Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's end ❯ Impeccable timing ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Thank you all for reviewing and sticking with this! Tomorrow I'm leaving for my college orientation (I'll be going to UC Davis) and I'm coming back Tuesday night. So I won't be updating until Wednesday. =/ But in the meantime, enjoy this chapter! =)
Disclaimer: I own my OC's (not Ray) and the plot everyone seems to enjoy. That is all.
Chapter 9: Impeccable timing
“That still doesn't explain what happened though...” softly pondered Ray after picking up her crutches.
Kiyoshi wiped the tears from his face and took a deep breath. “You probably... won't believe it but—Hana calls on this cave's 'goblin' if you will.” Kurama and Ray glanced at each other, that could probably explain why Yukio was pissing in his pants. Figuratively speaking of course.
“I believe they're friends... At least, that's what she told me.”
Told you? How?” inquired a curious fox.
“She visits me when I sleep... She doesn't directly talk to me, but she shows me images of—things that happened.” he nodded and glanced outside.
Kurama looked at Ray with a small smile on his lips, “Told ya.” he nearly winked.
“You should go back. These woods are treacherous.” advised Kiyoshi.
Both teenagers nodded and Kurama helped Ray walk safely out of there and on their way back to the hospital. “Thank you!” called Ray, looking at Kiyoshi over her shoulder. The older teen simply answered with a wave of the hand and sat down at the cave's entrance.
Comfortably sitting on her bed, Ray sighed softly. “He didn't say the entire truth...”
“What do you mean?” asked Kurama, sitting in a chair at her bedside.
“Kiyoshi. He didn't say that Hana used her friend goblin to scare Yukio.” she looked into Kurama's eyes. “Not that it matters really, I'm just glad he—didn't do anything.” she mumbled.
Kurama let out a big sigh of relief, “So am I. I would've had to kill him.” he gave a brief nod.
Gray eyes wandered from his face down to his hands that had slightly clenched at the mention of Yukio's name and what he could have done. Ray couldn't help but smile at this tiny display of “tenderness” if you will towards her. “Would you really?” she asked him softly, slowly glancing back up into his eyes.
Kurama blinked, slightly taken aback and stared at her seriously, “Yes... Of course I would.” he answered honestly.
“... What if I don't want a murderer for a best friend?” she tilted her head to the side.
Somehow, the words “best friend” seemed to pierce through Kurama's heart. “... Then I won't become one.” he forced himself to smile convincingly.
Ray couldn't help but notice the slight change in his expression and looked down at the cast on her leg to avoid looking at him. “Well, you should get some rest... I'll come wake you when the class will leave for another trip.” he smiled encouragingly and headed for the door.
As he was closing the door, he stopped short when he saw a familiar blond haired boy limping his way. Snapping the door shut resolutely, Kurama stood in front of it while glaring at the approaching Yukio.
Looking up as he stopped in front of his archenemy, Yukio sighed, “A good morning to you too.”
“And just why are you headed this way?” questioned the protective Shuichi.
“... To see how Ray's doing.” furtively answered Yukio.
“And if I don't let you in?” inquired Kurama, quirking up an eyebrow. What nerve he had! Plotting to have classmates succeed in making Ray fall off a dangerous edge, then trying to find her to rape her and now he wanted to see 'how she was doing.'
“I suppose—I'll just have to see her when you're not around.” glared Yukio, leaning on one crutch. Somehow, he had sprained an ankle but he couldn't remember how or why. Actually he remembered practically nothing from after he knocked out Shuichi, besides being scared to death but he would never admit that to anyone.
“She's doing fine without seeing you.” Hopefully, that'll get the message across.
“... Would you like me to tell the rest of the school how pitifully you were beaten up while freezing your little ass?” nearly hissed Yukio, getting beyond pissed.
“I'm not sure they'll believe you. I bear no mark of your weak punches.” responded Kurama, hoping to somehow be able to explain why, if Yukio had the brains to register what he had said and ask.
“I can always inflict new ones.” smirked the over confident macho, forgetting the slight detail of him wearing a cast while Shuichi was not.
Kurama had to refrain himself from rolling his eyes and opened this mouth to reply when Kimori appeared down the hall. “Yukio!” she called with a timid smile.
The blondie turned and looked at the approaching female, “What?” He sounded slightly irritated.
“Here—these are for you.” she extended a box with a red ribbon on it. Yukio took the box and shot Shuichi his dirtiest look before walking away, Kimori on his heels.
Sighing, slightly relieved, Kurama turned around and opened the door he had just closed. Well so much for that, he wouldn't be able to be at ease knowing Yukio was lurking around. So, he'd just have to stay with Ray until she was awake.
Sitting once more next to her bed, his emerald eyes lingered on her cast. A thought crossed his mind at the speed of light. Should he? Glancing around the room to make sure no one was spying on them for—whatever reason, Kurama stood up and first seemed to caress the air above the cast.
Closing his eyes, Kurama directed spirit energy to his right hand before applying it on the cast, picturing his energy flowing through the skin and repairing whatever was broken. After about ten minutes, he moved his hand up to Ray's chest, not to be a pervert—quite yet—but to fix her broken ribs.
