Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wind Knoll's Curse ❯ Chapter 41

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Touya was there to act as the minister for Jin and me. He was able to wed us together and give me a wedding band to hand over to the wind master in return to show our union. Jin had the hardest time trying to tell me his vows, but he managed all the same. As I wasn't prepared for such a thing, I merely spoke what had been on my mind and what was in my heart before we were announced to those nearby we were husband and wife.
After the ceremony, everyone sat around to enjoy one another's company. Some of the priestesses and priests held onto Jin excitedly, glad to be there to witness the news. Touya brought out his violin to start playing a rather smooth melody before picking it up in pace with a few quick motions of the bow against the strings. Some of the humans nearby finding the melody entrancing got to their feet and started dancing with one another as the others merely watched from where they were enjoying their food about the grassy area.
Scarlet couldn't help but giggle at some of the dancing, as she reached for a jelly filled pastry that had been cooked prior for her birthday. The priestesses of the Wind Temple had brought the food to the celebration, as Jin had asked them to bake what they desired to the night before. As she continued to eat what was around her, Scarlet saw Justin out of the corner of her eye. The young priest sitting down to join her, she swallowed what was in her mouth with a smile to him.
“I told you,” Justin said right away, as he nudged Scarlet with his elbow. “I told you he would get whatever you wanted for your birthday.”
“Yeah, you did,” Scarlet acknowledged, as she turned her attention to the ice and wind worshippers dancing together in pairs. “After awhile it is hard to believe that they are even demons. The things they do are so righteous.”
Justin nodded at her words with a smirk. “Demons change,” the priest insisted quietly between them. “Humans change, everything changes. It is unavoidable no matter what.” He reached for a wine glass for himself upon finding he was thirsty. “I like to think that even those born into evil can change their ways and use their abilities for good. I think it just takes the right motivation.”
“The two of them lived in darkness for many years,” Scarlet pointed out between them. She watched from the sidelines as Jin pulled out his flute to start staying in tune with Touya's violin playing. “They lived in the dark and they were forced to kill other demons to keep order in Makai. I can only imagine the hell they went through.”
“They went through a lot,” Justin admitted, remembering the books he'd read on the demons' past. “However, it was the light of one single human that brought them around, and they continue to do right by us.” He shook his head at Scarlet with a gentle smile. “They aren't evil. Just because they are labeled as demons doesn't mean they would do us harm. What evil they used to do was many years ago. They have changed since then and for the better.”
Scarlet smiled, as she looked over at Jin and Touya. “They did change for the better. I can only hope when their time comes, they can be given another chance at life outside of this hell.”
“One can only hope,” Justin agreed, as he took another sip of his wine glass. “I know I wish them the best.”
When Jin put down his flute after Touya's song, the two demons bowed at the applause surrounding them. Noticing Scarlet talking to Justin, the redhead moved from beside his friend to be with his bride. “I hope you don't mind if I steal her for a moment, Justin.” When the priest didn't object, Jin helped Scarlet to her feet. “Out of all of the celebrating, I just realized that we never did dance together.” He turned to Touya with a nod. “Mind giving me a beat to work with?”
Touya tapped his foot slightly as if to catch the rhythm before bringing the bow to the violin strings once more to construct a slow, soothing melody.
Scarlet was a bit nervous about dancing in front of everyone, but she followed Jin best she could through the steps. “I never expected you would do all of this for me,” she whispered between them.
“You underestimate what distances I would travel for the ones I love,” Jin whispered back. Leaning towards her, Jin kissed her on the cheek. “I will love you from now until the end of time.”
“I wish this night could last forever,” Scarlet responded, closing her eyes as she rested her cheek against Jin's broad chest while they continued to slow dance with one another.
It was the happiest moment of my life. I couldn't even imagine a more perfect time in all my living than what unfolded that day.
As the weeks passed, I found life more enjoyable no matter where I was forced to go. I was also relieved from under Donovan's services, as Jin felt that I was well enough after nearly three years of counseling I went through. He also moved me from my bedroom and allowed me to stay within his like it was my very own. I began working on learning to cook just so that, whenever Jin got back to his room, he would have something to eat.
The scars on my arms were becoming a distant memory—a memory I was growing to forget.
Scarlet continued her lessons under the cooks within the kitchen three weeks later after her birthday. She was getting the hang of at least preventing fires unlike in the past. Working on the new potatoes she had seasoned, she moved them to the oven so they could roast for awhile.
