocent youths die for a sense vengeance scheme. If I die I will die with the honor of knowing I at least did something.” Cheiron spoke his voice quivering.
“Except the gods can't be killed.” Yusuke pointed out. “You know something horse boy?” Cheiron glared at Yusuke for the uncouth nickname.
“Well if my theory is correct than we can use the drama of the gods to our advantage.” He smirked laughing getting sweat drops from everyone. “It will come together children, very soon.”
Everyone was sitting in a circle as Cherion explained the first part of his plan.
“First you mortals should retrieve any loved ones or friends you cherish, I know my gods and from your faces I can clearly tell that you home isn't the safest place for them right now.”
“Okay…” Yusuke stretched standing up only to be interrupted by Cherion,
“Don't be so rash child,” he warned getting a grunt and a glare from Yusuke, “We'll need to break into groups, some will stay here and the rest will join me as we travel back into your city. We can't afford to have anyone eaten by a Harpy or a Cyclops.”
“Eaten?” Kuwabara squeaked blanching.
“Well of course, if I was to escape what makes you think that the other creatures of myth haven't as well. I can very well assure you that the first thing on their mind will be a nice meal of human flesh.” Cherion informed. “Getting families and friends out of the line of fire should be top priority.”
“What about saving the world?” Yusuke added giving the centaur a look.
“Also important brash one.” Cherion waved off, “my dear lady I think you should stay behind with the old woman.” He indicated to Botan. “Young enchanting maidens such as yourself are quite a treat to the more brutish of the beasts coming into this gorgeous plane.” He advised taking Botan's right hand in his kissing it. Botan nodded trying to keep a bright red blush down. “You boy,” Cherion pointed to Kuwabara, “would you stay behind incase these fine ladies come under attack?”
“Did he just call Genkai fine?” Yusuke gagged asking Kurama.
“Don't flatter yourself I'll be just fine.” Genkai remarked.
“Yea and I need to get my sister!” Kuwabara added, Cherion placed a hand upon his board shoulder giving him an assuring smile,
“If your dear sister is in trouble then I will make it my job to keep her safe until we return to this haven. All I ask of you is to add some security for these maidens.”
“We'll be fine Kuwabara.” Kurama smiled, “Do not worry.”
“Fine,” Kuwabara muttered, “just don't get yourself killed Urameshi!” He shouted to the four leaving the temple. Yusuke waved to his friend not worrying about it. Hiei took off quickly using his incredible speed to climb ahead of the group.
“Amazing, he could very well be as fast as Diane.” Cherion awed watching him go in a black blur. His gawking was put aside as Yusuke leapt onto his back with Kurama in tow.
“Giddy up horse boy!” Yusuke shouted kicking him in the side with his heels. Cherion kept his cool as a vein popped on his forehead.
“Yusuke I think you should give him a little respect.” Kurama told as they rode off.
“I give him as much respect as I do everyone else fox boy.” Yusuke laughed taking Cherion locks in his hands. “Yee ha!”
“Maybe I should offer him to Hydra.” Cherion muttered under his breath as Yusuke continued his ranting.
The city was worse than the boys excepted; as they rode towards the deteriorating city it was becoming much worse. Cyclopes stomped across the city wreaking buildings, taking innocent people from them and devouring them. People ran for their lives as the rampaging animals continued their onslaught as well.
“Ah sweet freedom!” A shrill female voice echoed in the sky.
Her long violet hair fluttered in the breeze as her dark purple feathers ruffled with every flap she took in the sky. Her dark sapphire eyes scanned the city, her golden bird's feet, replacing normal human hands and feet, and talons twitching with anticipation. The only thing covering her breasts was a small blue tunic that stopped above her stomach, and a small blue skirt that flowed behind her as she flew.
“Where shall we feast first sister Celaeno?” Another half bird half human female questioned soaring beside her. Her long green locks were fashioned in a high ponytail, and her dark eyes glared with deviousness. Her olive feathers were spread out as she glided in the air her own bird's talons sharp and ready. She wore nothing more than a simple emerald tunic that covered around her breasts and stopped above her mid thigh.
“I was thinking of eating some children,” Celaeno murmured, “Do you think that would be divine Aello?” She asked her sister flying beside her. The green haired woman nodded her sharp teeth glistening in the sun.
