Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why can't we be friends? ❯ love is fickle ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Why can't we be friends?
Chapter 5: Love is fickle
Author: agent rookie grl
Rating: R! And now you see why…
Disclaimer: might own Zeth; don't own the gods or goddesses. I do believe I own the plot though but not Yu Yu Hakusho…
The halls of spirit world were riddled with many ogres running about gathering various items for the gods and goddesses.
“Gorge more wine!” Hera cried waving around her empty wine glass, her magenta eyes glazed over with drunkery and glee. Her chocolate locks fell from the golden peacock shaped headband around her head, her golden tunic fell down from her, as she sat in Koemna's seat, in layers. The blue ogre came running in with a bottle of fresh wine,
“Here you go my mistress.” He stammered pouring her a glass going back into a corner until she wanted more. Hera messed with some buttons go get the wide screen to show her the human realm.
“Ah chaotic, quite livable.” She replied taking another sip,
“What about the humans Koemna talked of,” Apollo pointed out sitting on a pile of silk pillows and sheets.
“Like humans ever stopped us, remember it was King Yama and he's locked up with his brat.” Hera retorted still sipping on her wine.
“The least we could do is make the world a bit more pleasant, after all what's the point in being a god if everything you rule is dead?” Apollo quipped leaning on one arm, either it was the drunkenness or Hera had an epiphany but she agreed with Apollo.
“You're quite right, which is why there are gods and goddesses down there!” Hera laughed swinging her glass around. “They'll make the world better for both of us, we're only doing this to prove who has more power.”
“The power trip yet again.” Apollo sighed rolling his eyes. “So who all are down there?”
“Ah, let's see” Hera looked into the air as if the answer could be found there “there's Aphrodite and Hepheastus, those two can't be taken apart, oh Ares for some reason and oh why do you care Apollo!” Hera snickered shouting for more wine.
“Aphrodite, Hepheastus, and Ares in the same realm oh my dear sun.” Apollo gasped covering his face with his hands, “let's just hope that Aphrodite doesn't cause the country she's in to crumble under the weight of an affair.”
“Who in the world do those men think they are?” Aphrodite yelled from her lush red velvet throne in the middle of her sparkling white marble temple floating on an island towards a nearby beach.
“No idea my lady.” An oceanide nymph bowed while fanning her with a large feather; her dark blue hair and skin adoring her same colored eyes. Aphrodite brushed a few strands of her lengthy midnight black hair back out of her sapphire eyes as she got up, her pink silk dress tunic dragging across the marble floor in layers as she walked.
“I mean really, why does Ares think that he can just command me to live in that druid old mansion. Disgusting, that place was actually next to a gravesite where people died!” The deity of love complained to her servant as the nymph followed.
“He is the god of war and death does welcome this enemies with open arms.” The nymph piped, “perhaps your love is becoming more protective due to your new independence my goddess.”
“I may be the goddess of love but I can have a life of my own.” Aphrodite sighed thinking back to the days trapped in the void, “when we were trapped we could only watch and I saw women act so differently becoming so free from the bindings of men. It was exhilarating.”
“That is how Artemis has lived, but you are the definition of love you cannot give that up.” The nymph disputed afraid of her lord's actions.
“No I would never give up what I have it's just, Hepheastus and Ares can be so crude! It's always about what they want never me.” She whined placing a hand on her hip.
“Not to be blunt my lady but you due cause quite a bit of trouble for your fellow gods.” The nymph plainly told.
“I was acting out of my own heart.” She noted with a dreamy sigh, “but you are right maybe a bit of a mix within those two's hearts can perhaps make them see the woman I've become in a centuries time.”
“How may you pull off such a feat?” The nymph questioned in awe,
“My faithful ocean nymph it is quite easy, I find two lovely mortal women and one male suitor.” The whimsical love initiator told, “not just any suitor but one who can actually make me forget about those two brutes, and by me I mean you.” She pointed at the nymph “don't be long.” She giggled as the nymph hurried out of the temple.
Shiziru, Kayko, and Genkai were sitting a table drinking tea as Shiori rested in one of Genkai's spare rooms.
“I really hope that Yusuke is safe.” Kayko sighed putting her cup down,
“I doubt worrying is going to help kid.” Shiziru noted lighting a cigarette, “all they can do is fight with all they got.” A sudden rumble interrupted their thinking as they jumped from their seats heading outside to find a Cyclops ripping the forest apart.
“It's horrible!” Kayko shrieked, her whole body shaking,
“Stay here, I'll take care of this.” Genkai advised running off towards the beast. All the while the nymph was watching from a distance.