As Scarlet continued about the kitchen, a middle-aged chief watched her scamper about with a smirk hidden under his thick, brown beard. “Only been a few weeks and you're running around this kitchen like you own it, lassie.” The man had a very heavy Irish accent. It was hard at times for him to be understood, but he made do with what he could. Placing the washcloth down in a safe place after wiping his hands free, he made his way over towards Scarlet. “You should be taking it easy there, Scarlet.”
“I will be fine, Conn,” she insisted, working on the ramen noodles she had cooking as well. “I don't know why everyone won't believe me when I say what I have is just a bug. It will pass.”
Conn placed his hands on his round stomach with a sigh through his nostrils. “The bug should have passed by now, lass,” he insisted, as he made his way over to the young woman to place his hand upon her shoulder. “I think you should go talk to the healers. I can watch over your meals here.” When Scarlet was about to decline the notion, Conn urged her away from the kitchen. “I am sure Jin would agree this be more important. Now go, and don't be coming back till you have.”
Scarlet grumbled at Conn's insistent behavior, but, nonetheless, she did as he suggested knowing that the illness had to be checked out. Upon making it to the healer quarters, she sat down on one of the beds to have Lillian look her over. Scarlet was asked several questions involving the past few weeks when she was sick before being checked over from head to toe.
She sat nervously, waiting for the verdict on what it could be. The serious conversations hushed behind the door made her heart flutter with worry on what could have a hold of her. When the door opened once more to the doctor's room she was in, Scarlet straightened up with a deep breath. “So what is it? I guess it must not be good, because I could hear hushed voices behind the door. You guys sounded worried.”
“It isn't that it is bad, it is just…baffling,” Lillian admitted, as she sat down on the chair not too far from Scarlet. “I know you're not virgin anymore given a few test results, but the question remains—who else have you been sleeping with?”
“Nobody!” Scarlet exclaimed, feeling a bit offended that they would think she was with anybody else but the wind master. “Why do you ask such a thing? What, do I have some STD or something? Because, Jin is the only one I have slept with in the past, nearly, three years!”
“No, no, it isn't that,” Lillian insisted with a hidden giggle in her words. “It is just that…you're pregnant.” She witnessed as Scarlet's jaw dropped from shock at the news. “And it isn't that it is a bad thing at all, it is just that it is rare for demons to impregnate human women. When I say `rare', I do mean rare,” the nurse stressed. “There have been cases of some being born, but the demonic looking offspring were sent to Makai when old enough or hidden away under the fathers' demands. But we're talking about four or five cases in over a thousand or so years—the ones that have been kept on record, anyways.”
“I am…pregnant…?” Scarlet still couldn't get that thought out of her head, as she touched her stomach. “Well, Jin and I never did use protection or anything, so I guess it was bound to happen.”
“Demons don't use protection unless they worry something may happen,” Lillian explained, as she jotted down a few things on the clipboard she held. “And Jin most certainly doesn't use protection, being he is a free spirit.”
“Who were the other demons to get a woman pregnant?” Scarlet asked curiously.
Lillian leaned forwards on her crossed legs when she found a stopping spot in her writing. “That information is personal to the demons. I am afraid I cannot give that to you.” She began clicking her pen nervously. “However, Scarlet, I wouldn't advise giving this news to many worshippers. People think because you have a `God's' child, you are like the Virgin Mary or something. I would suggest that you tell Jin this first and foremost. He will instruct you better than I on what to do.” Taking the top copy of what she was writing on, she gave it to Scarlet. “Give that to the Wind Lord. If he has any questions, he can talk to me.”
Scarlet could hardly find her feet when she left the infirmary wing. Struggling to even catch her breath, she looked at the notes jotted down on the paper to find that she was declared pregnant. What am I going to tell Jin? She wondered, placing her head within her hand. Does he even want a baby? I can handle this, but not without him… Taking a deep breath, she headed back towards the kitchen to finish the meal she was working on.
Jin made his way back to the temple when he was done with his rounds about the town. He spent most of the day checking on some of his worshippers that weren't under his care back at the temple, especially those that were sick or dying. Upon making it to his door, he sniffed the air to find that food was waiting for him on the other side. He opened the door to his room to find the meal that Scarlet had made for him was right there, sure enough, on the nightstand waiting for him. Jin licked his lips hungrily before making it further into the area to sneak over to the nightstand to grab a bite of the potatoes.
Scarlet was standing almost behind the door that Jin had previously opened. Closing it behind the redhead slowly, she got his attention soon enough with a clear of her throat. “Nice to know you're enjoying yourself without waiting for me.” She merely teased, knowing that Jin was often hungry from all the energy he spent looking out for others.
Swallowing what was in his mouth, Jin grinned with a light chuckle. “Sorry, but I have been flying around all day.” Sitting on the bedside, he patted the empty space next to him. “I am sure you haven't eaten yet yourself. You should!”
