Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Murders ❯ Reunited ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Winter Murders

^ A flash of light ^

Kurama flying through trees, rock and air, spurred on by a spirit gun blast. He finally stops after hitting an especially big rock, which explodes from the impact.

^ A flash of light ^

Kurama comes to and looks about himself and down at his body.

~ Something's different. ~

Kurama looks at the fallen, torn, nearly broken, limp and defeated Yusuke.

~ Why does this seem different? ~

Death is attending Yusuke's wounds, she looks over at Kurama. A smirk quickly appears, and then disappears on her face. She looks at him with an expression between worry and contentment.

^ A flash of light ^

Kurama is lying dead in the rubble of the rock. He is no longer a body, but ashes. Remnants of bones can be seen here and there in the multicolored ash. Yusuke, on the other hand, is nearly unharmed. He has a few scratches here and there, but is otherwise fine. He begins to make his way over to Kurama's former body.

~ I remember this. ~

^ A flash of light ^

Death gets up from her knees. She moves to Kurama's side.

"I figured when it closed in on him and nearly devoured him that you didn't want him dead. I let them beat him up for a while, but then saved him at the last moment," she said.

"We will begin the search for Hiei the moment he comes to," Kurama announced. The bonds fell away from Kuwa and Genkai, who had come to some time during the fight. Kuwa nodded his thanks, but seemed subdued. Genkai just nodded at Kurama. Kurama walked over to Yusuke.

^ A flash of light ^

Yusuke stepped on Kurama's former body.

"Don't mess with me."

^ A flash of light ^

Kurama alive

^ A flash of light ^

Kurama dead.

^ Flash ^


^ Flash ^













Yusuke nudged Death, his curiosity finally getting the best of him. "Hey, how come they think we're them?"

Death looked at Yusuke, turned her head forward and rolled her eyes. She resumed looking for a pair of Chairs near the back.

"Illusion," Death said quietly. She pointed to some chairs near the exit. Yusuke followed her to them and sat to her right. "I have placed an illusion over us to make them see us as Vizgoths. They will believe that you and I are Vizgoths. Even our ki is disguised. It's a very effective tool, you know. I can make us look like anything, if I cared enough to try, but right now we need to look like Vizgoths, so don't even ask."

Yusuke shrugged.

"Whatever. What do you suppose they're… we're all gathered here for?" Yusuke corrected himself as a threesome of Vizgoths sat beside him. Death looked at him and shrugged. She returned her gaze forward.

"Ask your neighbors, they're friendly… at least they won't bite," Death replied. Yusuke stuck out his tongue at her. Death sneered back.

"Scuse me," Yusuke said to the nearest Vizgoth. She turned to face him. Aside from looking like a piece of burnt leather, the huge gash down the left side of her face, they dull yellow eyes, and the scraps of cloth she called clothing, she was a good looking brunette. Yusuke winced. Even though her looks could be deceiving, she was probably someone you didn't want to mess with. Yusuke put on a shaky smile and gulped.

"Yes?" she asked in a child's voice. Yusuke sweat dropped and nearly fell out of his chair.

"Uh… why're we here?" he asked her.

"On this planet? Or in this room?" she asked. "Or do you mean: why do we exist? What is our purpose in life?"

Yusuke smiled weakly at her. "This room."

She giggled.

"I'm not quite sure myself," she replied. She leaned over to whisper in his ear. "Do you suppose we'll get a message or speech from `the man'?"

"Doubtful," Death said, joining the conversation.

"Why then, Ms. Go-Ask-Your-Neighbor?" Yusuke hissed. Death sent him a pouty face.

"You have to have more friends than just me," she replied innocently. Yusuke growled at her like a dog.

"You fit the part well," death commented. Yusuke narrowed his eyes and flicked her off.

"I love you too honey," Death mocked.

"You know," the Vizgoth said. "I was going to say something along those lines."

"Oh shut up!" Yusuke shouted. A few Vizgoths looked at him disapprovingly. Yusuke sank down in his seat, trying to become one with it.

"By the way," the Vizgoth said. "I'm Hinzf."

"Nice to meet you Hinzf. I think you're the first Vizgoth I've met with a vowel in their name," Yusuke replied. Both females looked at him funny. "Excu-u-use me for living!"

Death and Hinzf laughed.

"You're funny," Hinzf said. Yusuke made a face at her.

"Anyway," Yusuke said, trying to change the subject. "Why wouldn't we get a message or something from `the man'? Is he too high and mighty to even be seen in our presence?"

"Pretty much," Death said. Hinzf nodded.

"He never shows up for anything. `The man' is in charge, he does what he wants," Hinzf said. Yusuke muttered something under his breath.

