Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Nights! ❯ Adrenaline ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Wild Nights!
Chapter 4: Adrenaline
The flag had already dropped; bikes had already roared to life, Yusuke was already tearing up the track with his natural ability to race any machine. His opponent was a rather stylish looking man, with long black hair who goes by the name of Kuronue.
OOOO Flashback ooo
Yusuke placed the dark helmet on his head, anxious to get the race started, to feel the wind whip against his body. Too hear the engines power hum underneath him as he tore up the dirt road before him. God, racing was just so damn arousing.
"Who's racing me?" With that, Kurama smiled and called out to the crowd that had now formed around the small group.
"Kuronue will you do the honors?" In seconds a man stepped out of the crowd and walked over in the direction of the empty bike.
"Of course Kurama. It would be my pleasure to beat this boy into the ground with my exceptional racing skills." Kurama let out a small sigh, indicating that Kuronue always acted like this.
Yusuke just snorted and revved up his bike, readying himself for the race at hand. He knew that this Kuronue fella couldn't be that cocky unless he was good. Yusuke had a feeling it was going to be a close call at the finish line.
As he readied himself, calmed all his storming emotions he got before every race. Yusuke took a look around to see who had gathered around. Of course when he looked up, he saw none other then Kurama and Hiei themselves. His heart began to race and sweat formed on his hands.
`What the fuck?' Still staring, Yusuke got the sudden urge to prove himself. Too show off his skills, to show them that he's more then just a racer. That Yusuke Urameshi was an amazing racer, that he deserved to be in this gang, to be beside those two sexy-
`Get a grip Urameshi! Focus on the race.' With one last look, Yusuke looked straight ahead, determined to win this race.
And so the engines came to life, Keiko stood in the middle a flag in hand. Until it was dropped to the ground and two bikes raced past her into the night.
OOO End of flashback ooo
Another heart wrenching 90 degree turn had Yusuke's black machine scrapping against the dirt path; bringing up a wave of dust to block his opponents view for the moment. Switching gears, the teen gunned down the road. Several jumps were coming up and if he calculated just right he could jump over two of them and save time.
Coming up to the first jump, Yusuke stood on his peddles angled his body forward to bring about the best leverage, when a blur sped past him. Cursing under his breath, Yusuke launched himself off the jump and landed roughly back on the dirt path.
In second.
Gritting his teeth into a frown, he kept all his focus upon the race, his movements, his bike, and not the fact that he was now in second and losing.
“Shit!” Cursing, Yusuke pulled a tight turn on the next twist in the road. Not gaining any ground on Kuronue. Chocolate orbs watched carefully as the man in first twisted his bike from side to side making sure Yusuke could not pass.
A rough patch with large bumps was approaching swiftly, then a sharp turn to the left, and then a long stretch to the finish line. Passing Kuronue on the bumps wouldn't work. The probability of falling of the bike was too great. The turn might work, but it was still a slim chance he would pass. The odds of him winning didn't seem to be in his favor.
Just the way he liked it. Stealing a win out of nowhere was always a great way to win.
Smirking, Yusuke stood up on his bike preparing for the long string of bumps. His best bet was going to be the long stretch to the finish line.
The bumps came and went, little ground had been gained on Kuronue, but the biker wasn't too far ahead. Gripping the handlebars tighter, Yusuke leaned far to the left dragging his bike in the direction his body went. His turn had been tighter then Kuronues and he was now almost touching the other bike.
Engines roared as both bikers made their machines work harder, neither wanting the other racer to win. The long stretch of smooth dirt came up and the bikes tore down it speeding towards the finish line.
Tightening his grip on the bars, Yusuke turned to the right swiftly. As he expected Kuronue did so as well, and then Yusuke swiftly turned left, stepped on the accelerator and raced up beside the other bike.
Both looked over at the other, chocolate meeting night-like-blue and then they crossed the finish line. The two came to a stop with a cloud of dust. They took off their helmets and looked deeply at the other.
Then they burst into laughter.
“Holy Shit Kuronue, that was amazing!” Yusuke gasped out between laughter.
“You're not to bad yourself.” Kuronue jumped off his bike and walked over to the younger teen. “I haven't had a race like that for a long time. I was lucky that this was even a tie. With a bit more practice you could beat me hands down.”
The two grinned at each other, the adrenaline from the race finally coming down from its high. The two bikers then remembered that they had spectators and turned to the crowd that looked on them in awe.
“It was a tie.” They said in unison. Applause broke out, and Kurama and Hiei appeared before them.
“Well,” Hiei spoke in his normally cold voice. “I do not believe we have ever had a tie before, Kurama.”
“That's true Hiei.” Emerald eyes bore deeply in Yusuke's chocolate orbs and Yusuke could feel a flush of heat go straight to his groin. `What the fuck,' Baffled Yusuke ignored this feeling and listened to Kurama.
“But this was quite entertaining. Yusuke Urameshi, welcome to the Dragons Flames Gang.” A wave of cheers broke out from the spectators; Kuronue smacked Yusuke on the back giving him his congratulations.
Yusuke grinned but looked back and forth from the two gang leaders. There was something in their eyes that was telling Yusuke he was in a lot deeper then he had believed to be. Once the cheers died down, Hiei spoke up.
“Well Yusuke, I believe we'll hold a party for you tomorrow. Right now you're sweaty and in need of a shower.” The shorter man grabbed hold of his forearm and dragged Yusuke back towards the very large mansion/castle/base for the Dragons Flame Gang.
“Send him in.” Sensui watched the door as his very skilled gunman and spy strolled in. He wore a white t-shirt underneath a blazing red jacket. His jeans were slightly frayed and his black hair hung over his azure eyes.