Thinking about how she would have to be eating a lot, Scarlet looked off to the side momentarily with a worried frown before heading over towards Jin. “Speaking of such a thing, I need to talk to you about something, hon.”
Jin could tell there was something serious on her mind, making him a bit nervous about taking the next bite of the food in front of him. “Am I going to like this? Your tone suggests it might not be pleasant.”
“I guess that depends on a variety of things,” Scarlet sighed, as she fidgeted wondering how to tell Jin the truth. “Conn asked me to go get checked out by the healers, because I've been sick still for the past few weeks. Well, I did, and apparently I have been experiencing morning sickness.” She paused in her words to look over at Jin out of the corner of her eye before gazing at him directly. Scarlet could tell the wind master was a bit in shock, as he still had food in his mouth that he hadn't swallowed yet. “I am pregnant, Jin, and it is your baby.”
Finding the ability to swallow the food in his mouth, Jin shook his head slightly at Scarlet's news. “How-how did this happen…? I am not saying it isn't possible, but there is a—.”
“—Rare chance of it happening,” Scarlet interrupted. “I know; I know. I was told.” She lowered her head, feeling a bit ashamed that she had to admit it now, as he wasn't sounding very excited about the notion.
Jin could tell Scarlet was upset by his shock and wording, causing him to put down the fork he hand in his hand to turn to the woman. “It isn't that I am not happy for us.” He held Scarlet's hands within his own before moving the other up to her cheek to cup it tenderly. “It just took me by surprise is all. I would love to have a baby with you, but it would have to grow up hidden, or it couldn't live a normal life here.” Jin knew she was confused. He could see it in her gray-green eyes. “Being a half-demon and being of my blood, the child would be praised and feared. It wouldn't get a moments peace. It would be someone to take over my spot should I someday decide to leave this life behind, but that isn't something I want to force on my child.”
“Is that why the others didn't have their children either?” Scarlet asked, holding onto Jin's hand, which was caressing her cheek.
“The one who gave you the news didn't by chance tell you who it was that had the babies, did she?” Jin was worried for his friends' privacy should Scarlet have been told.
Scarlet shook her head, “No, she didn't.”
“Well, the babies that were had,” Jin stressed, “were hidden away in the temple with the fathers, usually. If they had any demonic appendages, they were either hidden or cut off if they could be.” He chuckled softly, seeing Scarlet horrified by that notion. “What I mean is, if they had wings, they would be removed. Like if my child has horns, it will have to be sawn off. While some humans are ignorant to demon appendages, not all are. We have to be careful.”
“I understand,” Scarlet whispered, kissing the palm of the demon's hand. “So what should we do about this?”
Jin shrugged, as he brought his hands back down to his lap. “That depends on what you want to do, love. I mean, I am all for having a baby no matter, but this is all up to you.” He smiled tenderly at Scarlet. “I would love to have a child to call my own. It would be something I could do right with myself—teach them all the things I wasn't taught.”
Scarlet bowed her head and nodded. “I would be delighted to be the one to have your baby.” Embracing the wind master tightly, she kissed him on the lips whilst able to taste the seasonings of the potatoes upon them. “I can taste my food on your mouth,” she teased openly with a small giggle.
Raising his brow, Jin rolled his tongue over his lips to try and be rid of the taste for her. “You have a reason to gain weight now,” he pointed out, as he turned to pick up the bowl filled with ramen noodles. “You best get to work on that.” When Scarlet accepted the dish, Jin pushed himself up off of the bed. “I will return with more food. I'll make sure you and the baby are healthy.”
Remaining on the bed, Scarlet shook her head with a bright smile to herself. She took the spoon and began to eat the warm soup to contain her hunger.
The pregnancy would prove difficult for Scarlet to endure. Even though the morning sickness would soon leave her, she found herself confronted with horrible mood swings and a gaining desire to eat anything placed in front of her. With the weight gain getting to her, she'd often be unable to look in the mirror to get ready at times. Jin would find himself having to compliment her more than thirty times a day to remind her that she was still special and beautiful to him.
When it was time for Scarlet to head back to the Ice Temple for high priestess training, she found herself hurrying through the halls as quickly as possible to try and get to her lesson on time that first of July. On her way there, she ran into Touya unexpectedly, causing her book of shadows, and the papers in it, to go flying everywhere. “Jeez, I am so sorry!” She apologized, kneeling down slowly to grab up the items quickly.
“Lady Scarlet, what in the world is going on?” The ice master inquired, not expecting her to be late. He knelt down to help her get the papers together.
