Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Murders ❯ Circumstances ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Winter Murders


The battle field was littered with bodies. Though the only casualties were firemares and those weird creatures, Hiei was gone. One firemare lay in the middle of the newly formed field. It had an arrow sticking out of its skull. No pool of blood surrounded it, just like every other firemare. Its limbs were broken. Its rider was scant yards away. He was just as dead, crushed. Another firemare lay in heap of vines. Its body still wrapped up in the deadly greenery. It was quite dead. A rider lay two yards from Kuwa. It was sliced in half, black goo escaping from the wound. The third rider lay next to the second mare. His throat was slashed.

Genkai was now lying at the edge of the clearing, unconscious. Kuwa sat ten meters away, leaning against a tree. Death stood by the third firemare, apparently studying it. Kurama stood in the middle of the field, staring off in the direction Hiei had been. Yusuke stood next to him.

Yusuke waved a hand in front of Kurama's face. The kitsune had been staring into space, unmoving for several minutes now. Yusuke was really worried. Hiei meant everything to Kurama. The kitsune knew that nothing could harm Hiei, and yet he had been proven wrong. Hiei wasn't infallible. They all had learned that lesson just now, the hard way.

Kurama blinked. Yusuke began to ask him if he was ok, but Kurama just about-faced and walked away. Yusuke stared after the kitsune, stunned. Kurama sat down at the base of a tree on the other side of the field. He didn't move once he had sat.

What were they going to do? …


Hiei woke up with a truly evil headache. He tried to call out for Kurama, but when he opened his mouth to speak nothing but a muffled sound came forth. His mouth felt cottony and dry. He tried to open his eyes, but only one managed to open. The other hurt like hell. Hiei figured he had a black eye, from the firemare. Hiei tried to sit up. He found he couldn't move. He snapped to awareness when he felt a foot kick his ribs.

Now, Hiei had been in worse predicaments, but this one was different. His captors seemed to know how powerful he was… exactly how powerful. He was bound, gagged, and warded. Heavily warded. Every centimeter of his body was wrapped in a ward or two. His normally well warded right arm was even more so warded, so much so that it hurt. His legs, arms, and whole body were wrapped tightly in wards. These wards did double duty. They warded and bound. Hiei could feel a stinging sensation on his forehead where his Jagan was. Hiei moaned.

How could he have been so stupid?

He heard voices approach. A light came towards him. The only thing Hiei could do was think `Please don't let that be the shining light to lead me to the Reikai. I want to live. I don't want to die. I want to be here, with the one I love.' It stunned him that he had thought that. He couldn't believe he cared for the kitsune that much. He thought about it a second, and then concluded that he could. Before, he wouldn't have wanted to keep on living. Now he wanted to live… so he could be with Kurama. He now had a reason to live, a reason to keep going in this cruel world. He understood now, the depth of his love. Since it stunned him so, he didn't notice the circle that had surrounded him.


"What're we going to do?" Kuwa asked Yusuke. Yusuke shrugged. Death looked at them momentarily, but then returned her gaze to the kitsune. Genkai lay sleeping on a cot scant yards away from where Yusuke now sat. Yusuke knew he would have to make the decision, Genkai was too far gone. Death would be unreliable, and Kuwa wouldn't do what they had to do. He had to make the decision… and it wasn't going to be the one he wanted it to be.

Yusuke watched his foxy-friend. He was still sitting propped up against that tree, staring into space. The only thing different was that he was fingering through his hair idly. Yusuke's heart went out to Kurama. Hiei had been his lover only a few days, and now he was gone. He knew that they truly loved each other with all their hearts. He had spent a lot of time with them, watching their relationship grow. He had watched it flower into the beautiful black rose it was now. He had watched as it grew from a simple friendship into something more. And it had seemed to Yusuke that the only people who didn't notice these developments were the two in question. He had wanted to help them, but he knew he couldn't. Their relationship was the most fragile relationship, even when it should be the strongest. They were treading on glass, these two that should be lovers. They were treating their relationship like it was a table made wholly out of glass. In reality it wasn't, but to them it was. They thought it was a glass table, and if they tread too heavily it would break. Yusuke knew otherwise. He knew that it was well fortified, but if they didn't know then it didn't matter. Yusuke had hated that it seemed so fragile. He wanted to jump of that glass and prove to both of them that it was actually steel. He hated that they depended on one another, and yet couldn't say or do anything that they wanted for fear that the other would reject them. He hated that they hadn't seen.

