Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Will you take me away ❯ will ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This is the second and last chapter. I am telling you now. So now on with the story. This story may seem rushed to you but this is how I decided to write it so if you do not like it I do not know what to tell. Sorry I kinda realized I messed up a little when I first posted this chapter so I looked over it I hope it makes a little more sense this time around.
Disclaimer: I do Not own Yu Yu Hakusho

After two years of studying aboard in America, I finally get to go home. I wonder what is going to await me. I hope Yusuke isn't living how he was when I left. If he is, I swear his family will pay. I was finally on my way home. On a plane headed for Japan it was just a matter of hours until I arrived home and I couldn't wait. It's been two whole years since I've seen Yusuke,
When I arrived at the airport, Koenma was waiting for me. It was a surprise but a welcomed one. He didn't look as he usually did which put me on edge. Thinking of that, why would he even greet me no one knew I was returning today.
“Koenma” I greeted him with a perfected smile.
“Kurama.” He said his voice low, regretful almost.
“What's wrong?” I asked as we started walking, he visibly jumped.
“What do you mean Kurama I just came to greet you.”
“First of all no one knew I was coming back again, and two you wouldn't bother me unless it was important.”
“Yea you really are hard to track down.” He answered
“That Koenma is because I did not wish to be found.” I answered
“Well I needed to find you; Yusuke's missing.” He said I froze. It felt as if time had stopped.
“What do you mean missing?” I said
“I mean two weeks after you left he ran away into the Makai. When you left, he didn't know what to do when it happened again so he left. We've found him a couple of times but he's wild. No one can get close. The ones who do get close don't come back.” Koenma answered.
“He finally snapped. I'm going to kill his family for do that to him.” I said growling slightly. Koenma again visibly flinched before grabbing my arm.
“Kurama, no there's nothing you can do. If you kill them you're going to be in spirit world for a very long time, and no one will be able to help Yusuke.” Koenma blurted out, kill Yusuke's family, or save Yusuke before he falls as I once did. I did not even have to consider it. With in seconds I was gone. Running through the area finding the closest rift between here and the makai. It didn't take long to find and when I did I didn't think twice about running through it into the Makai. Now that I was here, all I had to do was find him. It should not be that hard considering he is the only thing I can sense. How berserk did he go?
He was close, but I knew he could not sense me as I could him. That is because I knew if he could sense me, I would not be able to get close. When I finally did see him, I knew what Koenma meant when he said Yusuke was wild. Yusuke's features were completely off, His eyes were empty, he was in his mazoku form, his facial feature were pure beast and his movements lacked the grace and happiness they usually held. What did they do to you Yusuke?
Before I knew it, I was against a tree, a throbbing pain in my stomach. Yusuke was standing over me. His breath rigid He raised his hand and I backed in to the tree. He hit me repeatedly. I sat there and took it all the while trying to get through to him.
“Yusuke It's Kurama. Yusuke stop. I'm not going to hurt. I promised, I came back I'm here. Yusuke please.” I said as he hit me a little to hard. Yusuke backed up for a second allowing me to stand and catch my breath. When Yusuke charged me, again I held out my arms and Yusuke ran right in to them. Hitting, scratching, and mauling every part of my body as he was before he pulled away. I gripped my arms around him in a hug and he froze dead. Then he started moving even more rapidly then he was before. Trying viciously to get away. I just held tighter repeatedly calling his name. He very gradually calmed down before his breathing labored and he leaned against me.
“K-kurama y-you came back.” He said his voice telling disbelief.
“Yes Yusuke just like I promised, I told you if it killed me I'd come back.” I said he literally fell into me tears running down his face. We landed against the tree again.
“Yusuke what did they do to you?” I asked running my hand through his hair trying to calm him. He stiffened before falling back against me. It was silent for a while. I let him contemplate what he wanted to tell me.
“Things just got bad that's all. I just know I'm not going back no matter what. I'll go back to the human world but I'm not going back to her or my brothers, not again. Not so, I can go through that again. You were right Kurama, I shouldn't have let it gone that far.” He said hugging close to me.
“It's alright Yusuke, I won't let you go back there. You're coming with me far away from it all.” I said
“ How?” He choked out.
“Your moving in with me. I'm not going to let any one know where you are either. You're going to stay safe with me. I'll tell everyone I never found you and you can stay until you think your ready to leave. If you ever wish to leave.” I said hugging him tighter to me as I felt his instincts kick back in, but they weren't the dangerous ones I thought they would be. They were gentle nuzzles and whimpers. Apologizes and promises, thanks and worships when all I did was protect him.

O.k. some how this fits together with Looking Back it was never meant to but some did. They were two completely different stories and still are but if you want to read them like that that's fine by me. PLEASE REVIEW YOU KNOW YOU WANNA CLICKY CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICKY bye