Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why me? Why now? ❯ Telling the truth ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Yuu Yuu Hakusho (Japanese spelling).
A/n: This is about Hiei and Kurama. It's a yaoi which means there will be some guy on guy here. It's also my first mpreg so please don't flame me for it. Tell me if there are any mistakes and I will change them as best as I can. Oh and I don't condone violence of any kind. Please read and review.
Talking” “Thinking”
*At the Rei Kai*
Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei, Kurama, and Botan were outside Koenma's door when they heard him yell for them to come in. They went inside and saw him behind his desk doing more paperwork.
He looked up and said, “Oh well there you four are.”
Yusuke was about to open his mouth to insult Koenma when Kurama beat him to it.
Kurama said, “Cut the shit Koenma just tell us what you want.”
Everyone looked at him and Hiei said, “Are you sure you have him under control?”
Kurama looked at him and said, “Yes Hiei I am sure now stop worrying so much.”
Koenma said, “Yes well I have another case for you.”
Kuwabara said, “Told you Urameshi pay up.”
Yusuke pulled out ten bucks and gave it to Kuwabara and Koenma made a fake cough to get their attention back. Which it did of course.
Koenma said, “Your case is to rescue the daughter of a fellow detective. She's been taken to get him to back off of his case which is what he's done but they've decided to keep her. So you are to infiltrate their hideout and get her back before they decide to kill her.”
Hiei said, “Whose daughter is it?”
Koenma said, “Detective Kuronue.
Kurama was so shocked he couldn't breathe. Kuronue is alive and a detective with Koenma like me. He has a family and I was never told I never heard anything about him after that day. Why wasn't I told about him? Why didn't I know he was still alive? Why is this coming about? Damn this can't be happening now. Wait why does everything feel like its spinning? With that everything went black around Kurama.
It was a couple of hours after Kurama collapsed that his eyes opened to see the faces of all his friends and his lover looking down at him.
Yusuke said, “Are you alright man? You had us worried when you collapsed.”
Kurama said, “Yeah I'm fine. Sorry guys.”
Hiei helped him to sit up and said, “You're sure.”
The others noticed how Hiei was acting. Not even they knew about the two's relationship. But they guessed that they were finally together which was perfect with them because they all thought it was about time too.
Kurama said, “Yeah I'm sure. I just got dizzy that's all.”
Hiei looked at Koenma and said, “Maybe it would be best if Kurama stayed home from this case Koenma.”
Kurama said, “No it's ok I'm fine really. I don't need to stay here. Besides I only got dizzy because I was breathing too fast.”
They all looked at him and Koenma said, “I'm sorry Kurama I should have told you sooner than this but Kuronue asked me not to say anything unless it was unavoidable.”
Kuwabara said, “Tell him what Koenma?”
Kurama said, “Tell me that Kuronue was actually alive and not dead like I thought he was.”
Hiei said, “You knew him?”
Kurama said, “Yeah he was my best friend when I was Youko. The last time I saw him we were robbing a palace and when we were getting away his pendant that he always wore broke and he went back to get it and got caught by a bamboo trap in the leg. I tried to save him, but he told me to run away because we both would have been caught so I did as he said and ran I thought he died. I never heard anything from anyone about him so what was I supposed to think.”
Koenma said, “Like I said Kurama if I had permission from him to tell you I would have.”
Kurama said, “It's alright.”
Once Kurama was on his feet again.
Koenma said, “Alright I can only put you within a mile of where she is being held. So be careful alright I want all four of you to come back with her in relatively good shape.”
They all laughed and Kurama said, “Koenma out of curiosity which one of his daughters was it because I know of at least three of them and two of his sons from when I knew him?”
Koenma said, “Inari was the one captured.”
They all heard the audible growl escape Kurama's mouth at her name. Hiei was worried cause that wasn't Kurama but Youko that had growled.
Hiei said, “Kurama are you alright?”
Kurama said, “Yeah I'm fine. Let's get out of here.”
He turned around and walked out the door to where the portal was waiting. Hiei watched after him and was visibly worried.