“I am sorry! I am sorry!” She almost pled for forgiveness, trying to grab up everything so she could continue on her way.
Touya looked up at the high priestess under his care to notice she was gaining weight. “Scarlet? Are you alright?”
Scarlet moved some hair behind her ears nervously, taking the papers from Touya to get to her feet slowly. “Yes, why do you ask?” She knew why he was asking—everyone was asking if she was doing okay given her sudden weight gain. Scarlet was just hoping she could play dumb long enough to think of a good excuse.
“You're looking rather…” Touya paused, wondering how to phrase the words politely, as he motioned about his face. “…Well fed.”
“Oh, that,” Scarlet remarked, as she held her book close to her chest. “Well, umm, Jin wanted me to eat well, so I am. Besides, umm, this is the weight he wanted me to reach. Do you not like me like this?”
Touya crossed his arms over his chest, shaking his head at Scarlet's lame attempt at lying. “It doesn't matter to me how you look, but it does matter to me that you're lying to me.” When she looked at him confused, he smirked briefly. “You're a terrible liar. When you cannot find the right words, you `umm' a lot. Your mother did the same thing. So what are you `umming' about?” He reached over in attempt to tickle her only to have Scarlet quickly duck out of the way.
Scarlet sighed in defeat, leaning in towards the ice master. “I cannot tell you what's going on, Touya. I am sorry, but I have to keep it a secret.”
Raising his brow, Touya eyed Scarlet long and hard before rolling his eyes. “Alright, fine, keep your secret. Just promise me that you're doing okay. The last thing I need to find out is that you're stressing so much that weight is going to cause you to have heart problems or something.”
“Thank you, my Lord,” Scarlet praised with a sigh of relief before heading off to her classes.
I dove into my studies to keep my mind off of the whispers about my well being that was apparently engulfing everyone that I knew. I couldn't even sit and read while taking notes without having people expressing their worry about my change in weight.
I promised Jin, however, that I wouldn't let it slip to anyone about me being pregnant. It was a bit unbearable, having to lie to everyone I knew, but it was to do as I was asked of my Lord, my lover, and my husband.
“Hey, Scarlet,” Bobby Bower called from the opposite side of the studying table in the library of the Ice Temple. “How are you feeling?” He sat down with the back of the chair facing in front of him, so that his arms could rest over the woodwork.
“Bobby, I a am fine,” Scarlet insisted, plopping her right hand down on the book of shadows she was writing within. “I don't know why everyone is so worried over me.” She giggled softly, turning the pages of the high priestess book she was reading. “I swear, I went from having nobody to having everybody caring about me. While it is flattering, it is also annoying.” She shot a playful glare at the healer.
“Being you're the wife of the Wind Lord,” Bobby whispered between them, “I would say everyone has good reason to be worried. We sure don't need his heart to be broken again, and we don't need you to fall ill.”
Scarlet smiled at his words, continuing to jot down a few things in her book. “I am just gaining weight. I am sure it is because I have a lot on my plate, so don't worry about me.” Finishing the book she was on, Scarlet closed it right as the clock rang the hour. Scarlet caught that it was three o'clock. “I guess I should get outside and walk for at least a little bit. Care to join me?”
Bobby couldn't turn down the offer, as he wanted to make sure Scarlet was doing okay. “Seeing as it is down time for the temple, I will be happy to do so. Let me change my clothes first. I cannot afford to walk out in the heat in these long robes.”
“Same,” Scarlet chuckled, as she picked up her books and papers to head to her bedroom to change out of her high priestess outfit as well.
When both were changed, they went out into the streets to head up and down the roads together. “So where did you once live before the Wind Temple?” Bobby asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I lived on Lavender Lane,” Scarlet answered, nodding up the road. “Which happens to be right up here.” She was quiet, thinking about the times spent at Chris' home on that road. “It was a crappie house that started to deteriorate once my mother died when I was sixteen. What about yourself?”
“I was born and raised at the Ice Temple,” Bobby said, as he knocked a few rocks on the sidewalk about with his tennis shoe. “My family has lived there for generations, so that temple is all they've known. I would say I probably know it better than some of the priests and priestesses do.” He could tell Scarlet was starting to feel rather queasy just walking down Lavender Lane. “You know, we can travel somewhere else. The town isn't exactly that small.”
“No,” Scarlet insisted instantly, “no, it is fine. I promise.” She was quiet as her old home was coming into view once more. From the outside, the paint was still dulled and pealing off of the building, and the front yard looked a mess. “Truth be known, I want to see what has become of my past.” Stopping right at the mailbox belonging to her old house, Scarlet turned to the building with a deep sigh. Just standing there was making all of the memories come flooding back to her. She could still remember the times Chris would raise his hand to her and belittle her for every thing she did.