“Those two are fine maidens, but I think the one called Kayko will do nicely.” The nymph spoke leaping out of the bushes snatching Kayko in mid air.
“Get back here!” Shiziru yelled chasing the nymph as she raced through the forest, with Kayko beating on her back.
“Ow! Stop doing that mortal! You should be honored to help a goddess!” The nymph sniped picking up speed that even Shiziru couldn't measure. The Kuwabara stopped panting heavily as she watched Kayko disappear.
“Dammit, this is something we don't need.” She cursed pulling out another cigarette.
“I wish Zeth would have opted to come with us.” Botan chided as she walked by her team, on their way to trample another god and strip them of their powers. “We do owe him for his help in the forest.”
“Humph,” Ocypete snapped crossing her arms, “I think we're better off without him, men are completely useless in this world weak compared to the power of a woman.” She received looks from all of the men in the group. “The fact your so easily offended means that your tempers blind you from fact.”
“This coming from the harpy who was defeated by a man with a sword.” Cherion remarked with a smirk. Ocypete gave Cherion a glare getting right beside him replying,
“That's only because he is so small. Insignificant, a mere stature of his could easily sneak by my keen eyes; the gnat could even walk by a fly and it won't take a second glance,” she continued reaching for the silver bow and arrows strapped to the centaur's back. Thump! The harpy turned human fell face first to the ground as an unseen blur knocked her off her feet. Yusuke gave a loud laugh, enjoying any torment given to the bad-mouthed Greek.
“Shut up big brow!” Ocypete roared pointing right at Yusuke's forehead. Yusuke felt somewhat confused than offended as he looked up to his eyebrows.
“Ha! Nice one!” Kuwabara complimented Ocypete's insult, getting a smack from the big brow himself. “Ow! I'm going to get you when this is over Urameshi!” He threatened waving a fist in Yusuke's face. Kurama sighed, the odd grouping couldn't even go one minute without being at each other's throats.
“Yusuke!” A shrill cry hit the underworld detective's ears as he saw a nymph carrying Kayko on her back as she leapt from building to building.
“Kayko!” He called back her voice becoming even more faint, in an act of desperation he jumped onto Cherion's back, Kurama following suit. “What the hell are you waiting for? She's got Kayko!” he demanded tugging on his black locks. The centaur didn't hesitate galloping away with Hiei going ahead at his own pace.
“Come on Ocypete!” Botan shouted materializing her oar getting on it and grabbing the girl as she flew off. The race was on as the nymph bounded over a few rocks and sea dunes to the beach, the detective team quickly catching up.
Cerulean eyes peered from the salty sea looking over the drenched rocks to the oceanide carrying a mortal girl. Dazzling soft damp sea green hair flowed down her bare tan back as she pulled herself onto the rocks her scaly olive fish tail flapping as she relaxed her body pulling out a lyre. Another woman only with dripping lavender hair reaching down past her scaly azure fish tail, her emerald eyes sparkled as she reached the top of a rock adjacent to the other woman. Pulling out a flute she awaited the last one to arrive. Her scarlet tresses fell soaking down her tanned body, her violet fish tail splashing seawater playfully as she opened her golden eyes and her mouth.
The influence escaping the scarlet haired woman's lips was enticing as it was soft and seductive at the same time, it's lyrical tunes floated through the air as crisp as the wind itself.
“Wait!” Botan realized halting her oar in mid air, she looked around frantically “where are the boys?” Ocypete looked behind her seeing the same thing, the males of their set were missing. The melodic song of the ocean maidens reached the girl's ears, “oh wow that's so beautiful.”
“Hold on, I recognize this type of singing” Ocypete mused rubbing her chin “We're near the ocean, erotic yet harmonious music, men are missing…. Holy crap we've got to get back to the guys now!” she yelled pulling on Botan's ponytail, the ferry girl yelped agreeing as she turned her oar around.
“Ocypete I don't understand what in the King Yama's name is going on?” Botan screamed; Ocypete smacked her in the back causing her to stop once again “Now what?” The ill-tempered Greek pointed down at the beach where the luminous ocean met the golden sand, she gasped seeing her team walking straight into the ocean. “Yusuke! Kuwabara! Kurama! Hiei! Cherion! Ocypete why are they walking into the sea like that?”
“Sirens.” Ocypete snarled gripping tighter on the wooden oar “They use their hypnotic influence to drive sailors into their watery graves, though it's not like them to come so close to the land in order to drive people out of their territory” she added “obviously they are getting orders from someone else for a hearty pay.”
