Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Murders ❯ Hell ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Winter Murders

It had been years since Death had joined the team. Death had told them everything she knew, up until the amnesia. Hiei kept his suspicions to himself. Death had latched onto Kurama over the years, the two of them becoming quiet close. Hiei didn't like it. It seemed too easy. Too easy for her to be so innocent. Too easy for her to just come into their lives and mess everything up. Too easy for her to come and take him away…

Hiei sighed miserably. He had to stop thinking about Death. It would only get him deeper in trouble, especially after that botched attempt on her life. He had not only never heard the end of it, but he had gotten deeper in trouble with the Reikai, elongating his sentence.

Hiei shook his head, no good thinking about the past, you can't change it. No matter how much you try. No matter how much you wish for things to go back to the way they had been. No matter how many things you left unsaid. No matter how many people you lost. No matter if they broke your heart. No matter that you couldn't end your life because they entered your mind. It didn't matter. What was done was done. There was no changing it. And yet here I sit, wishing for it to change.

Hiei sighed and leaned back against the trunk of the tree he was sitting on. His head hit the trunk, not so gently. He had been restricted to Genkai's temple after the attempt at Death's life. Hiei cringed. Boy was that a dreadful memory.

~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^ memory ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^

Hiei sat in the tree outside Kurama's room. He had moved back out here since they had broken up. He stared at the window, wishing that he could just go in there and strangle that bitch. That bitch that had ruined his life. That bitch that had stolen his Kurama's heart away from him. Hiei growled and fingered the hilt of his katana. He would kill her. He was going to kill her. He smiled maliciously. She would pay for her crimes.

Hiei looked in the window, the lights were still out. Why weren't they home yet? Had they sensed his youki and gone somewhere else? He knew Death could sense it. He knew because when they made love she would go to the window afterward and smile. Sometimes she would laugh. Sometimes she would call out to Hiei and ask if he had liked the show. Sometimes she would ask him if he wished he were she. Hiei grinded his teeth together. Gods above did he hate her. No, stronger than hate, loathed her.

The lights turned on, startling Hiei. He watched as they tumbled in. They were already stripping each other. Hiei growled menacingly. Death turned so that her face was looking out of the window. She smiled at him. Then she caused Kurama to moan by biting his flesh at the neck. A mark. The mark that Kurama was hers, and only hers. Hiei felt the last bits of his heart scream in agony. His already shattered heart ceased to exist in that short period of time, and he leapt through the window before he knew what he was doing.

Death cried out. She was startled by his actions. Never before had Hiei acted upon his threats. Kurama turned to him, as startled as she was. His eyes narrowed dangerously. Hiei didn't even heed the warning. He leapt at Death, sword brandished. Vines of all kinds surrounded his body. Hiei cried out in frustration, cutting as many of the binding vines as he could before becoming unable to move. Death whimpered a bit, but then rushed to Kurama's side. The youko wasn't too happy. He was pulling out his rose whip, preparing for the kill. Hiei wished he would kill him. He stopped struggling. He wanted to die. He didn't want to live in a world where the one person he loved, loved another.

"You can't kill him," Death pleaded. Kurama ignored her and stepped towards Hiei. Hiei had already accepted his fate. He wanted to die.

"Kill me!" Hiei shouted. Kurama blinked and visibly shuddered. Hiei had his eyes closed and didn't notice. Death did. She looked a bit nervous as Kurama sunk to his knees.

"…Hiei…" came the strangled reply from the kitsune's mouth. Hiei opened his eyes and blinked. Death rushed over to Kurama. She applied something to his forehead. Hiei snarled.

"Don't touch him!" Hiei yelled. Death laughed manically.

"You know," she began. "I really wasn't planning on staying this long or controlling him for such an extended period of time, but I just love to see you suffer. Plus, he is a great lay."

Hiei started on fire. His bonds burned away and he turned to Death. She laughed. He sent a fireball her way. She froze it. Hiei blinked a frozen fireball? Death froze him to the spot. Hiei was miserable. He watched, in silent and cold misery, as Death helped Kurama to his feet. He was back to his controlled self again. Hiei cursed Death continuously in his mind.

"What should we do with him?" Kurama asked her. She smiled.