Another ten minutes later, he concluded he had successfully healed Ray and decided to sit down and let his energy come back to him slowly. Sooner than expected, Kurama found his childhood friend blinking and sitting up while yawning quietly.
“Had a nice nap?” he chuckled and sat back in the chair.
“Yeah...” smiled Ray, sitting up slowly only to blink. “Huh—?”
“What's wrong?” inquired Shuichi, trying to act surprised.
Ray put a hand up to her thoracic cage, “It—doesn't hurt anymore.” she whispered, incredulous.
“Really!? That's great news! What about your ankle?”
Flinging her legs over the edge of the bed, Ray stood up hesitantly on both legs until— “It doesn't hurt either!”
Kurama tried really hard not to let a self-satisfying smile show. “I guess—miracles do exist.” he smiled a tiny smile.
Voices outside the room made him stand up abruptly, even though the people were further away than he thought. Thank you for being a fox demon with acute hearing. “What is it?” asked Ray, taken aback at his sudden move.
“Yukio. He's coming. You've got to hide.” he answered, grabbed her hand and hurried to the closet.
While one door opened, another closed at the exact same time. “Now where did she go?” grumbled an unhappy Yukio.
“You're squishing me!” whispered Ray, her hands flat on the wall behind her to keep her from falling. Although it would be hard to fall given there was a boy standing in front of her, and keeping her pinned to the wall.
This sort of situation calls for a flashback. 'Why did I ever think he was a girl?' miserably thought Ray, clearly feeling something poking her lower stomach. Suddenly, everything about Shuichi seemed more manly. The way his shoulders stayed straight, the smell of his skin but especially—that muscular chest that covered hers.
'Ah! Bad thoughts! Wrong time! Bad time for wrong thoughts!' internally shrieked Ray, trying her hardest not to blush now, but that was hard. Cough, body heat, cough!
“Shh.” hushed Kurama, putting his hand over her mouth, hoping Yukio's hearing wasn't nearly as acute as his.
“Damnit.” cursed the macho cute guy, “Guess I'll have to swing by tonight.” he mumbled to himself and slammed the door shut behind him.
Kurama sighed in relief and removed his hand from Ray's mouth, “He might not be gone, let's stay here for another couple of minutes.” he whispered in her ear.
For some reason, feeling hot breath against her sensitive skin made Ray shudder slightly. Kurama took notice and tried to contain a smirk, “Something wrong?” he whispered again, a bit closer to her ear.
“N-no...” stuttered a blushing Ray. Hopefully, it didn't show too much in the darkness.
o.o Wow, I keep surprising myself. I write way faster during the night than during an entire day! ... How does that happen? Was it the cake? >.> Hm, oh well. As long as it was good. ^^;; Reviews extremely appreciated!
Note: I think the next two chapters will make up for any wait you have to endure. But that's just my opinion, I'll need to hear from you guys of course. ;)
Wolves and Witches: ^^ So very glad you like it! Thank you so much for reviewing and making me smile (like this: =D)
Silver-arctos-star: Yay for vacation! And I liked the name Hana too... so sweet to the ear. *nod nod* I think the updates are going to be slower... since I can only update one more time before pausing and finishing the next chapter. ^^;; Hopefully I can finish more chapters when I get back from my orientation... So enjoy your vacation! =)
inuyuyu_15: W00t for re-reading then. *nod nod* :P Jeez, can't you stop being Ray-ish!? It's not like you're... you! xP Haha... I'm spouting nonsense. Ignore me. ^^;;
kuramagurl: ^^ Thanks. I was thinking of having Kiyoshi be-- involved in what happens later... don't want to spoil it... Do you think I should? o.O Thanks for reviewing! =D
Meep_4ever: Haha, nice face. ^.~ o.o I never dissed the stick! As long as it works... << >> Aaaah! *runs away* Thanks for reviewiiiing *echo dies*
Missy: Oh... so I have two different Missy's reviewing. @@ This is confusing... Maybe you didn't review twice, and maybe the other missy reviewed right after you. ?_? Who's who!? Agh... I give up. Thanks for reviewing! ^^;;
missy: Haha, thanks! The name thing is becoming complicated... >.0 Maybe you can add a number behind your name. :P Or something... Thanks for reviewing anyway! ^^
midnight fox: Meeeeeeeep! *runs away again* Don't hate meeeee.
My_Own_Person: ^^ Thanks for reviewing! Welcome to the addiction. :P
Kurama_s_Girl_911: =3 It's a nice break from the usual "Kurama's a girl" thing. :P Enjoy your-- vacation? Don't worry about the reviews, I'm sure I'll hear from you when you get back. I think updates will be rather slow because I have to write chapters from scratch now. Oh the horror-- work! ^^;; Thanks for reviewing as usual. =D
Leh Star: o_o Destroy the-- the world!? That's a huge burden on the shoulders of a single unknown fanfiction author! ;o; I'm writing I'm writiiiing!
Methos: Sweet eh? Cavities? xP Well... you know about those smoochies... *snicker* I have a feeling you'll like next chapter. *cough*
Yumi_Kuro: I won't give up!!! This-- this is a present for Raysha's birthday (last Novembre... >.> *cough*) So, I hope I can finish it before going off to college. But I think the next two chapters are going to be worth the wait. =D Thank you again for reviewing!