Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why me? Why now? ❯ The Rescue ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Yuu Yuu Hakusho (Japanese spelling).
A/n: This is about Hiei and Kurama. It's a yaoi which means there will be some guy on guy here. It's also my first mpreg so please don't flame me for it. Tell me if there are any mistakes and I will change them as best as I can. Oh and I don't condone violence of any kind. Please read and review.
Talking” “Thinking”
*In Maki at the Compound*
Yusuke said, “So what do we do about getting in?”
Kurama said, “Just go in through that tunnel there and it'll lead you straight in to the compound then you just follow the road straight ahead all the way to the main building and you will find her in the center of the building.”
Yusuke said, “Wait why are you telling us what we are going to do and not just taking the lead and showing us where to go?”
Kurama said, “Because I'm not coming in there with you.”
Yusuke said, “What?! What do you mean your not coming in with us? You have to.”
Hiei said, “No he's not going in there. It's not a good idea it is his daughter we are going after and if she's hurt or worse then Kurama could loose what little control he has on Youko. So it is better if Kurama waits out here for us to bring Inari out here.”
Yusuke said, “Alright just keep an eye out for us alright.”
Kurama said, “Plan on it.”
With that Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Hiei left through the tunnel like Kurama had said to do then followed the road straight to the main compound building. Once inside the building they were met with guards which they quickly got rid of them and continued on in their way. They entered the mail room only to find a young girl who looked an awful lot like Kurama hanging by her wrists in the main room by a chain she had a gag around her mouth. The only thing that was different between Kurama and her was the fact she had two huge black bat wings that were hung out as well. They were unfurled and had a hook around them both so she couldn't fly away either.
Hiei said, “You guys take care of the guards and I'll get Inari down from there.”
Yusuke said, “That's alright with us right Kuwabara.”
Kuwabara said, “That's right.”
So while Yusuke and Kuwabara got to work on the guards around Inari Hiei made his way up to where he could safely take the chains off. Inari opened her eyes and looked at Hiei and made a move to get away from him.
Hiei said softly, “It's alright Inari Koenma sent us to rescue you for your dad.”
He took the gag out of her mouth and she said, “Help me please. I just want to get out of here.”
Hiei said, “It's alright Inari we are going to help you now I just need to let your wings go then I'll let your wrists go alright.”
Inari said, “Ok just please hurry.”
Hiei said, “I will don't worry and I promise I will be as careful as possible.”
Hiei worked with her wings then turned to her wrists. He undid it all and pulled her into his arms. She was just as tall as Kurama was and luckily Yusuke and Kuwabara were done with the guards. Hiei helped Inari down but she was so weak from hunger and fatigue she couldn't walk so Yusuke helped her by carrying her on his back out to where they needed to go. Kurama had hidden up in a tree to see better and when he saw them come through the tunnel and saw Inari be put down and held by Yusuke he dropped down from the tree.
Kurama said, “Hello Inari.”
Yusuke said, “She's alright other than being tired as hell but she should be fine after a while. So don't worry about it too much Kurama.”
Inari said, “I was wondering how you knew who I was. Its good to see you Uncle Kurama does dad know you're here.”
Kurama said, “Yeah I'm pretty sure he does. Come on lets get you back home.”
Kurama took Inari on his back all the way to the portal. No one mentioned the fact she called him uncle and not anything else even though Kurama was the one to give birth to her. Once they were back in the spirit world and they were back in Koenma's office.
Kuronue said, “Inari.”
She went over to him with some help from Kurama who didn't seem to mind at all. In fact as soon as he had gotten Inari over to Kuronue he turned and walked away like it was nothing. He noticed it and asked Inari to go with Botan. He left and went after Kurama who was outside the door waiting for his friends to finish their reports to Koenma. Kuronue went over to him.
Kuronue said, “Hey Kurama.”
Kurama said, “Hello Kuronue. How have you been?”
Kuronue said, “Fine you know the usual. Hey look Kurama I didn't tell you because I didn't want to mess up your life ok.”
Kurama said, “You had no right to choose that for me. Just like you had no right to take Inari from me either. How could you do that? How could you make me think I lost you then to make me think I lost her as well? That was beyond cruel Kuronue and you know it.”
Kuronue said, “Kurama I didn't mean to hurt you alright. It was for the better that it all happened the way it did. Cause if it didn't then your new guy and you wouldn't be…”
Kurama said, “Shut up Kuronue.”
Kuronue said, “What you are I know it? I can tell you forget I've seen you like that before.”