"First, we will finish what we started. Then, we can go to the Reikai and turn him in. They'll keep him away from us," Death replied smoothly. Hiei wished he had died on that night she had taken Kurama away. Kurama nodded. He turned away from Death and came up to the ice block that imprisoned Hiei. Hiei watched as Kurama drew a rose on the ice.

~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^ present ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~

Hiei banged his head against the tree. He hated life. It was a bleak existence. Why did he keep on living anyway? Kurama no longer loved him, nor did he even care about the half-koorime anymore. Why did Hiei keep going?

Hiei looked about his surroundings. He remembered a time when Kurama and he used to make love beneath these very trees. In that field. Over there. Even in the room he lay in every night, trying to sleep, but never falling under. Hiei had loved Kurama for so long. He had wanted to be with him for even longer. Hiei couldn't figure out why it had happened. Why had his kitsune left for that bitch? The mind control had nothing to do with it. Kurama had begun to distance himself from Hiei long before that. Was Hiei incapable of having love?

~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^ memory ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^

Hiei watched for five minutes at least, he watched until Death pulled away. The dagger was dripping with blood, Kurama's blood. Something in Hiei snapped. He forgot every injury he had and ran to his fox's body. Death ignored him and disappeared into the snow.

Hiei picked up Kurama's head gently. He moved his body so that he was cradling Kurama's head in his lap, and supporting his friend's back with his leg. He was slightly curious that Kurama's wound wasn't bleeding, but he ignored it. He looked at his fox's face. He almost looked calm. Hiei felt a tear run down his face. It materialized and fell into Kurama's hair. Hiei starred at it. He didn't cry. Yet, it was proof that he cared for the kitsune more than he let on, even to himself. It proved that he loved him. Proved that he would do anything, go anywhere, be whatever his fox wanted him to be, just to be with him. Hiei could no longer convince himself that Kurama's feelings for him didn't matter. He needed Kurama's friendship, he needed to be with him, and he needed Kurama, plain and simple. It shook him that at any moment he could lose the one person he really cared for, and they wouldn't even know how much he cared. Another tear ran down Hiei's face. Hiei wanted Kurama's love. He couldn't stand being so close to his kitsune and yet be so far away. It hurt him. It hurt him to the point of it being physical. Hiei had it bad. Unrequited love.

Kurama stirred in his arms. Hiei looked down at his friend's face. The color was coming back and soon he would be awake. Hiei made a soft sad, yet happy sound. Tears rolled freely down his face. Kurama's eyes slowly, agonizingly slowly, opened. They were as clear as the clearest of water. They were as green as the grass and plants he loved so much. Hiei tried to stop his tears and barely succeeded. He brushed them out of Kurama's hair and put them in his pocket. Kurama groaned softly.

"Hiei…" Kurama whispered. Hiei gulped. His hands shook. He feared what his fox might say.

"I'm here Kurama," Hiei whispered, his own voice barely audible. He ran his fingers tentatively through his friend's hair. He gazed into those eyes he loved so much. His breath caught. He could no longer live without Kurama by his side. He waited for his fox to speak.

"Hiei…" was all the kitsune managed. He could see his friend, but he feared what had happened to him in the time he had been unconscious. He couldn't move his body.

Hiei tried to speak, but found he had nothing to say. He looked into Kurama's eyes. What he saw in those eyes left him speechless. His fox was ignoring his own wounds and was worried about what had happened to Hiei. Hiei felt the tears surge in an attempt to come forth again. He held them back; he would not let Kurama see him weak like this. Hiei closed his eyes and hugged his friend's prone body.

Kurama was startled when Hiei pulled his body close. He felt his body getting warmer, but had the feeling that wasn't why his friend had pulled him close. He tried to bring a hand to Hiei's back; his friend must have been worried about him. His hand lightly touched Hiei's back and he felt Hiei jump. A smile crept across his face, even in dire straights Hiei would shy away from the friendliest touches. That was why Kurama was shocked when he felt Hiei hug him tighter. Kurama sighed, knowing full well he would be cared for and promptly fell asleep.