“Ocypete!” Aello called to the last of the sisters flying behind them. Ocypete shot up next to Aello, her golden eyes glaring at her slightly older sister.
Her mixture of rose, pink and red hair was messily put into a long braid as her bangs hit around her eyes. Her ginger and orange feathery wings hit the wind perfectly with each thrust of her arms; her talons were more relaxed than her sisters, fixed with black claws rather than gold. A simple red bikini top covered her breasts, thought it looked to be desired. A small pink silk lace skirt covered around her waist, stopping at her mid thigh.
“What is it sister?” Ocypete sniped slightly irritated.
“Time to feast!” Celaeno shirked diving down to the crowds of people, picking up the small screaming children. Aello let out a cry of pure happiness, her voice ripping the eardrums of the humans below as she went down to take her share of the human meat. Ocypete watched, as Aello and Celaeno took no time to rip out the hearts of the small children their blood spraying across their faces in delight. She looked down to their parents wailing in tears as they saw their own flesh and blood be eaten alive.
“Don't worry your next!” Aello laughed maliciously. “I hate to leave families alone!” Blood dripping from her lips as she bit down on the small girl's flesh ripping it and swallowing in bliss.
“This is what we have been wanting for centuries!” Celaeno cheered sinking her fangs into one of the boy's dark brown eyes ripping it out of the socket. She chomped down on it savoring the flavor. “Come Ocypete! Feast on the children! There's more than enough!”
“Ha you know our sister loves her meat to be aged.” Aello joked to her sister's liking of older humans as she continued eating the child. Ocypete rolled her eyes catching the sight of an older woman running from wolves. She saw her dart down an alleyway; she licked her lips finding her meal.
“Please stay away!” She called tossing trashcan lids at the wolves that advanced on her. She screamed, as one was about to pounce on her only to hear its whine of pain as it was hurled against a wall. She opened her dark toffee eyes to see a bird woman beating up the wolves. Her talons ripped into their hides as she threw them around the alley. They ran off with their tails between their legs after being beaten so ferociously. “Oh thank you.”
“You thank saviors mortal.” She chuckled her golden eyes scanning her body, her gray business suit torn from the running, her black hair messy and dripping with sweat. “I didn't want you to feed some mere dogs.” She landed on the ground her claws sharper than a normal bird's should be. “When you should feed someone with more intelligence and beauty.” Before she could run Ocypete had her talons wrapped around her throat. Her hands went up to trying to pry them from her windpipe. Saliva strung like ropes from Ocypete's mouth as her razor-sharp teeth went down to feed upon her forehead.
“Mother!” Kurama shouted in fear as Cherion stopped to see his own mother in the grips of a harpy.
“Shuichi!” Shiori called meekly her eyes closing from lack of oxygen as she fell unconscious.
“Drat I like to see their eyes as I rip into their flesh.” Ocypete groaned seeing her catch had fainted. Suddenly her hold on the human was vanquished as a stinging pain hit her hands. She jumped back letting the human go taking flight to nurse her bleeding talons. Her mouth sucked the blood coming from the fresh wounds.
Kurama rushed to his mother's side brushing a few strands of hair from her face. He was happy to see her unharmed but angry seeing the way she was in, automatically assuming it was Ocypete.
“Ocypete.” Cherion whispered seeing the girl once more, Yusuke caught his words,
“Who?” He asked curious.
“Ocypete is one of the harpy sisters. They eat human children and steal. They like to think of themselves as saints taking humans, punishing and tormenting them for crimes they didn't commit. From what I've heard they eat them afterwards.” Cherion explained. “They are also are known for causing terrible storms.”
“So bird brain was about to eat Kurama's mother.” Yusuke growled enraged. “She going to get her ass kicked now.”
Kurama stood up taking his rose whip in hand, his glare shooting right at Ocypete.
“I can just devour you instead my sweet little girl.” Ocypete purred, getting a laugh from Yusuke. He stopped seeing the fox demon shoot him a dark glare.
“I am a male and I will be the one to kill you for what you have done.” Kurama corrected. “Rose whip lash!” He yelled leaping into the air swinging his whip at her. Ocypete dodged her skills in the air quite incredible.
“Ocypete is one of the fastest and most skilled fliers there ever was in Greece.” Cherion told. “Which is why her name means swift-flier. Hitting her is utmost impossible.”