"So then, why are we here?" Yusuke asked. Hinzf shrugged. Death looked at him blankly, and then faced the front.

"Look," she said, pointing to the front. "Looks like we'll find out now."


Genkai slowly opened the door. She had seen what had happened to Kurama. She had seen him suffer as his ki was drained by the heavy ward over Hiei's Jagan. She had seen him suffer and yet keep trying, keep trying to take the ward off. She had silently watched as his hand began to rip and tear. It started with one single cut, left from his fight with Yusuke, on the side of his hand. It had only been a minor, skin deep cut. Now, the force with which the ward was struggling had started expanding the cut, slowly peeling the skin off of his hand. She had watched as the cut grew by extending up his pinky finger and down to his wrist. The skin peeled back revealing muscle. Blood poured out of the wound. Some dripped on Hiei's face and clothes. Kurama eventually pulled it off, passing out and crumpling to the floor, ward in hand, still ripping away.

Genkai had watched as Hiei's eyes went wide and vacant. She watched as he clutched at his head. She heard him scream and she watched him fall backwards.

Kuwa rushed into the room, moving to his friends' sides. He examined each. He looked about the room to find something, anything to pry the ward out of Kurama's hand. He found a shard of glass that would do the trick. After a while of struggling, he finally wrenched the ward out of Kurama's torn and bloody hand. He would ask Hiei to burn it later. He looked over at said demon. Hiei's Jagan was wide open. Kuwa figure the shrimp would come too soon and began to look interestedly at the ward.

"Kurama!!!" Hiei shouted as he came too, sitting up at the same time. His eyes focused in on the scene before him. Kuwa was looking at a powerful ward, but glanced at Hiei. Genkai was knelling before him, removing the wards that were on him. Kurama lay on his back in front of him. His hand had nearly been skinned.

~~"Yes Hiei. I promise you will understand everything if you let me take off your Jagan's ward," Kurama said. Hiei lifted a hand to the ward.

"I can't get it off," he said. Kurama moved a bit closer.

"I can do it," he said. He touched the ward and felt a shock go through him. He fell to his knees. That was some powerful ward.

"Kurama!" Hiei cried out. He fell beside this kitsune, but refrained from touching him.

"I'm fine, I'm a ghost, remember?" he said a bit strained. Hiei tried to smile. "I got it."

Kurama reached out once again and braced himself for the pain. ~~

"Kurama!" Hiei cried. He rushed to the fox, ignoring Genkai and Kuwa. He cradled Kurama's head in his lap, rocking back and forth. "I'm sorry… I'm so sorry…"

Kuwa felt as if his heart would break in two. His chest hurt from the empathy he felt. He felt such pain because his friend was in pain. Even though the shrimp could be obnoxious, egotistical, and rather oblivious at times, he loved the guy like a brother. He loved Kurama too… but not like they loved each other.

Genkai sighed and moved to patch up Kurama's hand.

"Hiei," she said. Hiei's tear filled eyes looked at her. "Take off your remaining wards, they won't help you. I'll fix up Kurama's hand. When we're ready, contact Yusuke, he's with Death."


"Welcome all!" the Vizgoth at the far end of the cavern shouted from his place on a pedestal several meters up.

"Welcome sir!" the Vizgoths replied (they didn't shout, but all of their voices combined at the same time sounded like it). Yusuke just looked confused as Death spoke with the rest of them.

"We will be hearing a message from `the man' today," the Vizgoth continued.

"Actually," a male voice boomed from the entrance behind Yusuke and Death. "I will be speaking to all of you personally today."

All the Vizgoths, Yusuke and Death stood and turned, facing `the man.'

"Hello my followers," `the man' said. He looked human, male and a model. Yusuke's jaw dropped, and then he noticed the reptilian tail. Definitely a demon, not some evil, corrupted, power mad, runway baby. `The man' had dishwater blonde hair, and grey eyes. Yusuke wasn't exactly sure how he could see `the man's' eyes, but he could so he didn't think any more of it. He had the body of a rock, `the man' not Yusuke, which was plainly seen through the muscle t shirt he wore. Yusuke sighed, he guessed that it was a requirement to be a buff guy to be in charge of minions… much like himself… only his friends weren't his minions, they were his stooges.

Yusuke snickered. Death and Hinzf looked at him like he was insane. No one laughed at `the man'.

~Ha! Now that would be funny~, Yusuke thought. ~Kurama, Hiei and Kuwa as the 3 Stooges. Kurama would be Moe, Hiei would be Larry, and Kuwa would be Shemp. Curly is way too cool for a loser like Kuwa to be. Besides, Shemp's not the most beautiful creature. Kurama, now he's a beautiful creature…? ~

Death elbowed Yusuke in the stomach. Yusuke doubled over, then, remembering where he was, stood at attention.

