Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why do I love You? ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: sry it took so long to update… my birthday is in a week and I have been sick… I went to the mall yesterday and got the last 2 DVDs of the dark tournament!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways don't own anything to do with YYH. On with the story!

Ch4: A peeping Youkai and a tragic story

The next day, Kanu woke to her alarm clock at 7:00.

"Too early." She said sitting up.

When she was finally awake enough to see, she noticed a bag at the end of the bed. It was the

outfit Hiei had bought. She started to undress. Little did she know a certain little fire youki was

watching her form his tree outside her window.

"Gods, she hot." Hiei thought. "I knew those pajamas would look good on her."

Kanu's favorite song came on the radio. She started a little strip tease in front of the window. When

she turned around and faced the window, she saw Hiei hidden in the trees. She was going to stop but

on second thought, she decided to have her fun and ignore him. That's what she did. When the song

was over she fell on her bed laughing. She decided she should get dressed. The outfit was a perfect fit.

When she went out to eat, Hiei was sitting in the recliner.

"Hurry up and eat. Your first obstacle starts in 10 minutes." He said without looking at her.


Training with Hiei was like torture, but Kanu was up to it.

"We need to build up your speed and swordsmanship. When you can keep up with me and match me

in a sword fight, that's when I'll decide weather you are worthy to learn any of my techniques."

After 10 hours of training, Hiei was satisfied with the results for the day. They went in to eat. Hiei, as

usual, finished first and disappeared. When Kanu had finished, she decided to take a shower. She got

all of her things ready. Kurama was in the kitchen and she knew this so she didn't bother knockin

g and went right in. when she looked ahead, she saw Hiei in full view. He had gotten out of the sho

wer. When he saw Kanu, he searched around for a towel. He had forgotten to bring a towel in.

"Here, catch." Kanu said, throwing him hers. "Let me know when you're out." She said, closing

the door behind her.

She sat on the couch talking to Kurama until Hiei came out and sat on the other end of the couch.

"It's on

ly fair, Hiei. You saw my little dance this morning." Kanu said

Hiei just glared.

When Kanu got out of the shower, she sat next to Hiei on the couch. There was a plate of fudge on the

table that sat between the couch and the TV.

"I haven't had fudge since my foster parents were alive." She said picking up a piece.

"Foster parents?" Hiei asked, confused.

""I might as well tell you the whole story. When I was young, I had a great life. That is, up until I

turned 7. My father started to get abusive. It started off with kicks and punches, but by the time I was

10, I had been thrown down stairs, set on fire, starved and poisoned. My mom was too frail to stop

him. One day, he went too far. He came at me with a knife. My mom jumped in front of me and got

stabbed in the heart. My dad fell to his knees sobbing. He told me to get out of his sight and never

come back." She said, reliving that terrible day.

"Where did you go?" Kurama asked.

"Well, I wandered around Makai for awhile. This demon started to chase me. He wanted me to be his

slave and marry him. He chased me into Ningenkai, where I ran into a house to escape. He gave up

looking. There were too many humans and if one of them got killed, he would be put to death. The

woman that lived in that house was young. She knew I was a demon. When her husband got home,

she explained things to him, just as I had told them to her, and they decided to take me in. Kanji, the

woman's husband, was a Reikai Tantei. When he found out who my father was, he talked to Koenma.

It seems he was wanted for the murder of a human. Kanji caught him and he was killed in jail before

his trial started. While I lived with Tami and Kanji, they had several kids and I helped raise them.

Their youngest boy, Kenji, married a demon. They came to visit one day with their 3-year-old son,

Kohaku. Kanji wanted me to get some things from the store. Kenji let me take Kohaku with me. That

day I found out 3 year olds have a short attention span. When we got home, I knew something was

wrong. What I saw when I walked in the door, would change my life forever. They were dead, all of

them. The demon that was after me had killed them. He had somehow been killed too. I took Kohaku

in and taught him how to use his powers. He left when he was 18 and I haven't seen him since."

After a month of training, Kanu had mastered speed and swordsmanship. In this time, she had

also fallen in love with Hiei. Hiei was still resisting his feelings. It was starting to turn cold. One

night, Kanu was looking out her window and she saw Hiei in his tree. She opened the window and

called out to him. He came over. She told him to come in as she sat on the edge of her bed. Hiei came

in, closed the window, and sat on the loveseat.

"Why don't you sleep inside tonight? It's cold outside and there's plenty of room in my bed. I trust


Hiei didn't reply.

"Well when you make up your mind just let me know." She said crawling into bed.

Hiei sat there for 5 minutes before deciding. He slowly got up and climbed into the vacant side of the

bad. When Kanu realized he was there, she rolled over and put her head against his chest.

"You're warm." She whispered.

He put his arms around her and held her close. Kanu smiled. The both soon fell asleep.