Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wind Knoll's Curse ❯ Chapter 24

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Notes: Sorry about that. :x I got addicted to WOW again no thanks to expansion, but the thrill left for awhile no thanks to competition and annoying guildies with another annoying grind through 10 more levels. I might push it aside for a little bit to get some writing and stuff done.
Be warned that there is some male/male action on this one.
So enjoy!
Touya's spirit lied naked within the darkness of his own mind. It fought to remain where it was though the gates of judgment threatened to call him back. Upon his side with his knees scrunched and his arms slack to the side, he felt his bi-colored hair rustle about from a gentle, comforting breeze. He moaned quietly. “I am not ready,” he muttered wearily to himself, fearing that the spirits from above would try to bring him back to Koenma. “I am not ready to go back…”
“…ouya…Touya…,” the ice demon vaguely could hear as his hearing came and went. “Touya!” The ice master managed to open his eyes to attempt to focus the blurry image before him. The wild red hair soon becoming recognizable, he managed a weary smile.
“Jin,” he sighed in reprieve. “I thought you were one of Koenma's messengers…I am relieved. Touya closed his eyes then and threatened to go back to sleep eternally.
“No, no, no!” Jin exclaimed as he grabbed onto the ice demon's face to slap him awake with the back of his hand. “You have to stay awake! If you fall asleep, you'll be taken back to be judged.
The narrow eyes of the ice demon opened slowly once more to look at Jin with a shake of his head, pain almost seen within his icy orbs. “Iwant to stay, but a part of me feels too ashamed togo back. I tried to protect the people that entrusted their lives to me, and I failed them.” He inhaled a shaky breath, clutching his hands tightly for a moment. “I never felt so weak before.”
“Touya, you were giving off so much energy to protect the entire world and the town's people.” The wind master knelt down beside the ice master's body. “They understand that you were in a weakened state and couldn't give out enough against the demons that assaulted you.” His hands held onto the cold demon's face to massage his cheeks tenderly. “I am here to revive your energy and spirit.” Jin inched closer to Touya's face at that moment only to find the ice shinobi to pull hesitantly away. “I know it has been awhile since you've been forced to be with me, but I am yourlast option right now. Your followers are too scared and weak from the attackto perform this safely and correctly.”
The fellow demon knew that Jin was right. Touya managed a nod to his partner, allowing the wind master to kiss him tenderly upon the lips. The kiss lingering for a moment, he kept his eyes closed to find the taste enjoyable as he reopened his eyes to find the kiss had ended. “It has been awhile since I have felt that kiss,” he whispered with a brief smile.
Jin rolled his teeth over his lower lip with a playful grin. The time the two were in solitude in darkness in the shinobi sect, they often fell into one another's company for personal comfort being deprived of decent partners. “I guess you'd like me to continue then?” Cupping the back of the ice demon's head, Jin kissed Touya deeper, rolling his tongue into the mouth of the ice shinobi. Jin's other hand trailed down the chilled spirit of the ice demon to grab a hold of his flaccid organ. His fingers wrapped tightly about it, he began to stroke it eagerly to life while continuing to seduce the ice master into reacting to his loving gestures once more.
Moaning against the deep kissing, Touya eventually pulled from Jin's lips to arch his back slightly. It was as if he were fighting against the sexual ritual even if he knew it would save him. Breathing heavily from the touch of his member, he curled his toes and tried to almost kick away from Jin.
“Why are you resisting mesuddenly?” Jin wondered as he tried to keep Touya where he was. “You know I wouldn't hurt you.”
“I-I am sorry…I just haven't been in this position for a long while,” Touya confessed as he looked at Jin from the corner of his eye with how he had his head resting to the side. “I never had to draw from a man before in many years now.”
Jin twisted his mouth to the side, raising his brows at Touya's comment. “No wonder you were so weak then. It wouldn't have hurt to draw from even your priests.” Seeing Touya give him a rather annoyed stare, he couldn't help but chuckle. “No need to get mad now.” Jin moved his lips closer to Touya's ear to start whispering things in demonic that would make anybody weak in the knees. With the ice demon blushing against his words, Jin grinned as he made his way back down to Touya's manhood to release his kisses and licks upon the sensitive flesh.
Touya arched his back once more, crying out in pleasure. He brought his hand up to his mouth to breathe against it upon feeling his member trailing down the wind master's throat soon enough. “J-Jin,” he cried shakily.
