Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why Me? ❯ First Fight ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 13: First Fight

Kagome watched as Yusuke and Jin laughed at Koda's cute attempt to say `Kagome'. She was perched on the windowsill looking out at the balcony door beside her. "Guys, I'm going to go outside on the balcony if you need me." She went outside after they confirmed they heard her and she sat on the balcony bars. I wish life could be as easy as Koda has it. I wouldn't ever have to worry about my past again, I wouldn't understand. The life of a younger person that has a carefree life must be nice. Kagome sighed as she looked out at the lights of the city they were in. It was a most interesting sight. Lights filled the city, miles on and on. It was currently warm and a nice breeze swept through the air and waved through Kagome's Raven hair.

She sat in silence for a while thinking about all the things she could have done if she hadn't had such a bad life. She could have finished college and gotten a good job. Sure she finished high school but she wanted to become a veterinarian. She still had a wish to make on the Shikon Not Tama. Kagome wanted to make the wish a different time though.

She stayed outside and soon she felt Jin and Koda's auras leave the room. She kept on sitting on the balcony until thunder and lightning clapped and rain came down. It never touched Kagome though because she managed to get in before any rain could hit her.

Everybody greeted her and she greeted them back but just coldly instead. Yusuke didn't know what was up. "Hey Kagome, what's wrong? You were okay about an hour ago." Kagome sat down on the couch and told them.

"My adopted son, Shippou had died from Naraku. He had big green eyes. Koda has big green eyes. When I saw them, my heart warmed up and I pictured Shippou again." She wasn't really talking to them but to herself. She had switched her gaze to outside and was studying the beat of the rain. She listened. It was speaking to her. Wait, it is Rikku.

#Hey Kago? Are you okay?# Rikku was worried.


#Okay. Don't get too sad.#

+Okay.+ Kagome stood up and went in a room to sleep. She wished everyone goodnight and didn't dream about anything but the next day.

The others went to bed and slept too and waited for the first fight.

****Next Day****

Kagome woke up first and went outside. She was greeted by the sun a few minutes later. It is 6:00 I see. Kagome went inside and woke up Yusuke and Kuwabara. They were difficult to wake considering they are teenagers but they got up when Kagome told them the hotel was on fire, sadly Kuwabara didn't get it. Kagome didn't have to wake Hiei or Kurama because Yusuke and Kuwabara's screaming did the job when Kagome told them the hotel was on fire.

They decided that before leaving for the island that they would eat and get dressed in their fighting outfits.

Kagome cooked everybody what they wanted and she told them to get dressed for the first fight.

Yusuke went in his room and put on another green outfit. Kurama went in his room and put on last years fighting outfit. (The one he had on during the first dark tournament). Hiei put on a black outfit with a white scarf. Kagome had on black baggy silk pants and a black shirt with bell sleeves that had a red dragon encircling the wrists. She had a black choker on and her hair up in a horsetail with a red ribbon. She put on some black eye shadow and a black pair of slippers. (The kind the Japanese wear.) Underneath her shirt was another black tank top. She had on a black silk bracelet on her right wrist and a red one on her left wrist. Her ankles had the same silk bracelets just reversed. She had her sword made of silver with a golden hilt and a black sheath. It was all she was going to need as a weapon.

When they left it took them till night to get to the boat. A bunch of demons were crowding up near a man with an eye patch and a hook on one hand. He had a big black beard and was uglier than Kuwabara.

Kagome had received some cat calls from certain demons and bows from others as they passed to the front. A lesser demon came up to Hiei and Kurama causing them to stop. He pointed to Hiei and Kurama and yelled, "Demons that help pathetic humans will not win this tournament! Go back where you came from you traitors!" Kagome looked at him and he smirked when they met eye to eye contact. He pointed at her and yelled. "You think a lowly human like yourself can win a tournament?! Hah! A woman at that! Pathetic!" Kagome looked at him and in less than a second he was lying in two pieces an Kagome was standing over his body, sword drawn with the demon's blood dripping off of it. She sheathed it and looked at the body.

Kagome spoke coldly as the other demons and her teammates stared in disbelief. "You must learn to bow down to royal blood demon. I am Kagome Higurashi, guardian of the Shikon No Tama and daughter of Lord Janan Higurashi of the Majestic Realm." All the demons bowed down to her and left an open path for her to pass through to the very ugly man with a beard. He bowed down to her as well.