“Quit talking and tell me how to undo this!” Botan screamed shaking Ocypete by her shoulders “Look they are waist deep in water now! If you're going to say something say something useful!” Her outburst got Botan a nasty glare from Ocypete,
“Look the only way to undo it is to not listen, but since they are already mesmerized the next best thing to do is to block out the song.” Ocypete instructed,
“Block it out?” Botan repeated confused,
“Yea, Botan get some seaweed and then we can use it to clog their ears!” Botan was still baffled about what she was saying but a loud “Move it!” changed her tune as she sped off in search for the seaweed as Ocypete stayed behind.
She hastily rushed over to the scene where the boys were getting dangerously close to becoming another victim of a riptide. Ocypete took a jump onto Cherion grabbing the silver bow and arrows; with a wicked grin she took an arrow stabbing it into her heart. A shriek escaped her lips as her body underwent a transformation. Out of a glowing ball Ocypete busted forth back in her old harpy body.
“I'm back!” She cackled flexing her talons, the sound of a flute reached her pointed ears reminding her of her promise to a certain blue haired girl. “Right, can't forget them.” She smirked watching as they reached up to neck level in the ocean's waves.
The sea green haired marine lyre player was completely focused on the song she played, she couldn't tell of the upcoming terror that was coming up behind her. Ruby blood poured from a huge gash on her right arm, causing her to drop the lyre, the golden instrument breaking on impact against the rocks. She griped her arm in pain, cringing in agony as more blood escaped dying the blue waters a nice red.
“Aglaope!” The scarlet haired songstress cried discontinuing her hypnotic tune turning over to the sea green haired lady. “Peisinoe we're under attack!” she called over to the flute performer “Gah!” she yelped grabbing her fish tail as it bled, many tiny scales falling into the waves.
“Thelchtereia!” Peisinoe sobbed, searching the area for the assailant.
“Up there!” Aglaope pointed upwards towards Ocypete as she circled around the three sirens. “A harpy has come for our flesh!”
“Yum,” Ocypete sighed happily as she licked the blood of the sirens off of her talons “I forgot how delicious siren's blood tasted, I have been gone too long.” She gave a distasteful sigh.
“Thelchtereia,” Aglaope yelled through clenched teeth “we must flee if we are to live. Harpies have no mercy when it comes to a kill. Please sister I do not wish to die.”
“We cannot let Aphrodite down, she is counting on us to kill all intruders coming into her land.” Thelchtereia exclaimed holding her tail.
“Oh yes please, everyone knows that sirens are extremely deadly. Not even us harpies can withstand their song of seduction!” Ocypete sheered at them making them all scream in terror. The sirens dove into the sea not wanting to become another meal on a harpy's menu. Yusuke awoke from his strange slumber
“Huh?” he blinked his eyes a few times to adjust to the light, only to have a wave of salty seawater splash into his face. “Ah! Dammit that burns!” He screamed clutching his eyes as he tried to swim back to shore, as he reached the sandy bar he rejoined the rest of his team who were also drenched from head to toe. “What the hell happened?”
“Honestly Yusuke I don't have the foggiest idea on how we ended up in that ocean.” Cherion replied bewildered and scared because of his inability to swim. Hiei was the most steamed about being dragged into an ocean as he used his spirit energy to raise his body temperature to dry himself off.
“Geez, I thought steaming mad was an expression.” Kuwabara remarked squeezing some water out of his shirt “Oh hey Botan!” he waved to the ferry girl carrying an armful of seaweed. “What's with the green goop?”
“Kuwabara that's seaweed,” Kurama corrected wondering how or why she collected it.
“Well I'm glad you're out of those nasty siren's control.” Botan sighed dropping the seaweed from her grip.
“Sirens!” Cherion gasped his eyes wide as saucers “my god Botan, how I mean how in the name of Zeus did we escape their hypnotic song?” Botan shrugged as puzzled as he was, he then noticed a weight missing from his back “oh no.” Loud cackling rang through the air as all looked up to see Ocypete flying around clawing the air.
“Ocypete!” Botan shouted “You told me to get seaweed in order to help the boys! What did you do?”
“Well I stole Artemis's arrows and became my glorious self once more” Ocypete explained stroking her ginger feathers with her talons. A vein bugled on Botan's head
“You lied! You said the only way to help the boys was to clog their ears! All you wanted was to help yourself!” She bellowed stomping her feet on the sandy ground
“Well if I told you that I was going to become a harpy and eat the sirens you would have been against it. Those dam sirens got away before I could have an old fashion fish fry.” Ocypete complained from above, Botan crossed her arms annoyed
“Now I know why you boys get so agitated with her” she muttered. Ocypete landed on the ground with a light thud,
“Fine then I won't tell you some valuable information to save your precious Kayko” the harpy sniped placing her talons on her hips. The chocolate-eyed teen took Ocypete by her shoulders hoisting her up into the air a fiery passion in his eyes.