“Nice try handsome!” Ocypete cackled diving down, Kurama thrashed his whip at her only for it to miss. She extended her talons striking Kurama in the stomach, her claws digging into his insides. He let out a cry of anguished pain as she slammed him against a wall.
“That's it I'm going in!” Yusuke yelled jumping off Cherion running to help his fallen comrade.
Ocypete took a hand out Kurama's blood dripping from the tips of her claws. She lapped the blood in her mouth,
“Delicious.” She sighed contently as Kurama's body seizure in pain. Her eyes widen in agony as the blunt stab of metal went right through her back. Her claws retraced out of Kurama's limp body causing him to slide down the wall, a bloody trail following as he hit the cold pavement. Ocypete watched as the metal end came out of her torso, her own ruby blood dripping from the tip. Yusuke went to Kurama's aid a cocky smirk on his lips as Hiei came up right behind Ocypete just as she was feasting on Kurama's blood.
“I can't speak much for you Greek demons being the smartest.” Hiei replied swiftly taking his sword out of the harpy causing her to vomit blood as she dropped to the ground. “Any demon from my era would easily have sensed that attack coming on, unless of course it was some second rate demon.”
“Demon of Japanese legend.” Ocypete coughed turning to look into Hiei's ruby eyes. “As I die my sisters will avenge my death and your body will be their meal.” She grunted in pain holding her wound.
“Stop being a drama queen Ocypete.” Cherion sighed the clacking of his hoofs echoing in the alleyway. “You and I both know that wound is not fatal. Hiei avoided your vital points because I told him too.”
“Why would you command such a meek pest?” Ocypete snapped getting a cold glare from Hiei. “Unless you have become even more of a fool and joined the human side.”
“If I am a fool for trying to prevent the ravaging hunger your experiencing now, then you must be a real genius.” Cherion mocked a smirk on his lips. “I know that you are the more docile of your sisters.”
“Just because I decide to eat humans out of only nothing more than a pain of hunger that can't be satisfied by mere bovine meat does not make me a weakling.” Ocypete argued the blood from her wound making a small puddle around her.
“Yes you are the fastest in the air, and can command thunder storms.” Cherion nodded closing his eyes. “Unless you want to die by the hands of a what you call `slant eyed disgrace' I suggest you join our cause to rid the world of the gods influence.”
“I would never betray our lords.” Ocypete hissed. “Why would you think a threat from the lowest class of creature would change my mind?” Hiei was getting quite annoyed with Ocypete's insults.
“Forget the idiot, let me just kill her and be done with it.” Hiei growled his sword right at her throat.
“Hiei as I mentioned when we arrived, that gathering allies of my physique would be vital. Having others like myself to aid in the bring down of the gods will help greatly.” Cherion reminded. “The gods will listen to their children, it's just getting them to corporate is the real challenge. Ocypete it's you choice, let them bring us into another dark age or die right when your freedom was beginning.”
“If I help will I have to change my ways as well?” Ocypete asked,
“Not at all, but you can't eat the mortals I have teamed with. As with stealing and vandalizing I see no problem with that at all, just keep it to a minimum.” Cherion grinned seeing the ultimatum presented. Yusuke gave Cherion a look, mouthing a `what'. He gave Yusuke an assuring look mouthed an `it's the only way'. Ocypete nodded, Hiei reluctantly removed his sword putting it back into the sheath.
“We should get bird girl and Kurama some medial attention before we do anything else.” Yusuke told helping his friend stand up. Cherion allowed Ocypete to lie on his back as Yusuke placed Kurama next to her.
“Yusuke…” Kurama hoarsely whispered,
“Whoa don't try to talk what is it,” Yusuke asked helping ease his friend.
“My… mother, we can't leave her…” He whispered painfully. Hiei had already placed Shiori on his back and was off to the temple.
“Don't worry Hiei is already taking her to the temple.” Yusuke informed getting a small smile from Kurama as he fell asleep.
“Humans are so pathetic,” Ocypete snuffed, “get one stab to the gut and your down.” Yusuke smacked his hand against Ocypete's abdomen getting a yell of pain from her.
“Yea and harpies are much better.” Yusuke mocked crossing his arms.
“At least I'm not complaining.” Ocypete scoffed turning her head away from him as Cherion began to move. “Are we there yet?”
“She will be an asset I assure you.” Cherion grinned wryly as a sweat drop went down his head as Yusuke gave him an irritated look.