Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's end ❯ Fight till you freeze! ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Note: Even though Ray thinks of Kurama as a “she” I'm going to refer to him as a “he” because otherwise, it'd just be confusing... When you see a (1), that's when she'll start viewing him as a guy again. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Ray belongs to Raysha, the plot belongs to me and only me.
Chapter 2: Fight till you freeze!
“... So why'd you want me to come here?” inquired Ray, suspiciously. Something white shooting for her head made her eyes widen before quickly closing. Gotta love reflexes. A small laugh made her twitch. 'Oh so he wants to play.'
Smirking, Ray instantly threw one snowball. Bang! Right in his laughing face! Shaking his head a bit, Shuichi pulled out the snow that clung to his bangs. A wicked grin played on his lips, clearly saying he wasn't going to stand there without fighting back.
As quick as a thief, Kurama ducked the second snowball Ray threw at him and started gathering snow quickly in his gloved hands. “Ack!” Ray turned her head, having both hands in front of her face as she avoided getting hit by that deadly snowball.
So, he wanted a fight huh? He'd get one! Ray ran—as well as you can in snow anyway—and hid behind the tree, gathering a large amount of snow in her frozen, frost bitten, red hands and waited for him to come look for her. Noticing each breath was like a cloud, she held her breath—or took in short ones.
Ah, she heard the snow crunch under his shoes. So he was coming after all. Good, another minute and she would have to amputate her hands. Whack! She got hit in the neck. Cold cold cold! But at least, he was off guard now and Ray took advantage of that. She lunged forward, snow in both hands and grabbed his collar, dumping it all inside his shirt.
Shuichi blinked and looked down at Ray's arms that were still holding on the collar of his shirt—only because they were frozen, not because she wanted to!—then shivered. “Cold! Ah! That's cold!” and he started hopping from one foot to another, trying to pull his shirt out from his pants to get the melting snow out.
Ray blinked and forced her frozen fingers off his shirt, taking a step back and started blowing on her hands, occasionally rubbing them together to get the blood flowing again. She couldn't help but smirk. Success! That was—sort of a revenge. Yep, after all, he had smashed a snowball in her face...
“Moron, you're only going to catch more of a cold if you take your shirt off.” said Ray, her breath frozen in the air. She could've pretended she was smoking... smoking—air! That's right. She gets high off life. Or... not.
Not listening, or pretending not to, Kurama managed to get all the snow out of his shirt and glanced at Ray before grabbing her hand and hurrying back inside. By this time, there were very few students left, if any: only the overachievers.
“What are you doing?” asked Ray, half yelling as she was dragged back inside, nearly losing a shoe in the process.
“I'm cold.” replied Shuichi, closing the door behind both of them. His cheeks were red and his eyes sparkling. What did she have in store now?
“Whatever. I'm going home.” and Ray yanked her hand out of his grasp, turning around to open the door when she felt two strong arms grab her from behind and pulling her against something—toned and warm.
“W-what are you--”
“Shh.” hushed Shuichi, putting his cold chin on her shoulder. If he didn't have his eyes closed, he would notice that Ray had eyes as wide as plugs. “You've always been mean to me Ray.” he whispered, keeping his eyes closed and his grip firm around her so she couldn't squirm out.
“... So?” she managed to reply, trying not to get too comfortable. Why did it feel so nice?
“I think you're pretending I'm a girl so that you don't have to stare at me like everyone else. It's convenient. You can avoid your feelings that way.” he said softly, nuzzling his cold nose against her warm neck.
Gulp. Okay now he was getting to the weird part. “Cut it out—” muttered Ray, trying to get at least one hand off her. Fat chance.
“No. I'm going to prove to you I'm a guy.” he whispered and turned her around, slowly opening his crystal green eyes. Ray's gray ones slightly widened, what was she going to do to her!?
“H-hands off.” muttered the teenage girl, trying to push that he-she off her. Still not budging.
While keeping one hand around her back, Kurama gently took her frozen right hand and put it on his chest while pressing his forehead to hers. “See? It's flat.” smiled Kurama, inching his chin forward.
Ray's heartbeat quickened, it almost felt like a flutter. With cheeks crimson red—that wasn't due to the cold—she pushed him away quickly and dashed out the door, extremely confused.
What was that all about!? Putting two fingers to her lips, she felt her blush deepen. That was so close! He almost kissed her!? What the-- what the bloody hell was he thinking!?! (1)
Slowing down her run to avoid slipping on the ice, Ray walked out the school gates and leaned against the wall to catch her breath and maybe—her mind. That was freaky... Although he was right about one thing... His chest was flat...
Small children's happy shouts caught her attention and momentarily diverted her glance on the street. Slightly smiling, Ray's gray eyes wandered on the white surface of the street, a shiny spot catching her attention. Uh oh, not good.
A ball bounced off the sidewalk and onto the icy street, a kid running closely behind it. Crap. “Wa--” but the sound of hard braking caught her attention. Her eyes widened in horror. The 18 wheeler had noticed the kid on the street and started braking early but—braking on ice, especially for a heavy truck, was a really, really bad idea.
The heavy trailer the truck was transporting skid sideways and started compacting cars into one another, the screeching noise deafening even to humans. The kid on the street looked up and froze, the ball falling out of his hands and back onto the street.
“Move!” yelled Ray, already halfway to the kid on impulse, when her mind kicked in and noticed she was skidding. Only one thing to do. She grabbed the kid's collar and abruptly made him fall on his butt then pushed him with both hands as she fell flat on her stomach. Rolling on her back, she elbowed the ball away, which lodged itself under a parked car.
That car was on the good side, not the bad side, it was on the left side of the street. The trailer who sent parked cars into one another was on the right side. Safe! Well, the kid and the ball that is.
The few people walking by in the snow stopped and stared at the school girl laying flat on the snow—more like ice really, it was really slippery—as the semi honked loudly over and over, desperately trying to stop his heavy load.
Ray's wide eyes stared as the truck kept getting closer and closer, all sounds drowned out by her own breath, seemingly frozen in her throat. Someone started shouting “Move!”
Or “Get up!”
Then someone gasped and pointed at something while the cars on the right blocked out the sound of the loud honking. Roughly being pulled out of her staring daze, Ray tried to see who had grabbed her, but then noticed the front tires of the truck right in front of her.
Then passed out.
I know, I know... shorter than the first chapter. Don't worry, chapter 3's already written out. And this was the best part to cut at... I know, a cliffie. Sorry >.< But it would have been really weird cutting after that... Anyway! I hope it's still—somewhat good? Reviews highly appreciated!
inuyuyu_15: Hehe, I know what you mean... Too many yay's! :P Oh well, it's not harmful to your health so who cares. Lol. Glad you like it. =D
Methos: Hehe ok, well I just wanted to make sure because I wrote another story once and someone said my character was too conceited when truly—I didn't think so. It got me confused. @.@ But as long as you like it, I'm good! =) Thanks for reviewing!
Silver-arctos-star: It makes me really, really happy that so many people like this already! So thanks for reviewing! =)
Kotori-chan: Hehe yeah, it was lightly confusing though but hopefully this chapter wasn't. :P Thanks for reviewing!! ^^
missy: Hehe, well you were the first to review so yes, the amount of reviews was quite null. ^^; Thanks for reviewing!
Nekomi_Meow: Haha, it seems I always do. ^^;; Glad you lurve it (gotta love new spelling xP). Thanks for reviewing!
Kurama_s_Girl_911: Thank you thank you! ^-^ This is getting me really excited to see what people think as the story progresses. But um--please don't kill me, for future ref. :P