Yusuke said, “Did anyone else notice that he growled when Koenma said her name?”
Hiei said, “Yeah I did but that wasn't Kurama that was Youko that growled. That's twice today he's come to the surface.”
Koenma said, “Twice. When was the first time?”
Hiei said, “At school before Botan came. Kurama lost his temper with Makoto Aramaki for threatening to tell the other kids what he saw and Kurama told him everything. And I mean everything about him and me. Makoto knows we are demons and how old we are because of Youko and I thought Makoto was actually going to need to change his clothes Kurama had him so scared.”
Koenma said, “Keep an eye on him you three something isn't right here. I don't know what it is but there is something going on with him.”
With that the other three caught up with Kurama who was already at the portal waiting for them. He went through just as they came upon him. He didn't even wait to talk to them. They all got through and they were headed for the compound when they stopped to get a bird's eye view of what they had to get into.
Yusuke said, “Ah hell. How the hell does Koenma expect us to get in there? It's too heavily guarded and then there's the wall and the many different buildings. How the hell are we supposed to know which one she's in?”
Kurama was on the ground making a diagram of the compound and noting where the guards were and where there would be traps set. Kuwabara noticed him and was wondering what he was doing.
Kuwabara said, “Kurama what are you doing?”
The other two looked and Kurama said, “Trying to figure out which way is the most plausible to use for entry. And Yusuke you shouldn't worry about all that shit alright. Or did you forget I am or was the greatest thief to ever live.”
Hiei said, “I think you still are but that still doesn't help us as to where she is. I can't use my Jagan eye because I don't know what Inari looks like. So how are we to know which building she is in Fox?”
Kurama stood back up brushing off his hands and took the long stick he'd been using to draw on the ground with. He didn't look at Hiei when he answered his question.
Kurama said, “Well we go in this way,” He indicated which way through with the stick.
Kurama said, “Then we head here to this building because that's where she is.” He'd indicated the main building in the center of the compound. They were all wondering about the question that Hiei voiced.
Hiei said, “How do you know that Kurama? If I can't even find her how is you did?”
Kurama looked at him and said, “I see Koenma didn't bring that one up while I wasn't in the room.”
Hiei said, “Bring what up? You've been acting weird lately and I don't mean in a good sense either.”
Kurama said, “Well I know why Kuronue didn't want me to know he was around and it's not a good enough reason either.”
Yusuke said, “Why is that?”
Kurama said, “Cause Inari is the reason behind him not wanting me to know.”
Kuwabara said, “Why is she the reason? What you love her or something?”
Kurama said, “Of course I love her but not in the way you're thinking Kazuma. To be honest I don't think of females like that never have even as Youko I preferred males for that.”
Hiei damn near smiled as he said that the others looked at him weird and Hiei realized why Kurama wanted to keep their relationship a secret.
Kuwabara said, “Well aside from that. How well do you know Inari?”
Hiei said, “And why would you loving her matter to Kuronue anyway besides she's his daughter?”
Kurama was walking away when he turned and said, “To answer Kuwabara's question first I've known Inari since the first day she knew life even before she was born. And to answer yours Hiei it matters to him because Inari isn't just Kuronue's daughter she's also mine. I don't even think Koenma knows that or he wouldn't have even told me she was the one they took.”
With that Kurama continued on his way with the others running to catch up to him. They were trying to figure out how the hell they had managed to do that. And Hiei was only wondering which one of them had her.
Hiei said, “Kurama I know unlike those two numbskulls how it's possible for a male demon to get pregnant but what I want to know is which one of you is the Tsukai?
(A/N: Word gotten from English to Japanese dictionary.)
Kurama said, “Why would you want to know that Hiei?”
Hiei said, “What I can't be curious?”
Kurama said, “I don't mind you being curious in fact I think it's kind of nice for once but in answer to your question Hiei the Tsukai is me.”
Kurama kept going while Hiei stopped and thought for a minute putting all the strange things from the past three weeks into perspective and nearly screamed when realization hit him. How could I have been so stupid if Kurama is the Tsukai then that means he might be…oh hell if he gets hurt then?