Hiei felt Kurama fall limp in his arms. Then he looked down on his fox's face and knew that he was only asleep. Hiei heaved a sigh of relief. He gently picked up the sleeping kitsune and headed back to Genkai's temple. His strength was waning and he could feel fatigue set in as he opened the door. Hiei lumbered to the living room and gently set his fox on the couch. Hiei ripped open Kurama's shirt, and immediately blushed. His fox was so beautiful. Hiei ran his fingers along the supple body before he knew what he was doing. He quickly drew his hands back; he had to concentrate on the task at hand, bandaging his fox. Hiei removed the rest of Kurama's shirt. He started ripping it into strips to use as bandages as he ran an upraising eye over the fox. He didn't look too damaged aside from the dagger wound, which wasn't bleeding. Hiei eyed it suspiciously. It didn't look different from a normal wound… he figured he'd treat it the same as a bleeding wound.

Hiei wandered into Genkai's bathroom. He pulled out various cleaning solutions. Then he meandered back to Kurama. Hiei took the cleaning solutions, put them on a strip and began to clean Kurama's wound. His fox's body reacted to the stinging solution, but his emerald eyes didn't open, and he didn't hear an upbraiding word. Hiei sighed softly. His fox was freezing cold. Hiei knew he'd have to employ the technique Kurama had used to warm his friend up. Hiei broke into a big smile. He would enjoy that, but for now he'd have to content himself to just patch up Kurama's wound. He wrapped the other strips around the wound and stood up. He would find Kurama a shirt and then bundle the two of them up in an effort to warm the taller of the two up. Hiei walked away to a different room. He found a shirt that would fit his fox and moved back to where Kurama was. Hiei quickly pulled the shirt over Kurama's well muscled body; he took the advantage to once again finger his friend's form. Hiei left the room again to grab a blanket. He came back and was startled to find his fox lying on the ground. Hiei ran to Kurama's side. His fox must have rolled off of the couch. Hiei pushed his hands under Kurama's back and knees and lifted the sleeping fox. He lifted and groaned, his fox was heavier, or at least seemed that way. Hiei stumbled and fell backwards onto the couch.

"Oof," Hiei gasped as the air rushed out of his lungs. "Damnit Kurama!"

Kurama snuggled closer to Hiei's body. Hiei gulped. He struggled to get free but couldn't find a way out from underneath his fox's body. Hiei kept struggling. He felt a familiar ki approach.

"What did I miss?" Yusuke asked. He looked from Kurama, who was still hanging on a pinned Hiei, to a stunned and embarrassed Hiei. He smiled at Hiei. Hiei growled back. "What he do, jump ya?"

"Shut up Yusuke," Hiei growled. Yusuke laughed at him. "What's so funny?"

"Aside from the fact that Kurama is on top of you, nothing," Yusuke replied. Hiei gave him a death glare.

"He got himself in over his head," Hiei muttered. He struggled to get free from Kurama. "Could you get him off me?"

Yusuke laughed, but picked up the sleeping kitsune anyway. He sucked in air as he felt how cold his friend's body was. Hiei got up. Yusuke placed Kurama back on the couch. Hiei snagged a blanket off the ground, curled up next to Kurama, and pulled it over their bodies.

"Why is he so cold?" Yusuke asked Hiei. Hiei glanced over his shoulder at the taller youth. He huffed, might as well tell him.

"I guess he saw a lead on the TV and investigated it alone after the fight," Hiei replied. "When I woke up I saw a short news brief on the last of 50 people finally getting murdered, and then they showed a picture of him. They suspected him for the murder, but it was proven he didn't do it. He must have followed Death out into the snow without his coat, froze and it rehabilitated him, just to stab him."

Yusuke starred at his friend in amazement. "How'd you find him?"

"I followed his ki. He would've died had it not given him a burst of its own ki. I got there too early, it threw me against a tree and stabbed him," Hiei explained. Yusuke starred at him, stunned. Hiei turned away from his friend and snuggled back up to Kurama. Yusuke went and sat down next to the couch on the floor.

"You learn anything more about Death?" he asked. Hiei chuckled slightly as Kurama's hair tickled his nose.

"No, but I'm positive he did," Hiei replied seriously. Yusuke grunted. Hiei was sure worried for Kurama. Yusuke wondered if it was because Kurama was Hiei's best friend.

"When will he wake up?" Yusuke asked.

"Whenever he feels like it."