The wind master continued to suck upon the growing organ within his throat, salivating eagerly upon it as he had denied himself a good bit of sexual activity of any kind for awhile, and he had to admit that he missed it. His ears twitched at the sound of his name being called out in ecstasy, prompting a grin. Jin pulled from the swollen member at that moment to start stroking his own to help him get fully ready for entering inside of the ice demon. “Hopefully you'll find this as enjoyable as you used to,” he grunted, spreading Touya's legs apart with his one free hand.
Gazing down at Jin through his flushed expression, he waited with his heart beating rapidly until finally feeling the pressure filling up his tight, nether opening. Arching his back off of the darkened floor, he cried out in pleasure as the wind master started to rock in and out of him at a steady pace. Touya's swelled manhood twitched about eagerly before milky white crept from the slit in his flesh to creep down his length and over Jin's fingers, which were about his hardened organ yet again.
The sticky liquid flowing over his fingers, Jin used it to dampen Touya's erection further. You are nearly ready to release so soon…! He huffed in excitement as he continued his pace. Jin leaned forwards with a toothy grin. “You were always the one to prefer being taken this way,” he whispered almost seductively. “I often wonder if it is with any man or just me.”
Touya wanted to slap Jin for his almost narcissistic remark only to halt upon feeling his tight ring of muscles being caressed by the wind master's length. Not able to hold it back much longer, Touya tensed up for a moment as he released upon himself and Jin a good bit. He could feel the energy the wind master was giving to him and what he had managed to gather causing him to break from the spiritual ritual and come back to his body with a shaky inhale. His fingers clutched onto the covers of the bed beneath him as he found his soul back into his demonic form.
Jin was there, lying beside the ice demon only to wake shortly after when the spirit of the ice master left him in the spiritual plain. Finding the ice demon back in his body safely, he smiled as he turned to his side to check on Touya's outer form as well. He placed his hands upon the ice master's face to feel of his skin to find it not as chilly as it normally was. “You're a little warmer than usual,” he expressed breathlessly from his session with Touya. “Let me get something to cool you down.” Quickly Jin got to his feet. “Just stay here and keep the energy I have given you.”
Touya watched Jin leave the room as he remained on his back to try and retain the spirit energy he had been spared. As he did so, he began to feel the earth tremble. “Wha…what is going on…?” He wondered wearily.
Upon the Wind Knoll's clock tower, Kurama stood there gathering his power before beckoning a call to the greenery to bend to his will. “Protect the outer world and those trapped within this hell,” the fox demon demanded as he motioned his hands almost in a circle around one another, prompting the vines and the roots of the trees to break through the ground and create thick, thorny barriers about the boundaries of the town. Feeling enough power had gathered within his hands, he threw his hands upwards to raise the barriers higher so no man or beast could make their way over his obstruction.
The people on the streets screamed and ran from the sudden uprising of the underground roots and the rose thorn branches. The trees moaned and creaked as they were bending under the demon's control. Some of the demons about the town already tried to make their way through the new demonic barrier brought up about the human town only to find the thorns would cut like razors to those who dared touch it and the vines and roots were extra sensitive to movement, causing them to snatch up anybody who dared wander close.
“The Earth God is damning us now!” An elder woman on the streets panicked as she watched the entire event with some on the streets. “What have we been doing wrong!”
Kurama could hear the entire town crying and screaming in fear over the change in environment. With the boarders up, he lowered his arms and hopped down from the clock tower to listen to the blind sheep continue their cries of dismay. He made his way over towards the market corner, leaning against the building a bit to eavesdrop.
“The ice barrier the Ice Lord put up has come down, but now this one has appeared,” a young man explained as he too looked up at the towering, intertwined roots and vines. “Why are they doing this? Why are they trapping us here?”
One of the worshippers of Hiei was in the crowd that Kurama could see. “What do you mean by that?” The teenage boy wondered almost in disgust. “We've been trapped here ever since this town was made! Your `Gods' do nothing more but protect you from things you cannot and refuse to see!”
The fighting got even worse at that moment making Kurama worried for the fire demon follower. “What are you doing?” A feminine voice behind the fox demon asked.
Kurama snapped his head over his shoulder to find a thirty year old or so woman standing behind him with a guide dog, indicating that her glasses she was wearing were to hide her glazed over eyes. He smiled a bit at her and the golden retriever she had leading her. “I am surprised you can sense I am here.” He looked up and down at the brunette with braided hair to try and gather her name from the spirits surrounding her. “I didn't mean to block you from your way, Alison Anderson.”