"We have captured and warded the Jaganshi as `the one' commanded," `the man' spoke. The crowd cheered.

"What were you laughing at you idiot!" Death hissed at Yusuke.

"I was just thinking who would be which stooge. You know, the 3 Stooges," Yusuke replied.

"You'd definitely be Curly," Death growled.

"But now we have a problem," `the man' continued as the cheering died down. There was some murmuring here and there. "There are traitors in our midst."

Yusuke and Death looked at each other.

"Please don't tell me he can see through illusions," Yusuke pleaded. Death just stared at him. "Well?"

"You told me not to tell you," Death hissed. Yusuke smacked his forehead.

"It's just a saying! It's not meant to be taken literally!" he hissed at her.

~Yusuke? ~

Yusuke jumped and covered his mouth with his hand to keep himself from screaming.

~ Yusuke, is that you? ~

Yusuke looked about, searching for the speaker.

~ I'm in your head you idiot! ~

"He he he," Yusuke mumbled as a few Vizgoths looked at him and Death.

~ Genkai sends word that we're ready to go now. ~

~ Hiei? ~

~Yeah…? ~

~ Good to hear from you, my man. Uh… you guys should start running now. ~

~ Running? ~

~ They know we're here. ~

~ Great. We'll see you outside. ~

~ … If we make it… ~

~ Let me reiterate your advice: Run. ~

Yusuke looked up to find `the man' pointing at him and Death.

"Shit," Yusuke mumbled. Death pulled out a crystal from her cloak.

"Put this around your neck," she commanded. Yusuke obeyed, not wanting to piss her off.

"Ice!" Death shouted. The ground froze over and icicles sprang from the ground piercing quite a few Vizgoths. "Run!"


"Stupid, Stupid Yusuke!" Hiei nearly shouted at no one in particular. Genkai was leading the group. Kuwa was in back, watching the rear. Hiei was running alongside of Kurama.

"Death isn't stupid enough to make a mistake like that," Kurama told Hiei. His hand was tightly wrapped and hung rather limply at his side.

"You said she's trying to kill us all," Hiei hissed.

"She wants to do it her way, her style. She wants it to be perfectly planned and executed. She's got to be coming up with another plan right now. She doesn't want us to be killed by a mob of angry demons. She wants to do it herself. It's all a matter of control," Kurama said. Hiei looked at his kitsune. "It's true."

"You have her figured out, don't you," Hiei said. Kurama smiled weakly at him.

"Just her motives," he replied.

"Aren't you modest," Hiei semi-sneered. Kurama grinned at him.

"It's true," he said.

"Hey, guys?" Kuwa asked, having moved up to the front beside Genkai. "I'm seeing a lot of angry light up ahead."

"At the entrance?" Kurama asked.

"Yeah," Kuwa said.

"At the actual entrance?! Or are they approaching it?" Kurama semi-shouted.

"Uh… they're approaching it," Kuwa said. Hiei hit Kuwa's head, having run up behind him. Kuwa cursed and turned to whap Hiei, but found he had moved back to his spot by Kurama. Kurama was snickering. "Stupid youkai."

"Hn," Hiei said.


"What was that?" Kurama asked.

"How should I know?" Hiei yelled back. Kurama glared at him.

"It was a rhetorical question Hiei. I have a feeling we'll find out soon," Kurama replied. Hiei glared at him.

They finally reached the end of their individual tunnel, once again entering the opening chamber, where the other two tunnels combined with their own. Kurama looked down the left tunnel; the one Yusuke had gone down.

"Yusuke!" he shouted.

"FASTER! FASTER! FASTER!" Death screamed at Yusuke, who was five meters behind her.

"Death?" Kurama asked as she approached. Hiei was smoking, literally.

"CAN'T TALK, GOTTA RUN!" Death screamed. Genkai and Kuwa were already out of the caves. Kurama and Hiei turned to dash out themselves. Hiei looked behind himself, picked up Kurama and flitted out. Death came out. Someone shot an arrow. Yusuke surfaced.

"You know Yusuke," Hiei shouted as he began to take off the wards on his dragon, he had left them on. "I have half a mind to kill you."

"Don't you dare Hiei!" Yusuke and Kurama shouted simultaneously. Hiei smirked. He walked over to Kurama and pulled his head down into a kiss.

"Get down!" Hiei shouted to Yusuke. Yusuke dove onto the ground. "Jaou Ensatsu Kokuryha!"

Author Spaz: Sorry for the slow update. I wasn't in all last weekend and it was finals week, so it was hell on earth for me. This is the first real time I've had access to the computer (I was watching Rahxephon all day… he he he). I hope you liked this chap. As always, luv to hear from you. Thanks for reviewing if you have.