"You're joking, right?"



Kuwa bumbled into the living room, looked at the couch, and darted back out. Yusuke laughed. Hiei turned and looked at him, momentarily letting go of Kurama. The fox turned in his sleep and took the advantage to wrap his arms around Hiei. Hiei took a sharp intake of breath. Kurama nuzzled his head.

"What was that?" Hiei barely managed to ask Yusuke. Kurama's hands were traveling up and down his chest, and his body was touching with Hiei's at every possible point.

"That was Kuwa," Yusuke replied. "He came in, took one look at you guys and dashed out. I think he's going to be sick."

"Hn, I should do this more often," Hiei said softly, more to himself than to Yusuke. Kurama had started to nuzzle the back of his neck. Hiei felt a lick.

"If you can that kind of reaction from him, I suggest you do it all the time," Yusuke replied. He looked up at his friend, Hiei was blankly starring into space, and apparently Kurama had found an ear to nibble on. Yusuke laughed to himself. "Who do you think he's dreaming of?"

Hiei came out of his reverie. Yusuke was starring at him. He blushed. Yusuke let out another laugh. Hiei frowned, that couldn't be natural.

"You really like him, don't you?" Yusuke grunted. Just as Hiei thought he couldn't blush any more, he proved himself wrong. "I'll take that as a yes. Why don't you tell him?"

"Hn," Hiei replied. Kurama murmured something in his ear. He focused on what his friend was saying.

"…Hiei…" Kurama whispered again. He was wrapped in a feverish dream, a heavenly dream that he only wished could come true.

Hiei's eyes went wide. Yusuke noticed the change on his friend's normally impassive face. He cocked his head to one side.

"What'd he say?" Yusuke asked. Whatever it was it had stunned the hell out of Hiei.

"My… name…" Hiei trailed off. Yusuke shook his head. He, of course, had known all along that Kurama had liked Hiei. Kurama had told him himself. Yusuke shook his head. Good, maybe now they'll get together.

"So now we know who he's dreaming about. Lucky bastard," Yusuke said nonchalantly. Hiei looked down at his friend, stunned. "You know, a lot of girls will kill you if they ever find out. You caught yourself the most eligible bachelor in all the three worlds."

"Hn," Hiei said. Kurama kissed his neck. Hiei shivered. Kurama began traveling towards Hiei's mouth. Hiei moved his head so that their lips wouldn't meet. He wanted Kurama to kiss him when he was conscious. Kurama moaned in disappointment. His eyes fluttered open. That's not who the dream went…

Hiei turned to look at Kurama, surprised he had stopped. Both of their eyes went wide. They turned away from each other. Yusuke watched. He groaned in frustration.

"That's it!" he declared suddenly, taking both friends by surprise. "You both like each other, so get it on already! I can't believe you two sometimes! I don't even have this kind of problem with Keiko! Just admit your feelings, you both have them you know, and get together! I've been waiting for too many years for you two to just turn away from each other! You're not only killing your own chances at a relationship, but you're killing those who really want you both to be happy, and the way for you to be happy is to be together!

Yusuke ran out of breath, He stopped to take a breather and look at the two demons. They were kissing. Yusuke sighed in relief. He wandered out of the room.

Hiei loves me! Kurama thought. He broke the kiss to get air. Then dove right back in.

Kurama loves me! Hiei joyfully thought. He kissed his friend back with all his heart. He felt Kurama's tongue slide along his bottom lip and let it in. Hiei moaned in pleasure. This was definitely heaven, or as close to heaven as Hiei wanted to get. He felt like he was finally home.

"Not on the couch," Genkai's voice boomed next to them. They instantly sprang apart. Genkai chuckled and then looked at them. "I just got it reupholstered."

Kurama chuckled. Hiei cocked his head to the side, but decided it was over his head. He didn't really care anyway. All he wanted was to snuggled up to Kurama and feel his fox's lips on his. Hiei cuddled up to Kurama and decided he'd settle for a nap instead.

~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^ present ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~


Kurama came into the clearing beneath Hiei. Hiei's heart leapt in his chest. He nearly jumped down from his tree and tackled the fox. Hiei wanted to have him back. Death followed. Hiei nearly growled, but contained himself. He couldn't let them know he was here.