Alison was quiet for a moment before managing a brief smile. “You're one of them,” she said simply. “You're one of the creatures in this town. You're not evil like they are, though.”
He raised his brow slightly having to be reminded of his darker half whenever kindness was ever brought to the surface in a conversation. “You must sense the spirit battle better than anybody in this town, Alison.” Kurama leaned forwards with his hands on his knees seeing as he was a bit taller than she was. “Now is a time for you to be careful and in your home at all times or at least at a temple. Do you worship anybody in particular?”
The woman shook her head slightly as she pat her dog tenderly upon hearing her pet started to whimper and whine a bit. “My parents were never a firm believer in it all. When my mom caught me talking to spirits in my room, she would punish me with endless scriptures and pour hot water on me to be rid of the `demons'.” She paused there and couldn't help but feel some of the burns start to hurt once more. “I never talk to demons or spirits of any kind now around her whenever she comes to visit me. She will still punish me if she catches me doing so. I am surprised nobody has caught me talking to you.”
“One demon came to you often,” Kurama remarked as he continued to hear the whispering of the spirits about her. “Did he or she give you a name?”
“Umm,” Alison tried to remember the names she was given. “I don't know. Normally it is never in a demon's nature to reveal their name. I think I heard somebody say once that his name was Suzuka or something.”
“That is funny,” said the redheaded fox with a smile. “I know him, and I was unaware he ever ventured into this town.”
“There was a reason for that,” Alison said somberly as she hesitantly reached up to remove her glasses. The sunglasses sliding off of her face, she showed claw marks that had raked across her eyes causing her to lose her sight before quickly putting them back on where they were.
Kurama inhaled sharply at the sight. “Oh my…!” He reached over towards Alison's face before she put the dark glasses back on. “That was a demon attack?”
Alison rubbed her arms almost nervously as she nodded at his question. “I was…only five years old when I got separated from my mom out on the streets. I heard something in the alleyway, so I went to investigate it. There was a demented demon from hell fighting against Suzuka, and the beast he was fighting saw me and clawed out my eyes…blinding me forever.” That moment fresh within her mind now, Alison began to fight her tears. “Suzuka saved me, and he, uh, took me back to my mom. Ever since that moment he would come to me at night and try to be my guide until my mom bought me Lucky here.” She began to pat the dog on the harness that was acting as her eyes. “He was with me for years until having to watch my mom burn my own body to `cast the demons out of me'. I think he was tired of watching me suffer.”
The demon's green eyes wandered over Alison's shaky form before managing a smile to her. “I am sure it was hard for him to go.” He reached over to rub her right arm reassuringly. “You know, he is still within the area. He was here to fight against the floods of demons that poured into the town. He is still on guard to this moment. You know, if you want to see him more or even talk to him, you could go to Shishiwakamaru's temple. They are close friends though I am sure they would rather not be reminded.”
“I cannot do that,” Alison insisted with a furious shake of her head. “If my mother knew I was worshipping anything such as that…”
“Do not let your mother know,” said Kurama. “Your mother doesn't need to know everything about your life. Right now, everybody needs to turn to us to stay safe. We cannot help the blind ones if they ignore us.”
The woman was quiet for a moment before sniffling her sinuses clear, tilting her head to the side. “Who are you?”
He smiled at her question realizing that he didn't present her with his name. “My name is Kurama.”
Alison hitched slightly in breath realizing who she was speaking to. “The Earth God.” She reached her hand up to touch the fox demon's face and feel of his hair to know he was there. “I've never been spoken to by one of you before.”
Kurama chuckled within his throat as he allowed her to touch his face. “I am actually a fox demon that can control plants with my energy. I am nothing special.”
“I beg to differ,” expressed Alison breathlessly as she pulled her hands from the `heavenly' figure. “You created the stir just now? You are trying to save us…and nobody truly sees it as such.”
The fox demon sighed, looking over his shoulder at the crowd still carrying on and debating what was going on. “They are blind to what has happened and yet you can see the truth. Some of the people here have acted without thinking and created the hell they now dwell within. I am sure if half of them even knew what was going on, they would rather save themselves than protect the world from what damage they have caused here.” He sighed at that notion and nodded at Alison. “Anyways, I better get back to my temple. Soon enough the demons will turn on me to make me lower the boarders I have put up. It was a pleasure meeting you, Alison.” Kurama leaned forwards to kiss her upon the forehead. “Think about what I suggested.” With that said, the fox demon quickly disappeared.
