Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's end ❯ Pale torpor ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I can't believe the number of reviews keeps increasing!! You guys are so, so awesome! Love for you all! =D
Disclaimer: I'm still poor, not known by the world and I suck at drawing. So, I own my characters, and the plot. That is all.
Chapter 7: Pale torpor
Loud buzzing and voices yelling seemed to be the main reason Kurama woke up. In reality, it was because someone had wrapped two heated blankets around him. A tiny shiver ran down his back as he blinked his heavy eyelids open. Woah, the world sure was blurry.
It looked like the sun was coming out now, and by some unknown miracle the search teams had found them! Thank Kami, now they were safe. Well, at least he was. 'Ray!' Kurama nearly leaped to his feet but found he could only sit up because he was aching everywhere. His fingers didn't seem to move on their own and his hands felt like rocks.
“Come on come on, let's go! We wasted enough time, now let's get them to the hospital!” shouted a voice.
“Oh you're awake.” said a much closer voice that Kurama associated with this black haired guy that just sat down in front of him. “Good lord, you're still cold.” he muttered and added an aluminum blanket around the two heated ones.
Kurama wanted to speak, but his lips seemed to be glued tightly together by some solid, frozen... liquid? “Don't worry, we're taking your friend with us.” he smiled encouragingly under his scarf. “Move out!” he called and another guy came running behind him with a stretcher.
“One, two—heave.” and they both pulled Kurama onto the stretched, blocking his view of “his friend,” whom he was extremely worried about.
Somehow, from being carried out of the cave and into the frosted morning, Kurama barely remembered Yukio had been there too. What happened to him? No! What happened to Ray once he was knocked out!? Gosh, this sure was giving him another headache.
He was in between conscious and that 'not-totally-there' state where the stream of consciousness basically thought of random stuff in the lapse of one second, except his lasted for the entire helicopter ride.
“Feeling better now?” asked a doctor, jotting some notes down on his clipboard. Kurama nodded, wondering where Ray was and how she was doing. Now he knew that the liquid preventing him from opening his mouth earlier had been his blood, and he was thankful they didn't have to amputate any limbs... Because he was sure they were frozen solid and almost turned blue during the lapse he was unconscious and when they were found.
The doctor left, probably to see Ray or Yukio, but Kurama was still itching with curiosity. Now he had the time and ability to ask how they were found. “How did you know where we were?” he inquired to the same rescue guy who was now relaxing in his room.
“Hm? Oh, well... We found a jacket on a tree in the middle of a slope... So of course, we sent a team with dogs down there once the blizzard died down. Then once it was over, we sent two helicopters to keep a look out for any traces of you.” said the guy, removing the scarf covering half his face.
“The dogs picked up on something and we followed them to the cave, found all three of you unconscious and nearly frozen to death so we radioed the helicopters and they flew in, then we took you here.” finished the guy.
“I see...” nodded Kurama and absentmindedly stared at the IV in his right arm. “What about Ray? Is she okay?” he asked, raising his head, his eyes full of hope.
“Who? Oh, the girl. Well, I think she's alright... She was just so cold we all thought she was dead.” he shook his head sadly.
Kurama's eyes widened, “Is she?” he asked bluntly.
The guy lifted his green eyes, “Heavens no! We wrapped her in three blazing hot blankets and took her here first, you were in the second helicopter with the other guy.”
The other guy... Kurama swallowed nervously, wondering what the blazes could have happened while he was out cold, literally.
“Can... I see her?”
The guy shrugged, “Not my call, I'm not the doctor... Why don't you call a nurse with that.” he pointed to the remote attached to Kurama's bed before standing up, “Well, it's nice to see you're alive and well. So I'll be going now.”
“Thank you—uh...”
“Kiyoshi.” nodded the guy. And with that said, he walked out of the room, glad he saved more lives from that treacherous mountain and left without another word.
After calling for a nurse, Kurama was relieved to learn neither of his friends were in grave danger, although the girl was still in critical condition. Alive yes, but she seemed to be in a coma. “Can I see her?” he asked for the billionth time.
The nurse sighed with a smile, “You may. But you have visitors first.” On her way out, the nurse opened the door and let the numerous Shuichi fans file in before closing the door behind them.
“Oh thank Kami you're alright!” sighed the many fangirls.
Kurama smiled slightly, “Thank you ladies...” He had hoped to be left alone though.
Kimori stepped to the front of the crowd and looked him over, “Did you get hurt anywhere?” she inquired worriedly. She decided that, if precious Shuichi was injured, she would exclude herself from the rest of the school and lead a solitary life because she could never forgive herself for such an impudent act.
“Iie, the cold did the most damage.” he lied, knowing that his bruises from his fight with Yukio had already been healed during the night and just the blood had remained on his face. Kimori sighed in relief, not even thinking that if Ray was injured, Shuichi should be too.
“Now please, I need some time to rest.” he lied again with a warm smile. All the fangirls nearly sighed dreamily but hustled out quickly to give him his much needed rest. Not. Kurama was becoming way too good with lying. Maybe good looks did allow you to get away with anything.
Strutting down the hallway, dragging that annoying IV with him, Kurama stood in front of Ray's room and hesitated before going in. What if she lost some limbs? ... What is she lost something more important than a limb? Could she forgive him? Could he even forgive himself if something did happen?
Gathering enough courage to push the door open, Kurama stepped inside and was relieved to see the shape of two feet and two full arms under the double layer of blankets. The relief was washed away by worry when he saw the number of IV's that seemed to bind Ray into the bed, while a monitor kept watch of her steady pulse.