“Tell me what you know right now!” He roared his grip becoming tighter and more painful.
“Feh, not until you apologize for being an ignorant brat! And a dumbass” Ocypete demanded giving her own fierce glare. Enough was enough as vines made their way around Ocypete's form tying her up as Yusuke let go a triumphant grin plastered on his face.
“I usually don't do this but these are dire times and any valuable information is necessary.” Kurama noted taking a place beside Yusuke, “Ocypete try to understand, if you know anything that may help please share.” Ocypete shoved her nose into the air her razor incisors exposing with every snarl she made.
“I should have ripped your damn mother's heart out when I had the chance.” The golden-eyed Greek beast replied her voice dripping with malice. That was the line and Ocypete just took a five-meter jump over it.
“Yikes such awful behavior for friends.” Aphrodite gushed watching the scene outside her temple from a pool in her throne room. “My goodness nymph, and aren't they supposed to be rescuing the girl?” she addressed to the blue eyed nymph as she finished placing Kayko in a sealed room within the temple's walls.
“Yes they are the same humans I saw chasing me, before the sirens came.” She meekly told peering into the pool by her goddess's side. “They have the bloodlust as Ares.”
“Hmm they need love for one another, not only that but I can make one of those males my suitor.” The mistress of romance squealed with delight clasping her hands together.
The glittery water rippled as the image of the gang subsided leaving Aphrodite with her thoughts.
“Harpies are usually very temperamental, especially Ocypete.” The nymph informed walking by her mistress's side as she paced around her throne room “it is impossible to have them make peace if they do not wish it.”
“Harpies are just stubborn mules.” The goddess waved off trying to come up with a plan to help some mortals and her at the same time “but the centaur seems to be set on keeping her with them, if given harpies can be useful allies but no one has ever dared to try so no one really knows” she tapped her chin becoming deeper in thought “but I sense more hostilities within the group, perhaps it is the mammoth size of this situation that has caused their bondage with each other to break?”
“Do you mean the capture of the girl?” the nymph posed with wistful eyes,
“Yes, obviously dealing with a goddess such as myself has given them ignorance to the meaning of friendship and love towards your fellow man” the love maiden dreamily sighed.
“Exactly you are the goddess of love, do you think love would solve this?” the nymph questioned
“Yes, I believe if they were more open with their emotions then maybe bickering like this would not exist” she snapped her fingers getting an idea “I've got it! I'll make that group more open with their emotions! They will have to gush their hearts out when a question addressed to their hearts is raised!” she blushed at her own brilliance “it will take some time to scale the cliff in order to get to us” she explained rushing over to her pool to see how far they have gone “perfect still acting like children”
“They are still arguing” the nymph piped as Aphrodite made her way out “my mistress what shall I do until your return?”
“Make sure that mortal girl does not escape, first I deal with matters of the heart and then my own heart will be healed.” The sex symbol of Olympus declared taking the form of a dove flying off.
“Holy Hera what the hell is that freak doing?” Ocypete yelled as one of the vines bloomed a venom-dripping flower. She leaned back as far as she could to escape the deadly teeth of the foliage monstrosity, her gaze went over to Kurama whose eyes were now changing from emerald to gold and two white fox ears spouted from his head “oh yea he's a kitsune.”
“Yea and now your going to get it bird bitch.” Yusuke grinned as Kurama continued his rage-induced transformation; Cherion got between the boys and the harpy trying to be the peacemaker.
“Please! Do not let your anger rule you! Ocypete is just doing this because she enjoys watching you writhe in your own fury.” The centaur pleaded holding his arms out, he turned to the bird creature as she moved her head to avoid the flowers sting “and you could be a little more cooperative!”
“You conned me into this,” Ocypete hissed glowering at Cherion
“So provoking these mortals into murdering you is better?” the levelheaded scholar snapped. Ocypete kept her mouth shut unable to come up with a snappy come back, perhaps she did go to far. “Exactly, so apologize and maybe we'll be able to actually save the human realm.”
“Me apologize?” Ocypete argued with a low growl “I'd rather die!”
“I think I can arrange that,” Kurama stated now in his full Yoko form “I'd never think that my human body would become to enraged as to release me once again.” He waved his hand making the flowers grow in size “but no one ever threatens our priorities.”