Scarlet managed to make it back to the wind temple though she couldn't get what could have possibly upset the wind master earlier. Opening the doors to the temple, she made her way inside nervously having never seen Jin that upset before in the time she had gotten to know him. The high priest, Justin, saw Scarlet entering the temple causing him to rush up to her side. “What's going on, Justin?” The worried woman asked as she had felt the disturbance before with the earth.
“The ice barrier was brought down just then!” Justin exclaimed as he ushered Scarlet to her bedroom. “You need to take cover. The Wind Lord went to aid his friend when the demons broke through the barrier to take down the Ice Lord.”
Hearing that Touya was possibly injured from a demonic attack, Scarlet panicked. “Oh no! Is he okay!” She exclaimed as she was guided safely to her bedroom door. She rested against the doorway of her bedroom, looking up at Justin with a pleading expression to know what happened.
“I don't know, Scarlet,” Justin admitted somberly. “Right now I have to make sure the wind barrier stays up with the others. The demons are getting more aggressive, so I need you to stay here.” The high priest paused for a moment to hear some of the women screaming in the main worshipping hall. “Close your door and don't open it for anybody!”
Scarlet watched as Justin hurried back down the halls of the temple to help the other priests and priestesses against an attack. At that moment, she felt a horrible sense of dread. Quickly she closed the door to her room and locked it to prevent anything from making it into her bedroom. Scarlet stepped back slowly upon hearing disgruntled, demonic sounds coming from beyond her door. It sounded like a pig squealing and a low growling on the opposite side of the door. The entire door itself began to shake and tremble from the demonic energy pressing against it.
She found herself backing up to her bed. Sitting down upon the covers, she brought her pillow to her chest while watching the door closely as it continued to rattle aggressively and the horrid sounds got louder with every second. “Somebody…do something…!” She pleaded.
At that moment, the sounds and the shaking of the door seemed to cease. Scarlet brought the pillow slowly away from her body to stare at her door nervously. Putting the pillow down on the bed, Scarlet got to her feet and made her way back over towards her door to press her ear against the wooden surface to make sure that nothing was on the other side.
“Hèske thèkna…!” A voice hissed from the other side before a fist broke through her woodwork near her face.
Scarlet screamed as the burned and blooded appendage made its way through to her room. Pushing away from the door, she witnessed as it was torn apart by the faceless damned soul. The creature pulled itself from the destroyed entranceway, crawling on its hands as its legs were nonexistent; it dragged its torso about the ground while screaming as if it were in pain. She jumped upon her bed to try and get away from the damned human. “Get away!” She demanded over its cries.
As the beast was making its way towards Scarlet, she watched with wide eyes as the damned being stopped in its tracks only to suddenly fall apart on the floor as it had been apparently sliced in half. Its blood marring the floor, Scarlet continued to stare in disbelief as it lied there dead. “Wh-What happened…?” She wondered as she looked down at the dead body upon the ground.
She was about to hop down from her bed only to recoil back at the sight of a hell hound entering inside of her bedroom. Inhaling sharply at the double mouthed dog, she watched in total fear as the beast from hell lunged towards her. Scarlet would have closed her eyes, but she found herself unable to turn away from the demonic creature coming at her. However, her sight was soon blocked as a demon with bat wings moved in front of her to raise his arm to cause the guardian of hell to bury its fangs into his flesh.
The bat demon threw his arm to the right to cause the dog to land harshly against the wall. Walking into the darkness where it quivered and whimpered, he gazed down at the creature angrily. “This is no place for you,” he hissed at the servant, a scythe swinging back and forth in his hand from a chain. “Be gone back to hell, or I will destroy you here and now!”
The hound looked up at the bat demon, cowering a bit in fear at its power before making its way out the door and back where the dog belonged about the bounders of hell.
Scarlet watched in disbelief as the bat demon, with the long black hair stood there with his back to her. He remained there for awhile before bothering to head for her broken door to exit without any words to the frightened human woman whatsoever. “W-Wait!” She froze inside and out watching the six foot demon stop to stare at her through his black bangs and the visor he wore. “Who-who are you? What are you doing here?”