"Your Grace." He said disturbingly. "I am honored to hear you will be riding my ship to the island." Kagome told him to rise.

"Who said I would be riding your pathetic ship? I will fly." Kagome changed into her Core Catcher form and she told the other demons to rise. Little sparks flew from the marking of the Shikon No Tama and flew to her teammates. They turned to giant green orbs and lifted her teammates off the ground to follow her as she flew, leading them to the island. The other demons stood there in disbelief. Some retreated and decided to leave for fear that Kagome would split them with her mind.

It was a few minutes before they reached the island. Sure in reality it would take a few hours but Kagome and her orbs went almost as fast as light and stopped instantly at the grounds of the stadium. The orbs dropped their shields and let the guys go and they waited for orders from Kagome. "Come." They followed her to stadium entrance and to the ringmaster, Fox. (Is that her name? Well, if it isn't, now it is!)

"Hello! What is your team's name?!" Fox asked Kagome. Kagome asked Yusuke and he said last year it was team Uremeshi. Kagome said that would have to go and that it would be team Higurashi instead. Yusuke didn't argue, he actually preferred to have Kagome's last name as his team name. When Kagome told Fox, Fox jumped back a step and freaked out. "You are Kagome Higurashi?! You are my all time favorite fighter! Your skill is beyond compare of any demon alive! Will you sign this?" Fox held up a writing scroll and a permanent marker. "Thanks! Please step this way!" Kagome and the group went inside and sat on the side lines.

For a few hours the rested and them the demons started coming in. Some were just there to watch and others to fight. "Alright people! Are you ready to fight!?" Fox yelled into the microphone. A bunch of shouts and yells came from the demons in the audience. "I can't hear you!" Louder shouts came from the audience. "Alright! First up! Team Elemental and team Higurashi!" All the demons roared and cheered for the Elemental team and the Higurashi team got rejected. Kagome asked Fox to give her the microphone.

Kagome's eyes were Turquoise. "You are foolish to reject my team." The demons `booed' again and Kagome's eyes went to a deeper Turquoise. "I am Kagome Higurashi, Princess of the Majestic Realm." Silence filled the arena. "I suggest that if you value your life that you will hush your opinion until the fights are over. Now what do you have to say?" Some demons in the crowd bowed and then they screamed for the Higurashi team to win. Kagome gave Fox her mike back and wen to her team so they could determine who would go first. They decided Kuwabara would be up first. Kuwabara went up on he stage and people threw things at him, and it wasn't roses.

"Hey! Stop throwing trash at me!!!" Kuwabara hid his face from the oncoming garbage.

On the other side was a guy with yellow hair that came to mid waist, he had on a green fighting outfit and golden eyes. He was fairly tall and a small horn was atop his head, Banji. "Hey! It's you guys! Didn't know you would be the first fight! This should be a piece a cake!" Hake came to the middle of the ring with Kuwabara.

"State your names, please!" Fox said.


"The Great Kuwabara!"

"Alright! When I say it is time, go!" Fox stood back and watched as a magnificent fight unraveled. Well, not that magnificent.

Kuwabara would say a couple things and Then Banji would get mad and blast him with some lightning then Kuwabara would dodge and de ja vou all over again.

Then Banji did some thing different and instead of just shocking him, he shocked him and then kicked him down to the ground hard. Kuwabara was out cold. Fox came over to him and started to yell. "1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! And 10! Team Elemental is the winner for this round everyone!" Cheers come from all sides of the fighting arena. "Okay! Who wants more?!" (cheers) "Come on up!" (I say Banji is out now okay!)

This time they decided Kagome would go against Jin. Kagome walked up to the middle of the stadium and announced her name, whistles and flowers were thrown at her and when Jin came up he come some cheers from a few women. "Okay! And, go!" Kagome appeared behind Jin in a flash catching him off guard and elbowed him in the back. He hit the floor and skidded for a minute before getting up.

"Your good!" He charged at her faster than ever, "But I'm better!" He blew past her thinking that he knocked her off her feet when really she was up flying and was smirking.

"No, Jin." Kagome rushed up to him and knocked him down with purifying powers. "I'm better." Jin her powers had drained his leaving him unable to move. Fox didn't move for a minute. "Fox! Count!"

"Right! 1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 81 9! 10! Team Higurashi wins a round!" Cheers came from the sides and Kagome retreated and Hake could come back in but Kagome was out for one round.

Done! I will finish this fight soon! I think I deserve at least 4 reviews for another chapter!