Hiei said, “Kurama wait up man.”
He ran after him and stopped him. Kurama stopped and looked at him and realized he wanted to talk to him about something. The others stopped to wait for them to say something thinking Hiei had come up with something important about their case.
Hiei said, “Hey you two can we have a minute to ourselves.”
Yusuke said, “Yeah no problem guys. We'll wait around the corner for you two.”
With that the two left and Hiei grabbed Kurama's arm and pulled him away from them further when Kurama was tired of it he stopped dead and Hiei turned around and looked at him.
Kurama said, “What's wrong love? I know I should have told you about Inari but I haven't seen her since she was like 2.”
Hiei said, “I'm not worried about that I understand that. What I want to know is if you are the Tsukai, and like I said you've been acting weird for a while now, the does that mean your pregnant again?”
Kurama said, “Would it matter if I was?”
Hiei said, “If you are and you're here and you know about it then you're going to be in so much trouble with me.”
Kurama said, “What I meant was if I was what would you do about it?”
Hiei said, “This is not the time or place for this. Just answer my question. Are you carrying a child or not?”
Kurama said, “I'll answer that one when you answer mine.”
Hiei said, “So what if you don't like my answer then you can tell me no even though you are.”
Kurama said, “No I just want to know so can you answer it please.”
Hiei said, “Fine I will. If you were then I really don't know what I'd do. So are you?”
Kurama thought well I can tell him and risk it or I can lie and not worry about it. Now what?
Hiei said, “Kurama?”
Kurama said, “To be honest I'm not sure. Haven't really checked lately you can't do it like the humans do you know with there home tests and shit. You need to see a healer for that and I don't know any but Genkai and I really haven't had the time to go see her yet.”
Hiei said, “So it's possible?”
Kurama said, “Yeah but don't worry I was always careful not to get near you when Youko was in heat. So I don't think we have anything to worry about.”
Hiei said, “I don't care if we didn't have sex when you were in heat or not Fox your not to get into the fight. Do you understand me? And you are going to Genkai right after we get done here to see if you are.”
Kurama said, “Hiei trust me alright I…”
Hiei interrupted, “No, Kurama you are not to get involved with the fighting I understand she is your daughter but if you are pregnant you are not going to risk your life and our child's life as well. So you will stay out of this fight or I swear Kurama I will knock your ass out and have the detective or the dummy call the fairy to come get you and take you home. Understand?”
Kurama said, “Yeah I understand.”
Hiei noticed the sadness in his voice and moved forward to touch his cheek softly. He placed a soft kiss on Kurama's lips with his own and then looked into Kurama's green eyes.
Hiei said, “Kurama please I am only doing this because I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you alright. If you are with a child then you know as well as I do that your spirit energy is going to be focused on much except the child and you can't afford anything to happen to either of you ok. I am only saying this because I love you and I don't want to loose you or our child if you are. So please for me will you please let us handle everything and stay where it is safe?”
Kurama said, “Yeah I will and I love you too Hiei. Come on before the other two get suspicious or they do kill my daughter. I bet you Koenma is getting an earful from Kuronue at the moment if he finds out I am one of the ones he sent to retrieve her.”
Hiei said, “I bet he is too.”
*Back at Koenma's*
Koenma said, “I sent Yuskue Urameshi's group to go and rescue her. Don't worry they are very good at what they do. They will bring Inari back to you.”
Kuronue said, “That's not what's wrong Koenma. I know of their accomplishments alright but that's not the problem. I lied to you when I told you I didn't know who Inari's mom was. I do know but it's not a mother in the conventional sense. Inari is mine and Kurama's daughter. You sent Kurama to get his own child. Kurama is in all honesty Inari's mother. He is a Tsukai Koenma you sent him to get his own daughter do you know how bad that is? He hasn't seen her since she was 2 years old and you sent him to get her now. She's 119 years old now.”
Koenma said, “Oh what have I done?”