“What have you found?” Hagiri Kaname was in his early twenties and was an expert at what he does. Sensui had recruited him when the boy was 15. The boy had been sent to jail for theft, breaking and entering, and suspected for murder. Sensui had heard of the boys talent with a gun, and his criminal abilities. So he bailed him out, gave him a job, and has been working for him for almost 8 years.
“Your son has a very active life,” Taking out a folder Hagiri placed it on his boss's desk. Sensui opened the folder and gazed through it as his employee continued to speak. “He works at a garage down on cherry, and earns a little more then minimum wage.”
Sensui looked at a couple of pictures of his son, and thought of how much the boy reminded him of Atsuko, then turned the page to look at pictures of 2 cars and a few bikes.
“The allowance I give him would not be enough for him to afford these.”
“Of course not, you know your son has a wild streak and that he races. But now he's racing with the top gangs and winning. As you already know he has been contacted by the Dragons Flames gangs and leader and has yet to return home. I don't believe that they know he is your son.”
Sensui smirked, this was too good. Hagiri was a genius, and only in a couple of hours has gathered enough information for him to make a plan.
“We need to gain contact with my son. Togoro is still at his apartment for when he comes home, but if something is to happen I need your assistance.” Sensui spoke with confidence and Hagiri leaned in closer.
“And what is that?”
Walking out of the bathroom with a towel around his slim waist Yusuke looked around his room at the Dragon Flames Gangs base. The walls were a dark blue, and a large four poster bed was placed against the back wall with black satin sheets draped over it. He had hard wood floors and an elegant carpet was splayed on the floor.
Walking over to the bed a small smile touched his lips. Hiei and Kurama had insisted he bathe in his new room, and when he told them that he had no clothes at the moment except for the dirty ones, they told him not to worry about such trivialities and he would have something on his bed to sleep in and clothes for the morning.
On the bed was a pair of black cotton pants, and a black beater for him to sleep in. Stripping off his towel he pulled on the cotton pants, going commando in them. When he had the beater half way over his arms and head someone knocked on the door.
Expecting someone to wait a moment for him to open the door, Yusuke got a surprise when Hiei and Kurama strolled in.
They stopped dead in their tracks and Yusuke froze with his arms over his head and his taut tummy exposed. Emerald and Ruby orbs gazed hungrily over the exposed flesh and heat crept into Yusukes cheeks. Swiftly pulling the beater over his head he covered up his body, but the beater clung to his hard muscles showing off his sexy physique
“What's up?”
The two leaders seemed to snap out of their day dream and they looked up at Yusuke, who seemed to be a little flushed. Mentally the two leaders grinned wickedly and they gave each other a knowing look.
“We just wanted to make sure that your accommodations were suitable, Yusuke.”Kurama rolled the name off his tongue as if it were honey. He walked further into the room closing the door behind him and Hiei, his gaze never leaving Yusuke.
“Uh- ya, it's fine thanks.” Yusuke stumbled over his words as the two leaders walked closer towards him. Walking seemed the wrong word to use at the moment. It looked as if they were stalking him as if he were their prey. Heat swam from his gut straight to his loins.
Taking an unnerving step back, Yusuke's legs connected with the bed. `Hmm, this seems familiar.'
They walked closer until there was only a couple of feet between them. Hiei stood closer, his crimson orbs roaming over the teens chest, Kurama stood a hairs length behind him. Yusuke wanted to run away, but then the thought of the two leaders chasing him down and pinning him to the floor with their bodies came crashing into his mind.
Visibly shaking his head, Yusuke raised his hands to fend them off but the two stayed where they were an identical smile etched into their features.
“I um, I have to get to sleep so I can head back to my apartment early tomorrow morning. I have to work at the garage at 7.” He was babbling and he knew it. But no coherent thought would make its way into his mind and reach his mouth.
“Is that so? Then we will drive you tomorrow morning. But after work we'll go back to your apartment pick up the necessary things and return here. We can't allow you to live by yourself yet.” Kurama spoke with calmness and ease, his words affecting Yusuke more then he thought.
“Do you like the clothes?” The sudden topic change caught Yusuke off guard, his attention now focused on Hiei. The smaller man reached out and touched the cloth at his thigh. “We didn't think you would want silk so we got you something comfortable.”
The spiky haired man moved in closer, now a breath away from Yusukes body but not physically touching him. It surprised Yusuke how much he actually wanted to be touched, to have their bodies along his own.
Another flush in his cheeks, and this time Yusuke physically moved Hiei aside and walked towards the door. Kurama stopped him in his tracks as he placed a hand on his shoulder. Leaning in he whispered in his ear causing shivers to quake through out his body.
“We will see you tomorrow morning Yusuke.” The name was spoken with hidden promises and dark desires. Kurama and Hiei turn on their heel and left the room, closing the door quietly behind them. Starring at the door, Yusuke let his breath come out in ragged breaths. His cock was now begging for physical contact.
Walking back to the bed, Yusuke reached into his pants and pumped hard with his hand until release came harshly leaving his limbs quivering and weak.
Yusuke fell asleep upon the satin sheets his last words echoing through the quiet bedroom.
“What the fuckl is going on?” Sleep consumed his tired body, and he fell into a blissful slumber.
C.S: yes yes… it has been millennia since I have updated Wild Nights, and I am sorry for that. (Dodges the fruit and pitchforks) BUT I do hope this chapter made up for it, and lets just say that in the next chapter Kurama and Hiei become a little more forceful. ^_~
ANYWHO! This chapter hasn't been beta'd yet because I thought you all would want it up as soon as possible. But I have sent it off to TnzK so the betaized chapter should be up in a few days.
Hope you all liked the chapter and don't forget to review! I love hearing from you all!!!