Sighing softly to himself, he wheeled his IV to her bedside and sat down on the edge, staring at her peaceful face. 'What if she doesn't wake up?' he thought miserably. 'No, don't think that way.' he mentally scolded himself.
Gently, his hand took his friend's pale one and caressed it with his thumb. “Ray... I know you can—well, no, I rather hope you can hear me.” he corrected himself with a small smile. “I... don't know what to tell you... Whether I'm sadder that you're not awake to yell at me, or that you're not awake so I can yell at you for scaring me to death, quite literally.”
Taking a short breath, his hand left hers just so that he could caress her face once. At least it was warm this time. “You better wake up by tomorrow, otherwise I'm leaving you here until you're 80 years old and when you finally wake up, you'll be too old to get a boyfriend.” he chuckled to himself before letting his soft laughter die.
“... I'm sorry... if anything happened once I was knocked out. I know you probably don't know what the hell happened since you were out of it for the entire time. But—Yukio was in the cave and...”
“Take that, you son of a bitch.” spat a really pissed Yukio, glaring at Shuichi's unconscious form. “Now be a sweetie and let me make something clear to my girlfriend.” he hissed while kicking pretty boy off the frozen Ray.
Grabbing the unconscious girl by the hair, Yukio dragged her to the opposite wall and stared at her a bit. “... To wake you up or just tell you when you wake up.” he debated, before rolling his eyes. It made no difference to him. “What the hell am I mumbling, she'll go out with me regardless.” he smirked to himself.
“That is, if she doesn't want any embarrassing pictures to be published.” he pulled out a camera from his jacket pocket. As Yukio put his hand on Ray's wet and frozen sweater, a howl echoed through the cave, causing the blond haired boy to jump.
“W-who's there?” he yelled anxiously, nervous blue eyes glancing everywhere. Another howl answered him. It sounded much closer though. No footsteps were heard, but a gurgled scream was lost in the howling wind. (1)
Gray eyes shot open at the sound of a scream. Gasping, Ray abruptly sat up and winced in the resulting throbs all over her body. Kurama nearly fell off her bed, not expecting any kind of response. “Woah there—Are you okay?” blinked a startled Kurama, looking at his frantic friend.
“Who screamed?” she inquired softly, laying back down because of the IV's. Shuichi frowned and glanced around once to make sure they were still in the hospital room.
“No one screamed.” he blinked and looked at Ray again. Had she always been this pale?
Ray took a short breath, “Oh...” she exhaled slowly. “... Must've been a dream...” she momentarily closed her eyes, trying to remember what the dream was about. It felt—too real to be a dream.
“You need to rest.” smiled Shuichi, now completely relieved since she was awake. As he stood up, he hesitated a second before bending down and placing a soft kiss on her forehead. “But wake up when I come back alright? You'll have me worry if you don't.” he smiled and left her room to return to his own.
(1) For anyone who didn't follow that part, that was a flashback to let you know what happened inside the cave after Kurama was knocked out. For future reference as well. =)
Alright! Another chapter! I was stuck the longest on this one I swear. @@ Sorry if it was confusing, um... hopefully it wasn't all too boring.
I just have to say, if you hate Yukio, you make me happy! That means I'm sort of good at writing a bad guy part... o.O And I have a feeling... that most of you feel my chapters are too short? ^^;; But um, I can't help it! They're all ready! So, three more chapters after that one until I'm stuck... >>
Silver-arctos-star: Y-you... you hate him?? For real!? Hooray!!!! ... *cough* It's just that, he's supposed to be... the “bad” guy of the story if you will, the anithero... It makes me happy to know you actually hate him! That means I sort of did a good job at writing a sucker his part. :P Did that make sense? o.O I suppose not... Anyway, it's way too hot... I need-- to dive in my pool or get a bucket of ice dumped on me. Either one. >.> Then maybe I can continue writing.
kuramagurl: Hahaha, you're the second reviewer of this chapter and you also hate Yukio! I'm repeating myself but... YAY! That means... I wrote him well... or badly? @@ I confuse myself... >.> Anyhow, I shall update... um, tomorrow I think, but of course when you're reading this, it'll probably be minutes before I update.
Meep_4ever: Yay! *jumps behind* I'm safe--I'm safe I'm safe... o.o Um, do you have a sword? *gulps, inching back* Kyaa! I'm udpating! *runs away*
Nekomi_Meow: Hehe, *is glomped* @.@ Wow... dizzy... ;) Hm, I'm starting to think my chapters are too short. ^^;; Am I forgiven? Slightly?
missy: Uwaaah! >0< I don't think this chapter's a cliffie... @@ Or-- is it? o.o I have a protecter now! *hides behind Meep_4ever*
midnight fox: Eeeee! *curls in ball* I sowwy! ;-; Was this chapter a cliffie? <.< >.>
Kurama_s_Girl_911: ^^;; Hm, well if the cliffies were banned, so would I... >.> Because I abuse them? Did you think this chapter was cute too? ^.~
SS-lover06: ^-^ Thanks for adding me to your... was it favs or alerts? ... Whatever it was ^^;; You'll have your answer in a couple of minutes, just need to fix a couple of things before updating. =D Thanks for reviewing!
duckichan87: *laughs* Yay! Multiple people hate him! *feels accomplished* >.> Some people just don't know remorse... Hehe, I'll update in a jiffy, you'll see! =) Thanks for adding me to your... favs or alerts, whichever it was. ^^
Methos: o.o Dinner? I'm starving!! >.> ... I—guess not... ._. You hate the cold? Aw that's too bad... Well right now it's blazing hot, and I think it's affecting my creativity! Gr. ^^;; Also off topic ish.