"Sit," Death said to Kurama. Kurama sat on the snow covered ground. Exactly ten years ago they had met Death. Exactly nine years ago Kurama had broken up with him. Exactly eight years ago they became a couple.

Death began to chant. The surrounding trees, even the one Hiei was in, swayed. Hiei watched as each tree became ice. The surrounding land became ice, all was ice. Hiei felt a sinking feeling. Something bad was going to happen.

"It was nice while it lasted," Death said as she went over to an ice tree and pulled out her blue sword. Hiei gasped. What was going on in her head?!

The sword went through Kurama's stomach. A scream echoed through the forest. Death cackled, flashed into her classic black cape and disappeared. Kurama's mouth opened in a silent scream, his voice trapped in his mouth. Hiei kept screaming. He ran down to his former lover, but forever love. Tears streamed down his face; even now he couldn't truly overcome his walls. Kurama's voice came forth, extremely loud. Hiei covered his ears for a moment before regaining his composure and pressing his hands to Kurama's wound to stop the bleeding.

"Hiei…" Kurama barely whispered. Hiei's heart jumped through his body and onto the ground in front of him. He couldn't stand seeing the one he loved with all his heart in so much pain.

~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^ memory ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^

Hiei woke up to an empty bed. He looked about him, there was no Kurama. Where could his fox have gone? He had been distant these past few days… weeks… months… This was the first time in months that they'd slept together. Hiei couldn't see what was happening; actually he didn't want to see what was happening. Hiei sat up in the vacant bed. He wanted his fox to be his, but only if the fox wanted to be his. Hiei got out of the bed, holding the blanket around his waist. He went to the window and gazed out, amazed at how beautiful the Ningenkai could be. He looked down to the ground. There was his fox. He was talking with that temptress Death. He watched in complete horror as Kurama reach out to her and pulled her close. He felt the tears stream down his face as they tumbled to the ground, in a passionate kiss. He couldn't look away. I t hurt, but it seemed that he had to watch. After a while he looked away, horrified and scarred. Hiei curled up on the bed and cried himself to sleep.

"Wake up," he heard Kurama say. Hiei looked up to his lover. Kurama threw Hiei's clothes at him. Death was standing in the doorway. "Get out."

Hiei blinked. Kurama repeated what he had said. Hiei gingerly put on his clothes. Kurama threw a small package at him. Hiei caught it.

"Take your worthless tears with you," Kurama spat. Hiei barely kept back the tears. He jumped out of the window.

~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^ present ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~

"Kurama…" Hiei barely managed. Kurama smiled at him. His hand came up shakily to rest on Hiei's cheek.

"Love… you…" Kurama whispered. His hand fell away and his head fell back.

"Kurama! NOOOOOOOO!" Hiei screamed.

Hiei lifted his katana, holding perpendicular to his throat. He would end his life and join the one he loved, who loved him back. He no longer wanted to live.


Hiei looked about him, startled.

"Hiei!" the call came again.

"What do you want from me?! Haven't you taken enough?! Let me end my life so I can be at peace with him!!!"

"Hiei open your eyes, you're sleeping."

"I would never dream this!"

"But you are. It's just a nightmare. Do not kill yourself. You'll destroy the you in the waking world, and then we both will be unhappy."

"You're dead!"

"If I was dead, would I be talking to you now?"

"… No…"

"Concentrate Hiei, wake up. I don't want to lose you."

<><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><>< ;><><><><><><><><><&g t;<><><><><><><><><>& lt;>

Hiei jumped up. Kurama grabbed hold of him immediately. Hiei felt Kurama's warm, loving arms around him. He broke down into tears. Kurama held him tightly, wondering how a dream could upset his stony demon this much.

"Shh, it's ok firefly," Kurama cooed. Hiei sniffled, but shed no tears.

"Don't ever die," Hiei sniffed. "Don't ever leave me for someone else. If you do, please kill me."

Kurama was shocked. "I'll never leave you."

Death cursed into the silent night.

Ye old author here. I got inspired today… look mom a new chappie! ... Anyway, this one was quiet dark I believe. Very dark… Oh well. Hope y'all liked it. I'm actually quiet proud of this chappie. Please review! ^_^