Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's end ❯ Spontaneous reaction ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Summary: [KuramaxOC] After all these years... “Are you sure you're a guy?” What could happen during a harmless school trip? How can Kurama convince someone so hardheaded that her hatred is just a cover up? Let's see what winter brings along, maybe a bit more than cold snow... How about some heart warming? Or just plain warming up.
Another random idea that popped in my head and since I know a die-hard Kurama fan, I'll use her OC and dedicate this fic to her: Raysha!
Note: I know it'll be confusing but try to—bear with me. Especially the “he vs she” thing.
WARNING: There will be a lemon later on, you don't have to read the end if you don't want to. I'll put a warning before and after the lemon as well. FYI: This will be my second lemon fic.
Winter's end
By Animefreak11
Disclaimer: Yoshihiro Togashi owns the entirety of Yu Yu Hakusho and FUNimation licensed the anime. I own nothing but the plot, my characters and anything else that's not in the manga/anime. I don't own Ray either, it's my friend's OC.
Chapter 1: Spontaneous reaction!
Twitch. 'That's it. Anymore of that laugh and I'm going to sock his girly face.'
A nervous chuckle from the same red haired student body president followed that thought as the bell rang to announce the end of this class and the start of the next.'Great, more torture.' thought Ray, sighing at the thought of that horrendously torturing class: chemistry!
Why was she so annoyed by him? She had known him pretty much her entire life, and he never ever looked like a guy to her. Maybe it was because she felt compared to him in beauty? Ch, as if! All the guys pretty much were already drooling all over her. Too bad she wasn't interested.
“Present!” she jerked her head up, no time to day dream. Today was the day the lab groups were decided for the rest of the semester, she better not end up with—anyone annoying. But especially not him.
Her unusual gray hair attracted attention ever since she set foot in kinder garden, but that flamboyant red hair instantly diverted the girls' attention to him.
The teacher started talking, forcing students out of their day dreaming state except... Ray was pretty much already soaked up in her own world, her gaze empty and unfocused. Her eyes too, always attracted attention, wanted or not.
Most frequently asked question: “Are you blind?” No, but sure, gray eyes do seem particular. Even though it's genetically possible -still rare, but possible- people kept asking and she didn't feel like going into details.
“Shuichi will be with—” And all the girls in the class, except those who already had a group, started squealing excitedly, save for Ray who crossed her fingers to be left alone.
Gray eyes looked up. Twitch. She stood up slowly, her head staring at her desk, her gray hair covering both cheeks. “Excuse me?” she asked in a small voice, her emotions bottled up trying to not spontaneously burst out.
“Ray you will be paired with Shuichi. I'm sure you'll both get along. You are, after all, top students.” repeated the teacher, smiling as if he knew everything.
Ok, top students does not mean nerdy, or—all over a boy! What was he thinking!? Two smart people together!? That's the worst mistake ever! One smart and one dumb works out much better: the smart one is always right. But put two brains together, they'll only bicker and argue and never get anything done.
After finishing up reading the lab partners list, the teacher clapped his hands. “Please go to your new seats, we'll start today with the chemical formula of acetate.”
Ray, with her jaw clenched, unwillingly went to Shuichi's table and sat next to him, avoiding eye contact. Of course all the girls in the class were glaring daggers at her, they all knew she was a traitor: she didn't like Shuichi. That in itself was punishable by—death!
“It's been a while since you came this close.” whispered Shuichi to his new lab partner.
“I don't have a choice.” hissed Ray, propping her head on both hands as she looked straight ahead at the black board.
Shuichi smiled in his cute yet knowing way and glanced at the teacher quickly before turning to Ray again. “Maybe this time you won't have to try to cut my hair.”
“Oh shut up, girly girl.” muttered Ray, barely glancing at him.
“Ray! Would you pay attention?” called the teacher, glaring at her. In reply to that, she just shrugged and stared at the black board again. That was always how it went. Even though she was a top student, teachers always picked on her and never on him—uh, her.
Finally the torture ended, well, chemistry to be formal. Ray dashed out of the room as quickly as she could; the less she saw or heard of Shuichi, the better. Even though she knew she'd probably hear her mom greet her when she came back since they lived in the same building and were, after all, next door neighbors.
Luckily she didn't see her as much during the winter, thank goodness it was already December. After all these years, she still couldn't believe he wasn't a girl. Seriously, with hair that long and his soft spoken voice, he couldn't possibly be a guy!
“I'm home.” said Ray once she pushed the front door open, then she took off her shoes and headed straight for her room. She needed to massacre a magazine or ten.
After that, she felt a lot better and was able to spend the rest of the evening with a more or less peaceful mind. And the next morning, Ray had almost—not completely, that was impossible—but almost forgotten about it!
Her gray eyes lit up when she looked out the window. It was snowing again! That new uniform sure came in handy... Oh what a happy girl she was now, walking gaily towards school in the newly fallen white powder that was piling up on the already white streets and sidewalks.
Even her classes seemed shorter that day—maybe it was just because she kept staring out the window—when the one thing, I should say person, that could darken her mood appeared. Bam! Right in front of her.
Her smile instantly dropped, “What are you doing here?”
“I'm going to school, like a normal student, and right now, you're standing in my way to chemistry.” he replied like a smart ass, smiling innocently.
Ray's eyes glinted with malice as she turned around and entered the classroom, “Oh the girls' bathroom on the second floor is closed. Just thought I'd let you know so you don't have to waste your time trying to get there.”
Kurama blinked, shortly frowning in confusion before smirking, “I appreciate your concern although I'm pretty sure you know by now I don't peek.”
Ray snickered quietly and sat down, covering her mouth with one hand as she bit her lip to keep quiet. “That's right, you're way past the peeping stage, you're actually going in the boys' locker room and—well, I suppose you know the rest.” she nodded knowingly.
Kurama playfully rolled his eyes, “Fine then. Meet me in the courtyard at the end of the day, I'll have something for you.” and with that said, class started.
Confusing, confusing. Now Ray was intrigued. Something for her? What, like—lipstick? Or maybe tips on how to get her hair really soft. Hm, maybe on how to make your skin to pale and eyes so appealing? Whatever it was, she was going to make sure to ridicule her again.
After all, he was a she, Ray was sure of it! Heck you read it in manga all the time, girls dressing like guys, and vice versa so why wouldn't it be happening in her school? Yep, she most definitely was sure of it: Shuichi was a she.
So after school, Ray—being curious—waited under a tree, watching the snowflakes graciously fall from the gray clouds and bond with the snow on the ground. She loved the sound walking in the snow made, sort of a 'crunch.'
Of course, she knew that ice was probably lurking under that thin layer of snow and, indeed, students too eager to go home slipped and fell right on their butts.
'Maybe I should give her a surprise too.' smirked Ray, falling down to be crouching and hurried to make two snowballs. Her shirt had long sleeves, it was a winter uniform after all, and her skirt was barely longer than it was in summer, but it went down to her knees. So she just had longer and thicker socks.
Once finished, Ray stood up with the snowballs clutched in her hands. She had forgotten to take gloves... maybe next time. 'Hurry up!' She could feel her fingers freezing up, well—no. Actually she just couldn't feel her fingers anymore.
“I knew you'd show up.” said a soft voice, he—excuse me, she sure seemed out of breath.
And that's that, cut! ... I mean... Ok Ray might sound a bit... annoying or conceited and whatnot, but even if she does, she's not... I decided to cut this one-shot into a short fic, just because... It's more interesting this way and-- I might get ideas from reviewers... So-- yeah... Reviews extremely appreciated!