But then something incredible happened: Death. The one thing that could ruin it all. The one thing that could force these two who were meant to be, apart. The thing that would force them away, the thing that would make them move on. It brought them closer. Death accomplished what nothing and no body hence could. Death did what they couldn't do themselves. Death changed everything, not only what their relationship was, but reinforced that fragile glass table they both imagined. Yusuke believed that it just reinforced the steel that wasn't illusion, like the glass. Yusuke knew that they still had to tread carefully on that steel, since it was only piping, but now they had wooden planks. There was foundation, and steadiness to a secure structure. Granted, Hiei had made the first advance, pretending to be frozen just to feel Kurama lie next to him, to be gently wrapped in the kitsune's arms. But Kurama had believed Hiei's little fib, and had left it at that, not even hoping that it could've meant more. Death had been the deciding factor. If Death hadn't come into their lives… Yusuke might have done something, so frustrated with them had he been. He would have grown even more tired of them refusing to believe. He would have grown tired of the emotional scars they were inflicting on themselves. But it had been Death.

Yusuke knew what Hiei had gone through, seeing the one you loved hurt by another. But most of all he knew what it was like to not be able to do anything about it. He knew what it was like, seeing their life ebb away. Seeing it all move in slow motion as the antagonist laughingly walked away, clearly not caring about the lives they had crushed. Only caring about what it could do for them. He didn't like seeing others suffer. He hated those who targeted others. He hated those who took advantage of you when you were down, when you weren't even close to being a formidable enemy. He never wanted anyone to get hurt like that. It was especially hard when it was Hiei getting hurt. When it was Hiei who gained another emotional scar. Hadn't he had enough? Hiei's life was miserable. So miserable, in fact, that not even Kurama knew it all. It was horrible that he was the one to suffer. It was Hiei who was cradling the head of his beloved, the first person he ever really let in. It was Hiei who was crying over the loss that might be. It had been Hiei who was on the brink of an emotional breakdown. But Yusuke had been there before. He had gone through the same thing. It physically hurt him to see his friend go through the same thing. What Hiei didn't know was that Yusuke had been there. He had been there when Death had pulled out that dagger, dripping with his friend's blood. He had arrived just in time to see it. What Hiei didn't know was that he had felt something.

Yusuke refocused his attention on the Kurama of the present. But his mind wandered back to that moment, that moment that had cut him like a knife. That moment would echo in the landscape of Yusuke's mind for a long time. For in that instant, when Death had pulled her dagger free, he knew that he felt something more for his friend. He knew it wasn't love. He knew, for he could never love anyone but his beloved Keiko. Keiko was his life, his love, his everything. When he thought about Keiko, he knew what they felt like. He knew what love was. He also loved Genkai, that's why he could relate to Hiei. When Genkai had been crushed by Toguro, something in him had been crushed with her. All he knew was that he felt… more. Yusuke sighed softly.

Kuwa looked at Kurama for a while. He felt so much empathy for the kitsune right now. He didn't know what he'd do if Yukina were kidnapped. He might act the same. Just staring out in the direction she had gone, silent tears running down his face. His aura darkening into a shade that couldn't be mistaken for anything but immense sorrow. Maybe Kuwa would have stood there, like nothing in the world mattered anymore. Maybe he'd fall to the ground weeping. Kuwa didn't know, nor did he want to know. He wanted his friends to be happy, even if he couldn't see how two guys could love each other. But it was so plainly obvious that they did, that Kuwa didn't care if they were two guys. They were each other's world. They were new to the ways of intimate love. Now they were separated in the most painful way, other than death and the severing of those sacred ties of love.

