Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why do I love You? ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: ok first off, I'm only 15 (soon to be 16 ^^). There isn't really a way I COULD own YYH. If there was, I would have done it by now….. and if I could come up with something so cool, I would be writing that instead of fanfics… good now that we got that out of the way, Just wanted to let you know, I m trying to make this fluffy…. I have to write it for school so there are rules I have to follow. I want Know what you think. I don't have to hand it in for a while… and there is a limit to how much I can write so I will be posting even after I hand it in sometime in January. Well that's all for now! R&R!

Why do I Love You?


Hidden in the shadows are two demon hunters. They have been eyeing their next target for three days now. They are ready to make the kill. A beautiful fire youki. She has something they want. They must capture her and bring her to their boss. After he has what he wants, they are free to do what they please with her. The youki has a feeling she is being followed, but she doesn't run. She continues on her path. All of a sudden she is hit with a tranquilizer dart. She whips out her katana and runs toward the demons she now sees. As soon as she is ready to make the kill, she passes out. The demons snatch her up, katana and all, and disappear into the night.

Chapter 1: A New Case And A Beautiful Youki

"Where did Koenma say this girl was?" asked Yusuke.

"In a castle in Makai." Kurama replied.

"Figures." Yusuke said. "And why are we going after her?"

"Because she has special powers and Koenma wants to make her a Reikai Tentai."

"That would be bad." Kuwabara pointed out.

The gang crossed over to Makai. Kurama lowered his ki as not to be noticed as Youko, and

Hiei stayed among the trees as not to be seen by many. When they reached the castle, they were

greeted by the usual group of weak demons.

"Can't they even give us a challenge?" Yusuke asked.

"How boring." Hiei replied in a dry manor.

"Shall we?" Kurama asked pulling out a rose.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

"Feisty aren't we?" The man asked his captive. "Don't try to escape. The more you do, the tighter

those chains get."

"What do you want with me?" The youki asked.

"Why I want your power."

"What power? I'm only a fire youki. What power could I have that you would want?"

"Ah, a fire youki you are, but not just and fire youki."

"What do you mean `Not just any fire youki'? What are you talking about?"

"Did you ever wonder why your father killed your mother?" The man asked as he approached

her slowly. "He didn't want to kill her. He was trying to kill you but she got in the way. He loved you

but he knew a half-breed like you was trouble."

"LIAR!" "Am I? The blood that runs through your veins is that of one of the rarest and most powerful

demons to ever live"

"Leave her alone, jerk!" a loud voice boomed. It was Kuwabara.

"Ah, we have some visitors."

"Let the girl go!" Yusuke commanded.

"Hmm . . . I take it Koenma sent you?"

"Why does it matter?"

"It doesn't. I'll kill you anyway."

"Easier said than done." Kurama said, raising his ki.

"What do we have here? Now why would the famous thief Youko Kurama be working for Koenma as

a Reikai Tentai? I knew you couldn't be dead, but living in Ningenkai with all those baka ningen-

techi? I would have never thought YOU of all people would stoop THAT low."

"Hn. Baka."

"Ah . . . Hiei. The son of an ice apparition and a fire youki. Also known as the forbidden child. Cast

off the floating island simply for being born."

"So you know our past. What's your point?"

"Oh no point."

"Then why don't you shut your mouth? You're getting on my nerves!" Yusuke shouted.

"Make me!" The man said as he pulled out a sword and lunged at Kuwabara, who was closest.

Kuwabara dodged and countered with his spirit sword. "You'll have to do better than that to

beat me!" he said as he swung his sword and hit the man in the back.

The man fell but got back up quickly. "Nice try, but not good enough."

"How about this? REI GUN!" Yusuke aimed and shot at the man.

The man dodged. Kurama decided to help. He summoned his plants and several vines rose and

bound the man in place.

"My turn!" Hiei yelled.

The captive girl watched intently. The person named Hiei interested her. Was he a boy or a

man? She couldn't tell. She watched him closely as he drew his katana and sliced the man 16 times.

She barely saw all the movements he was so fast. The man died instantly.

"Show off." Kuwabara mumbled. He walked over and untied the girl. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah just a little confused." She replied.

"Hey Kuwabara!" Yusuke yelled. "Don't forget about Yukina."

"I'm not a dummy Urameshi! Yukina's my only girl."

"What's your name, miss?" Kurama asked.

"Kanu." She replied. "Did you just now say Yukina?"

"Yeah she's my girlfriend" Kuwabara answered.

"Is she still looking for her brother?" Kanu asked.

Hiei flinched at this comment.

"How do you know Yukina?" Kuwabara asked.

"We mat a few years ago." She replied. "We became good friends. I haven't seen her in a while."

"Koenma said to bring her to Reikai when we found her. We are wasting time. You can talk later,

when I'm not around." Hiei snapped.

"What's his problem?" Kanu asked Kurama who was standing closest to her.

"I can't elaborate, but Yukina's a touchy subject for him." He replied.

Kanu thought about how the man described Hiei earlier.

"Wait a minute. Kurama, Hiei isn't Yukina's brother is he?"

"Yes. Don't tell anyone though. He would kill you in an instant."

Kanu nodded. "What a jerk!" she thought. "He knows Yukina is looking for her brother yet he

doesn't tell her it's him? How heartless!"

"Are you coming?" Hiei asked impatiently.

"All right. Come on guys. The black dragon calls." Yusuke said with his usual sarcasm.

"Hn. Baka hanyou."

"Shall we?"

"Why does he want us to stay here?" Yukuke asked.

"He's going to make Kanu a Reikai Tentai and O guess he wants to make proper introductions."

Kurama answered.

"What's taking so long?"

"You ask a lot of questions don't you Yusuke?" Kanu said as she walked out of Koenma's office. "

Koenma wants to talk to Hiei and Kurama in his office."

Hiei and Kurama quickly disappeared through the double doors.

"As you know, Kanu will be joining your group. She will need a place to live. That's where you come

in Kurama. Your mew home in the forest has several bedrooms. I'm sure you can spare one. And

Hiei, she will need training. You two share similar abilities. I trust she will be in good hands with you


"Yes Koenma." Kurama replied.

"Good. Now can you bring her in here?"

Hiei went and got the new member.

"Kanu, you will be living with Kurama from now on."

Yes sir."

"And Hiei will be training you for battle."

"Why him?"

"Because there is no one else qualified, understand?"

"Yes sir." She said with a sigh.

"You are dismissed. Kurama, send those two baka-techi in here and you are free to