Bobby could see the horrific trance she was in just thinking about the past. He reached over to hold onto her upper arms tenderly. “Scarlet, we should leave. If you don't want to be here, we don't have to be here.”
Scarlet cupped her forehead in her hand before waving away the notion. “He…wasn't perfect, but he was the only father I knew,” she expressed vaguely. “My birth father was sacrificed at the Ice Temple to stop the long winter when I was three.”
“Look, if this guy didn't do you right, we should leave,” Bobby insisted, hoping to guide Scarlet away from the house.
“I keep hoping someday he'd change his ways,” she continued, refusing to budge from where she was standing. “Maybe someday he will.” At that moment, Scarlet watched as the doorknob began to turn. Her heart was beating rapidly when she witnessed Chris step out of the house to grab the newspaper off of the front step. The man hadn't changed in appearance. She caught her breath when Chris noticed her standing there at the foot of the driveway.
Chris paused for a long while. Scarlet had changed over the past three years from what he last remembered. Regardless of the weight she put on, her hair was much longer than last he recalled. It was down to her lower back and braided to keep it out of her face. “You…!” He exclaimed breathlessly.
Scarlet could tell by his tone that he wasn't happy to see her again. She wasn't downstairs the night that Jin and Chris exchanged heated words, so she was unaware of what was said. “Dad…?”
The disgruntled, drunkard hurried towards Scarlet, but it was obvious to Bobby that the man had intent to hurt her. He quickly got in front of the pregnant woman to prevent the man from getting too close to her. “Don't you touch her!” He demanded, trying to protect her on both the demons account that weren't present at the moment.
Chris didn't bother throwing Bobby out of the way. He pointed at Scarlet, who was cowering behind the young man. “I told that God damn wind bastard if I so much as caught you looking this way again, I would kill you for it, and I meant that! For the crap you're willing to drag yourself through, I should kill you now myself!”
“If you touch her, you'll be unleashing hell upon yourself and a curse you won't escape!” Bobby yelled over Chris' anger. He was relieved he was able to settle the furious male if for a moment. “She is the wife to that wind bastard you have the nerve to speak of! If you rest a finger on his wife, I have no doubt you'll regret it!”
Hearing such news made Chris sick to his stomach. “Married…married to a bloody beast of hell.” He looked at Scarlet in disgust. “Have your fun time in misery with being the queen of Satan. I know I'll be the one laughing when you fall under in this blinded world.” With that said, he turned his back on Scarlet to head back inside of the house with a slam of the door.
Scarlet jumped slightly from the sound of the door slamming. Covering her mouth to hide her trembling lip, she found herself resting against Bobby's embrace. Even if he tried to sooth her, it was still difficult for Scarlet to stop sobbing against his chest.
I cried for hours. Bobby took me back to the Ice Temple where I went to my bedroom to remain for the rest of the day to continue crying. He was the last family I had on this earth, and I couldn't share a single moment with him without it being identified as blasphemy.
Touya opened the door to Scarlet's bedroom to find the young woman resting on the bed. He knew she wasn't asleep given the sniffling he could hear. “We missed you at dinner tonight,” he mentioned, usually keeping tabs on when people ate in his temple.
“I wasn't hungry,” Scarlet whispered against her pillow.
Closing the door behind him, Touya made it over towards the bedside to kneel beside it. “Jin will kill me if he finds you're not doing well over here,” he said quietly between them, as he ran his fingers through Scarlet's bi-colored hair. “What is wrong? Bobby told me you both went out walking together at three, but he didn't wish to say more than that. What happened?”
Scarlet was hesitant to speak up about where she went. “Jin will be mad at me if he finds out. He didn't want me going back to my house, but with me being…” She paused, realized she was about to spill the secret. “…Well, basically, I felt like I really needed to see my step-dad again. But as soon as he saw me all hell broke loose.”
“Oh, Scarlet,” Touya sighed, rubbing her shoulders tenderly to try and ease her. “That man doesn't want you back there. You need to stay away from him. I know that you feel close to him given his status in your life, but he was in no way, shape, or form a wonderful father to you. You don't need him, so let him be.”
Scarlet sniffled, moving some of her wild hair out of her face when she turned to look at the ice master. “Everything you've done for me after the way I treated you in the beginning is very kind of you, Touya, and I know you're trying your best to be there for me…but, Chris was the only father I knew of when growing up.”
Touya wasn't sure what to say to her, as he merely lied there nearby to comfort her best he could throughout the night.