Kuwa looked from Kurama to Yusuke, to Death, and back. Death was staring at Kurama with something akin to lust in her eyes. He had never seen anything like that in her eyes before. He looked at Yusuke. He was even looking at Kurama different, as if seeing him in a different light than before. Kuwa thought about what he saw. He knew to his friends he wasn't the brightest candle burning, but he was smarter than he acted. He hoped Yusuke could sort through his confused feelings and make the right decision.

Kuwa looked back to Death. She was still looking at him like that. To Kuwa it seemed that she would stop at nothing to get the kitsune. To make him her own. Kuwa blinked at this profound thought. Hadn't Kurama and Hiei mentioned something about a bad dream? Hadn't they also said something about Death? Were they connected? And hadn't Hiei acted weird after they picked up Death? Hadn't she been staring at Kurama like that ever since they met? What could it mean? Kuwa thought about it for a moment, till it hit him like a ton of bricks. Nothing that had happened had been an accident. She had planned it all out. None of it had been random or unexpected. She had come up with it all. The bad dream, Hiei's behavior, this Xania stuff, she had come up with it all. All for the chance to have the one thing she could never posses. All for the one person she wanted. All for lust.

Yusuke sighed dreamily and walked over to a tree, not heeding anything. He sat down. He really needed a nap. He laid his head back against the trunk, but instead his head met flesh. Yusuke sat bolt upright, he was startled beyond speech. His head turned to face the person behind him. It was Kurama.

"Come back Yusuke," Kurama purred. Yusuke shivered unwillingly. Thoughts Yusuke would normally, under any circumstances, flooded his mind. His eyes ran over the beautiful body that had placed itself behind him. Kurama pulled him back. Yusuke fought a mental battle as Kurama's hands roved over his body. Yusuke moaned despite himself, but stiffened at the touch. Kurama took advantage of his friend's shock to pull Yusuke's face to his own. He kissed Yusuke passionately. Yusuke pulled back harshly.

"Kurama… I can't. You can't," Yusuke tried to argue. He tried to fight off the hands that were running all over him. He felt them everywhere, enticing him. Kurama tackled him to the ground. Yusuke grunted at the impact.

"Hiei is gone," Kurama said as he began to kiss Yusuke's now exposed neck. His body rubbed against Yusuke's. "I love you now, Yusuke."

Yusuke gasped. Kurama took the opportunity to kiss him deeper than before. He ran his tongue along the roof of Yusuke's mouth, eliciting a moan from the youth.

Yusuke awoke with a gasp. He needed air! He looked about himself, at his surroundings. No one had moved. Nothing had changed, except that he was sitting with his back against a tree now. He gave a relieved sigh as he realized it was all a dream. A horrible, horrible dream.

"Death," Yusuke called out. "What didn't you tell us about the frozen forest?"

"It causes surprisingly graphic and realistic hallucinations. Some say you can even feel them. I wouldn't know," Death replied. "But there was a story of two best friends that stayed the night here. They were as close as close could be, without being romantically involved. They were traveling through the forest to get to a nearby town. This town was supposed to have the legendary beasts. The darsteed. We actually just came from this town. Ask anyone there and they will tell you the story of the friends. I digress. They were staying the night in this very forest. Somewhere near here actually. They went to sleep and each had a different dream. The first dreamt that he hated his friend. That his friend was his worst enemy. That he wanted to kill him with all his heart. In his dream he did kill his friend. The second dreamt that they were in love. The most passionate of lovers. He dreamt the passion, the romance. They woke up about the same time, it is told. The first was surprised that his friend was still alive. The second was surprised they were in their own beds and still fully dressed. These dreams changed their personalities. For two hours they were the person in their dreams. The second jumped the first and carried him away to the highest pleasures only know to lovers. The second took advantage of his friend when he was sleeping in an exhausted heap. He picked up his axe and removed his friends head. Seconds later the hallucinogen wore off. He realized all that he had done and committed suicide."

"Cheery," Yusuke muttered. He thought of something. "Could Kurama be having one?"