Kurama spoke softly, “I know I am you idiot. Its just he don't ok. I told him I didn't know if I was or not because he's not exactly like you ok.”
Kuronue said softly, “What do you mean he's not like me? He's not mean is he?”
Kurama said softly, “No he's not mean but he's not as open as you were with me. He keeps secrets from me and I keep some from him. He didn't even know about Inari until today or that I was a Tsukai. So now since he thinks I'm pregnant again which I am he's making me go to Genkai's to get checked out and when he finds out he's going to be totally pissed off at me.”
Kuronue said, “I doubt he will be mad at you.”
Kurama said, “You don't know Hiei like I do ok. The last thing he wants or needs is this child. That's why I've kept it from him.”
Kuronue said, “How far along are you?”
Kurama said softly, “At least two months or more. I really don't know how far I along I am I know its less than five months. I didn't even know I was until this morning.”
Kuronue said, “So what are you going to do when he finds out?”
Kurama said, “I don't know he's not even my biggest problem.”
Kuronue said, “What's your biggest problem?”
Kurama said, “I live as a human now. I have a mother who is human. She's not going to understand this.”
Kuronue said, “Just tell her the truth.”
Kurama said, “If I do that then I have to tell her what I am and I can't do that.”
Kuronue said, “You really don't have a choice in the matter Kurama you're going to have to tell her or everything is going to go down hill. You know that.”
Kurama said, “I will after I figure out how Hiei is going to take it. Jut do me one favor Kuronue please.”
Kuronue said, “What?”
Kurama said, “Please tell Inari the truth. She deserves that much Kuronue and if she asks why we lied then put it all on me ok.”
Kuronue said, “Kurama I can't alright you love her too much to do that.”
Kurama said, “If Inari is anything like I think she is after all these years then she'll understand it all. Just tell her the truth ok. She deserves that much from us.”
Kurama then handed Kuronue a piece of paper and walked away from him to where the others were. Kuronue turned and saw how Hiei and him reacted to one another and noticed the not so subtle look Hiei was giving to Kurama. He looked rather mad at him.
*At Genkai's temple*
Hiei and Kurama walked up the stone steps and into the temple alone. Kurama was dreading this because he knew he was pregnant but he didn't know how long he had been that way yet. He was worried if Hiei was angry with him and if he was going to stay with him.
Hiei said, “Genkai we need you to check Kurama.”
Kurama thought no you need her to check me out to make sure you're not right well I hate to burst your bubble Hiei you are right. So what are you going to do when you find out you are? Are you going to run away and leave me or are you going to yell at me?
Genkai said, “Alright come on Kurama. Hiei your sister is out in the garden if you want to go and visit with her while I check out Kurama.”
Hiei said, “Thank you master Genkai.”
Kurama followed Genkai into the back where she told him to sit down.
Genkai said, “Alright Kurama what does Hiei want me to check you for?”
Kurama said, “I'm a Tsukai Genkai.”
Genkai said, “And Hiei wants to find out if your carrying a child or not? Am I right?”
Kurama said, “You don't need to check I know I am already all I need to know is how far along am I. because I didn't even know I was until this morning before I went to school.”
Genkai said, “I can tell you that much Kurama.”
Genkai checked and said, “I'd say at least two maybe three months. Can't tell really which means you're between them pretty closely.”
Kurama said, “Thank you Genkai is it alright if I tell Hiei alone please?”
Genkai said, “Yes it's alright. I'll go tell him and you two can talk in here.”
Kurama said, “Thank you.”
Genkai left and Hiei came into the room where Kurama stood watching the scene outside the temple on the western side. Hiei shut the door and went over to Kurama and wrapped his arms around Kurama's waist and put his head against Kurama's back.
Kurama said, “I am pregnant Hiei at least two maybe three months according to Genkai.”
Hiei said, “How long did you know you were?”
Kurama said, “Only since this morning before school. I didn't tell you because I didn't know how far I was and I felt dumb for not noticing it sooner.”
Hiei pulled away from Kurama and said, “You should have told me sooner than this you know.”
Kurama said, “I know alright I know you don't have to tell me twice.”
Hiei said, “Then why didn't you tell me Kurama? Didn't you think that I should know this? Didn't you think it would be imperative that I be let in on this? It is my child too you know or did that suddenly slip your mind fox?”
Kurama said, “No Hiei it didn't slip my mind alright. And like I told you I already know I should have told you but I was scared alright.”
Hiei said, “Scared of what exactly Fox?”