The bat demon stared at Scarlet long and hard before huffing. “I am merely here because my friend asked to help. You humans could rot in this hell for all I care,” he grumbled as he exited the bedroom to make it to the main room of the temple, slaughtering the wandering demons as he passed them with his scythe.
Justin was in the main room of the temple with other high worshippers of the wind demon trying to maintain a barrier to protect those within the temple. Wind Lord, please, come to our aid! He begged within his mind as he could feel the energy failing as the humans were giving out across the temple's quarters from their power running dry or from demon attacks. As Justin tried to keep his energy going for the wind barrier, he found a sharp pain assaulting his back. He fell to his knees as his back began to bleed from the claw marks now embedded within his flesh. The high priest refused to fall as he tried to remain where he was with his hands raised higher. “JIN!”
Hurrying into the main room, the bat demon threw his scythe at the beast, which was invisible to human eyes to tear it in two before it could continue its attack on Justin. Pulling his weapon back, he looked at the high priest who had caught sight of him. “Your `lord' is on his way. He has heard your cries.” He sauntered slowly towards the quivering man in morbid grace, his dark blue eyes not faltering from the sight of the injured human.
Gazing up through his hair that was dampened with his own sweat, Justin panted over the immense pain rushing through his human body. “Who…who are you…?” He asked just as Scarlet did before him, not recognizing the demon.
“My name is not important,” the bat demon growled as he stood there staring down the human male as he were inferior to him. The strange demon began heading for the main doors to have them fly open with Jin hurrying inside at the call of his worshippers. “They are here—most in one piece as Kurama instructed. I am afraid some demons managed to slaughter some while I was making my way here.”
Jin looked about the main worship hall to find some of the high priests and priestesses were mostly injured. “Thank you, Kuronue,” he breathed with relief as the bat demon took his leave of the temple. Seeing Justin's back bleeding from demon claw marks, Jin hurried over towards the high priest to help him sit down. “Justin, are you okay?”
Justin struggled to catch his breath as he looked over at his demon. “I am sorry, my Lord…I tried—Ah!” The air touching his open wounds made the pain that much worse for him as he trembled. “I don't know…how Rachael is…”
“Rachael!” Jin panicked upon realizing he had left her unguarded. “I will be right back, Justin!” Getting to his feet, Jin hurried for the hallway only to run into one of the nurses on his way to his bedroom to check on his high priestess. “Please, gather the other nurses and tend to those that have been injured!” He didn't bother to spare another second to the healer passing by as he rushed down the halls to make it to his bedroom. Reaching his arms out, his palms hit the door to have it fly open to find his area in one piece thankfully. Making his way to the bedside, he found Rachael still there sleeping. “Rachael, are you okay?” Jin was eager to make sure as he shook the woman from her slumber.
The young, high priestess moaned softly as she batted her eyes open to see the wind master there beside her. She managed a weary smile at seeing him there. “Jin,” Rachael whispered, “how are you doing?”
Jin placed his hand upon Rachael's head with a smile. “I am fine. How are you doing? Nothing came in here to attack you, did it?” He twitched his elfin ears to listen to every sound that came from his room, making extra sure nothing was hiding.
“I am feeling better,” she admitted with a yawn. Rachael frowned realizing that there was probably an attack while she was asleep. “What happened while I was sleeping, my Lord? Did the demons attack the temple again?” She pushed herself up in bed only to be guided back down to the mattress.
“Do not worry, Razz,” the wind master insisted as he covered her back up. “Everything will be fine. Just go back to sleep and gather your strength.” Leaning over, Jin kissed her upon the forehead with a smile. “I am looking into enlisting help from other demons, so you humans don't wear yourselves thin with your spirit energy.”
Rachael closed her eyes once more to continue resting off the demonic attack she had encountered. Jin made sure that the young woman was fast asleep before making his way to the bedroom door to make his leave. Closing the door behind him, he paused for a second feeling another high, demonic energy within his halls. A growl rippling within the depths of his throat, he looked out of the corner of his eye to watch slightly behind him before turning around in attempts to attack whoever was there only to stop mid-way. “K-Koujo? What are you doing here?”
“Calm down, Jin,” Koujo chuckled as he pushed Jin's hand away from his face. “We felt there was a disturbance within this town, so some of the demons came down to help you all; especially after hearing about Touya being attacked and nearly killed.”