Yusuke really was worried about the kitsune now. Especially after that horrific story. Death looked at him.

"He could," Death returned.

"Kurama!" Yusuke cried out and rushed over to the kitsune, or at least he tried.

Thousands of plants sprang from the ground. They encircled Yusuke first. They tripped him up and raced up his legs, around his waist, up his chest and around his neck. He could neither move, nor could he speak. He felt his bones creak, they were so tight. They bound and gagged Death next. She didn't even fight back, as if expecting this reaction from the kitsune. Kuwa was the next ensnared. He fought valiantly for a few moments, but eventually the vines beat him out. He fell to the ground, tightly bound. The last was Genkai. The vines carefully covered her body, just to be on the safe side. None messed with any of her wounds.

Yusuke looked at Kurama. He was youko now. When had that happened? And he clearly had no regrets, no bars holding him back. He was one who had thrown it all into the wind. He had abandoned reason. He was controlled by his emotions now. He stood straight and proud. Determination shone in his eyes. Yusuke knew what this was about.

"So Yusuke," Kurama purred. Yusuke shuddered, that purr had a hint of malice in it. "What are we going to do?"

Yusuke swallowed, hard. "Save Hiei?"

"Very good," Kurama continued in his sickly sweet voice. "Let's go then."

The vines released their four victims. Yusuke studied Kurama's face very carefully, and then nodded. Kurama nodded back, certain that it would be done. Yusuke raised his hand, pointing his spirit gun at Kurama. Kurama's eyes narrowed.

"I'm sorry Kurama, but we have a mission," Yusuke rasped out. Kurama's left eye twitched. Yusuke knew for certain now that he'd have to fight his friend to have his way.

"I'm sorry too, Yusuke," Kurama answered. All vegetation went brown and dead, the energy sucked from it. An invisible wind ruffled Kurama's hair and clothes. "You should know better Yusuke. Even Hiei wouldn't fight me."

"He loves you!" Yusuke countered.

"He didn't then," Kurama whispered. He pulled a rose from his hair. "Rose whip!"

Yusuke flinched.


Hiei sat on the bench to his left. He scowled at his captors. Damn these things!

They shoved his face towards a large crystal globe-like thing. It was huge. It was the size of a table top. It was rounded and clear at the moment. It lit suddenly with a fluorescent light. Hiei squinted at the brightness of it. He could no longer remember the last time he had seen daylight, or any light for that matter. He blinked several times. The globe went dark but then showed him the forest he had just come from. The globe focused on Kurama. Hiei's heart fluttered, and he barely kept himself from melting into a swoony puddle. His dearest was in his youko form… That couldn't mean anything good. He was saying something to someone else. The globe panned away from Kurama to Yusuke. He looked defeated.

Suddenly Yusuke pointed his spirit gun at a person across from him. The globe zoomed out and Hiei's mouth fell open despite the gag. Kurama was standing across from the determined detective. Was the kitsune mad? The sound kicked in at that moment.

"I'm sorry Kurama, but we have a mission," Yusuke rasped out. Kurama's left eye twitched.

"I'm sorry too, Yusuke," Kurama answered. All vegetation went brown and dead, the energy sucked from it. "You should know better Yusuke. Even Hiei wouldn't fight me."

"He loves you!" Yusuke countered.

"He didn't then," Kurama whispered. He pulled a rose from his hair. "Rose whip!"

"Don't do this Kurama," Yusuke pleaded.

"There are good reasons no one fights me," Kurama said. "I never lose."

Hiei gasped and coughed at the intake of warded cloth.

Don't be stupid Kurama, Hiei silently prayed. He's better than you think…

Author Notes: I promised myself that I would finish and post this chappie today. And I did. Yay for me! … Anyway, I hope you liked it. I know you probably didn't like the Yusuke bit, but bear with me. I like plot twists and this is going to be a good one! And no, Yusuke will never get Kurama. Kurama is Hiei's and only Hiei's. So there's a clue for you. I know, it's a sucky clue. I'll try to have the next exciting installment done next week. I have two days off. Plenty of time… R&R!