Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why do I love You? ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: YAY another chapter! And thanx to EVERYONE who reviewed! I LOVE REVIEWS! I would LOVE ideas if anyone has them…. They help a lot…. And if you read my sleepover story I do use reviewer's ideas… I might change it a bit but if I can make it fit, I'll use it! Ummm… hmmm… what else…. Oh! That's right… the more reviews I get, the quicker I'll update so if you likie then review… if you no likie review… everyone's entitled to their opinion….. just don't be too harsh… well now that I have wasted a lot of your time, on to the story!!!1

Ch3: He has feelings?

Kanu woke up to a knock on the door.

"Come in."

When the door opened, she saw Kurama with her clothes in his hands.

"I washed and dried your clothes. I hope you don't mind."

"No. Arigato."

"Good. You should get up now. It is 10:00 and you need to eat before we go shopping."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

Hiei ran through Makai. He had not slept much the night before. There are constantly demons after him when he is in Makai. He had to be on the look out. Hours past and it was mid day before he reached his destination, a small shop on the outskirts of a familiar town. As he approached, the shopkeeper smiled.

"What can I do for you Hiei?" the man asked.

"I need you to make three new katanas of equal size and quality of mine."

"Stocking up for a big fight?"

"No. I am training a female youki."

"Got yourself a woman?"

"Hn. Stop asking questions and start working before I slice you into pieces and take my business else where." He said, moving his hand to the hilt of his katana.

"Point taken. I should have them ready for you in two days."

"I will pay you when I return." Hiei informed the man just before running off.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

"You have expensive taste Kanu. Between you and Hiei I'm going to go broke." Kurama said jokingly.

"Kurama, I have a question. Just how old are you?"

"As Suichii Minamono I am only 19. However, as Youko Kurama, I stopped keeping track after I turned 800."

"I thought I was old. I'm 130."

"You're still young. Hiei is 314." He said with a laugh.

"You're kidding, right?"

Kurama shook his head.

"Maybe you should go put your new things away Kanu"

"Uh yeah. Maybe I should."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

The next couple of days were quiet. Kanu was getting used to living in the same house as a man. It had been years since she lived with anyone. The second day she forgot to knock before going into the bathroom and was greeted by the sight of a totally nude, just out of the shower Kurama. She had never seen Kurama blush before. He soon overcame his embarrassment and covered himself with a towel. Kanu politely apologized and ran out of the room, leaving the door wide open. After that Kanu always remembered to knock.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

After Hiei picked up the katanas, he had one more thing to do before he could return to Ningenkai. He had to go to Youko's mansion and pick up some money. It took him almost the whole day to get there because it was on the other side of Makai. When he did make it there, he was greeted and let in like he owned the place. He went right to Youko's private chambers and unlocked the vault. As soon as he closed the vault, he turned around to see yet another familiar face.


"Sakura." He replied.

"I take it he sent you on an errand?"

"I was the one here on business. I offered and he told me what to get. Now that I have what I came for, I must leave." He replied.

"Please Hiei-sama, stay the night. I can have the staff make your favorite dinner. It gets lonely here without Kurama." She pleaded.

"You really love him don't you?"


"Fine. I will stay the night, but first thing in the morning I must leave."

"Arigato Hiei-sama!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

"Kurama, I'm bored." Kanu wined. "Today makes 4 days. I thought he was supposed to be training me."

"If you're so anxious, you're never going to come close to achieving a S-class status." Hiei said as he walked in the door. "Training takes patience."

"What do you know?"

"I have made the ranking of S-class. I have pushed my body to its breaking point more than once. I am the only demon to ever fully master the black dragon technique."

Kanu didn't say a word.

"I suggest you enjoy yourself today. Your training starts tomorrow." With that he disappeared into Kurama's bedroom.

Kurama excused himself and went to see Hiei. He was sitting on the floor in the corner.

"I see you saw Sakura. I can smell her all over you."

"Nothing happened between us. She asked me to stay the night. She misses you Kurama, and I'm the closest thing she has."

"I know but I can not return until that demon hunter is dead." He replied with a sad tone. "Did you get what I requested?"

"Hai. I didn't go there just to see your girlfriend Kurama."

"Gomen. What did you have to pick up?"

"Some things for training." He said pulling out one of the katanas.

"A Youki's Passion." Kurama said reading the bag Hiei had set on the floor. "Isn't that a women's clothing store?"


"It is!" he said pulling the outfit out of the bag. It consisted of a red tank top and black stretch pants with two belts, perfect for training.

"You have fallen in love with her haven't you?" Kurama asked knowing the answer.

"Love is a needless emotion I wish I didn't experience. It always leads to heart ach. I love my sister so much, I got this jagan to make sure she was always safe. Look what came of it. If I tell her, she'll be killed. I have to sit back and watch her search for her brother knowing it's hopeless. If I tell Kanu I have feelings for her, she'll shun me I have heard her thoughts loud and clear and I didn't even have to read her mind."

"If you weren't so cold to her maybe she wouldn't hate you."

"I'm treating her like everyone else." He said grabbing the outfit and putting it back in the bag.

"I don't recall you ever buying me clothes." Kurama joked.

"Shut up."

Kanu plopped down on the bed. She heard everything Hiei and Kurama said.

"All this time I thought he was heartless." She thought. "He's just trying to protect her. Maybe I was wrong about him."

"Kanu." Kurama called as he walked in her bedroom. "Dinner."

"Arigato. I'll be out in a minute."

"Ok. Oh, and one other thing. Don't let Hiei know you were listening."

"Wait, how did you know?"
"I heard your breathing. I m a fox remember."