“How can a human woman be a priority?” she bit back gazing over at Cherion who was giving her the signal to shut up now, but her damn pride wouldn't allow that “other than to be a meal?” The plants let out a howl going in for the kill,
“Alright I think that's enough of that.” Aphrodite butted in turning the death plants into daisy petals, freeing Ocypete from her bindings. She scanned Yoko Kurama, giving a skeptical look “Even though your fox ears and tail are too cute I'd think you'd be a little more tame as the redhead.” She clapped her hands making a cloud of pink smoke form around the fox demon changing him back into his human form. Kurama stood still, shell shocked that Aphrodite could actually have that much power over him.
“Could this be the boundless power of a Greek god we were warned about?” He thought still shaken by it. Cherion bent down bowing to the love deity,
“Aphrodite it is a true pleasure to have you here and to help save us from that moment of rage.” He greeted flustered,
“Humph,” Ocypete pouted crossing her feathery arms over her chest “this is what I was going to tell you big brow” she pointed over to the blue eyed beauty “from what I've heard Aphrodite got your girl.”
“You have Kayko!” Yusuke gasped adverting his gaze over to the Greek goddess.
“I think there are bigger problems here my lad.” She wagged her finger at the teen, “your friends are anything but friendly.” Yusuke jumped at her grabbing the front of her tunic.
“Give me back Kayko or else!” He yelled in her face not hesitant to punch her,
“Yusuke calm yourself and I don't think threatening a goddess is very bright!” the black furred centaur chided pulling him from his goddess. “Please forgive his brutish charm.”
“Screw you! You're just sucking up to your precious god!” Yusuke yelled fighting his hold on him.
“Goddess,” Aphrodite corrected looking very serious “and I've come here to save you from yourselves.”
“I know your not just here to break up a fight I would have enjoyed to watch” Hiei replied making himself known “you have a proposition”
“Proposition? Hmm, I was thinking it was more of a crusade but from your look I can clearly tell you're a man of bargaining.” She cooed tapping her chin “I can see Artemis's arrows on that harpy's back and she doesn't give those away.” Hiei gave her a glare; Athena said that they wouldn't be this observant unless she was backstabbing him. “Since I'm in the mood why not barter? We can even put the mortal girl I have on the line.”
“I'm not betting Kayko!” Yusuke shouted, “I can just kick your ass and get her back!” Aphrodite gave a disgusted look at Yusuke's brash announcement,
“Yusuke you are digging a deep grave for you and all of us every time you terrorize Aphrodite” Cherion whispered “go with what she says, with her as an ally it can make our quest all the quicker.”
“As I was saying we will put the mortal known as Kayko on the line, as well as the blue haired girl over there.” She pointed to Botan, who was surprised her name was called,
“Me?” she pointed to herself making sure she didn't hear wrong
“Correct as well as the sexy centaur over there” she licked her lips making Cherion drop Yusuke, he would never admit but he did have a somewhat boyish crush on the deity. “I can give you a make over so it wouldn't be like doing it with a horse” she snickered at her own perverted joke.
“Name your game Aphrodite!” Hiei demanded, taking the advice given to him by the wise goddess.
“Game? Hmm let me think,” she pondered for a minute trying to come up with a way to put all of her plans together into one big happy experience
“Oh I have it, I want you to travel through a cave just a little ways from my temple. But I must warn you it can be quite a maze; in there I want you to retrieve my golden girdle. If you can make it back in let's say five hours I'll give you back your Kayko and if you don't I get to keep her as well as the centaur and the blue haired girl.”
“It doesn't seem that bad,” Kuwabara smirked remembering the last trial he had to go through.
“Ah, ah I wasn't done yet” the raven-haired goddess waved her finger “I have noticed your lack of love for one another so I'm adding a nice bonus, until you reach the room where the girdle is held you will be forced to be open with your emotions. Spilling your heart out whenever a question concerning it is raised” she sighed happily getting sweat drops from the rest “then maybe you won't bicker like children.”
“Open with our emotions?” Yusuke repeated a bit unnerved, seeing what she did to Kurama doing this should be cake.
“Until you reach the girdle” she nodded “So do we have a deal?” she grinned brightly holding her hand out to Hiei
“But remember if we win we are allowed to strip you of your godlike abilities.” Hiei placed his prize on the table,
“Uh, I have a better idea instead of doing that I will give you a god's promise to be your ally in whatever quest you come upon and if I ever break my word I will throw myself to the underworld.” She presented not desiring to lose her powers, Hiei looked over to the centaur getting a curt nod from him. Hiei agreed taking her hand in his own.