“So, you're here to help me out around here?” Jin wondered as he tilted his head down slightly to gaze up at the blue haired demon through his red bangs. He managed a toothy smile at the friendly demon before straightening up. “Alright, if you could do me a big favor and make sure my humans are okay in the main hall. There was an attack there and Kuronue came to aid them, but some are gravely injured.”
Koujo nodded at Jin's request. “Of course, I will get right on it.” He turned upon his heels and headed down the hall back to the main lobby, dodging an oncoming, frantic Scarlet. “Watch out there, human,” Koujo advised. “You could hurt yourself running that quickly through these corridors.”
Scarlet stopped in her tracks to watch as the human looking demon continued down the hallways after sparing those words to her. “Another…another demon?”
“It is good to see you are in one piece. You look quite confused, my dear,” said Jin as he placed his arms behind his head. “Not to mention-quite frazzled. Is something the matter?”
“Some demons just attacked me in my bedroom—TWO of them!” Scarlet stressed through her hurried breaths. “It was some legless beast and those hounds from hell! Jin, what is going on!”
Jin moved his elfin ears slightly at the sound of the hounds attacking her of all things. “That is strange. Normally the hell dogs only come to the surface if somebody is treading ever so close to the realm of the damned…” Bringing his arms down, he rested his index finger against his lower lip to think. “You didn't overdose or anything again, did you? Of course you didn't; I can't hear your spirit singing out of tune, and we took away your medicines.” Jin's frown got serious as he looked up at the ceiling at nothing in particular. This is bad…this town must be converging more and more into the darkness of hell each passing day.
Back in the main room of the wind temple, Rinku had offered to lend his limited healing powers to the injured humans within the temples. He held his hands on either side of one of the wounded high priestesses to heal her injuries slowly. When he managed to lend what power he could to her, he brought his hands back to watch her moan and remain against the temple wall to regain her strength.
Koujo parted the curtains hanging from the archway leading into the intertwining hallways. He spotted the kid demon, making his way over towards Rinku. “How are they?”
Rinku hooked his sight upon Koujo before eyeing the priests and priestesses he managed to give some of his healing powers to. “Well, I am almost done here. Human bodies are very sensitive to demon powers, so my healing abilities are of use after all,” he admitted with a bit of a smile.
The taller demon smiled down at Rinku with his arms crossed over his chest. “You just have a few more temples to go.”
“All except Kurama's seeing as he has healing powers of his own,” Rinku corrected as he tangled his fingers together behind his colorful hat. “I don't think he needs my help when his powers are better than mine.”
“If you want to go ahead and aid Touya's humans, I can stay here to watch over Jin's,” Koujo promised.
Rinku looked out at the many worshippers that had been hurt from the demonic attacks. “Are you sure you'll be okay here?” He couldn't help but shake his head at how many fallen humans there were. “So many worship them as gods. I hope I don't drain myself completely.”
Koujo sighed as he too gazed out at the humans that had fallen. “So many indeed. I am sure it must be fun to be regarded as a god but to watch over so many humans…” He paused as he heard one of the humans coughing harshly. Spying one of the high priests in pain still, Koujo looked over at Rinku with a reassuring nod that he had this under control before heading over to the priest. “It is okay; I am here to help you.”
The high priest continued to cough until blood splattered upon his lips and hand. He looked at the demon and shook his head. “What have we done…,” the priest wondered breathlessly.
“Save your breath,” Koujo suggested as he held his palms out towards the human to try and heal his body further. He watched as the human flinched in pain from his injuries being healed. The priest's body apparently couldn't be healed any further than it was as Koujo witnessed the man inhale sharply before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and his heart stopped its beat.
Jin entered the room to witness one of his priests pass away. He sighed heavily with his ears faltering. “David…” Kneeling down next to Koujo, Jin picked up the deceased human into his arms.
Koujo could tell the wind master was upset. “I am sorry, Jin. I sent Rinku onwards to Touya's temple, and I tried to save him but...”
The wind demon closed his eyes tightly before reopening them to look down at the priest he lost. “It isn't your fault, Koujo. Thanks to that portal to hell being open, more and more demons keep pouring through to attack and kill off our humans. If I lose anymore, I will be left without any worshippers.”
“Some demons are working on sealing the portal that human girl created.” Koujo got to his feet to stand beside Jin. “We will get this under control. It will just take some time.”
“Let me pull David's soul before it is too late,” said Jin as he headed towards the infirmary allowing Koujo to remain behind in the main hall to continue tending to the other fallen humans best he could in the wind master's absence.